MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 451 : All Heavens Clubhouse

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"I have some stock here, so let's buy it at the price we negotiated last time." Lin Chen said.

Master Gu's face was full of joy, and he said: "No problem, we will work overtime after the inspection, and prepare the Shenjing for you."

Lin Chen nodded in satisfaction, and was about to walk to an open place with Master Gu to make a deal.

At this moment, two surprised and interested voices suddenly sounded in the mine.

"Interesting. Sure enough, this mine is a bit special. Someone can cross everything and fall into the cemetery of the gods out of thin air. Could it be that it is really the handiwork of the gods?"

"An envoy? Which god's envoy?"

With the sound of the two voices, Master Gu's originally joyful face suddenly changed drastically, and at the same time, two figures slowly walked out of nothingness.

One of the two figures is extremely fat and short, like a big walking ball, while the other figure is tall, but thin and boneless, just like a thin bamboo pole.

They also wear the same uniform, but this uniform is completely different from ordinary miners.

The whole body of the uniform is silver, exuding a faint silver glow, and the texture is obviously much more advanced, while their chests and backs are all embroidered with three characters.


"Master Ice Spirit! Lord Fire Demon!"

Master Gu exclaimed, and his body began to tremble. Obviously, these two made Master Gu fear from the bottom of his heart.

Not only Master Bone, but the other old miners also looked pale and looked at the two inspectors tremblingly.

Lin Chen's face also became ugly.

The visitor is not good!

As soon as the two inspectors appeared, they locked him with a powerful aura, which was not a polite move.

"You betrayed me?" Lin Chen raised his brows, instead of looking at the two inspectors, he set his eyes on Master Gu.

There was also shock on Master Gu's face, he quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know anything!"

"Suddenly there are so many ghosts in a mine, we are naturally puzzled, so we should stay and check..." said the chunky inspector Huomo.

"Reasonable." Bing Ling followed up.

Lin Chen said: "There is a teleportation array in the mining area, and there will be a random increase of a large number of ghost miners. You can't pay attention to every one of them."

Although there will be no other ghost hunters like Lin Chen, if such a large mining area wants to maintain, it naturally has its own purchase channels, but they can find not many ghosts, and the mining area is too large, coupled with uneven distribution , so that some mines allocated too few ghosts.

"No, it's just that our recent performance is really lacking. Naturally, we have been paying attention everywhere to find a way. When we came to this mine, we overheard the comments of a few brats, so we stayed here and waited for you..." "appeared."

The fire demon talked eloquently, and the ice spirit continued.

The former has a thick and peaceful voice and keeps talking, while the latter is very cold and only answers the last sentence.

And inspectors like them seem to be under a lot of pressure.

"It seems that you all waited for me to appear with hostility?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, glanced at the miners he sold recently, and then asked.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"A person who can enter the cemetery of the gods at will, the secrets on him are worthy of us..."


"If we can grasp this secret, the No. 3890 mining area we are in charge of will no longer lack..."


The two inspectors, Fire Demon and Ice Spirit, said.

"We can cooperate." Lin Chen said.

Fire Demon said: "These low-level miners believe you are an angel, but we..."

Bing Ling said: "I don't believe it!"

Lin Chen asked, "Why?"

"The Eternal God is either dead or asleep, how can a mere palace-level existence be worthy..."

"An angel!"

"So, you are not qualified for us..."


The two inspectors shook their heads together, and as they spoke, a strong divine energy erupted from them.


Lin Chen's expression changed. He had never felt this terrifying power before. The ordinary ghost power had basically disappeared, replaced by a more eerie and divine energy than ordinary ghost power!

"Naturally they are ghosts and gods, otherwise how can they manage thousands of mines in a mining area?" Huo Mo sneered.

At the same time, a huge river of time unfolded from behind him, and the river was turbulent, exuding endless power of time.

"Time stops."

The fire demon spoke softly, as if he was launching some trivial attack, and the housekeeping skills of the supreme ghost species, Shistopui, were actually at his fingertips.

In an instant, the space around Lin Chen was frozen, and this power of time was infinitely close to stopping time, directly sealing Lin Chen.

"When he appeared, he carried a terrifying power of rules. We still can't be careless, lest he run around by accident." Fire Demon said calmly.

Seeing that Lin Chen was banned by him directly with the power of time, he nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"However, my time stop domain is still a bit weaker. If it is a real time stop ghost, it is estimated that in just one thought, the time around that kid can be completely stopped from breaking, and it will never recover naturally."

"It's already pretty good." Bing Ling said.

The two inspectors had a small chat. In their opinion, it was impossible for Lin Chen to escape from this level of restricted time zone.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen, who had stopped in the void, suddenly erupted with the power of time, and a river of time that could be called perfect emerged from behind him.

The river stretched for a kilometer, and although the scale was far smaller than that of the Fire Demon's River of Time, Lin Chen's River of Time looked more real, as if it had been engraved from the real River of Time.


"How can there be such a long time!"

"Is it true that there is a **** standing behind him?"

The eyes of the two inspectors immediately widened. Even they were surprised when they saw Lin Chen's long time. Even the taciturn Bing Ling was startled and uttered a few more words.

Although ghosts and gods are already considered god-level, they are very clear that they can only barely step into the realm of god-level. The so-called gods refer to a higher level.

In the big world, those who dare to call themselves gods are basically not the eternal gods, but are very close to the eternal gods!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"not good!"

The Fire Demon reacted, and said: "A long river of this level will inevitably be immune to the power of time to a great extent, and my power of time may not be able to imprison him!"

Just as he was speaking, a strong force of rules suddenly emerged from Lin Chen's body, and the power of time displayed by the fire demon around him shattered like a mirror!

"Master Bone, you actually teamed up with ghosts and gods to imprison me here. I will write down this account." Lin Chen's cold voice sounded, and he didn't look at the two inspectors, but turned to Master Bone. said coldly.

"I..." Master Gu wanted to explain, but in this situation, he didn't know what to say anymore, he just stared at Lin Chen blankly, and finally sighed deeply.

"Stop him!"

The fire demon opened his mouth and used the skills with the ice spirit.

They did not give up. In their eyes, the more Lin Chen revealed, the more terrifying and precious the secret was.

And in this case, they had already offended Lin Chen, and there was no room for relaxation, so they naturally didn't want to let such a mysterious person like Lin Chen go.

However, their earth-shattering attacks could not have any effect at all in front of the power of rules around Lin Chen's body.

Instead, they directly bounced off the attacks of the two, hit the top wall of the mine above their heads, and dropped a large amount of gravel.

"I will return."

Lin Chen glanced coldly at the two inspectors, and finally, in a flash of light, out of thin air


"Damn it, let him..."


Fire Demon and Ice Spirit resounded in the mine with angry voices, like two peerless and terrifying demons!



Lin Chen, who suddenly returned to Hualou, let out a soft breath.

The hanging heart was completely let go.

This time, it can be said that he escaped from death.

If the fire demon hadn't used the time-based skills that Lin Chen could just resist, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Next time in this situation, you must not say a word more, and end the coming of God as soon as possible." Lin Chen made up his mind and wrote down the lesson.

"Master Bone probably didn't know about it. Those words were meant for the two inspectors, but if they believe it or not, I can't help it. As a partner, I can do this. , it’s better not to go to the mine of Lord Gu as much as possible.”

Lin Chen thought about it, and finally decided to go to that new trading partner to do business.

Mine No. 1565, Mine No. 300.

Lin Chen first used the dream function to investigate, and after finding nothing abnormal, he used trance to let the real body enter.

"Master Angel! You are here again so soon!"

Very similar to Master Gu's attitude, after seeing Lin Chen appearing, Di Yu's eyes were about to light up, as if seeing some relative.

Lin Chen nodded, looked around secretly, and was alert to possible unexpected situations. At the same time, he pointed to the evil ghosts sold last time and said, "These ghost miners are pretty easy to use."

In just a few days, these ghost kings and palaces with extraordinary identities outside have become disgraced, and it seems that they have suffered a lot.

And those miners all lowered their heads when they heard the words, secretly hating their teeth itching.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Chen has a way to enter another world, which is spread in the world of horror, and they have heard of it before, and they are very curious.

Now they know what kind of horrible world this is!

"That's natural. With these ghosts, the pressure on us will be relieved a lot." Di Yu said with a happy face.

"We have the life we ​​have today, but we still owe it to God to make adults value us."

A pretty female ghost smiled.

"Who is this?" Lin Chen was taken aback.

"She is Yinying." Chi Feng said with a smile.

Lin Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that unkempt female ghost to be so beautiful and dazzling after tidying up.

"The inspection day has passed. There are so many more ghosts. Is the inspector not suspicious?" Lin Chen asked.

Di Yu shook his head and said: "There was an inquiry, but we covered it up. We also issued a ban on those little devils in advance, so we dare not say a word."

"You guys are much more reliable." Lin Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Compared with Master Gu's mining area, Di Yu is more majestic here. He is powerful in himself, and his personality is obviously more cautious, so there is no accident.

"I brought a lot of goods this time, let's see how much you can eat."

Lin Chen said.

After the last transaction was over, there were still a lot of ghosts left on Lin Chen's body. Including the palace that was caught this time, there were a total of 36 ghosts.

"How much?" Di Yu excitedly asked.

For him now, seeing ghosts is like seeing diluted treasures. With the hundred ghost masters that Lin Chen sold to him before, their living standards in the mine immediately improved.

The original damage caused by years of hard work has now recovered, at least no longer increased.

"There are more than 30 ghosts in all the halls. Well, one of them is a ghost whose power has reached its peak and is about to merge into the ghost domain. Of course, these ghosts are the same as the previous ghosts. I have taken them out of the ghost domain." Lin Chen calmed down. road.


"More than thirty!"

Di Yu's eyes widened, and then he was so excited that his eyes


Today, he understands the meaning of these thirty halls very well. Putting them here, he can be said to be a top mining expert, which can relieve him a lot of pressure.

"Yes, let's see how much you can eat." Lin Chen nodded.

In fact, when he came last time, he brought thirty halls with him. However, the ghosts in this mine are too **** to eat, otherwise he wouldn't have made this extra trip.

Now that the inspection has just ended, Lin Chen guesses that Di Yu doesn't have many crystals on him, but Lin Chen doesn't have a better partner at the moment, so he can only try it out.

"After yesterday's inspection, we did not relax. We used the power of time to the extreme. We used it for more than ten days a day. So far, we have saved a little more than 20 crystals." Di Yu said.

Lin Chen raised his brows, he really didn't expect this guy to be so hardworking and work so hard with so many helpers.

Seeming to see what Lin Chen was thinking, Di Yu hurriedly said, "Actually, we **** crystals are prepared in advance, waiting for you to come at any time."

"You are very Lin Chen said in surprise.

Di Yu smiled, completely unable to tell that this was a peerless and terrifying Tongtian Ghost, but a very upright businessman.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Very good, let's make these transactions first." Lin Chen took out 20 halls according to the previous price.

A total of 22 Fang Shenjing were exchanged.

After the rest agreed to come back to exchange tomorrow, they were ready to leave.

Seeing this, Di Yu tried to persuade Lin Chen to stay longer, so as to get closer.

In this regard, Lin Chen refused without saying a word.

He can't afford to talk about 10 million gods' coins a minute.

The light flows.

Lin Chen returned to the copy of Hualou.

He didn't absorb the Divine Crystal immediately, but took a look at the function panel of the ecstasy.

[Current locations to be unlocked: All Heavens Clubhouse, Ghost Body Laboratory, Super Bathing Pool, Mysterious Desert, Super Power Plant, Mysterious Mental Hospital, Green Tree World, Gods Academy )]

"The **** crystals in the mining area are very useful. There are probably some precious things in these places in the heavens. Perhaps, I should consider saving some **** coins to open the next place."

"All Heavens Clubhouse... well, maybe we can still see that flower **** after passing by."

Thinking of the Flower God, Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and there was a trace of coldness.

"If possible, then we should talk to the manager more, and make arrangements for this incarnation of the god!"

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