MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3897 Have mutual plans

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Cong said, "You may not belong here."

"Don't belong here? We are indeed born in this world, as are the evil gods," Luo Zheng couldn't understand. Luo Zheng is a human being born in the three-dimensional world of Chaos World. The evil **** is a human being born in Luo Zheng's body. There is not much surprise from the background. Elders association

Made it all.

Now, "Song" suddenly came up with such a sentence, which surprised Luo Zheng. He did not know how "From" came to such a conclusion.

"I can't explain," shook his head from.

Since the world of Thirteen Grids descended all the way, "from" has seen all kinds of bizarre civilizations.

There is a civilization of pure energy, a soul of pure consciousness, and a group of stele-like races like Shengming.

But no matter how ever-changing, these beings, races, and civilizations follow the most basic rules.

There are no exceptions!

This is why "cong" is unwilling to help Luo Zheng. It thinks that the struggle is meaningless.

But the means shown by the evil **** violated the rules and gave "cong" a new understanding.

The evil **** surpassed the rules!

From now until now, "from" has been thinking about this problem, so Luo Zheng was allowed to try. As a result, "from" expected, Luo Zheng had the same ability as the evil god.

"From the high grid world to the low grid world, you are in control. Why are there things you can't explain?" Luo Zheng asked.

Luo Zheng can only be omnipotent and all-powerful in the place where he was born, but "slave" is the master of the perfect place. All matter and energy in time are under his control, but now he encounters things that can not be explained by "song". Nowhere.

There was a laugh from the ground, "In fact, I can't answer a lot of questions. I don't know where I came from. I don't know who created the perfect place, and what does not exist outside the perfect place ..."

For the souls of each world, from the supreme existence, the creator of omnipotence, is the core of all rules.

All beloved souls can find answers in their bodies, and they are their guides.

But who is to lead? It instinctively understands that demotion is a devastating blow to it, but it cannot predict what will happen when it degrades to one frame, and the degenerate will face the same confusion. He also does not know what will happen when the world falls to one frame. As if by mission

Engraved in the bones, drove him to do so. Continuing to say, "In the endless years, I hope to find these answers. I have tried many times, even after the eighth world suppressed" evil ", and consumed ninety-nine of the energy in the eighth world. Launch a strong

Big energy shock. "

"What a powerful energy that is ..." Luo Zheng said suddenly.

"What's the point of being strong? The world still operates within the rules, and I'm just a prisoner within the rules," Cong said.

"Then ..."

"Now that I see you go beyond the rules, this gives me hope. There seems to be a gap in the rule's cage," from the voice with some joy.

At first, he ignored Luo Zheng's love. In his eyes, Luo Zheng was nothing but a "host" with nothing new, but now he has shown great patience.

"Can violation of the rules prevent demotion?" Luo Zheng renewed hope in his heart.

"Maybe, maybe not," Cong replied.

I was relieved that I was absolutely certain that the downgrade could not be prevented.

"What should I do?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Swallow up the evil gods," Cong suggested.

Luo Zheng froze slightly.

"The evil **** took away something that was supposed to belong to you. If you want to get it back and forth, I might find a way to stop the degradation," Cong said.

Luo Zheng's eyes hesitated, "I now have the same power as him, and it is not easy to devour him."

"He lacks experience in using high-level power, but I do, and I can empower you," smiled slightly.

Previously, Luo Zheng had the same power as the downgrader, and at the same time, he had polar energy. However, Luo Zheng had fallen behind the downgrader because the downgrader had rich experience.

If Luo Zheng is also given his experience, the odds of facing the evil gods are great.

Luo Zheng did not speak, but activated the power of omniscience ...


The evil **** didn't focus on Xianfu, he had to go all out to solve the degradation. He ordered two billion brains to think of a solution. These brains thought that after the evil gods had won, they would stand up, hoping that the evil gods gave them a new physical body, even a free body. After hearing that the world began to degrade, he

At one time, they were very angry. In order to survive, they could only actively help the evil gods.

Positive to positive, but no more brains make sense when facing unsolved things.

Their initial plan was to allow the evil gods to freeze the wall world.

The evil **** approached the degraded area, releasing a "cold phase" area, but it had no effect, leaving only a slice of crystal clear snowflakes in the wall world that had expanded many times.

Next, the brains let the evil **** fill the wall world with material, and the evil **** tried again. He created thousands of mountains and threw them into the wall.

The evil gods created tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, and even tens of millions of mountains without saying a word.

The energy he possesses is infinite.

The power of degradable can also invade everything indefinitely. The so-called filling the wall world with matter is simply a pseudo-proposition.

A kind of ...

Two ...

Three ...

The evil gods tried more than twenty methods in a row.

The downgrade is still going on, and the expansion speed of the wall world has further increased. It is already the size of a state in the mother world. When the evil **** looked at the accelerated expansion of the wall world, a burst of ridicule burst out in the black light in the center of the wall world, "You can break some rules, but you ca n’t stop downgrading, let alone you. Can't stop you

What else? "

"From? Who is from?" The evil **** asked.

"It's my existence, it's also my opposite. It knows everything, it can do everything, but it's still helpless to demote," said the demote.

There was a hint of fineness in the eyes of the evil god, "Where is it?"

"Of course it is hiding in Luo Zheng's body, hahaha ..." The descender deliberately provoked.

The evil **** was silent for a moment, then suddenly reached out and gently scratched, an energy circle had appeared in his hands.

He suddenly disappeared after holding the energy ...

The next moment appeared in Xianfu, and the energy circle in his hand immediately passed over Luo Zheng's head. Although the evil god's shot was extremely abrupt, Ke Luozheng's response was not slow. He reached out and gently squeezed towards the edge of the energy circle, and the energy circle broke.