MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 30 give her medicine

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The maid of Jiang's family hadn't slept since it rained last night. She had been frightened until she came to the villa in the morning, and she was relieved to see that there were no flowers in the yard.

Jiang Jinyi hasn't woken up yet, the weather has cleared up, and the potted plants have been moved back to the yard to bask in the sun, which is warm, as if the rainstorm last night was just a dream.

If only it were a dream.

Jiang Jinyi still hadn't come down from the second floor after twelve o'clock in the afternoon. The maid had to go upstairs to have a look, and found that Jiang Jinyi had shrunk into the quilt and lifted the quilt. When I saw it, my face was so red that I quickly took the temperature on my forehead, and I had a fever.

The maid hurriedly called Dr. Li and took a temperature measurement. The fever was 39 degrees, and she had to take antipyretics.

The maid was making medicine in the kitchen and chatting with another maid.

"How can the lady have such a high fever after a little rain, it's really distressing to see."

"You don't understand when you first came here. I have been with Miss for several years. Miss has suffered a serious illness before. Since then, her body has been unable to stand a little cold, and her body is very delicate. You I don't know, every time Jiang Dong is sick, he is very distressed."

"What's wrong?"

"Shh, this can't be said, Jiang Dong is taboo."

"Isn't Director Jiang here?"

"That can't be said."

"Just can't-"

"Is Miss ill?"

The two were talking about the taboos of this house, when a third voice suddenly came from behind them, which startled them both, they turned around and saw that it was Jiang Youwan and was relieved.

She stood straight behind the two in a long shirt, with a few strands of long hair hanging down her chest, her facial features were very high-end, her eyes were closed, she was cold and attractive.

The servant was stunned for a while. Although she had been with Jiang Youwan for many days, she was still amazed by her appearance.

Jiang Youwan lightly repeated her question.

The servant returned to his senses and quickly said, "Miss has a fever. It should have been caused by the rain last night, but the fever is almost gone now, and I will have to take medicine later."

Jiang Youwan nodded slightly, and the servant asked again, "Do you want to drink water? Or are you hungry?"

Jiang Youwan said: "Drink water."

"Then let me pour it for you, warm or cool?"

Jiang Youwan smiled, "Don't bother, I'll do it myself."

"Ah, good."

When Jiang Youwan first came here, everyone thought she was pitiful, but after getting along with her for a long time, she will find a problem.

She is very kind to everyone and seems approachable, but in fact no one can walk in with her, she is always polite, and what hides behind her politeness is alienation and indifference.

Always feel that she has a sense of mystery, unfathomable mystery.


The maid soaked the antipyretic and went to work on other things, and told the other maid to bring it to Jiang Jinyi in about five minutes.

Not long after Xiao Chen left, the servant also left temporarily for other reasons.

People didn't come back.

After another thirty seconds, there was no sound of footsteps around, and no one was approaching.

Jiang Youwan returned to the kitchen, cleaned his cups and put them back in place, carefully probed along the marble cabinets, and came across a plate, there was a still warm cup on the plate, Jiang Youwan You Wan picked up the cup with one hand and pressed it on the lid with the other. Step by step, he walked up the stairs leading to the second floor.

Jiang Jinyi woke up and slept again, with no strength all over her body, her head was dizzy and a little painful, her body was weak, and every time she had a fever, she would feel uncomfortable. cry.

The door was knocked lightly twice, and she turned over in the quilt without saying a word.

The door was gently opened and closed again, Jiang Youwan walked in, it was a completely unfamiliar environment to her, and she did not hate it, every corner was filled with Light hyacinth flower fragrance.

When you have a fever, the pheromone is uncontrollable.

Jiang Youwan searched for a place with a strong smell, groped carefully with one hand, stood beside Jiang Jinyi's bed, and said softly, "Miss, take your medicine."


"Miss?" Jiang Youwan called again.

The body wrapped in the quilt moved, "Go away..."

Jiang Youwan: "It's time to take medicine."

"Go away..."

Jiang Youwan groped and carefully put the medicine on the bedside table, but instead of leaving, she reached out and gently lifted Jiang Jinyi's quilt, with coaxing: "Miss, get up and take your medicine first."

Jiang Jinyi bored herself, ignored others, and seemed to fall asleep again.

Jiang Youwan waited for a while with no expression on her face, then called twice more, as if she had completed the task. Seeing that she ignored her and did not intend to take care of it, she turned around and went out the door , As soon as I grabbed the door handle, I suddenly heard Jiang Jinyi's weak voice coming from the bed not far away, "Uncomfortable..."

, let her know how bad you are."

Jiang Jinyi thought she was hallucinating, and blinked her eyes to confirm, "Who, who allowed you to come in?"

This woman broke into her room, her territory, without her consent!

Jiang Youwan accurately captured the anger from Jiang Jin Yijiao's hoarse voice, anger without the slightest deterrent.

Her voice was a little softer: "The servant gave the young lady some medicine, but she seems to have forgotten that she was busy with other things. I was afraid that the medicine would be cold, so I brought it to the young lady without authorization. "

Jiang Jinyi's eyes moved down along with her words, she really saw the water glass and pills in her hand, she was stunned, and her mind was sluggish.

I was afraid that the medicine would get cold, so I sent the medicine without authorization...


Jiang Jinyi's eyes flickered slightly, she blinked her wet eyelashes and looked at her, her voice weaker, "Then, then you are not allowed to come up..."

What she hates most is that others break into her territory without consent.

"It's your fault to enter my room without my consent. Miss Ben's room is not something you can come up to casually."

"Well, it's my fault." Jiang Youwan squatted down beside the bed, and said warmly, "You can blame me any way you want, take the medicine first, and then it's true It's cold."

She whispered softly: "Isn't it uncomfortable? It won't be uncomfortable after drinking the medicine."


Jiang Jinyi's lips were squirming, and the unfinished temper seemed to be extinguished. She would vomit when she smelled it.

She couldn't bear it anymore and lay back in the bed, muttering: "I don't take medicine, go away quickly, I'm going to sleep."

Jiang Youwan was unmoved, "Go to sleep after taking the medicine."

How bad, she doesn't like you anymore."

The threatening tone of a child can really irritate Jiang Jinyi.

"You dare to threaten me?" Jiang Jinyi opened her eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

Jiang Youwan's mouth curled slightly, and said softly, "Dare, why don't you dare?"

This is too arrogant!

Jiang Jinyi's wet eyes widened, and she was on the verge of exasperation. Her rosy face due to fever was more like being flushed with anger. She stared at her for a long time before she said, "You, you lied to me. ...!"

"You only promised me last night that I wouldn't tell my mother!" Her voice was hoarse and angry.

Jiang Youwan originally thought she would say cruel words like letting herself go, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a cry, you lied to me.

Why is she threatening her?

"I hate you. I liked you a little yesterday, and now I hate you even more!"

Jiang Jinyi was thinking last night whether she was too harsh on Jiang Youwan, she protected her flowers and said she was her sister, in fact she was pretty good, right? Or try to accept her?

No idea!

She is so bad!

Jiang Youwan froze again.

"Like you."

These three words are really unfamiliar to her, she never thought that these three words would be spoken to her one day.

I didn't expect...

I can imagine how she will look at the moment.

Are you crying? Should be in tears.

I used to like a little bit, but now I hate it all?

She suddenly chuckled, "I won't complain to your mother if you drink the medicine."

Jiang Jinyi was very stubborn, sobbing and saying, "I won't eat it."

"Huh?" Jiang Youwan raised his eyebrows.

Jiang Jinyi touched her tears with her hand: "Even if I don't take medicine, I can take care of myself, I'll just sleep, and you can leave me alone, okay?"

It's not good to be arrogant, Jiang Jinyi also knows how to act like a spoiled child, and her tone is much softer, with a pleading meaning.

Jiang Youwan pondered for a while, "Did all the medicines that the servant gave to the young lady secretly drained?"

Jiang Jinyi was pierced, bit her lip and said confidently, "So what?"

"You get sick so easily, why do you hate taking medicine so much? Can you tell me?" Jiang Youwan asked.

Jiang Jinyi was slightly startled, and asked her: "You won't let me eat it if I told you?"

Jiang Youwan smiled, "You can try it."

Jiang Jinyi blinked her eyes, her dull mind pondered the credibility of Jiang Youwan's words, and after a while, she whispered: "Because when I was a child, I had to I take a lot of medicine, and now I feel sick when I see the medicine."

Jiang Youwan understood and sighed, "No wonder the body is so delicate." A little rain will cause a cold and fever, much weaker than an ordinary omega.

"Okay, go back quickly, I'm going to sleep." Jiang Jinyi started chasing people again, Jiang Youwan shook his head, and said ruthlessly, "I want to eat."

Jiang Jinyi was stunned and looked at her in disbelief, "You lied to me again!"

"It's boring, soon, good, eh?" Jiang Youwan was very patient, and his patience made Jiang Jinyi fear.

She was extremely uncomfortable, and scolded her angrily: "Liar! Get out of my way, I don't want to see you, liar!"

If you take all your belongings, you will have nothing."

These words to scare children are literally killing Jiang Jinyi. Ever since Jiang Youwan came to this house, she has always been afraid of this.

What's more, Jiang Youwan said it himself.

Jiang Jinyi couldn't believe it, a woman who had been obedient to her before would dare to say such things to herself, and she turned her face all of a sudden.

Too much!

Grievance, shame and anger... All kinds of emotions are mixed together, and the fever is inherently fragile, which makes her unbearable, but she can't resist, and she feels aggrieved. Crying out, the tears flowed down in big drops, pooling from cheeks to chin, dripping on the quilt and fainting.

"Bastard! Bad woman!" Jiang Jinyi cried and scolded at her, "I must sweep you out, wait!" He took a pillow and slammed it on her. Accidentally, he hit Jiang Youwan's palm with a new injury.

The originally white gauze quickly dyed blood red, Jiang Jinyi was stunned, this was a new injury added last night to protect her.

Jiang Jinyi put down the pillow and didn't dare to move, and her tears stopped. She was frightened by the blood oozing in front of her, "You..."

Jiang Youwan was very calm, as if he could not feel the pain, he fumbled for the medicine on the bedside table, sat on the edge of the bed, carefully handed it to her, and said calmly, "Can you? If you can't drive me away, I'll drink it soon, and I won't say anything."

This person not only invaded her territory, but also threatened her, and now sits on her bed.

She never lets anyone touch her bed!

Jiang Jinyishuang was tearful and her eyes were particularly fierce, but she did not dare to touch her.

Jiang Youwan's other free hand rubbed her head, like she was taming a cat with fried fur, cautiously and gently, "Okay, if you don't drink medicine, It's uncomfortable, if you're uncomfortable, I'm not feeling well, can you drink it? You're the best baby after drinking it, and mother likes you the most."

Jiang Jinyi still didn't want to, she felt like throwing up when she smelled the medicine, she shook her head, "No—"

Which one just said a word, Jiang Youwan's hand that was rubbing her head slipped onto her cheek at some point, pinched her hard, forcing her mouth to open and pouring the medicine went in.


"Swallow," she said sternly.

Being forcibly injected with medicine, this is something Jiang Jin Iwan could not have imagined, but at this moment, she can only be pinched, staring at Jiang Youwan with wide eyes in disbelief, and being forced to swallow the medicine Going down, after drinking, the whole face turned even redder, and the eyes were moist, as if he had suffered a lot.

One cup bottomed out, she was so disgusted that she coughed violently, as if she would spit it out as soon as she drank it, Jiang Youwan raised his hand to help her back and coaxed: "Okay, Miss is not bad at all, I won't say anything without bullying me, okay?"

"Bastard! Woohoo woohoo!"

Jiang Youwan put the cup back on the bedside table, not giving her a chance to lose her temper, and took her into his arms, Jiang Jinyi's head was buried in the huge softness of her chest, and her ear was her All kinds of gentle comforts, her head was also very comfortable to be rubbed by her.

"Be good, stop crying."

Jiang Jinyi scolded: "It's all because of those idiots who don't read the weather forecast, making me sick with fever, I'm going to turn them on! All of them!"

"Okay, all on."

"Okay, I'll go."

"Okay, go to sleep."


Jiang Youwan speaks according to her, and is very good at comforting people. Jiang Jinyi was uncomfortable at first, and soon became tired of scolding. Gradually there was no sound, and Jiang Youwan fell asleep in his arms like this.

Jiang Jinyi fell asleep in Jiang Youwan's arms.

She was very good at finding a place and found the softest and most comfortable one. At this moment, Jiang Youwan felt that she was like her nurse.

Don't be fierce, be good.

When the person in his arms was completely asleep, Jiang Youwan carefully put her back on the bed and covered the quilt.

Get up again and turn to leave the room.

After tossing for so long, the servant who originally delivered the medicine only remembered to deliver medicine to the lady at this time, and hurried back to the kitchen to see that the medicine was gone, and hurried back, just pushed the river Jinyi saw Jiang Youwan at the door of Jinyi's room.

The servant was surprised, "You..."

Jiang Youwan closed the door and turned around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Miss has taken the medicine and fell asleep."

"Ow, is that so? Thank you." After thanking her, she was still a little scared: "Speaking of you, you are so powerful that you can find the lady's room even if you can't see it."

Jiang Youwan said lightly: "Her pheromone tastes very strong."

"Is that so?" The Jiang family's servants are all beta and cannot smell pheromones.

The maid suddenly and inadvertently noticed that the fabric on her chest was wet, "Hey, your clothes..." Why is it so wet?

Jiang Youwan was startled, then frowned slightly, and said, "I was accidentally splashed with water just now."

"...Oh." The maid nodded.

Jiang Youwan returned to the room, she immediately rummaged through the cabinet, fumbled for a clean piece of clothing, and put it on.

In the one just now, the fabric in front of the chest was all wet, and it was uncomfortable to stick to the skin. It was all the tears of the eldest lady.

She opened the window, her face was calm, but her ears quietly climbed red.

It's too hot.

The author has something to say:

Good afternoon baby, the next chapter will return to the main thread.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of rhyme; 15 bottles of readers; seulrene honeymoon every day, meaningful things, blue mountain, QAQ10 bottles; rhubarb, 495566245 bottles; Yuan Yiqi girlfriend 3 bottles; 2 bottles of overturned fish; 1 bottle of Sssteppen, Sorato, and Battlefield Haragawa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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