MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 450 : kidnap all

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"You need to read this for yourself. I am limited and cannot tell what has not happened in the dungeon." Xuan Mu shook her head and said, this time, she did not answer.

Lin Chen thought for a while and asked, "That is to say, the current timeline of the dungeon is the time when the book became King Zhenyuan, returned to the ancient city, and left the ancient city?"

Xuanmu nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Chen thought about it for a while, and then didn't say any more.

In fact, he didn't fully believe Xuanmu's words. A dungeon boss, logically speaking, has a distorted mental state.

The former Xuanmu might not be considered a bad person, but the current Xuanmu ghost is not certain.

One can imagine the great resentment of being able to turn the huge ancient city into a copy with oneself as the center.

And since Lin Chen came in, he has been clearly seeing that there is extremely strong resentment exuding from this girl's Qingcheng face!

This kind of resentment was not accumulated by cannibalism, but was caused by her experience before death.

Xuanmu tasted the candied haws, and it seemed to be exactly as she said, this cheap and common snack had a different meaning to her.

It's just that the light in her eyes was flowing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The party was over before dawn.

"Xuanmu is a bit sleepy, so I won't keep everyone here." Xuanmu said, with a hint of apology, and issued an order to drive away the players.

Although the players still had a lot to say, they followed Xuanmu's advice and left.

Lin Chen took Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan out of Hualou, but at a corner, he stopped suddenly and said, "You two go upstairs first, don't make a sound."

The two were taken aback for a moment, and then nodded suddenly after feeling the breath of the ghost player following behind, but they didn't retreat too far, they just restrained their breath and hid themselves, obviously afraid that something would happen to Lin Chen, the key Time is also a good helper.

In the absence of Dong Mu, they were still united on Lin Chen's side, and the battle was naturally centered on the strongest Lin Chen.

"Damn it, today is obviously over earlier than yesterday, it must have something to do with the uninvited guest Chen."

"Hmph! All night, I didn't have a word with Miss Xuanmu, it's all because of Chen!"

"Looking at Chen's appearance, it's obvious that she's also interested in Miss Xuanmu!"

"He just killed Mu Yun, the love ghost, and now he has moved on, I can't even look down on him!"

"Sooner or later, I will have a fight with him, not only for profit, but also for Miss Xuanmu!"

All the ghosts discussed in low voices while walking towards the interior of the flower building.


At this moment, an indifferent to somewhat cold voice sounded.

Lin Chen's figure walked out. At this time, the warm smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by a sneer and sarcasm.


The ghosts were shocked, and they couldn't help but take a step back. They were immersed in the discussion, and Lin Chen's breath-holding technique was unrivaled in the world, and they didn't notice Lin Chen's existence at all.

This sudden appearance made all the ghosts who were already very afraid of Lin Chen jump in their hearts.

"What do you want?" Teng Yin responded, restrained his mind, and asked in a deep voice.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

They have a lot of ghosts here, no matter what they say, they won't show their cowardice on the spot.

"I heard ghosts talking bad about me." Lin Chen sneered, his eyes slightly narrowed. Those who knew him well knew that this was already a sign of Lin Chen's anger.

"We are just discussing our own affairs, which have nothing to do with you." Teng***.

Lin Chen ignored him, but set his sights on one of the ghost players, and said, "Just now, Xie said that he would fight me sooner or later."

The ghost's face changed, and he subconsciously denied:

"I don't…"

However, before he finished speaking, Lin Chen had already shot directly.

Lin Chen faced the ten ghosts alone, but there was no trace of fear on his face, but a trace of hostility.

The other ghosts quickly approached at a speed that they couldn't react at all, and stretched out one hand, pinching the ghost player's face.

"Don't wait too late, I can satisfy you now." Lin Chen sneered.

"What are u doing?"

"court death!"

All the ghosts were frightened and angry, and the ghost power exploded.

The faces of Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan who were hiding in the dark changed. Naturally, they would not continue to hide in this situation, but they all jumped out.

The two sides were about to fight together immediately.

Although Teng Yin was frightened, he still kept calm and said, "This is a dungeon. When fighting, you must attract the attention of the original ghost. Do you want to die together?"

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan froze, obviously hesitant.

"They won't notice."

Lin Chen replied calmly.

The next moment, the power of the surrounding space surged, and a large space barrier was integrated into the building, forming a closed space here.

No matter what sound it is, it will not be transmitted.

"You don't have to use it, leave these ghosts to me."

Lin Chen said a word without looking back, and then he grabbed the ghost in his hand and jumped into the air, kicked and kicked another ghost player beside him.

The ghost player was kicked out like a cannonball on the spot, and hit the wall with a "Boom!".

"Damn it! Let's go together, don't hold back your hands, if you can catch Chen, it will be a great achievement to return to the horror world!" Teng Yin roared, bursting out with ghost power.

"So strong!"

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan's expressions changed at the same time.

This Teng Yin is indeed not weak, he has reached the limit of the palace, he is the kind of existence that can merge the ghost domain into himself with only one step.

The dark wind erupting from the ghost power caused the air in the entire space to drop suddenly.

And all the other ghosts rushed towards Lin Chen roaring with ghost power and ghost skills.

"Be careful."

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan's expressions changed, and they hurriedly used their respective abilities.

This close-range concentrated burst will be easier to hit than a long-range attack, so the two of them are inevitably a little worried about Lin Chen.


Among the ghosts, Lin Chen shouted violently.

A violent wind radiated out, which was a more powerful force, but as soon as it appeared, it successfully shook off the siege of all the ghosts.

The fusion of ghost power, internal power, Dao Yuan power and divinity, without any superposition of skills, just the shock of pure power, successfully resisted and defeated the attacks of the ghosts.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"So strong! What kind of power is this?"

"It seems to be a fusion of many different powers, but his ghost power is too high, isn't he just a palace?"

"It's divinity. There is divinity in him. It's a coincidence from the sea of ​​flowers on the other side."

The ghosts were shocked. At their level, if they really wanted to fight, they would naturally be able to see that Lin Chen was different.

Among them, Teng Yin recognized at a glance that Lin Chen's ghost power was supplemented with divine power, which was a kind of supreme power.

"And he has so much divinity, it's outrageous! Let's break out into the ghost realm together, otherwise we won't be able to trap him at all!" Teng Yin was anxious, and Lin Chen's power made him feel pressured, his head was covered with cold sweat, and he secretly regretted the relationship with him. Lin Chen fought.

Under the crisis of life and death, other ghosts immediately broke out and opened the ghost domain.

Except for the ghost player who was pinched by Lin Chen and the one who was knocked into the air by Lin Chen, none of the remaining eight ghosts held back. The eight ghost domains reappeared directly, accompanied by endless laws and extremely thick darkness. The space is completely enveloped.

The darkness created by the overlapping of the eight palace-level ghost domains was suffocating. Under the interlacing of light and darkness, both Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan felt blind in an instant.

But at this moment, a loud shout resounded in the darkness.

"Small skills, how dare you use an axe?"

The next moment, an even more terrifying power from the ghost realm appeared, and indistinctly, Zhou

The two of Geng only saw an ancient monument shake slightly, and the power of the eight ghost domains was immediately suppressed.

Like sticky muddy water, it is difficult to mobilize.

At the same time, countless sword shadows pierced the void, and in the darkness, like thousands of sword soldiers slashing together, they tore open the shady scene and directly fought the eight ghost domains.


"what is this?"

"My ghost land!"

The ghosts were frightened and yelled anxiously.

Before, they just felt that the power of the ghost domain had become heavier, but now they felt that their ghost domain had been completely out of their hands, out of their control, and under the tearing of the ghost domain, it brought them heartbreaking pain.

"Dang Dang Dang."

The sound of the ownerless ghost domain ball falling to the ground is like an ordinary glass marble falling.

But Zhou Geng and the two were dumbfounded, and they just stared at the eight ghost domain balls.

Lin Chen put away the happy blade.

Just now, he jointly suppressed eight ghost domains with his own ghost domain and town monument, and while the power of the eight ghost domains was stagnant, he successfully cut down the eight ghost domains with the exclusive blade technique of the happy blade.

Now Lin Chen's strength, with the combination of these two methods, can be called the nemesis of the ghost domain.

The faces of all the ghosts were pale and their breath was weak, and they all looked at Lin Chen with horror on their faces.

Lin Chen's method was too amazing for them.

They have encountered a strong man with a town monument in the ghost domain, but it is unheard of to be able to suppress eight ghost domains of the same level in an instant!

"Chen, let me go, I can be your ghost slave!"

Teng Yin, who had lost Huangquan's battle strength, had already declined, and his face was full of panic at this time.

"I don't need any ghost slaves."

Lin Chen shook his head, and kicked a ghost player who was about to attack him.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Are you trying to force us to blow ourselves up?"

Hearing this, Teng Yin's face immediately turned gloomy and cold, but it was obvious that this was a sign of being harsh and stern.

Lin Chen sneered, too lazy to talk nonsense with these ghosts.

As a professional ghost hunter, how could it be possible for such a valuable ghost to blow himself up in person?

He stepped forward and slapped Teng Yin on the face.

The Eighteen Palms of Subduing Ghosts is not only amazing in power, but also the ability to seal ghosts.

Under this palm, unless Teng Yin can break through the shackles of palm strength, otherwise, there is no chance of self-destruct.

And since Lin Chen was face to face, he naturally wouldn't give the other party a chance to break through his palm.

Lin Chen slapped the ghosts in the face, and then slapped the other ghosts. After sealing the other ghosts, he cut the waists of the ghosts with the happy blade.

The action is very simple, but the scene is extremely violent.

Seeing Gu Yehan and Zhou Geng, masters who are used to big scenes, couldn't help swallowing secretly.

The ten halls, this kind of giant ghost that can be called a huge crisis for Lan Xing, was defeated by Lin Chen like a giant oppressing a child in twos and twos.

And dissecting the body and cutting the waist afterwards, it is inevitable that it will not make people feel a little weird.

Every time Lin Chen cut his waist, he would be knocked out with a punch and put into a pink sack, very skillfully.

Not long after, all the ten ghost players were dealt with.

After finishing these, Lin Chen snapped his fingers, closed the space barrier, and said to Zhou Geng, "Okay, let's go back."

Zhou Geng and Gu Yehan couldn't help but look at each other, then nodded.

Although it was embarrassing not to help, it was not their fault, but Lin Chen's efficiency was too fast, and they didn't have time to make a move.

When they got upstairs, Lin Chen took a special look into Zhou Geng's room when Zhou Geng opened the door, and finally sighed secretly.

Zhou Geng's room was empty, without any prostitutes.

Apparently, Zhou Geng deliberately chose to spend the night alone in order to find out about Gu Yehan.

This is also the reason why Zhou Geng was able to directly enter Xuanmu's flower room without being blocked.

However, the price was that even Zhou Geng fell.

The mind is affected by Xuanmu, although there is no danger at present, but if it keeps sinking, it might not be possible to leave this dungeon for the rest of its life.

"It's time to go to the mine."

Lin Chen weighed the pink sack and whispered to himself.

Mr. Li is not nearby, and the system has also informed the protagonist about the situation of ecstasy, unless it is Yuan's body who personally investigates, otherwise there is no abnormality at all.

All of Yuan's incarnations have been changed by the power of the system in terms of their perception of Lin Chen.

After all, neither Lin Chen nor the can put the ghost hunting business on hold just because of Yuan's incarnation.

"Turn on ecstasy."

Lin Chen whispered.

This time, there was no power of rules, but with a mysterious force of space, Lin Chen's figure disappeared immediately.

And when Lin Chen disappeared, Mr. Li's figure suddenly appeared in his room, looking at the position where Lin Chen left, with a hint of surprise on his face.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Did you go to another space? To be able to forcefully open up a new space in my dungeon, this strength can indeed be called a monster."


In the mining area, as soon as Lin Chen's figure appeared, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed Master Gu.

"Master Angel!"

Master Bone was full of spring breeze, the miner's uniform on his body was no longer tattered, and he was replaced with new ones. Compared with the poor and destitute look in front of him, at this time, he really turned over successfully.

"Master Bone, you are getting more and more comfortable in your childhood."

Lin Chen laughed.

"Just after the inspection, our mine's performance is perfectly up to standard. Not only have we not been beaten or scolded, but we have also received a lot of praise, and even changed our clothes into new ones." Master Bone said with a smile, his face full of gratitude.

Lin Chen shook his head secretly when he heard the words, a little speechless.

If you can't complete the task, you will be beaten, and after you complete it, you will be rewarded with a few kind words and a sackcloth?

How difficult is life in the mining area?

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