MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 31 little bird

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In the largest art museum in Beicheng, with an exhibition hall of nearly 1,000 square meters and hundreds of paintings, the exhibition with the theme of "Flower Sea" arrived as scheduled.

On the day of the exhibition, Jiang Jinyi wore a close-fitting fishtail dress with suspenders to set off her figure incisively and vividly. The icing on the face was painted with a charming makeup, and the tail of the eye was pointed upward, with soft branches and tender strips. stunner.

I don’t know how many alphas will be agitated by the pheromone.

Jiang Jinyi didn't want others to see that she had amnesia, and she looked cold and alienated, which was very in line with her previous character as a cold lady.

Until Wen Ye appeared at the door of the exhibition hall.


Jiang Jinyi thought she was confused, until Wen Ye saw her too, smiled and looked at her, she was sure that the person was really Wen Ye.

Aren't Ono in a foreign country? When did you return home?

! !

Wen Ye wore a red dress with wanton and enchanting makeup. Seeing Jiang Jinyi's dull expression, his smile deepened, and he walked towards her in a casual tone, "We meet again, little friend."

"We..." Jiang Jinyi was stunned, "...have you met?"

Also, why did Wen Ye call her a child as soon as she came up, isn't she twenty-three now? Not too small.

Wen Ye was also taken aback, "Miss Jiang, don't you remember?"

Jiang Jinyi came back to her senses and remembered that she had lost her memory, "Remember, remember."

Four years later, she actually knew Wen Ye, and she was already familiar enough to call her a child!

Jiang Jinyi pretended to be calm, but the corners of her mouth turned up uncontrollably.

Wen Ye suppressed the doubts in his heart and raised his glass, "Congratulations, the exhibition went well and everything went well."

"Thank you."

"I'm here, Miss Jiang seems very happy?" Wen Ye asked with a smile.

"Of course." Jiang Jinyi couldn't hide her excitement: "Didn't I tell you? You...are my idol." Speaking of the last two words, Jiang Jin Yi himself felt a little shy, and his voice weakened a lot.

"I told you." Wen Ye recalled the dinner a month ago, and it was so wonderful, whether it was photos or recordings.

It's all awesome.

Such a arrogant young lady who dares to love and hate is actually her fan, she will have a different kind of cute side when facing her, Wen Ye thinks, it is quite wonderful.

"Speaking of which..."


"Nothing, just want to ask, when did you start liking me?"

Jiang Jinyi was stunned for a moment, her ears were a little red, she turned her eyes away, "Why, why are you asking so straightforwardly."

"Pfft." Wen Ye joked, "I'm not asking about your liking, what's so shy?"

Jiang Jinyi suppressed her shyness and said earnestly, "It must have been six years ago, when I was only twelve years old, hmm!" Her eyes were round, and she quickly covered her mouth, realizing that to say the wrong thing.


Jiang Jinyi observed Wen Ye's expression, organized the language, and hesitated, "I'm talking about when I was twelve years old, maybe eleven years ago."

Wen Ye looked at her for a while: "Ow~"

The topic was diverted, and she hesitated just now because she noticed an extremely sharp gaze.

Someone is watching her.

Wen Ye glanced at her casually, her eyes were warning, warning her what to say and what not to say.

That seems to be the person next to Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan's secretary.

Jiang Jinyi has been stared at by Jiang Youwan?

A playful look flashed in Wen Ye's eyes.

It turns out that the entanglement between the two is not over yet, so interesting.


There are more and more people in the exhibition hall, most of them are wealthy sons and ladies, artists, screenwriters and directors, successful people in various fields, etc. The chatter and laughter were all compliments to Jiang Jinyi's paintings, which should have been very happy, but Jiang Jinyi always felt that something was missing.

The art exhibition she prepared so carefully, with so many beautiful paintings... I really want Jiang Youwan to see it.

I told her before, but she was so busy with work that she really couldn't get her body out of town, so she couldn't come.

She had imagined countless times before that she would hold art exhibitions with her own strength, and let her mother see and let her know that she was super powerful.

The proud and proud mood Jiang Jinyi really wanted to experience.

But now my mother is gone, and my sister can't come.

Why are all the people she cares about the most? Eighteen-year-old Jiang Jinyi is not more than twenty-three years old, and her mood is inevitably depressed.

Jiang Jinyi went into the bathroom alone and took out the lipstick in front of the mirror to touch up her makeup.

"Miss Jiang."

Suddenly there was a smooth male voice not far away, Jiang Jinyi raised her eyes subconsciously, looked in the mirror and saw a man in a white suit walking into the toilet door behind him. He looked handsome. He smiled at her in the mirror.

Jiang Jinyi looked at him for a while, but didn't know the person in front of him, and replied casually, "Hello."

"Congratulations to Miss Jiang, Miss Jiang is really excellent. She has such artistic achievements at such a young age. Your paintings really amaze me."

The painting is praised, anyone will be happy, Jiang Jinyi smiled lightly, "Thank you."

After saying thank you, she also made up her makeup and was about to turn around to leave. Liang Wei quickly stopped her, "Miss Jiang."

Jiang Jinyi stopped, "Is something wrong?"

Liang Wei smiled politely, "I want to discuss with you about the Jiang family."

Discussing the Jiang family?

Jiang Jinyi frowned, but she seriously looked at the man in front of her and thought it was a little funny, "Are you discussing Jiang's with me? What are you discussing about the Jiang's? Who are you?"

The tone changed immediately, to contempt.

Faced with Jiang Jinyi's contempt, Liang Wei smiled generously. She knew for a long time that the second lady of the Jiang family had a bad temper. She didn't take a look at him, not only him, many people would not flatter and give a good face, but he somewhat admired her temperament, people always like contrast, he thought, she must be submissive and soft. Very tempting.

Although she loves to work and has a temperament, she is really good-looking, especially the peach blossom eyes with no one in the eyes, arrogant and passionate, looking at it makes people eye-catching.

In the past, when Jiang Ningshu was there, she had willful capital. Now Jiang Ningshu is dead, and the entire Jiang family has fallen into the hands of Jiang Youwan. The outside world knows her relationship with Jiang Youwan Very stiff and bad, the relationship between the two sisters is a complete break.

I have offended so many people before, and even broke up with my eldest sister. Now the situation of this second lady is quite difficult.

But it's not hard to see that she really wants to take back the Jiang family.

Why don't you know how to restrain your temper?

"Miss Jiang, I have no ill intentions. My name is Liang Wei, the eldest son of the Liang family. We have met several times." Liang Wei had a warm and jade-like smile on his face. He took out a business card from his chest pocket, sandwiched it between his two fingers, and handed it to Jiang Jinyi.

Liang Wei took a step closer, and brought the pheromones on his body one after another to let Jiang Jinyi notice that the alpha pheromone is more like a male courtship, so that the other party smells good Smell the aroma, thereby enhancing the other person's goodwill towards you.

However, the inferior pheromone on his body was mixed with the too strong perfume smell, and Jiang Jinyi felt only pungent and uncomfortable.

Jiang Jinyi did not accept his business card, took a step back, his eyes were full of precaution, "Just talk, what are you doing so close? You don't think your pheromone smells good, right? Is it choking on purpose to make so much?"

Liang Wei's face froze, and he smiled again, "What kind of pheromone is a good smell? Miss Jiang, it hurts a little for you to say that, I am an A-level alpha ."

Only A-level, look how arrogant he is.

"Bad smell is unpleasant smell, a smell of cow excrement." Jiang Jinyi said: "Can you put it away, it's rude to distribute pheromone alpha, you don't know ?"

Cow's... excrement?

How disgusting this is, to smell the grass like cow excrement.

Liang Wei's face was stiff, and he pretended to smile generously, thinking tolerantly and generously in his heart.

He took the pheromone and went straight to the subject: "It doesn't matter if we don't know, we can get to know each other now, our Liang family has cooperated with the Jiang family on several projects before, and we know what Jiang Dong is like. , I also know that Jiang Dong's favorite is Second Miss, Jiang Youwan is just an outsider, Jiang Dong must want to leave Jiang's family to you."

"Our Liang family is on the same front as you. Maybe, we can cooperate to deal with Jiang Youwan and find out—"

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Jinyi was shocked by his bold words, "When will it be your turn to comment on our family's affairs? Mr. excrement smell, you go out Did you not take medicine?"

Mr. excrement smell?

The greatest humiliation to an alpha in this world is to say that she smells bad.

Liang Wei's face was a little dark for a while, but soon he reluctantly returned to his original state, but his tone was more serious, "Miss Jiang Er may not know, our Liang family is also in Los Angeles. One of the best leading companies, if it were not for the accident of Director Jiang, the two of us would usher in another cooperation soon, which is a more intimate cooperation."

What kind of cooperation, Jiang Jinyi didn't want to know, but Liang Wei mistakenly thought that she didn't believe in the strength of the Liang family, and told her confidently: "Miss Jiang Er can be with our Liang family, originally we two The family is planning to get married, if it wasn't for the death of Director Jiang..."

Liang Wei pulled out a smile that he thought was very attractive, "Jiang Dongken gave me the second Miss Jiang to be my fiancee, it can be seen that there are many—"

Before Liang Wei finished speaking, he splashed water on his face.


"Are you more awake?" Jiang Jinyi asked him back. He really burned his brain to say such crazy words.

Jiang Jinyi shook her hand, and many people were attracted by Liang Wei's voice and watched.

My shoes feel greasy."

Jiang Jinyi was really annoyed by what she said, and mocked him in front of everyone. She was not in the eyes of unexpected people. Liang Wei was different. Image is important.

This time I lost everything.

Being surrounded by people, Secretary Lin also heard the sound and dispersed the people who were watching in the toilet. Jiang Jinyi finally gave him a disgusting look and left the bathroom.

Liang Wei looked at her back, wiped her face and gritted her teeth: "Jiang Jinyi, I think you're a lunatic!"

Someone quietly handed him the paper and whispered to her, "Really, Mr. Liang, don't ask for trouble when they hold an art exhibition."

"I had a good conversation with Miss Jiang just now. Why are you stepping on someone's minefield? You've been splashed with water, you don't understand her temper?"

Liang Wei: “…”

Who knew that her own mother was dead and she could still be so arrogant, if she kindly offered to cooperate with her, it would be fine if she didn’t appreciate it, and it would be counted if she was humiliated in front of everyone by splashing water what's the matter?

From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever talked to him like this, humiliated him like this.

If it was before, Jiang Ningshu was still there, when Jiang Jinyi was still the most beloved eldest lady of the Jiang family, he would be willing to swallow it up. You Wan had a vengeance and was helpless, so why should he endure her?

Why are you afraid of her?

Does it splash water? He will too!

Liang Wei wiped his face with paper, his face was extremely gloomy, he took off the cap of the hand sanitizer on the sink, filled it with water, and went into the exhibition hall aggressively.

"Hey, Miss Jiang and Miss Jiang are here!" Someone suddenly shouted in the exhibition hall.

"Wow, why is she here? Did she come to smash Jiang Jinyi's place? I remember that Jiang Jinyi also smashed the place at her banquet last time, this time she is not going to return it, right? ?" Someone whispered.

Liang Wei was even more excited when he heard that Jiang Youwan was coming.

Who is the person Jiang Youwan hates most now? It was nothing more than Jiang Jinyi. Most of the time he came here to look for trouble. That was just right. He threw a face on Jiang Jinyi first. When Jiang Youwan saw it, he might have a good impression on him.

This exhibition, he's done!

Liang Wei walked through the crowd with a bottle filled with water, but saw that Jiang Jinyi walked towards Jiang Youwan naturally, and took her hand, seeing him She seemed to be frightened when she took the water bottle to splash water, and hugged Jiang Youwan's arm, her fingers unconsciously playing with the white jade Buddha beads on her wrist, looking very cute.

I even complained: "Sister, that **** bullied me..."

The elder sister's cry was extremely soft, and she was suspected of bullying others.

Not only Liang Wei, but everyone present was stunned. On the other side, Xiaoqin, who hurried over to help Jiang Jinyi to block the water, was also stunned, and pinched her jacket. Head down, step back.

When will these two sisters reconcile?

Jiang Youwan's long and narrow eyes are both charming and sharp, staring at Liang Wei, red lips moving: "What do you want to do?"

The tone was very light, but there was an indescribable ruthlessness.

The author has something to say:

Xiaojin: Sister is here, no one is afraid!

Sister (reassured): Good

Author: Alas, I’m thinking about a second update, but I don’t know if the reader’s mouth is sweet or not

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yunian 20 bottles; Shen Yeye wants to be healthy, xxx_10 bottles; Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, u.5 bottles; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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