MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3898 Final battle

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After Luo Zheng opened up the power of omniscience, he has been paying close attention to the evil gods, and he talked about the evil gods and the demoted ones without hesitation.

When the downgrader mentioned "cong", Luo Zheng was on guard. He knew the nature of the evil god.

The evil **** knows that "from" in Luo Zheng's body is necessary, so Luo Zheng can react in an instant.

"Kakaka ..." Watching his energy circle break, a little flash of surprise appeared in the eyes of the evil god.

On the one hand, it is surprised that Luo Zheng responds extremely fast, on the other hand, this energy circle is a "control field", and the energy grid of the Six Grid World is unable to resist.

Ke Luozheng stretched out his hand and crushed the "control field" with a pinch, which was incredible.

But the evil god's surprise didn't last for a long time. He had the ability to know all things and moved his thoughts a little. The scene where Luo Zheng just tried the energy of Gaoge world came to his mind.

"Changing somewhere?"

Luo asked.

"Do not!"

The thunder light flashed in one hand of the evil god, and there were two triangular plates flashing with thunder light.

"Ming Lei said!"


The thunder light that erupted when this palm shot came over was millions of times brighter than the sun.

The energy contained is enough to destroy the mother world 300,000 times, not to mention this little fairy house and other courtyards, the immortal state like Fuxi is only reflected by the light of thunder, and it will turn into powder.

But when the triangle was shot on Luo Zheng's body, a small "space scale" appeared in each of the four corners of the small courtyard. This Mingle claimed that all the energy of the explosion was sealed in the courtyard.

I am a big fairy house, just a slight shock, son-in-law, Fuxi and his party did not even notice.

Seeing that the evil **** was going to do it again, Luo Zheng directly reached out and grabbed it.

"Wow ..." The black ship trail smashed to the side of Xianfu.

The cold songs on the boat, the masters of Heaven, the gods and Xiuzhu did not return to God, staring at the son-in-law of Xianfu.

"Changing somewhere?"

Luo Zheng asked provocatively.

"threaten me?"

A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the evil god.

Luo Zheng grinned, "What about it?"

Once the evil gods didn't care, but now they may not.

The evil **** did not speak, but his body gradually disappeared, and instantly came to the other end of the chaos.

Luo Zheng has the power of omniscience, and naturally knows the position of the evil god, and he then appears opposite the evil god.

Within a billion-mile radius of their location, not even a grain of dust was present, a complete void.

"There will be no hands and feet here," Luo Zheng said.

The evil **** didn't rush to do it. He seemed to be thinking about it, and then said after a while, "I can't kill you, you just have to get 'from' and let me devour it, and I will definitely be on it. Find a way to crack downgrades. "

Luo Zheng grinned as if hearing a joke. He just wanted to turn his lips back, and a ray of light came from his eyebrows.

This group of light is soft and gentle. Both Luo Zheng and the evil **** feel like a spring breeze, and their minds are peaceful.

"There must be no way to degrade in me. On the contrary, you may have a chance to integrate with Luo Zheng ..." This voice came from the light, instead of being angry because of the offense of the evil god, it was bitterly persuading With.

"It looks like you have the same plans?"

The evil **** asked.

"Yes," answered from.

"Then ..." There was a flash of sharp light in the eyes of the evil god, "depending on your ability!"

The sound had not yet fallen, the evil **** reached out and swung at Luo Zhengmeng, and a blood-red "rattan" whipped at Luo Zheng, this is the energy of the ninth grid world.

"Om ..." Luo Zheng's figure disappeared at a very fast speed, and he withdrew a distance of more than a thousand miles, but the evil **** could fully calculate the position of Luo Zheng with the power of all knowing. When Luo Zheng moved, the evil **** moved .

Luo Zheng can also be omnipotent and omnipotent. Facing this blood-red rattan Luo Zheng, he also turned a black long sword with his energy. His hand was a vertical split.

"咻 ——" The black sword was chopped on the scarlet rattan, and He shot a diamond-shaped light spot spanning hundreds of thousands of miles.

"咻 ——" The black sword was chopped on the scarlet rattan for the second time. The two had moved a distance of a million miles, and a huge diamond-shaped light spot broke out.

The evil **** attacked, Luo Zhengshou.

"Uh ..." The frequency of the two confrontation is getting faster and faster, and the number of rhombuses is increasing.

Within three breaths, the two have fought tens of thousands of times, and the space spanned is trillions of miles away. Those huge diamond-shaped light spots become a distant background, looking like tiny tiny needles.

"Your power is given to you?"

The evil **** asked as he attacked fiercely.

"What about it?"

Luo Zheng asked back.

"Even if you have the power of the Gagosian world, it is still ... weak!"

While the evil **** spoke, the scarlet rattan in his hand was gently retracted, and at the same time a chill was released by the evil god, and ice silk rolled up like Luo Zheng, he used the "cold phase" again.

Facing the chill coming from his face, Luo Zheng only felt that his blood was going to be coagulated.

However, while the evil **** used the cold phase, Luo Zheng's eyes had ignited a raging flame, which was the "fire phase" in the ten-square world.

"Wow ..." The flame produced by the fire phase is extremely ordinary, like an ordinary wood burning flame.

But when the flame was lightly rolled, the ice silk was completely burnt.

Seeing this scene, the evil god's brow frowned slightly.

Luo Zheng has been passively defending.

But no matter what kind of energy the evil **** uses, Luo Zheng can easily crack it in a very short time, which makes him feel a little bit unsightly. It is a feeling of being seen through.

"Continue," Luo Zheng calmly said.

The evil spirit's heart was swept away, and more terrifying energy emerged.

Thick scale armor emerged from his body, enveloping the whole person tightly.

The scaled armor created by the ghost-hand clan with "energy frequency" is the strongest armor. Put on this layer of evil spirits and pounce on Luo Zheng again.


The index finger of Luo Zheng's hands intersected with the thumb, and a small square appeared in the middle.


The small cube exploded, and the armor covering the evil **** exploded.

Just as Luo Zheng succeeded, a laugh came from the evil god. The evil **** had appeared above Luo Zheng's head, and a long gun had arrived at Luo Zheng's forehead.

The spear is transformed by "destructive coke". As the strongest destructive force in the twelve grid world, nothing in the world can stop this gun.


At the same time that the evil **** was stabbed, the "binding field" on the edge of the chaotic world disappeared.

As long as the restraint field is still there, the mother world is still there. The evil gods and Luo Zheng are omniscient and omnipotent, and can be reborn infinitely.

In order to kill Luo Zheng, he can only remove the restraint field and destroy the place of birth.

At the same time as the restraint field was withdrawn, the spear of the evil **** had penetrated Luo Zheng's forehead.

Read The Duke's Passion