MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 29 video call

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Jiang Youwan is not only a sister, but also a businessman, she will not do business at a loss.

Faced with Jiang Jinyi's "unreasonable" request, she made a request, and Jiang Jinyi was not allowed to fall in love.

Jiang Jinyi is of course full of promise, anyway, now she has no one she likes.

If there is someone you like in the future......

Jiang Youwan's tone suddenly became tough and said, "If you have someone you like in the future, I won't be so nice to you."

The tone was mixed with warning and threat.

It means that the person you like and the sister's are good, you can only choose one of the two.

Jiang Jinyi was a little embarrassed, but she still chose the former.

She didn't know how deeply someone looked at her when she was in a dilemma.


Three days later, I happened to meet Jiang Youwan on a business trip. It was a very important job. I couldn't go to Beicheng with Jiang Jinyi, so I sent Secretary Lin to accompany her.

The purpose of Jiang Jinyi going to Beicheng this time is to hold the unfinished art exhibition, and then move the studio and home back to Los Angeles.

The Jiang family owns a private jet, which was an 18th birthday gift from Jiang Ningshu to Jiang Jinyi. Xu An and Xiaojin were picked up by the Jiang family’s driver. Jiang Jinyi was already at the airport. Sitting lazily on the plane and playing with their mobile phones, the two of them seemed like they had never seen the world before. Looking at this, Xu An couldn't help sighing:

"Come on, you really deserve to be the richest man in Jiangcheng, Xiao Jin, why are you willing to let this go and not enjoy it—hmm!"

She wanted to say how Jiang Jinyi was willing to leave home with these unpleasantness.

Fuck, almost forgot.

Jiang Jinyi's attention was not on Xu An just now.


Xiaoqin immediately pulled her hand away and distanced herself from Xu An, for fear of Jiang Jinyi's misunderstanding.

She lowered her head and whispered, "Miss Xu, don't talk nonsense next time."

Secretary Lin also gave Xu An a warning look.

Xu An embarrassedly patted her face and turned away, "Oh, oh, nothing, nothing."

Jiang Jinyi looked back at her, Xu An always likes to talk nonsense and joke around, she likes to tease when she sees an omega, especially Xiaoqin, an omega who is simple and introverted and easy to blush.

Like Jiang Youwan, Jiang Youwan always likes to tease her, Jiang Jinyi thought dissatisfied.

It takes six or seven hours to fly from Los Angeles to Beicheng. Xiaoqin sits with Jiang Jinyi. Although she usually looks shy and sometimes stutters, when she talks about The work is particularly fluent and capable, with a special contrast.

She can handle everything suitable for the exhibition, and all procedures are well organized.

For someone like Jiang Jinyi who is afraid of trouble, it's great.

She couldn't help but ask: "How much salary do I give you?"


Xiaoqin was stunned and said a number honestly.

"So few?" Jiang Jinyi couldn't believe it and doubted herself: "When did I become so stingy?"

Xiaoqin immediately shook her head, "Don't be stingy."

Jiang Jinyi still said: " stingy."

This salary is sometimes not enough for her to buy a dress, but it is actually a month's salary for others.

Any servant in the family earns more than her.

All right."

At that time, Jiang Jinyi refused to spend the money given by her family, and all the money she used was earned by herself selling paintings. Ten thousand yuan or even hundreds of thousands of yuan, her salary for Xiaoqin has also risen all the way, and she has never treated him badly.

Jiang Jinyi looked at her like she was about to cry, and couldn't help laughing. Xiaoqin knew she was laughing at herself, she was a little shy, her ears were red, and she didn't dare to look at her.

Jiang Jinyi thought to herself, how could she blush more easily than me.

Jiang Jinyi said very generously: "I will give you a salary increase this month."

Xiaoqin raised her eyes quickly, "No, no..."

Jiang Jinyi muttered: "If outsiders know that Jiang Jinyi's assistant only has this salary, and it is rumored that he will be laughed at to death, Miss Ben doesn't want to be laughed at, it's very shameless, okay? "

Speaking of this, Xiaoqin immediately fell silent.

She can't shame the lady.

There was a feeling of emotion in her heart, she nodded and said, "Thank you, Miss."

Xu An came over, bumped Jiang Jinyi's shoulder, and said seriously: "Xiao Jin, you told me a while ago that you would give me a mansion, but now I have lost my memory and forgot, It can't be counted."

Jiang Jinyi tilted her head and asked Xiaoqin, "Really?"

"Fake!" Xiaoqin said quickly, "Miss, she lied to you, you never promised her to give her a mansion."

Jiang Jinyi gave Xu An a roll of eyes after hearing what Xiaoqin said.

Xu An: "......"

Looking at Ji Xiaoqin's expression, she was soft and fierce, with the words "Don't try to cheat my lady's money" all over her face.

Xu An turned his eyes away, and thought, do you like it so much?


It was already at night after getting off the plane. Secretary Lin had already arranged the hotel. After washing up, he fell asleep. The room was different from what Jiang Jinyi imagined. In a residential building, it was relatively small, but it was better than the exquisite decoration, which was the kind of feeling she wanted.

It is still rented.

Jiang Jinyi almost thought that Jiang's family had gone bankrupt once in the past four years, and she was actually reduced to the point where she needed to rent a house.

Xiaoqin explained to her that sooner or later she would have to go back to Los Angeles to develop, and the landlord was unwilling to sell it, so she could only rent.

Although it is far-fetched, it seems to make sense.

"We have been procrastinating for so long. Last time I heard that they would rent the venue to someone else. I told them before that they couldn't win it for a long time. I didn't expect it to be so good this time."

Xiaoqin sighed, "I'm always lucky to have a lady here."

I have been busy these days, busy preparing for the exhibition, busy understanding myself in four years, fortunately there is Xiaoqin, otherwise Jiang Jinyizhen will feel like a headless fly Same.

This night was also busy until 1:00 pm. It was eleven o’clock when she returned to the hotel after dinner and took a bath and lay on the bed. Jiang Jinyi fell asleep quickly in her bed. When it arrived, Jiang Youwan got her room card from nowhere and sneaked into her room.

Jiang Youwan took off her coat, climbed onto her bed, and woke her up punitively, her eyes were ambiguous and resentful, "You haven't called my sister for so many days? Do you know how much your sister misses you? Little bastard?"

Jiang Jinyi looked at her blankly, and threw herself into her arms, so happy, so happy...

The mobile phone on the bedside table rang, Jiang Jinyi was awakened, subconsciously looked in the direction of the door, her heart hung up, looking forward to whether Jiang Youwan really came.

It turned out that it was just the phone that rang. She took it and saw that it was a video call from Jiang Youwan.

She didn't take the initiative to find Jiang Youwan these days. First, she was too busy and tired. Second, she wanted Jiang Youwan to come to her first.

Jiang Jinyi rubbed her eyes, sat up, tapped the screen with her finger, and pressed the answer button.

The video shows Jiang Youwan's face and body impressively. She seems to have a stand to support her mobile phone. She is stuck in the soft sofa, holding Xiaoyu in her arms, wearing silk The high-quality robe is the style that ties the waist. I don't know if the collar was rubbed by the fish, but it has become loose and loose. The skin as white as milk is shown in the video. She looks at the camera with a smile on her face and skinny hands. He stroked the kitten in his arms every once in a while, with a kind of lazy **** and amorous feelings.

Jiang Jinyi was stunned for two seconds, the sleeping bug didn't know where it flew, and her heart beat faster.

This nightdress is the same as in the dream, but it is more itchy than the dream, I don't know if it is because of the screen.

Jiang Youwan is indeed a sss-level omega, and she can be so **** just laying on the sofa in pajamas.

"Xiao Jin, did I disturb your sleep?" Jiang Youwan's voice came slowly from the video, Jiang Jinyi was dazzled by the beauty, and then she recovered. .

"I'm going to fall asleep." She said softly, with a bit of a complaint and a hint of coaxing.

"Sorry, it's Xiaoyu who misses you so much and wants her to see you." The little fish lying in Jiang Youwan's arms was showing his belly, his round eyes turned to the phone Look, he meowed at her.

Jiang Jinyi softened and mumbled, "I want to rua little fish too."

The little fish looks bigger, it should be well fed by Jiang Youwan.

It seems to be very comfortable to be touched by Jiang Youwan now, she can hear her grunting through the video, while Jiang Jinyi is thinking about it, she is a little bit jealous of it.

She remembered that she was in the hospital at that time, she had just learned the news of her mother's death, she couldn't sleep at night, Jiang Youwan was coaxing her and touching her very comfortably.

Why is Jiang Youwan so good at coaxing people? People can coax people, and cats can coax too.

Xiaoyu always likes to run to her room, is it just to find her to touch her belly?

"Does Xiao Jin only want small fish?" Jiang Youwan said sadly.

How could Jiang Jinyi not hear what Jiang Youwan was saying? She snorted twice and asked, "Only Xiaoyu misses me, so no one else misses me?"

Jiang Youwan chuckled, her fox eyes curved into a charming arc, she said softly, "Xiaoyu can't speak, if only Xiaoyu misses you, who will make the video for you?" She Missing Jiang Jinyi flashed in his pupils, but he didn't hide it at all.

Jiang Jinyi also smiled, deliberately being arrogant and not as good as Jiang Youwan's wish, "It must be the little fish that pressed it with its cat's claws, it is very smart."

"Xiaoyu is very smart." Jiang Youwan looked at her and said, "For the sake of Xiaoyu thinking about you so much, Xiaojin sends Xiaoyu good night every night, okay? "

Good night to the little fish.

Jiang Jinyi is not an idiot, of course she knows that Xiaoyu can't read WeChat, and it's not Xiaoyu who made a video call to her.

She figured it out and felt that it was not worth it: "No, give your phone to Xiaoyu and let it send me good night."

Jiang Youwan raised her eyebrows and scolded her in a low voice, "Idiot."

Being called an idiot, Jiang Jinyi became anxious, "I'm not an idiot!"

"Xiaojin is an idiot." Only an idiot would be so anxious when he was called an idiot, Jiang Youwan said: "Xiaoyu will make video calls to idiots, and idiots will miss her sister instead of looking for her. , are you right, Xiaoyu." She lowered her head and rubbed Xiaoyu's chin.

"Meow~" Xiaoyu was rubbed comfortably, and meowed, as if agreeing.

"I-I didn't miss you." Jiang Jinyi lifted the quilt and tucked half of her face into the quilt to hide her anger.

"It's so sad." Jiang Youwan seemed to be very depressed and injured, slender fingers circled around the cat's ears, and whispered in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, I'm always selfish. ."

I feel that I really seem to have hurt Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Jinyi buried her face deeper, lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Actually, I actually miss you a little."

You are not being selfish.

"Sister misses you too." Jiang Youwan smiled immediately, "Don't be a fool, okay?"

It's just good night, nothing more, Jiang Jinyi is still hesitating, in the video, Jiang Youwan smiles even deeper, like a fox that has eaten meat. She didn't know when her neckline was wider, and the tie around her waist was loose, as if it would fall to the ground at any time. She sat up straight and approached the camera, and whispered good night to Jiang Jinyi in the video.

Jiang Jinyi seemed to be bewitched by ghosts and spirits, and also said good night to her.

Jiang Youwan smiled charmingly, and replied to her in a **** nasal voice: "Good night, baby."


Until she hung up the phone, Jiang Jinyi was in a fluttering state, lying in bed thinking for a few minutes before she recovered.

She always felt that she was bullied by Jiang Youwan just now, not that kind of bullying, but that kind of bullying, weird.

But the elder sister is called the younger sister baby, it seems nothing.


Before going to bed the next night, Jiang Jinyi turned over on the bed for a long time before she sent Jiang Youwan a good night. Within two seconds, she added: fish. 】

It is for small fish.

Jiang Youwan did not express or respond to her words, but returned her a very cute cat good night emoji.

The model in the expression pack is Xiaoyu.

She was lying on the cat climbing frame, sleeping lazily.

Jiang Youwan deliberately took it and made it into an emoji!

It's hard to imagine that someone like Jiang Youwan could actually do such cute things.

But if she really falls in love in the future, will she also call her boyfriend or girlfriend baby? Will you also send Xiaoyu's emoji to others?

Well, no!

Absolutely not.

Jiang Jinyi realized later that her sister seemed very interesting and attractive.

Tricked her into wanting to... Video her again.

What nightdress will she wear tonight?

The author has something to say:

Good afternoon baby

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Motorcycle Maintenance Art, Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, Gfhchj, Ah Qing. 5 bottles; 1 bottle of Battlefield Haragawa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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