MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 494 : Chinese control Sarawak?

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Latest website: When Ahmad Zaidi came down from the stairs, his eyes were a little dull, his footsteps were sloppy, his face was flushed, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

With this expression, if you say that you haven't done a lot of physical and mental labor on it just now, you won't believe it!

When the three bodyguards saw Ahmad Zaidi in this state, their eyes became strange.

His eyes kept moving back and forth between Ahmad Zaidi and the upstairs window.

There is a saying that hearing is believing, seeing is believing, look at the female kidnapper just now, and look at Ahmad Zaidi now...

The female kidnapper is... abominable!

What kind of skill is it to attack an old man in his 60s!

The bodyguards regretted not rushing up to block the boss and yelled, "Come at me for anything, don't touch my boss, I am in good health!"

The three of them are in the mood to joke now, and they are really not nervous. You can tell by the boss's expression, it's a good thing.

There is absolutely no danger!

Well, although the process is indeed quite scary.

But this is just a joke.

When Ahmad Zaidi came down, the bodyguard hurried over and asked, "Boss, did they...torture you!"

Ahmad Zaidi frowned, and glanced at the three bodyguards, you didn't want to call me Sultan!

Look at Mr. Sean, and then look at you!

Ahmad Zaidi's face turned cold, "Torture me, and then, what's the use of you, get in the car and leave."

The bodyguards were taken aback, wondering why the boss who seemed to be in a good mood just now suddenly changed his face?

After being reprimanded, the three of them didn't dare to say much, and quickly got into the car and drove out from the factory building.

The car was badly hit, but it doesn't matter, it can be repaired.

When it came to the Chinese, Sean finally didn't engage in any bondage... He didn't engage in the practice of forcibly hiring people.

If you are more familiar with it, just go directly to the shareholders of the Asian investment bank to help inform them, and let them come to see you in secret.

In Kuching, outside a villa by the sea, a car stopped, a man pushed it low-key and got out of the car, but no one greeted him. He looked up at the villa to make sure he was right, and then opened the door and walked in.

The nearest other villa is also more than 100 meters away. There are a few cars parked nearby, but no one can be seen, at least on the surface.

As soon as the man came in, everyone in the living room turned their heads and looked over.

"Minister Chen, you're here too!" Shen Qinghong asked with a smile.

Chen Kangnan was also taken aback when he saw Shen Qinghong. Someone sent a message that he was only asked to come here secretly, but did not say that there were other people, "Chairman Shen, hello, hello, I didn't expect to see you here."

Shen Qinghong: First Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak State Government and Minister of Finance.

Chen Kangnan: Deputy Chief Minister of Shazhou, Minister of State Industrial Development, Minister of Tourism and Heritage.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Wu..." Chen Kangnan greeted several other people in the house one by one, and the car he wanted to park outside belonged to them.

Several people greeted Chen Kangnan to sit over, and asked at the first sentence: "Mr. Chen has any inside information to disclose."

Chen Kangnan looked around, and shook his head solemnly, let alone no, even if there is, I will not tell you!

A few people didn't say much on this topic, but exchanged policy and business issues.

In the past two years, relying on the establishment of the Asian Investment Bank and the spread of its influence, the market that the Chinese can be involved in has further expanded, everyone's business has embarked on a new track, and the relationship between them has eased a lot.

While everyone was chatting, the door of the villa was pushed open again, and Sean stepped in.

"Mr. Sean."

"Mr. Sean." Everyone got up and said hello.

Sean also smiled and waved his hands. After shaking everyone's hands one by one, he said with a smile, "Hi everyone, please sit down. You're welcome."

After everyone is seated, Sean will

Said: "I asked everyone to come here secretly today, because I have something to let you know."

Hearing the ventilation, everyone's expressions changed.

It is definitely an earth-shattering event for someone with Xiao En's status to breathe.

"I am running Sarawak independence."

Just one sentence shocked everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, not sure if they heard it wrong.


Good guy, isn't this just rebellion!

There is an essential difference in thinking between Chinese and Westerners.

One is a group with a history of more than 2,000 years of great unification, and the other is a group that has been in a state of war and division. Their ideological attitudes towards independence are completely different.

In the eyes of Westerners, dissatisfaction, disagreement, and independence are normal.

In the eyes of the Chinese, you occupy the mountain as king, you are actually a warlord, all of these can be discussed and discussed, but independence is the kind of rebellion, which must be eliminated for no reason, and will never stop.

Therefore, the same question in the West has completely different meanings to the Melano, Iban, and Chinese.

The shock it brings is also completely different.

"Sir, what did you say?"

"Sarawak is going to rebel?"

"This, is this true?"

"What does the U.S. government mean?"

"How is this possible, Malay will go crazy!"

Everyone was shocked, but more frightened.

Rebellion will inevitably bring about war, and war will inevitably bring about fundamental changes in the existing political structure, and at the same time, it will also be a devastating blow to business activities.

Especially in Southeast Asia, in Indonesia and Malay, whenever such similar things happen, they are always accompanied by anti-Chinese incidents and riots.

Let's put it this way, no matter what the result is, the Chinese will definitely lose the most!

This is not alarmist talk, it is inevitable.

Everyone has property, and it is impossible to imagine how much loss this will bring, and it is normal to have panic.

Sean waited for a while, and after shocking everyone, he continued: "Okay, don't get excited, the matter is not as serious as you think."

After pressing his hands together, until everyone shut up, Xiao En said: "Sarawak was originally on an equal level with the Malay Peninsula, but now I am dissatisfied with the policies of Malays, dissatisfied with the neglect and contempt of Sarawak, I am dissatisfied with the exploitation and development policy, so it is just a means to seek better development and safeguard the interests of the people of Sarawak.”

This is called an official speech.

The point of the official statement is to define things.

Although... really, I don't believe it?

At least everyone present here is unbelievable, God **** seeks better development, **** protects the interests of the people of Sarawak!

What does the interests of the people of Sarawak have to do with you, an American.

Americans, it's **** strange for the US government to have such kindness.

Splitting Malays must be a conspiracy by the United States, and the United States must seek benefits in Sarawak and Malays!

You, Sean, must be looking for profit too!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally everyone's eyes fell on Shen Qinghong. He is the deputy chief minister with a high position and authority, so he must be the one who speaks.

Shen Qinghong's face was stiff, and he dodged his gaze towards Sean, "Mr. Sean, this matter, this matter, you know, the Chinese are not local aborigines, and they don't have much influence in politics, and they are also affected by various people. ethnic hostility, well, it’s not good to participate in this kind of thing.”

"Heh!" Sean sneered suddenly, "What are you thinking?"

"No, you think I'm going to pull you to rebel together, using the power of the Chinese to create a split or something?" Sean rolled his eyelids and glanced at the people present, "You think too highly of yourself!"

"I'm just letting you know."

The Chinese have been in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. It’s not that they have no strength, or few people, or no money, or lack of ability.

in a state of being suppressed.

This has a lot to do with the mentality of the Chinese in general.

Reluctance to participate in political events, unwillingness to stand out, and only thinking about maintaining one-third of an acre of land has a lot to do with it.

The first thing I think about when encountering a problem is not to join forces to strive for greater benefits, but to find reasons, fear difficulties, and think about avoiding losses for myself.

"Ah!?" These words were too unexpected and hurtful, embarrassing for the Sarawak Chinese 'leaders' present.

Embarrassed yet relaxed.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xiao En was expressionless and let out a hush in his heart.

If you don’t accept this group of people who are rich, they are rich, but they can’t build world-class enterprises. They fix their eyes on their own one-acre three-point land all day long, and they are far behind those Western capitals in terms of aggressiveness.

Fight inside, fight outside, fight outside!

However, Sean also admitted that this has something to do with history and culture.

Scholars, farmers, industry, and merchants. For thousands of years, merchants have been severely suppressed by the government, and they have been ruthlessly copying their families and exterminating their families. Even if it has been until now, and in the future, the situation will not change much.

Merchants have always been the richest, most careful, and most aggrieved group in Chinese history.

Well, it is second only to the work of engaging in "magic tricks".

As for the peasants... um... um, the poor common people, anyway, there are no such things in the first place, whether there should be or not.

Of course, in fact, the north is the country that attaches the most importance to the peasant class, and there is no such thing as great support.

No other country in the world will engage in three links for mountain villages that are deep in the mountains and have no economic value, no, negative economic value.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this history that these Chinese businessmen in Southeast Asia have a habit of shrinking when they encounter problems.

Self-protection is the main thing, and only after surviving can we talk about other things.

Thoughts were spinning in Sean's mind, without stopping, he continued, "Okay, I'm here with you this time, just to make you prepare in your heart, make good expectations, and appease the Chinese, so you don't need to panic."

As he said that, Sean told the whole story about the arrangements, including the contacts and promises made by Taib Mahmud, Batinggi, and Ahmad Zaidi.

The purpose is to tell the Chinese community that an agreement has been reached with the other three ethnic groups this time, and there will be absolutely no collective anti-Chinese incidents that occurred in the past or will not cause any losses to the Chinese industry.

Following Xiao En's narration, the eyes of everyone are slowly changing. The Kingdom of Bruno was restored, a constitutional monarchy was established, and the three major families were upgraded to the Sultan family. The child is going to turn red.

Crack the soil and seal the king!

This, this, this...

Hearing the end, Shen Qinghong, who had been avoiding it just now, kept changing his face. After pondering for a few times, he still said: "Mr. Xiao En, the Chinese are the second largest ethnic group in Sarawak, and they are also in an absolute position economically. It is far more than the other three races.”

The corners of Xiao En's mouth turned up slightly, looking at Shen Qinghong, his nose let out an 'um,' and said, "And then."

"We Chinese are also willing to use our abilities in the new country to help the country grow stronger." Shen Qinghong expressed his meaning in a very Chinese euphemism.

Chinese should be treated equally.

"First of all, you are wrong. This is not a new country. It is a country that has been standing in Sarawak for more than 100 years.

As he said that, Sean's tone changed, and he said with a playful look: "Also, Chinese Sultan, Chinese Prince, hehe, who will do it, you Shen Qinghong, or you Chen Kangnan!"

"Uh..." Everyone froze, not knowing what to say.

"A plate of loose sand!" Sean snorted coldly.

"This..." Several people's faces were ugly, and finally Shen Qinghong sighed heavily, with a lonely expression on his face, "It's not what we want, it's really a last resort!"

Xiao En's face softened a little, and he also admitted that, back then, without the support of my Qing Dynasty, a group of people were like rootless duckweed, scattered and fierce.

Those who fought died, and in the end only those who followed the crowd survived.

It's better to live as long as fuck, which makes it easy for them to make choices when they encounter similar things in the future.

"Now that you know it, you shouldn't covet it again!" Sean's tone softened, "Everyone here has experienced the establishment of Malaysia and the separation of Lixing City. You may have your own understanding from an economic point of view. However, I can tell you that this is a conspiracy in itself."

"A conspiracy against the Chinese."

Everyone looked up at Sean in shock, with disbelief on their faces.

It's not that everyone is not politically sensitive, it can only be said that we are in the middle of the game, and moreover, a lot of history, only on the day when it is declassified, everyone will suddenly realize it, and let out a resounding damn!

Sean briefly explained, and everyone stared blankly at Sean, with a question in their hearts: As for it?

Do you think highly of Southeast Asian Chinese?

Just think about the Chinese anti-Chinese movement promoted by the Dutch and the British time and time again in history, persecuting the Chinese at critical moments...

This may again be taken for granted.

Of course, this is just the words of Xiao En's family, and it may not be true or false, but it is still deeply buried in my heart.

"Okay, don't think about it." Sean continued, regardless of whether everyone believed it or not: "There is a Xingcheng, a Chinese country in Southeast Asia, and it is developing rapidly. It has already aroused the vigilance of many countries."

"Let the Chinese in Sarawak be fully integrated, hehe, the Malays can rest assured, or the Iban people can rest assured?" Sean sneered, "Do you think they can have the confidence to overwhelm the Chinese?"

Everyone looked at each other without saying a word, but the expressions on their eyes and faces already explained everything.

Oh, don't make trouble, natives!

"Look, no one thinks that they can outplay the Chinese. In the end, Sarawak will become the second prosperous city, a regional power with an area of ​​140,000 square kilometers, abundant resources, and a large population!"

As he spoke, Sean dipped his tea and drew a map of Southeast Asia on the desktop.

I tapped on the north side, tapped on Xingcheng, and finally swiped on Sarawak, and glanced at everyone's faces, "Do you understand?"

Everyone frowned, UU Reading seemed to understand, but also seemed to understand nothing.

"If the Chinese control Sarawak, then, from a geographical point of view, the Chinese will form a closed loop and bring most of Asia into their arms. This includes the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Benzi, Baozi, etc. All countries cannot accepted."

"Don't even think about it, it will kill you all like a bomb!" Sean slapped the table heavily, "You guys, do you want to die!"

The sentence "Do you want to die" scared everyone into sweat, and instantly extinguished that little bit of unrealistic fantasy.

Honestly, pretty good.

Looking at the map he had drawn, Sean suddenly had an idea to persuade the US Congress!

Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade Lao Bu, the US government, and the group of masters in the US Congress, but this wave opened his mind in an instant!

Good guy, what a windfall! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

Read The Duke's Passion