MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 141 Model Community (23)

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Several people were all surprised when they got the reminder of the opening day of the ferry.

It only opened for 30 minutes each time, and the two times added up to one hour, which is one hour less than the last dungeon!

The new world really has a shorter opening time in the future!

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu were thinking about it when they suddenly heard the sound of rushing water.

Someone's head popped out of the water—Huang Xiao.

Afterwards, the NPCs followed suit and swam out of the water one after another.

They found a place to go ashore, drenched all over, and looked a little embarrassed.

Even so, they didn't let Huang Xiao go.

One after another made the scalp tingle, and the questioning eyes pierced Huang Xiao's body in an instant.

Why jump off?

Do you want to die?

Why would you want to die in front of a child?

Are you a bad parent, do you want to bring up bad children? ?

The silent and oppressive questioning made people feel pressured.

Huang Xiao finally felt that Jing Ruyu was surrounded and stared at tightly.

But he had already seen that Ferry got the reminder, so there was no need to panic.

I saw him slowly picking up a small toy, which was a very light and small car with water drops hanging on it.

"My precious son's precious toy fell into the water, so I went into the water to pick it up. What did you guys do down here?"

His excuse was poor, because the toy was light enough to float on the water, but that didn't stop him from quibbling.

He loves his son so much that when his son's toy falls into the water, his first reaction is to jump to pick it up. This is his unique and vigorous fatherly love!

Anyway, he went ashore with the child's toy safe and sound, no matter how others have opinions, he has to hold back!

As soon as Xiaoxuan saw him, the tears hadn't dried yet, and he started howling again: "Father—!"

Huang Xiao smiled at the NPCs: "Ments, my son is calling me, I have to comfort him."

In the name of the child, he also managed to get out of trouble.

Shao Ziwen hurried over to pick him up with Xiaoxuan in his arms, and gave him glasses.

The three of them headed back home, they didn't intend to continue strolling in the park, the most important thing was to go back and change their clothes.

Seeing this, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu also left with Strawberry and Bubu, whose emotions had stabilized.

They saw Huang Xiao, who was walking in front, shaking her head, and the water droplets from her hair splashed out, like a dog shaking off the water on his body.

Shao Ziwen beside him stretched out his hand and pressed his head.

The two of them didn't know what they said, Huang Xiao was honest and didn't shake her head too much.

The two looked back silently, and did not look at the two of them again.

Huang Xiao changed into a set of clothes when she got home.

Those were the clothes that New World put in the master bedroom. They were prepared for the parents. They fit well, so he took them and put them on. Otherwise, he would be wet all over, uncomfortable and inconvenient to move.

After changing his clothes, he shook his head again, habitually trying to dry off the water on his body, and then picked up a dry towel to wipe his hair.

As a great Pyrenees with excellent water skills, entering the water is like a fish in water!

Fortunately, the group of NPCs didn't see his body, and fortunately those two didn't see his body either...

Thinking about the ferry, he wiped his hair and hurried downstairs.

"Awen, let's go find them and tell them the location of the ferry."

Shao Ziwen had no objection.

They are not players who like to make troubles. It would be great if they can help each other pass the level with other players.

The most important thing is that the two of them don't look like ordinary people, they are also very kind, and the daughter is also liked by the children of the Ghost King's family. Maybe they can really take them to pass the customs together.

But having said that, I don't know if they have confirmed the ghost king, if the ghost king is really the Yun couple...

Shao Ziwen pulled back his thoughts, glanced at Huang Xiao, then turned around and took out the hair dryer.

"Come here, I'll help you dry your hair first, lest you can't help shaking it again later."

It would be bad if other players discovered his identity as a monster.

It's the fifth dungeon, they have to be more rigorous, no one wants to be reported at this last moment, and there are two more dungeons!


Huang Xiao sat down in front of her obediently, playing with Xiaoxuan while waiting for her hair to dry.

Boob and Strawberry were sitting on the sofa, each holding a box of fruit juice and drinking.

They cried loudly just now and effectively stopped the NPCs in their footsteps. This is their reward for their hard work.

Jing Ruyu and the two leaned on the sofa, thinking about the ferry.

Now that the opening day reminder has been obtained, the difficulty has naturally shifted to customs clearance.

Open twice, 30 minutes each time, the time is extremely tight, and the residents here will definitely be thorns and obstacles for players to go to the ferry.

I don't know if these obstacles will intensify tomorrow...

After a while, Shao Ziwen and Huang Xiao came.

They were talking about the ferry.

The matter was very important, Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu hurriedly let them into the house.

Xiaoxuan was arranged to play with Bubu and the others on the sofa.

They watch TV after playing for a while, and then go to draw after watching TV. There is no need for parents to worry about them.

Four adults sat around the dining table.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi looked up at Huang Xiao who was the only one who had been in the water.

Huang Xiao pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose: "You two can swim, right?"

The two nodded, moving in unison.

Huang Xiao nodded and said, "That's good. After entering the water, you have to swim for a while to enter another water area before you can see the ferry. If you can't swim, it will be very dangerous."

"What do you mean?" Xia Zhiyi frowned, "Isn't the ferry under the water?"

Huang Xiao shook his head.

Xia Zhiyi instinctively looked at Jing Ruyu, the news was beyond their imagination.

I thought that the ferry would be set up in the style of a sunken ship underwater, but I never expected that the new world simply created two waters!

Huang Xiao said: "The entry point is quite easy to find.

"After entering the water and going downstream, you will see a very small light hole, and when you get close, you will find that it is actually a hole, and you can reach another water area through it.

"Then go upstream, reach the shore of the lake, and look up and you can see the ferry.

"We came here just to tell you about this, so don't make a mistake in the end."

The two said thank you and expressed their gratitude.

Shao Ziwen waved his hand: "Help each other, it would be even better if we can clear the customs together."

The two of them were not fools, and they could tell that she was selling favors—favors that would not be annoying.

Jing Ruyu smiled: "Of course it's best if we can clear the customs together."

Xia Zhiyi nodded: "Yeah, help each other, help each other."

"Helping each other!"

Bubu, who had been watching TV, heard it, and suddenly learned a sentence.

The four adults glanced at her and looked back with a smile.

Immediately thinking of those residents, the atmosphere became silent again.

It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable...

Shao Ziwen remembered something and said in a low voice, "Do you know who the ghost king is?"

This can be said to be the most non-existent ghost king they have ever seen.

The ghost kings in the previous dungeons wanted to come out to make trouble every day and kill a player every day, but the ghost king in this dungeon was very quiet, so quiet that it didn't seem to exist.

Wouldn't they be observing in secret, ready to go, holding back and zooming in and finally messing with them?

"I know," Jing Ruyu's firm voice interrupted their wild thoughts, "It's twins."

Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen were taken aback.

"Ah???" Huang Xiao was dumbfounded.

"I thought it was the Yun family!" Shao Ziwen was also dumbfounded.

The surprised voices of the two caught the children's attention.

The three children ran over one after another, curiously lying on the adult's lap and asking what happened, and they wanted to listen.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu could only coax them back with fruit snacks and picture books.

Shao Ziwen asked: "How do you know?"

Jing Ruyu's tone was too firm, so firm that people couldn't believe it.

Jing Ruyu thought, this is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to hide.

"There is another language system between the ghost kings, and the twins can understand what my daughter says."

She pointed at Boubo: "Have you seen my daughter?"

The two turned their heads to look at Boo Boo, who was eating snacks, as well-behaved as an ordinary child.

She said calmly: "Yes, she is the little ghost king."

Two people: "???"

They are completely stupid.

In the new world, there are big ghost kings and little ghost kings? !

The little ghost king can still be used as a prop? ? ?

After knowing this secret, their eyes on Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi became even more different, with a faint admiration.

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can turn the little ghost king into a prop...

Realizing the situation, they hugged their thighs decisively!

"Bosses, take us!"

Xia Zhiyi was embarrassed by being shouted at.

"Help each other, help each other."

They finally agreed to set off together tomorrow.

One more person means more life, the wisdom of the people is endless!

Before dinner, Jing Ruyu and his wife took Bubu and Strawberry to the Model House.

Bubu wants to send his own paintings to his brothers and sisters.

Maybe they won't be here tomorrow, but they just settled everything today.

When they came, there happened to be other parents who came to visit and learn from the Model House, and these people had just arrived.

Seeing Xia Zhiyi's visit, the Yun's and his wife expressed their great welcome.

As a model family of unity and friendship, they are happy to teach these two mothers to educate their children, so as not to get such ugly scores next time.

The twins were upstairs, not coming down.

Bubu wanted to go up to find his brothers and sisters.

Holding the picture she had drawn, she raised her head and looked at the two adults who were much taller than her: "Bubbu wants to give gifts to his older brothers and sisters!"

As soon as the Yun couple saw the drawing paper, they immediately thought of her test paper, and those color fillings that didn't match their mouths.

They don't want their children to see these rebellious and wrong things.

But it's not easy to explode under the eyes of everyone, otherwise wouldn't it hurt the face of their model family?

Mrs. Yun smiled slightly and said, "Then let's deliver Boo Boo, the older brothers and sisters are upstairs."

—It’s enough for them to take these gifts away later.

Bubu nodded, turned his head to look at the mothers, and under the encouragement of the mothers, he climbed up the stairs step by step by holding onto the railing.

Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi waited for her downstairs with strawberries in their arms, delaying the Yun couple by the way, not letting them go up.

The big ghost king and the little ghost king need time to be alone, and they shouldn't be disturbed by too many people.

Bubu followed his memory to the third floor.

She took the painting and ran to the only room she had ever been to—the Siguo Room.

She's going to give presents to her brothers and sisters!

Hope they will be happy!

When she came to the black door, she followed Ning Ning's example and slowly opened the door of Siguo's house.

There was a light in the house.

The twins surround the light.

Pink skirts, pink bows and pink dolls come into view.

But the person in the skirt today...not Quiet.

The moment the two sides saw each other's face clearly, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

The long pink tentacles flew out suddenly, **** Boubo without saying a word, and dragged her into the house suddenly!

The door of the thinking room was closed.

Jing Jing was wearing shorts and holding a car, Ning Ning was wearing a skirt and holding a doll.

Under the light, their immature faces were half-lit and half-dark, extremely gloomy.

They looked at Boubo who was held up high, their lips parted slightly—

"You discovered our secret."

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