MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 493 : respective fields of expertise

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Latest website: Ahmad Zaidi was in a nervous mood while going upstairs.

When the door of the inner room was opened, what Ahmad Zaidi saw was the back of a boss chair, and the leader of the kidnapper was facing away from him, smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed.

"Ahmad Zaidi!" The kidnapper greeted with a bit of sarcasm, "Good morning."

Ahmad Zaidi didn't say a word, who the **** doesn't feel good about being kidnapped.

Just as he was thinking, he saw the leader of the kidnappers turn around, and Ahmad Zaidi froze in place.

Blinking his eyes, Ahmad Zaidi felt that he might have been frightened after being kidnapped, which led to his not being too clear-headed and misreading.

He lowered his head, raised his head, and rubbed his eyes.

Looking up again, hey, it's still that person.

Lower your head again, rub your eyes carefully this time, then raise your head...

Shit, Sean Rockefeller!

No... this... he... I... Ahmad Zaidi's whole body is going to collapse, it doesn't make any sense.

He was kidnapped, and it turned out that the leader of the kidnapper was Sean, a well-known umbrella private military contractor, a leader of the Rockefeller family generation.

Who the **** would believe this?

Not to mention being believed or not, he himself can't believe it now.

However, Ahmad Zaidi felt relieved at one point. Before, he felt that the kidnappers’ methods were impossible to guard against. Now it seems that since the person who protects the umbrella did it, it is reasonable.

Although he himself didn't understand why a security company who was so proficient in kidnapping was so beaver.

Anyway, being kidnapped is a non-war crime.

"Haha, Mr. Ahmad Zaidi, how is it? Surprises are not surprises, surprises are not surprises!" Sean laughed and stood up and spread his hands.

Ahmad Zaidi: I'm so, surprised, delighted!

If he hadn't thought about the fact that the Malay Sultan could not afford to offend this man in front of him, he would really want to rush over and scratch Sean hard twice.

"A nice surprise experience, isn't it?" Xiao En came out from behind the desk with a smile and walked in front of Ahmad Zaidi. mean?"

"We need surprises in life, that will make life more colorful."

"Hehe, hehe, it's really colorful and colorful." Ahmad Zaidi gritted his molars, stared into Xiao En's eyes and said, "Thank you..."

I added another sentence in my heart, eight generations of ancestors!

Of course, he didn't lose his temper. A large part of the reason was that after seeing Xiao En, he knew that his life was absolutely not in danger today.

Sean won't 'Personally, do this kind of thing, there is a high probability that there are other things.

Just, very curious.

"I received your thank you." Sean smiled and made a gesture of invitation, "Sit here, let's chat."

The two sat down, and Lorraine came over with two cups of tea.

"Try it, refreshing tea, soothe the nerves and refresh the mind." Sean said with a smile.

Ahmad Zaidi took a deep look at Sean, you **** know how to prepare refreshment tea, co-authoring you know you will be scared to death, right? Fuck!

No, do I still have to thank you!

Ahmad Zaidi was not interested in talking at all, he picked up the tea in front of him and drank it in one gulp, um, he did feel a lot better.

The main ingredients of refreshing tea are mint leaves, lemon, verbena, etc., and the effect is indeed immediate.

"Ahmad Zaidi, what do you think of what happened just now?" Sean asked suddenly when the other party put down the teacup.

This time, Ahmad Zaidi couldn't bear it any longer, he put the teacup on the coffee table with a bang, and said loudly with a livid face: "Xiao En, you, you, you..."

I wanted to scold at first, but when I saw Xiao En's serious face, I was immediately suppressed for most of my anger. Suddenly, I remembered a legend that last time Xiao En went to the Malay Palace aggressively, beat the Prime Minister, The Malay Sultan was scolded.

He wouldn't sneak up on me, a 60-year-old man!

"Don't go too far!" The tone of the voice lowered unconsciously, and the voice became softer and weaker, no matter how you listened, it didn't sound a bit imposing.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to be joking, think about how you feel today." Sean stretched out a finger and shook it with a solemn expression.

Ahmad Zaidi frowned, and looked at Xiao En again, as if he really didn't want to humiliate himself?

Sean: No, I'm humiliating you!

"Very, suddenly, very, panic, I felt that there was nothing I could do at that time." Ahmad Zaidi replied carefully.

"Your security is really terrible." Sean said while shaking his head.

"You guys?" Ahmad Zaidi looked puzzled, and grasped the point immediately.

This 'men' definitely does not refer to those bodyguards, they are not worthy, and everyone is not of the same class.

"Abang Joo Obdan, Maham Taib." Sean nodded slightly.

"You kidnapped them too?" Ahmad Zaidi had three big words "Good guy," written on his face. After seeing Xiao En nodding, there were more "Good guy, there are more."

As expected of a security guard, what is this?

Know thyself, ever-victorious?

"How can this be called kidnapping, and I didn't ask you for a ransom." Sean spread his hands and said sincerely, "I'm helping you do a 'danger warning test', to help you check the security around you Whether the team is qualified and whether it has the ability to ensure your safety in the face of unexpected situations.”

"Obviously, the security team around you is not qualified!"

Ahmad Zaidi:! !

What you said is very reasonable, I am speechless!

Also, are you sure those kidnappers are as skilled as yours?

"I helped you verify the team's ability to protect your own lives and discovered a huge hidden danger. Shouldn't you thank me?" Sean frowned and looked at Ahmad Zaidi.

The corner of Ahmad Zaidi's mouth twitched. If there is no cat cake, it sounds like it's all cat cake...

Well, he couldn't find any reason to refute it.

After all, he is the head of state of Sarawak, so he can't be a rogue like ordinary people. I'm willing to be unsafe if I can use you!

Taking two deep breaths, Ahmad Zaidi still said, "Thank you, Mr. Sean."

"It's too insincere." Sean shook his head regretfully, "But, forget it, who made me generous, and I have a heart to help others."

Ahmad Zaidi clutched his chest, feeling so depressed!

Immediately, Ahmad Zaidi asked curiously: "I would like to know how you invited the other two. Of course, I am not inquiring about the business secrets of the umbrella. I am just curious. If Mr. Xiao En can Of course it's the best thing to say."

Sean looked up at Ahmad Zaidi, always feeling that this guy was mocking him secretly.

How did the kidnapping method become an umbrella trade secret?

This is spreading rumors!

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao En still explained the method, but Ahmad Zaidi was dumbfounded.

Ahmad Zaidi: Confirmed, the business level of umbrella is indeed proficient, far surpassing the peers!

"Speaking of business, when it comes to helping others, I have to mention another matter that invited you here today." The atmosphere was very awkward, and Sean forcibly brought the topic back.

Ahmad Zaidi: I knew you were not that kind.

"I personally think that a large part of the reason why this kind of thing happened today is that your status and the benefits you enjoy are seriously inconsistent." Sean stared at Ahmad Zaidi and said, "You are the head of state of Sarawak, which is equivalent to Sultans in other states, but look at the treatment you get, the benefits you get, it’s very different.”

"Their side is heaven, and you are still living on earth."

"Their children are born superior, and you..." Sean shook his head regretfully.

"What are you trying to say

what? Ahmad Zaidi frowned.

"Status and treatment should match and should not be discriminated against."

"Wait." Ahmad Zaidi raised his hand to interrupt Xiao En's words, lowered his head and thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Did you say the same to the two of them?"

Sean nodded with a smile.

"They agreed?" Ahmad Zaidi had a look of disbelief.

This is not a simple sentence, this is to set off a power struggle with the Malay government!

Still for that reason, what kind of political status should Sarawak be in in Malay as a whole?

This question actually existed long before Sean.

In order to maintain the influence of the British Empire in the Malay Peninsula, in order to check and balance the Chinese who accounted for nearly half of the population, the British Empire proposed a Malaysian plan to bring in Sarawak, Lam, and Sabah to dilute the proportion of the Chinese population.

The Malays supported this matter, and Xingcheng also supported it at the time, but Nai firmly opposed it because of the oil tax and royal family issues.

The major families in Sarawak and Sabah are also opposed, and no one wants to have an unfriendly mother-in-law on their head.

At this time, the British Empire, which had not yet set in, sent a committee headed by Ge Bo to Sarawak to conduct a public opinion survey. The results showed that the people of Sarawak and Sabah were considered to be "very supportive of this plan."

So, in 1963, the Malaysian Malay Project succeeded.

According to the founding contract at that time, the Malay Agreement, referred to as the MA63 Agreement, Xingcheng, Sarawak, Sabah and the Malay Peninsula were established on an equal footing.

Two years later, Xingcheng was kicked out of Malaysia, and the Malay Peninsula has an absolute advantage in terms of population, military, economy, and technology. Sarawak and Sabah have no ability to resist at all, so their status has been virtually reduced. .

Looking back now, this is a "serial plan", first to persuade the Li family of Xingcheng to form Malaysia to cope with the complicated international environment after World War II, and then to recruit people to dilute the proportion of Chinese, and then to kick Xingcheng out for a second dilution.

The result is Xingcheng, a Chinese country surrounded and isolated by a circle of foreign forces, and a Malay country whose population has declined significantly.

In two steps, Britain once again completed the division and wooing, so that both Xingcheng and Malay had to rely on them, ensuring Britain's absolute position in Southeast Asia.

A perfect, textbook-level political operation.

In terms of playing international relations and PUA boys, the UK is number one in the world!

No doubt!

After all, historically, the attitude of the north towards the vassal states has always been "Huairou, "benevolence and righteousness, and it pays attention to a heavenly kingdom, respecting the virtuous and corporal, and vigorously helping the development of neighboring countries, such as marrying a princess, bringing advanced productivity and technology, and so on.

Well, now too.

Closer to home, the various ethnic groups in Sarawak, um, the major families, have always wanted to restore their due status, but the focus of Malay development is on the Malay Peninsula, deliberately ignoring Sarawak, which leads to the longer time, The greater the gap in strength between the two sides, the less likely it is to restore their status.

Without Sean's intervention, Sarawak would have been struggling decades later.

Of course, the situation has changed significantly now.

"Why not? People of all ethnic groups are warmly welcoming. There is only benefit, not harm." Seeing Xiao En nodding without hesitation, and emphasizing the words "people of all ethnic groups," Ahmad Zaidi struggled.

"This is for the development of Sarawak..." Ahmad Zaidi was interrupted by Sean before he could finish his sentence.

"What's going on in Sarawak?" Sean spread his hands, as if to say, are you kidding me?

"Tell me, how has Sarawak developed over the years?"

"Agriculture?" Sean sneered, "The report of the Malay government clearly states that Sarawak's original ecology should be maintained and the environment should not be excessively damaged."

"Malays is the world's largest producer of palm oil, but why is it in the Malay Peninsula instead of Sarawak?"

"Because all aspects of production, processing, sales, and transportation are more comprehensive in the Malay Peninsula.

Convenience, because where is the National Development Center! "

"Manufacturing, well, it's a joke in Sarawak!"

"The mining industry is good, but after excavation, everything has to be transported to the Malay Peninsula!"

"Only timber and fisheries are okay."

"Don't deceive yourself, Sarawak is no different from newly independent Lithuania. It is just a resource production place that has been exploited. In the eyes of people in the Malay Peninsula, Sarawak is just a poor country, only worthy of providing them with raw materials and resources. Market Colony!"

"Except for drawing blood, you have no development, nothing at all!" Sean pointed to Ahmad Zaidi's nose and said loudly, "You can't think of speaking for the Malay government just because you are Malay."

"You have to understand that you are the leader of the Sarawak Malays, not the **** Sultan of the Malay Peninsula!"

"How many dividends the Malays have enjoyed in development has nothing to do with ***."

It's like the northeast and northwest after the re-opening.

It's like the people who get rich first and the people who don't get rich later.

Ahmad Zaidi didn't know whether he was scolded by Xiao En or hit a pain point, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Besides, who said you are Malay." Sean's tone suddenly softened.

Ahmad Zaidi was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at Xiao En blankly, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"You tell me what's the difference between Indonesians and Malays?" Sean raised his eyebrows.

Ahmad Zaidi: ? ? ?

"Blinking, he seemed to understand what Sean meant.

"I think you are from Sarawak, what do you think?" Sean looked at Ahmad Zaidi with a half-smile, "Dear Mr. Ahmad Zaidi, Sultan of Sarawak."

Ahmad Zaidi:! !

As soon as the title was changed, Ahmad Zaidi's eyes lit up instantly, the kind that were shiny.

"Say it again, I didn't hear you clearly."

"Dear Mr. Ahmad Zaidi, Sultan of Sarawak." Xiao En said with a smile.

Ahmad Zaidi tried hard to hold back, his eyes were narrowed, "Sarawak what?"

"Sarawak, Sultan!"

Ahmad Zaidi grinned loudly, his little tongue quivering wildly in his throat.

Ahmad Zaidi really never thought of betraying the Malays, but...

But Sean called me Sudan!

I really didn't think of calling out the slogan of Sarawak independence, but...

But Sean called me Sudan!

Which Malays are in control?

I can't control myself either!

Sean's "Sudan" really shouted away the last bit of hesitation in Ahmad Zaidi's heart!

Just to think that his own family has become the ruling family, Ahmad Zaidi decided to fight!

Love so and so, who the **** doesn't work, no one can stop me!

In the founding contract, Sarawak was originally on the same status as Malay, and its full name should be called the Malay X-Asian Federation!

What the **** is wrong with me fighting for my original legal rights!

Just ask what's wrong with you!

Seeing that Ahmad Zaidi was so excited suddenly, Xiao En always felt that this guy had misunderstood something.

Thinking left and right, it is better to speak clearly.

"Ahem, um, the name of the country after independence has been decided?" Sean said suddenly.

"Ah?" Ahmad Zaidi was taken aback for a moment, still immersed in the joy of the Sultan and unable to extricate himself.

"It's called Brook Kingdom." Sean said word by word.

Ahmad Zaidi: ? ? ?

No, what about me, a Sarawak Sultan?

Of course he knew what was going on with the Brook Dynasty, but why!

"What do you want them to do? I can come out and fight. I'm not afraid of anything. This is what the people of Sarawak deserve!" Ahmad Zaidi said eagerly.

"Don't get excited." Sean tried to reassure.

"I'm not excited!" Ahmad Zaidi said excitedly.

Sean:! !

I'm not blind at all.

"You have to consider the thoughts of the Iban people, the Chinese, the Melanau people, etc., you understand!" Sean said solemnly, "This is not just about the Malays."

Ahmad Zaidi was reminded by Sean, and then he calmed down a little, ah, yes, there are others, and he forgot when he got excited.

"What are they going to do?"

"The constitutional monarchy is the same as the current Malays, the difference is that the kings of the Brook Kingdom will not take turns. You will be your Sarawak Sultan, Taib Maham will be his Maranor Sultan, and the Patinggi family will be their Iraqis. Class Sultan!"

"Hey, where are the Chinese?"

"Chinese are just Chinese, I can't make a Sultan of Lanfang." Sean rolled his eyes, "We have to admit that whether it is Malay or Iban, if there is absolute competition under a fair environment But for the Chinese, this is a fundamental defect in the historical and cultural background, and there is no way to make up for it, so I can only not put them on the track at the beginning.”

"Of course, as you know, we have a close cooperation with the Asian Investment Bank. I can't do too much, just take it as an inheritance of the existing Malay system."

Ahmad Zaidi suddenly realized that this is not something bad to do too much, you are afraid that they will not lose their tails.

In this regard, Ahmad Zaidi is very familiar with it. Who in Southeast Asia does not impose various restrictions because they are afraid of the Chinese.

Hatred or something is not for nothing.

"That, that, I..." Ahmad Zaidi's words were a little ink-stained, Sultan!

"You are still the Sultan of Sarawak. Of course, you can change your name if you want. I don't know much about the history of the Malays in Sarawak. I suggest you search for your own culture from history." As he spoke, Sean stretched out his hand and lightly touched Ahmad Zaidi's chest.

"Culture is the most fundamental way to bind people together."

"Culture, culture." Ahmad Zaidi muttered in his mouth, and he had some ideas in his mind, but they were not clear enough for a while.

"What is culture, different languages, unique festivals, distinctive costumes, and our own historical stories, these are all part of culture." Sean reminded.

"It's like Indonesian!" Ahmad Zaidi's eyes lit up and he understood it instantly.

Bahasa Indonesia is almost the same as Malay, except for a small difference in pronunciation, like HB and TJ, but it is hard to distinguish two completely different nations and countries.

Ahmad Zaidi looked Sean up and down again. This super rich man is not only proficient in security and kidnapping, but also proficient in how to rebel.

What kind of gene is it that makes this gentleman possess so many factors that give way to surprises!


Although he doesn't know much about what Xiao En said, the elders in each village, the head of the town and the imam are absolutely clear about it.

Thinking of the imam, Ahmad Zaidi thought of more. Thinking about it divergently, in fact, it can also be distinguished from the perspective of religion.

This has to talk about the YSL system, they have set up a special class of rentiers - imams.

According to the canon, the imam has the right to interpret the Qur'an, and has a noble social status and a strong appeal in the Muslim community.

this point is very important.

As long as the mind is open, Ahmad Zaidi has many ways.

Before leaving, Sean saw this guy's excited look, and made another request, "You know, you are the head of state of Sarawak, so you must declare the Declaration of Independence publicly."

"Of course, I know, it's like Lithuania!" Ahmad Zaidi smiled very complacently, and gave an example that just happened with a sense of humor.

Unlike Taib Maham and others, Ahmad Zaidi is not afraid at all.

It's not that he was fooled by Sean again, but from a political point of view.

Think clearly.

He is a Malay, and UU Reading is the head of state of Sarawak, so he should naturally stand on the side of Sarawak.

If he succeeds, he is the number one hero in the restoration of the Brook Kingdom. If he fails, he is using the 'broken window effect' to fight for the interests of Sarawak. He can win the votes of other ethnic groups in Sarawak.

Win or lose, he won!

Moreover, this slogan can be shouted for a long time, and it can be shouted all the time. Children who cry will have milk. Even if they only win autonomy, then he will win.

Of course, independent is better!

Sean didn't want to understand this until he left here.

Damn, despite their age and timidity, these old politicians are indeed quite capable in their professional fields.

Of course, I am also very good in the professional field of... ahem...!

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Read The Duke's Passion