MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 492 : No money is not considered kidnapping!

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Latest URL: Sean still couldn't hold back, he felt that he couldn't wrong himself.

After all, I came to Sarawak to benefit the people of Sarawak!

Leaning sideways, leaning against the wall, squeezed past Patinggi Abangjo Obudan, and then said with a smile: "Well, let's chat in the next room later, you take a shower first, and you just drank Lots of wine."

The corner of Aubudin's mouth twitched uncontrollably. He knew that Sean thought that he just took off his pants and made it too disgusting.

However, politicians, how can you be called a politician if you want to be shameless?

Although it is only an indigenous politician, that is also inheritance.

"Mr. Xiao En is still thoughtful, ha ha, ha ha." Saying that, Obudan walked towards the bedroom.

Natasha smiled sweetly at Aubdan, walked up and stretched out her slender fingers to undress Aubdan.

Aubudin took a step back in fright. He didn't know the relationship between this woman and Sean, so it's better not to touch her.

Natasha didn't mind seeing this, she took two steps back, blew a kiss, turned around and walked out gracefully.

It wasn't until he confirmed that there was no one in the room that Obdan heaved a sigh of relief, and his face darkened a little.

I was designed by Sean, but I still don't know what that person is going to do.

Thinking of the ugliness that he had just taken off his pants in the living room, an evil fire rose in his chest.

Cursing, he doesn't dare now, the ghost knows if there is a camera installed here.

Thinking of the camera, his face became even uglier, the way he just swung his hips...

Ahhhhh! !

Should, shouldn't it?

What is Sean's identity, status, and behavior...

Sean: Fuck, how could I do such dirty things as videos, it was all done by the intelligence chief Armstrong!

Armstrong: Yes, yes, yes, what is wrong with the President of the United States, the bad one is the FBI!

Thinking of Xiao En's behavior, what was unscrupulous, vicious and so on in his mind, Aubudin's heart missed half a beat, and he was even more worried about what to do!

While thinking, he took off his clothes and went to the bathroom.

On the other side, Sean waited for a while, and Aubdan, who had finished washing, stepped in.

Sean didn't even get up, just smiled and said, "Look, after taking a bath, I feel a lot younger immediately, come sit, come sit."

"Just a little joke, Obdan, you won't be angry."

"No, no, that lady is very beautiful. As a gentleman, how can he be angry with a beautiful woman?" Obudin looked very generous.

"I knew it." Sean joked with a smile, "As expected of the Batinggi family that has been with the Brook family for more than a hundred years, it has been deeply affected."

Xiao En's sudden mention of the Brook family made Obudan stunned for a while, and he fell into the memory for a moment, with a look of melancholy on his face.

How wonderful it was then, where it was so intriguing as it is now.

Although there is a father on top of his head, but, being an Englishman at that time made him more comfortable than a group of damned Malay aborigines.

Why, everyone is aboriginal!

Since the merger with Malay, the Patinggi family has really given away a lot of benefits for more than 20 years.

Badinggi... Ah, the Iban people are suffering!

"The decision of the Brooke family to abdicate is too hasty." Aubudin shook his head and sighed.

"Is there still contact?" Sean asked with a smile.

"In the beginning, there were few of them in recent years. After Charles Wenner Winterbrook returned to the British mainland, it was fine in the first few years. Later, the family's several investments failed. Now Charles Wenner Winterbrook's son seems to have passed away a few years ago, but his grandson is still alive."

"You also think Brook Dynasty is good?" Sean asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Obdan was taken aback, looked Sean up and down, and finally heard the problem. Sean, an American, why did he suddenly mention Bu

It's about the Luke dynasty.

It is said to be a kingdom, but not many people actually know about it, even outside of Borneo, not many people know about it.

"Mr. Sean knows Sarawak very well." Obudan said meaningfully.

"Without any preparation, how could I come here secretly to meet Mr. Obudin." Sean smiled.

The word "Secret" made Obudin very alert, "I wonder who is Mr. Xiao En looking for this time?"

"Restore the Brooke Dynasty, correct the mistakes of history, and let history go back to the correct track where it should have been." Sean talked eloquently.

Obudan stood up in shock, his expression twisted, and he looked at Sean in disbelief, "Wait, what are you talking about? I seem to have misheard."

"I think you heard clearly." Sean laughed loudly, "It's nothing surprising, the Brooke Dynasty has just passed 40 years, isn't it, many people of that generation are still alive, and they all miss the rule of the Brooke family .”

"Am I right, Mr Pattinghi Abbonjo Obudan."

"For example?" Obudan frowned.

"Like the Melano people."

"For example, descendants of the Lanfang Republic."

"Mr. Sean has seen them?" Obdan's words revealed eagerness.

"I came to Sarawak secretly."

"Do you mean America?"

"No, I mean it!"

Obudin: Got it, what the White House means, who doesn't know your relationship with the Bush family!

"Why did the United States do this? The relationship between Malaysia and the United States is not tense, right? What good does this do for the United States?" Obudan asked rhetorically.

His political sensitivity is relatively strong, and what he thought of was that the United States would deploy in Southeast Asia.

But as to why he did so, he couldn't figure it out.

"I said it all, I meant it!" Sean said with a serious face.

"Okay, okay, what Mr. Xiao En meant, then, why?" Obudan said with a face that there were only two people in the room, as if you are still hiding what you are doing at this time.

Sean: "..."

What about the trust between people?

To be honest, no one would believe it!

"You shouldn't ask me why?" Sean smiled and moved his buttocks and sat down, stretched out his fingers and pressed heavily on Obudan's chest, "You should ask me, what good will this do for the Batinggi family!"

"You don't really think of yourself as a Malay, do you think of yourself as a loyal servant of Malay?" Xiao En sneered.

Obudin: "…"

Well, I didn't turn my mind for a while.

I really don't blame him for this matter, Sean's method is too **** low, which makes his first impression that Sean is playing tricks. If the impression is bad, the direction of thinking is biased, and his mind is full of America, yes Sean's conspiracy, where would he think of his own family.

"You are the patriarch of the Patinggi family first, the leader of the Iban people, then the Malays, and finally the government officials."

"You can understand me when I say that." Sean asked with a hint of lesson in his words without any politeness.

Obudin took a deep breath and let it out heavily. He did this several times in a row before he finally calmed down.

If the Brooke dynasty is restored, how much benefit will it have for him? Sean doesn't need to teach him at all.

40 years old, what the Patinggi family is like in Sarawak, what the future will look like.

That's the real emperor of the land, and he said what he said.

I am the sky, I am the law!

Of course, there are not so many economic interests, and many interests in the land are entrusted to the Chinese to help manage them. They are like those sultans in the Malay Peninsula, and enjoying life is enough.

The reason why they are all handed over to the Chinese is because the Chinese are all over Southeast Asia, all over the world, and have a complete business network, which is absolutely not available to them, the natives.

But now it is different, after World War II, the world's science and technology developed rapidly

development, communication is more convenient, and the world becomes smaller.

If the dynasty is restored, they will be Iban sultans, living a more luxurious life and completely escaping the shackles of the law. As long as the dynasty is still there, as long as the system remains unchanged, they will be forever.

The poison of feudalism has gradually receded in other places, but it is still deeply rooted in Southeast Asia and Central Asia.

Seeing Aubudin's breathing slowly and quickly, his face gradually turning red, Sean knew he wanted to understand.

Only then did Xiao En speak again, "The people of Sarawak have the right to decide the future of Sarawak, not to be interfered by other people, other nations, or other countries."

"National independence, anti-racial discrimination, and human rights issues are beyond doubt!"

"Yes, Sarawakians, Iban people have the right to feel that their own people's life, their own country, and not be exploited by the Malays." Obudan said viciously.

"It was exploited by the people of the Malay Peninsula. There are also Malays in Sarawak." Sean emphasized.

"No, no, Mr. Xiao En, they can also be Indonesians, Sarawakians, or Mud people, but they are not Malays!" If the language is similar, people of two different nationalities are forcibly kneaded together.”

"It's immoral, it's not against human rights, and it's even more undemocratic!"

Good guy, Sean looked at Obudin in amazement, okay, you know democracy!

"Yes, they can vote to decide what race they are. Let people decide their own race instead of being imposed by the government. This is very democratic and very American!" Sean said with a big laugh.

In the identity information of the United States, you have to fill in what nationality you are.

This is called democracy!

"The Malays won't agree." After laughing for a while, Obudan's expression became serious again. "In the final analysis, the country is still divided. Sarawak is unable to resist the Malays in terms of population, economy, and army."

"It doesn't matter, I will shoot!" Sean said calmly.

The brand-new Brook Kingdom has the right to hire umbrella companies to help in order to maintain the political integrity of its own country when it is beyond its own capabilities.

Umbrella Corporation is willing to help the Brook Kingdom maintain its own rule out of human rights and regional peace considerations.

"Then there is no problem." Obudan said after thinking for a while.

In his heart, if the United States supports it, then the world supports it.

He has more faith in America than Sean has in America.

"This matter is not a trivial matter. It is inconvenient for our Batinghi family to jump out and say something, so..." Obudan looked at Sean with some embarrassment.

These people want benefits but don't want to take responsibility.

Sean just smiled, "There will be times when Iban people need to speak up."

"Let's wait and see." Sean smiled and shook hands with Obdan lightly, then quickly retracted and rubbed on the sofa, "Oh, by the way, Miss Natasha, who just brought Mr. Obdan up, admires her very much. you."

"Oh haha, so this beautiful lady is called Natasha, what a beautiful name." Aubdan laughed with embarrassment flashing across his face.

"Yes, Miss Natasha is still waiting for Mr. Obudin in her room."

"Haven't asked who this Miss Natasha is?" Aubudan's mind reverberated with Natasha's alluring figure and her ever-changing temperament, and she suddenly felt a little ready to move.

What you can't get is always in commotion!

"Oh, she's Russian, she's a swallow," Sean said with a smile.

"Oh, it's Russia...what!" Obudin shook his head, and instantly became more conscious, "Swallow? Soviet Union?"

"Hmm." Sean nodded, "It's unique."

Legend has it that Yanzi is the most capable female spy, and she likes to assassinate the target while she is sleeping with someone with her clothes off.

No matter how carefully they checked, they had a way to bring the murder weapon in.

Someone guessed that their murder weapon was hidden


A small pistol would still fit.

This kind of gun is actually very common, and there are pistols specially produced for children in the United States.

The United States not only has pistols for children, but also assault rifles and submachine guns specially designed for children, highlighting democracy, freedom, and human rights.

"Hehe, hehe." Obudan laughed dryly, "This is a gift I prepared for Miss Natasha. In fact, the next banquet is still waiting for me. Next time, next time."

With that said, Obudin took his watch from his hand and put it on the table.

You can't give money, it's like prostitution, it's too disrespectful.

Natasha: I don't mind, I really don't mind!

"Well, that's really a pity, I think Miss Natasha will be sad." Sean smiled and sent Obdan out the door.

After a while, Natasha walked in, and Sean picked up the watch and threw it over, "This is a gift from Mr. Obudin just now."

"A!" Natasha picked it up and kissed it without hesitation, "What a generous gentleman."

What happened to the swallow, the swallow also wants to live!

Now that the Soviet Union can't take care of themselves, these swallows wandering outside, of course they have to find a new nest for themselves.

After driving Natasha away, Sean lay on the bed, it was getting late, and he didn't bother to change places to live, so he just stayed here.

I was just lying on the bed alone, and suddenly I couldn't help thinking, I remember that there are many beauties in Malay, what are they called...

Thinking, thinking, fell asleep in a daze.

Ahmad Zaidi, the current head of state of Sarawak, is equivalent to the sultan of other states in Malay.

Entitlement is somewhere between having and not having…

Yes, the Malay system is so strange.

This is like the emperor and the prime minister. If the emperor is particularly strong, it is natural that the world's major affairs will be decided with one word.

But if the emperor is softer, it is natural that the prime minister is in control, so that the emperor's orders cannot be sent out of the palace.

As long as the prime minister doesn't have any major problems and people catch him, then the emperor is a clay bodhisattva placed in a Buddhist altar.

It's just unfortunate that this is the case in Sarawak now, where Taib Maham has been in this position for more than ten years.

The old and immortal white hair seems to have taken root and sprouted, and it has grown firmly in the position of chief minister, and looking at it now, it can continue to do it!

Ahmad Zaidi was very depressed about this.

Early in the morning, on the way to work, Ahmad Zaidi was lying in the car, constantly thinking about when Taib Maham would die!

At the intersection ahead, a road maintenance sign stood on the ground, and a group of people in yellow jackets in front were doing maintenance near the sewer entrance.

A traffic policeman is directing the traffic because the roads are blocked.

Although Kuching, the cat city, is not very big, it is the capital on a land of 140,000 square kilometers. It has a large population, and the morning peak is quite busy.

The traffic police gesticulated solemnly to divert the traffic jammed at the intersection, and most of the vehicles were asked to go to the left intersection.

It's nothing, it's just going in circles.

When they got to Ahmad Zaidi's car, the traffic policeman changed his gesture and pointed to the right where there was no traffic.

The driver showed a satisfied smile. The traffic policeman was very winking. He knew it was the head of state's car, so he pointed to a road that was absolutely free from traffic jams.

Turn on the light and turn right, Ahmad Zaidi tilted his head and glanced at it, but he ignored it.

The car on this side had just turned around and accelerated, when suddenly a box truck overtook him and quickly merged in front of him.

The driver frowned, and cursed in his heart, who the **** is so ungrateful!

"Drip, Didi!" He honked the horn a few times.

Getting him out of the way is impossible!

There is no such reason in the world for a dignified head of state to give way to a fart!

As soon as the horn was pressed, the car in front immediately started to move. After the van adjusted its position, a long steel plate with the pattern of a washboard was lifted from the rear compartment with a bang. on the ground.

This accident startled Ahmad Zaidi's car behind him, and subconsciously tapped the brakes.

But before the driver could react, the car following behind suddenly accelerated and hit his butt.

As soon as Ahmad Zaidi's car stopped together, the van in front also braked suddenly like a coincidence, and Ahmad Zaidi's car was pushed uncontrollably, and his **** jumped into the van. in the box.

After the car stopped, two people ran down from the car, stepped on the steel plate and rushed into the compartment. At the same time, the van automatically recovered the steel plate to close the door, start, and leave.

It took less than 10 seconds before and after the accident. The people and cars nearby heard a loud noise, and then there was nothing else.

"Did you see clearly that there were three cars just now?"

"You're dazzled, aren't those two cars good?"


"Isn't it?!"

The car behind is exactly the same as Ahmad Zaidi's car.

The head of state of Sarawak just disappeared from people's sight on the way to work.

The inside of the carriage was pitch black, and the driver, bodyguards, and Ahmad Zaidi were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Up to now, they are still confused and don't understand what happened at all.

How could the sky change after just one brake?

The change was so sudden that there was no time for people to react.

What the hell, magic?

The panicked bodyguard wanted to get out of the car to take a look, but the space in the car was limited, and the gap opened by the car was impossible to get out.

I wanted to make a call, but found that the phone had no signal at all.

Just when everyone panicked, a voice from outside said, "Hey buddy, listen to me, don't get excited, our boss wants to ask Mr. Ahmad Zaidi to have a chat, be quiet, it will be good for you."

One sentence, falling into Ahmad Zaidi's ears, became two words, kidnapping!

No, are the robbers so rampant now?

Kidnapping the head of a region?

Is law and order in Sarawak already that bad?

Also, wasn't it the direction the traffic police commanded just now?

Things are all here, and Ahmad Zaidi contacted him before and after, and then he realized that there is something wrong with the traffic police, and the road maintenance ahead must be fake.

They are all kidnappers!

It's crazy!

So exchanged!

It's hard to guard against!

Who would have thought that the traffic police and road repairs were fake?

Even the convoy with the traffic police just now would not have thought of this aspect in the past.

In a large warehouse, Lorraine stood at the window on the second floor, looking at the incoming van, with a strange expression on his face, "How did you come up with these methods of kidnapping people?"

"It's so smooth, it's so smooth that it makes people panic!"

"What is kidnapping? It's 'please, please understand!" Sean pursed his lips and pretended to be angry and said, "You're insulting me. Kidnapping is asking for money. Do I ask for money? "

"I do not have!"

"How can it be called prostitution without paying money, ahem, how can it be called kidnapping!"

Lorraine rolled her beautiful eyes, twisted her waist, walked on catwalks, and walked downstairs.

Below, the van was parked, the back door was opened, and finally saw the light. The driver glanced at Ahmad Zaidi behind him.

Ahmad Zaidi was flustered now, but he couldn't show it. He just gave the driver a hard look, "If you don't reverse the car, what are you thinking? Are you going to stay here!"

Oh shit!

What kind of **** level is this bodyguard, too insecure!

The driver was scolded, and quickly reversed the car and went out. The angle may be a bit wide, and the ground bumped and bumped.

Twice, but no one cared about it at the moment.

People are going to be gone!

The car door opened, the driver and the bodyguard came down first, surrounded by seven or eight heavily armed men with guns and live ammunition.

They were all wearing helmets and masks, and they couldn't tell where they were from.

Anyway, he doesn't look like a good person.

Who is a good man covering his face and pointing an assault rifle at others!

There was a sound of pattering footsteps, and Lorraine in white came down the wrought iron stairs, "Mr. Ahmad Zaidi, good morning, our boss would like to have a chat with you."

Ahmad Zaidi was sitting in the car, his **** seemed to grow on it, and he didn't want to get out of the car.

It's not a question of whether it's afraid or not, it's just that it's a little reluctant.

Of course, it's not a question of whether he wants to or not at this moment.

Ahmad Zaidi got out of the car, looked up at Lorraine, his eyes were full of surprise, did the kidnappers start looking for such a beautiful secretary now?

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