MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 140 Model Community (22)

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The long-awaited Friday has arrived as promised.

At around 9:00 in the morning, the community radio began to repeat a sentence: "Model Park will open on time at 2:00 pm, and Model Park will open on time at 2:00 pm..."

It went on like this for ten minutes before it stopped.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu had been looking forward to the opening of the park. They finally waited until Friday, but they had to wait until two o'clock in the afternoon. They couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

In the matter of tantalizing people's appetites, New World said it was second, and no one dared to say it first!

There is no way, they can only accompany the children while waiting for the arrival of two o'clock in the afternoon.

Boob and Strawberry are drawing.

Strawberry is boring and draws casually, while Boob wants to draw a new picture for his brothers and sisters.

There are colored pens and drawing paper in the children's room, so they don't need to bother to find them.

The two children stayed beside them very peacefully, neither arguing nor making trouble.

After Bubu finished painting, he picked up the drawing paper and admired it.

This time she drew the twins playing on the light blue grass holding her hand.

The painting style is childish, but it doesn't matter, she likes it very much-hope her brothers and sisters will like it too.

She handed the finished picture to Xia Zhiyi lightly, and asked her to put it away for herself, and she was going to take it to her brother and sister at night.

Then lie down on the sofa and continue to draw.

"There are two older brothers and sisters," she said, "Boob needs to draw two."

Jing Ruyu stroked her head with a smile, and said softly: "Brother and sister will be very happy to receive the gift from Bubu."

Hearing this, Bubu laughed even more happily when he thought that the twins would like his paintings.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

After eating lunch and taking a nap, it is the time when children are full of energy.

Strawberry and Boo Boo are sitting at the door playing with the flower rope, with the breeze blowing gently, they watch the people on the road while playing.

Residents in the community took their children out one after another.

They were heading in the same direction, they were all heading towards the entrance of the community, and it seemed that they both planned to take their children to the park to play.

A small number of parents still stay at home with their children and do not intend to go out.

Bubu's eyes followed the movements of the residents, watching off one after another children.

She lost her mind to play, and turned to Strawberry, "Where are they going?"

Before Strawberry could speak, Bubu saw Xiaoxuan running out of the house happily, and turned around to urge: "Mom and Dad, hurry up!"

When he saw Strawberry and Bubu sitting at the door, he waved to them and said enthusiastically, "Strawberry, Bobu, let's go to the park to play!"

"Park?" Boo Boo made a curious voice, "Where is it?"


Jing Ruyu's voice came from behind them.

Bubu looked back, and saw Jing Ruyu holding a dog backpack, squatting down/body to put it on her back.

Her first reaction was to get up and reach out, obediently cooperate with carrying the backpack.

"Mom, where are we going?"

Xia Zhiyi picked up Strawberry, turned around and smiled at her: "We're going to the park to play too."

When the two children heard this, they immediately burst into laughter.

Okay, they are going to the park to play too!

The two took their children to join the team going to the park.

There are more people going to the park than they imagined. Basically, parents take their children out together, and few of them take their children out alone.

I don't know if it's because the park is open on a regular basis, so that everyone can't go out on weekdays.

Arrived at the familiar intersection, walked along the asphalt road that had been chosen wrongly.

The streets are no longer empty and deserted. Adults and children walk to the park hand in hand, stepping on the white road that was once splattered with the blood of players.

The fog lifts at the end of the road to reveal a park entrance.

Four huge characters are engraved on the white stone tablet at the entrance: Model Park.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu stopped at the door.

Boob and Strawberry also stopped, looked up at them, and didn't understand why they stopped suddenly.

The two were observing the interior of the model park.

The model park is so big that you can't see the end at a glance.

Both sides of the bifurcated walkway are planted with sycamore trees, and connected to a large expanse of green grass, with a park bench placed every other section.

It looks like there is no abnormality for the time being.

Cautiously, they led the children in.

Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen saw them go in, and followed them.

This park doesn't look small. Since everyone's goal is a ferry, it's natural that they should all contribute, and each is responsible for an area to save time.

Thinking of this, they decisively chose another walking path.

It's Boo Boo's first time to play in the park.

She was full of curiosity and ran around under the plane tree, her eyes were shining, as if the bright sky light was quietly falling in her eyes.

The two mothers knew that she would not run far or disturb others, so they left her alone.

Xia Zhiyi asked Strawberry to go with her to have fun.

Children rarely come to such a leisurely place, so they should play freely.

After the children had gone to play, they began to look around seriously, trying to catch an unusual sound of water in the cool wind.

The sound of water at the ferry can spread over a wide range, and if they are really nearby, they will definitely not lose their hearing.

With non-stop footsteps, they were getting farther and farther away from the gate, and the sound they couldn't catch all the time made the heart beat faster and faster, as if it was hanging in the throat, and it couldn't be suppressed for a long time.

Could it be that... the dungeon still wants them to come again at night?


The subtle and abrupt sound of water suddenly fell on my ears.

The two were startled, looked at each other, then stepped up their pace, and hurriedly searched for the source of the sound.

The walking path becomes wider and wider, and the field of vision becomes wider and wider.

Finally, they stopped in front of the park lake.

The sound of the ferry water in my ear was suddenly clear, as if it was close at hand, within reach.

This is the first time the sound of water at the ferry appears during the day.

But when they looked at the park lake in front of them, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

The park lake in front of you is vast and sparkling.

The branches are staggered and slanted out sideways, reflecting on the lake surface, leisurely and contented.

There is a white guardrail around the lake, and there is a notice board to remind parents to take care of their children and not let them play in the water at will.

Looking up, there are rippling clear waves, white circles, everything, but there is no imaginary ferry.

It is the same as the customs clearance of the second copy, but it is different.

Both ferries are in the park lake, but the park lake in the second copy is brightly lined with ferries and boats, and this one has nothing but the solitary sound of water that cannot be ignored.

Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen also came here following the sound of water from another walking path.

The eyes of the four people fell on the lake in a tacit understanding and slowly.

Could it be... the ferry is under the lake?

Jing Ruyu frowned slightly, her expression serious.

Yes or no, now we can only go into the water to find out.

She decided to do it herself.

She can swim and has physical advantages. After entering the water, she can show her original shape and move faster, which is more suitable than Xia Zhiyi.

The two exchanged a look, knowing what the other was thinking without saying much.

Jing Ruyu put Bubu next to Xia Zhiyi, giving her an extra layer of protection.

Then she turned around and was about to walk to the white guardrail, and then looked at the lake to make some estimates.

The new world will not let players get clues to the ferry easily.

Just because the waves are calm on the shore doesn't mean there are no waves under the water.

If the thing that prevents the player from entering the water is hiding under the water surface, it will be difficult to handle...

Xia Zhiyi also thought of this, and immediately took out the ghost king's prop, the cat bracelet, and put it on for her.

No matter what is under the water, after wearing the bracelet, it is all your own!

Jing Ruyu walked towards the lake wearing a bracelet, looking around while walking, trying to find a hidden place to enter the water.

In the next second, someone grabbed her wrist tightly.

In the blink of an eye, she was pulled back.

By the time she reacted, the surrounding residents had already approached and surrounded her.

Surprise flashed in Jing Ruyu's eyes, and before he could speak, the voices of the resident NPCs came from all directions.

"What are you going to do? You don't want to dive, do you?"

"The child is still there, so don't be overwhelmed. There is nothing in life that you can't overcome."

"Stay away from the water, you have to cherish life and set an example for your children!"

"Keep away from the water—"

She looks at these people.

They stared at her closely, crowded together, and made continuous noises.

There are caring words in her mouth, but there is a chilling gloomyness hidden in the dark eyes, like cold monitors, which have locked her every move and will never let her touch the water. .

At this moment, Jing Ruyu suddenly woke up.

— Obstacles are not underwater, but on the shore!

Residents of "harmonious and friendly" will not let others fall into the water!

Xia Zhiyi and Huang Xiao obviously realized this when they saw this scene.

Jing Ruyu has become a monitoring center for sick residents, and it is impossible to get into the water.

If they want to enter the water, they must escape the surveillance of these residents.

Standing in the center, Jing Ruyu said calmly, "I'm just looking around, I don't intend to go down."


The man standing in front said these two words, but he couldn't hear any emotion, but his eyes were still gloomyly fixed on her, and he didn't intend to let her go at all.

The same goes for the rest of the people.

Jing Ruyu stood in the middle, like a living human target meeting a group of lifeless zombies.

Even in broad daylight, the coldness of this scene did not diminish in the slightest.

Xia Zhiyi was worried about Jing Ruyu, and stood up to help her out, but suddenly heard Bubu next to her yell, "Don't touch my mother!"

Realizing that Jing Ruyu was in danger, Bubu's expression instantly became fierce, and his eyes were full of hostility, like a ferocious beast ready to go, ready to kill others at any time.

No matter who it is, whoever can hurt Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu is her sworn enemy!

Both Strawberry and Xiaoxuan were frightened by her appearance.

Jing Ruyu caught a glimpse of Strawberry's expression, and immediately said to Bubu: "Good boy, come to mom."

Bubu's expression eased slightly, and he jumped off the bench obediently.

The residents would not harm the child, and silently made way for her.

Jing Ruyu bent down and picked her up, comforting her softly.

Boo Boo is not only a kid but also a ghost king, a monster to little kids.

If she is allowed to commit murder here, the consequences will be disastrous.

Bubu hugged her neck tightly and said obediently, "Bobu wants to protect mom."

This is her mission and her promise.

Xia Zhiyi let out a long breath of relief.

With Bubu around, this bunch of spooky resident NPCs would definitely not attack Jing Ruyu.

But in this way, how should they go into the water to find the ferry...

Confused, she inadvertently met the gazes of Huang Xiao and the two of them.

The two gently motioned her to look around, then motioned her to look at the lake, and finally Shao Ziwen glanced at Huang Xiao.

It was at this moment that she suddenly understood what they meant.

Now as long as the attention of all the resident NPCs is turned to them, Huang Xiao will have a chance to enter the water to find the ferry!

After successfully receiving the message, Xia Zhiyi nodded slightly.

She started to think of a way, and when she turned her head, she saw Strawberry's scared expression, and she had a plan in an instant.

She sat down beside Strawberry and began to make her cry...

After some hard work, Strawberry burst into tears with a "wow".

The eyes of the NPCs were instantly attracted.

When Bubu heard the cry, he also cried loudly, which caught people off guard.

Now everyone's sight was taken away by these two children.

Huang Xiao seized the opportunity, took off her glasses, held Xiaoxuan's toy in her hand, and jumped into the water with a "plop" without any hesitation!

The NPCs woke up like a dream, Qiqi looked towards the source of the sound, but could only see a splash of water.

"Someone fell into the water..."

"Someone fell into the water!"

"Go down and save people, go down and save people!"

"Don't let him be in the water!"

"Save someone, get down—"

Excited voices came and went, and the scene was very chaotic.

The three of them never expected that the NPCs would be so ruthless that they would go into the water to arrest people.

Jing Ruyu, who already understood Huang Xiao's intentions, hurriedly whispered to Bubu: "Bubbu cry louder, let these uncles and aunts know how powerful we are."

Bubu, who was crying loudly, suddenly raised his voice, and cried even more miserably, loudly and aggressively.

The footsteps of the NPCs were interrupted for a moment by the suddenly louder crying.

They subconsciously look at Boob.

Shao Ziwen also made Xiaoxuan cry, telling him to look at Bubu more.

Children are most likely to be infected by the emotions of their peers, and they will cry when the other party cries.

Xiaoxuan watched and watched, tears welled up, and as expected, he also started crying along with wow.

Then there are the little kids around.

One after another, they were emotionally driven, and the crying continued and was deafening.

The chaos was spectacular.

The NPCs were held back by this, and hurried to coax their children.

After coaxing the children, they realized that there was someone under the water, turned their heads and jumped into the water one after another, determined to "rescue" Huang Xiao back.

Now they couldn't hold back any longer, they could only nervously hold the child whose twitching had stopped crying, looked at the surface of the water, and prayed silently in their hearts:

Huang Xiao, you must succeed...

In the next second, the expected voice suddenly came, breaking the tense situation in an instant—

[Congratulations to the player for finding the ferry and unlocking the opening day reminder.

[Reminder: The ferry will open once on Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 pm, each opening time is 30 minutes.

[Please pay attention to the time, don't miss it. 】

The author has something to say:

The player activates the skill: Magic Sound Filling Ears!

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