MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3896 Another violator

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Although everyone was mentally prepared for the demotion, when he heard Luo Zheng say it himself, his face was slightly darkened.

"How long can we live?" Wen Dizhi asked.

Luo Zheng turned and pointed in a distant direction. "The downgrade was initiated from that direction and quickly expanded outwards with it as the center. I will take you as far away as possible."

If he can live, how long he can live, Luo Zheng cannot answer this question, but everyone already understands what he means.

After numerous calamities, these people in Xianfu were very calm.

Li Luoshui leaned on Luo Xiao's shoulder, his eyes swept away from Luo Zheng, Luo Nian, Luo Yan, with a faint smile on his face.

Her enemies are dead, **** are dead, and there is no regret in life. It is a destiny to spend with the children and grandchildren in the last days.

Hua Tianming, Gu Bei and others looked very calm.

"Well, it's a pity that I still haven't made a wish," said Fu Xi, downcast.

"What wish?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Break the final pin!" Fuxi said.

A long time ago, Fu Xi was determined to end the advent of the final dynasty and become the master of the final dying. Only the world is changeable. The needle that came at the end of this round of chaos is even more powerful than the immortal state.

He understood that it was meaningless to smash the needle of the end, but he had this obsession in his heart but could not let it go.

"I help you realize this wish," Luo Zheng said.

Fuxi waved his hand, "Well, I can't do it myself, it doesn't mean anything ..."

"No, you do it yourself."

After Luo Zheng finished speaking, he reached out and gently pointed at Fuxi, and the endless energy flowed towards him.

As an immortal state, Fuxi could not bear too much energy, but Luo Zheng injected the energy and strengthened Fuxi's physical body in order to restrain the energy in him.

When the energy was almost injected, Luo Zheng's thoughts moved slightly, and the entire Xianfu had moved a long distance and came directly in front of the needle of the end.

"Go, you can do it," Luo Zheng said.

Fuxi had never possessed such a terrifying energy. This sense of abundance could not be described in words. He felt that he could tear everything apart.

"Well ..."

He jumped up from the immortal house, flickering, and came to the needle of the final pin.

Fu Xi first severed the tip of the needle, backed up a distance, screamed, and the power of his body was released from his fist.

Compared with the huge needle of the end, Fuxi is like a fine dust.

But the power of this dust burst caused the final pin to smash from the beginning and collapse ...

"Booming booming ..."

The huge movement caused by the collapse of the Needle of the Last Soul caught the attention of the evil god. The evil **** used the power of omniscience to investigate and snorted softly, "boring operation ..."

"Ha ha ha ha, so cool!"

After returning to Xianfu, Fu Xi's face was filled with satisfaction. Since more than a thousand times of chaos, only he has done it, and he has a lifetime's desire. There is nothing more happy in this world than this.

Fu Xi's optimistic mood infected other people as well. The originally slightly boring environment was happy, and Fu Xi even took out fine wine and drank with everyone.

Luo Zheng quietly retreated, walked into a separate courtyard, and sat on a stone chair in the center of the courtyard.

With a slight movement of his mind, he had activated the power of omniscience, and immediately saw that on the other side of the chaotic world, the evil **** was standing on a black ship and giving orders to two billion brains.

Because of all-knowledge, Luo Zheng also knew very well what happened to the evil god.

The lunatic, the evil god, has transformed the mother world into the brain of two billion sacred realms.

Now the evil gods still pin their hopes on these two billion brains, hoping that these brains can give a plan to prevent degradation.

"Reduction is really no solution?" Luo Zheng asked again.

He has already verified this answer from "from", and the answer is to verify it all the way from the Gagosian world, which is very clear.

"According to past experience, there is indeed no solution," Cong's voice suddenly sounded.

"You have something in it," Luo Zheng said.

"From" silent for a while before continuing to speak, "Experience is built to operate within the rules, but if something breaks the rules, experience can't be trusted."

"You talking about evil gods?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Not just him, but you," Cong replied.

When "from" the evil **** uses the energy of the Gagosian world, he realizes that something unusual is happening.

Then "snooped" from Luo Zheng's memory, trying to sort out the cause and effect.

"The evil **** was born from the world in your body. He is actually the negative emotional embodiment of your birthplace. From this point, the evil **** is actually the opposite of you," Cong said.

Luo Zheng nodded in agreement.

"I am one with evil, and I created evil, but I can no longer contain him ... Does your relationship with evil gods look like me and evil?" From said, "So the birth of you and evil gods is by no means accidental."

When hearing this, Luo Zheng dismissed it. "Such coincident examples abound in the world."

"But the evil **** can directly use the power of the Gorge world in violation of the basic rules," continued from the beginning. "If I guessed well, you can actually use the energy of the Gorge world."

"Oh ..." Luo Zheng smiled, and laughed at himself, "I even rely on you to use the polar energy, I can't understand the energy of the Gaoge world, let alone use it."

"I empower you and you will understand."

After saying "Cong", he poured a huge amount of memory into Luo Zheng's mind.

That's the sixth, seventh, eighth ...

Field, weigh, couple, mount ...

All the way to the construction of the twelve grid world energy.

Like the degraded, they have the energy of the Gaoge world, but after the degraded Gaoge world, they can no longer use it, and the basic rules limit them.

Luo Zheng closed his eyes and digested the memories in his head.

Shaoqing Luo Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

There was a trace of unbearable excitement in a pair of dark eyes.

He doesn't know if he can finally find a way to prevent demotion. If he really prevents demotion, there will be a battle between him and the evil god.

Relying solely on polar energy, he will undoubtedly lose. He does need to master high-level power.

"Energy ... field."

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand, rubbing **** gently, the energy slowly flowed.

"Om ..."

A trace of light blue energy flow slowly turned, slowly forming a perfect ring structure, floating in front of Luo Zheng.

It was a brand new energy field.

"I ... did it?" Luo Zheng said, looking at the ring incredibly.

"Continue," ordered from.

Luo Zheng released the "weighing", "coupling", "motorcycle" and so on in order, which were all completed very smoothly.

"My judgment is correct," Cong said, "you and the evil **** are both accidents born in this world, so you can ignore the basic rules." "An accident born? What do you mean?" Luo Zhengman's face was incomprehensible. color.