MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 9

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The person who came was Chen Haoyi, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials. Ever since Shangshu Yu Junliang died in prison, he was a little impatient.

He has been in office for many years, and he finally got a promotion opportunity. Logically speaking, he should be qualified for this vacancy, but the emperor has not issued a transfer order for a long time, which made him sleepless and afraid that something might go wrong, so he thought of coming to Zhao Yelan to blow the wind.

The last time he went back to visit Zhao's mansion, he got a positive answer. He was excited for a few days when he went back, but found that Zhao Yelan had been busy with his marriage and had no time to pay attention to his affairs. He also heard that the colleagues who visited Zhao's mansion in those few days almost broke through the threshold, and he became flustered again. He was not the only one who wanted this great opportunity.

So taking advantage of this day, he prepared a big gift again, and visited her on the grounds of congratulating her on her wedding.

"Congratulations to General Yan and congratulations to Master Zhao. It's really a blessing to see you two are so loving." Chen Haoyi calmly stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his clothes, picked up the things in his hands, and walked into the room with a smile. lobby.

It's a pity that the flattery hit the horse's leg, Zhao Yelan glanced at him sternly, straightened up and returned to his seat, without giving Yan Mingting another look.

Yan Mingting smiled and said generously: "You are..."

"I'm the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, Chen Haoyi." Chen Haoyi said his name respectfully, without feeling abrupt, it's normal that more than half of the people in the court would not recognize this general who just returned to Beijing.

"What are you here for?" Yan Mingting asked straightforwardly, Chen Haoyi glanced at Zhao Yelan hesitantly, Yan Mingting said clearly, "It seems that you are not looking for me, then you guys talk first, I will go out for a while. "

After finishing speaking, he lifted his saber and left in a cool and unrestrained way, completely different from Zhao Yelan's big fanfare when he was traveling.

Zhao Yelan watched him leave, then stepped back and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Chen Haoyi explained his intention again. Before leaving, he carefully handed him some snacks wrapped in paper, secretly took out a house deed from his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "This is a house in the north of my city. If adults like it, you can use it as an idle house."

Zhao Yelan had a half-smile but not a smile: "Master Chen is out of touch now. As I said, the final decision on this matter is the emperor, and I can't just say a word or two."

"Lord Zhao is modest, how about this, you just need to say a few words in front of the emperor, this house is yours." Chen Haoyi raised his eyebrows at him, affirming that as long as he is willing to whisper in the emperor's ear, don't do it for others As long as you can help, coupled with your own qualifications, this seat is within your reach.

"'s hard for you to visit again and again, so Zhao will be disrespectful." Zhao Yelan took over the deed and watched him leave like a spring breeze. Nothing happened, so he asked Xiao Gao to clean up and go to the north of the city to take a look at the house .

It is rare that these two days have been sunny, and the temperature is also on the rise, and a stick of tranquilizing incense is still burning in the sedan chair.

Xiao Gao put a thin blanket on his lap, opened the curtain, looked at the weather outside, and said happily: "Hurry up and warm up, so that your body will get better."

Zhao Yelan closed his eyes and meditated: "It's not so easy."

"My lord's condition is better today, and he only coughed thirteen times this morning." Xiao Gao said, "Is it because I went to practice with the general?"

"No." Zhao Yelan shook his head, he would rather believe that it was because of the weather.

"Speaking of the general, I think he is a good man. He met me in the morning and asked me for my name. According to Butler Tan, the general knows the names of every servant in the mansion." Xiao Gao said.

"Is this a good person?" Zhao Yelan twitched his lips, "Then tell me, am I a good person?"

"Of course you are!"

Zhao Yelan looked outside, and some people looked over, and those who knew him backed up a few steps in fright, for fear of bumping into him and being taken to prison.

"Look, no one thinks I'm a good person, so your judgment is wrong." Zhao Yelan said with a smile.

"It's because they have no eyes." Xiao Gao beat his leg, "There are not many good people like you who kill people and collect their bodies."

Zhao Yelan laughed in a muffled voice, as if he had hit his nerve of laughter, he couldn't stop laughing out loud.

"What made Madam so happy?" Yan Mingting's face suddenly appeared outside the window.

The laughter stopped abruptly, Zhao Yelan looked at the lingering person: "Why are you here?"

"I came out to do some errands. I smelled Madam's smell from a long distance away. I came here to see it. It really is you." Yan Mingting followed the sedan chair for a few steps, then yelled to stop, and got into the sedan chair.

"Who allowed you to come up?" Zhao Yelan said displeased.

"Then Mrs. Lao raised her hand, let me take a seat, and let me taste the comfort of this sedan chair." Yan Mingting folded his arms on his chest, leaning against the sedan chair, and sighed contentedly, "Oh, there is still something to eat. .”

Seeing that he was going to take the plums from the plate, Zhao Yelan stretched out his hand and slapped his hand away: "Dirty hands don't touch my things."

"It's so particular." Yan Mingting clicked his tongue twice, withdrew his hand, looked out the window for the route, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhao Yelan asked back, "Where are you going?"

"I have nothing to do, I can accompany you around." Yan Mingting said leisurely, holding the saber in his arms.

Zhao Yelan stared at the sword for a while, then heard screams outside, glanced at it, and shouted: "Stop the sedan chair."

The three stood in front of a store, and a man was thrown out by several burly men, and rolled right in front of them.

Crying bitterly, the man grabbed Zhao Yelan's hem, raised his head and saw a weak young man, and asked for help: "Help me, lend me one hundred taels, and I will pay you back one hundred taels when I win! No, I will Give you one thousand taels back!"

Zhao Yelan watched his clothes being crumpled by his dirty hands, and stepped on his face: "Let go, you mere ant."

Xiao Gao immediately dragged the man to the corner next to him, Yan Mingting couldn't help but take a second look, and then looked at the banner hanging outside the shop, a big "gambling" character was in the middle, and there was a commotion inside from time to time .

"What are you doing in the casino?" Yan Mingting asked.

"What else can I do? It's a gamble." Zhao Yelan raised his foot and walked in. Yan Mingting was two steps behind, and when Gao Tan left and returned, he pretended to ask, "Gao Tan, you guys?" Did your lord intend to come to the casino?"


"Then where are you going?"

"I don't know." Gao Tan scratched his head, "My lord's behavior is the most unpredictable. He often goes out to do one thing, but turns around to do other things."

This kid looked simple and honest, and his words were sometimes stupid and sometimes shrewd. Yan Mingting couldn't tell the truth from the fake, so he had to follow him in to see the situation.

In the clear sky and daylight, people come and go in the gambling house. This is the largest gambling house in the capital. Many people have made a lot of money from here, and even more people have lost their fortunes and committed suicide with hatred. But no one will have a heart of sympathy, and the right is to watch the excitement before proceeding to the next gamble.

Everyone's emotions in the gambling house were magnified, their emotions and desires seemed to have been robbed, and only the words "lose" and "win" were left in their minds.

As soon as Yan Mingting entered, he spotted the target at a glance. Among the crazy and noisy crowd, Zhao Yelan sat soberly and indifferently in front of a table. His whole body was covered with valuables, attracting attention.

These gamblers seldom care about major affairs in the world. When they see the children of rich families coming to the gambling house, they will unconsciously step forward to watch, so as to see what will happen in the end.

Zhao Yelan chose the simplest way, only betting big or small, but the hand was generous, and the first hand was an expensive jade pendant.


Yan Mingting squeezed in from the crowd and stood beside him, seeing him calmly placing bets with a look of sure winning, he asked Gao Tan in a low voice: "Does he come often? Are you sure?"

Before Xiao Gao answered, he heard the dealer shout, "Xiao."

Yan Mingting: "..."

The people around let out a "huh" and lost so much at the beginning, the discussion gradually became more and more people gathered around.

Zhao Yelan took out another jade pendant from his waist: "Big."

The dealer shook the dice cup and opened it: "Small."

For several rounds in a row, Zhao Yelan bet big, but none of them won.

Some people couldn't hold back, and bet against him specifically, and won a lot. Others followed suit and made small bets one after another.

Not far away, when another loser heard about this, he squeezed over and was shocked when he saw the appearance of the person sitting on one side.

Ordinary people may not know him, but he is Li Yucheng, the son of the Right Prime Minister, so he naturally knows Zhao Yelan a little bit. Zhao Yelan targeted his father everywhere in the court, which made him hold grudges all the time.

He observed in secret for a while, and was gradually attracted by the bets. He found that Zhao Yelan was losing every game, and secretly ridiculed him for being taken advantage of. Didn't they give away money for nothing? They thought Zhao Yelan was so powerful, but he was a fool.

Zhao Yelan lost more than 20 rounds in a row, and lost all the valuables on his body. The dealer asked him if he would continue, and everyone around him booed.

The more it is at this time, the easier it is to jump into the pit without hesitation as long as others turn on the fire.

Yan Mingting saw Zhao Yelan clearly determined to gamble, and was a little curious about what else he would come up with to bet on. Unexpectedly, the next moment, Zhao Yelan took the saber from his hand very naturally, and put it on the table. Once released, he said proudly: "Big."

Yan Mingting: "..."

"Is your sword worth money?" someone questioned.

"This sword is an item that General Yan of Yan Mingting wears all year round. Do you think it's worth it?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Hearing this, everyone was startled, and they all looked away from the gambling table, looking at the tall and straight man next to him, the more they looked at him, the more they felt that he was imposing and majestic.

"But according to the rumors, isn't General Yan ugly? This brother, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like..."

"That's right, I've heard that General Yan has a fat head and big ears."

"You are fooling us."

Everyone said what they said, but the dealer proposed to take a sword and ask the people above, Zhao Yelan nodded in agreement.

About a quarter of an hour later, the dealer returned, cupped his hands and said, "It is indeed the general's sword."

Everyone gasped, for a moment, they didn't know whether to be surprised that General Yan was so handsome and unrestrained, or surprised that General Yan also came to gamble with them?

"Wait, if he is General Yan, then who are you?" Someone asked.

As soon as these words came out, the noisy gambling hall was quiet for a moment—may I ask which man would General Yan accompany to the gambling hall on the second day of his wedding, and would he be willing to stand by his side and offer his sword?

Everyone had an answer in their hearts, and they stared at him with different expressions.

Zhao Yelan smiled faintly, without answering, turned to look at the dealer: "Can we start?"

Once back to the game, everyone stared at the table again intently. Some daring people placed a small bet, but more people did not dare to bet.

Everyone stared at the dice cup, and after a while, they exclaimed, "It's small again!"

Amidst the wanton ridicule of the crowd, Zhao Yelan got up and left sadly, but was bumped by someone.

"I thought it was so powerful." Li Yucheng glanced at him arrogantly, as if he forgot that he had already lost everything today, and secretly bet two small bets, and it was all thanks to Zhao Yelan that he managed to win back some pocket money, "Wait If you are free, do you dare to gamble with the young master?"

"Welcome anytime."

Zhao Yelan looked at him for a moment, but was blocked by Yan Mingting: "You lost my sword just like that?"

Zhao Yelan shrugged, walked to the door of the gambling house, and said without looking back: "I would like to admit defeat. If you want to come back, you can go to the people in the gambling house to ask for it. Show your identity and press it. People dare to accept things from the general."

Yan Mingting left angrily, and Zhao Yelan went to a nearby restaurant in a good mood. He didn't have any money to settle the bill, so he sat in the private room for a while, and a person dressed as a waiter offered the money: "Master, take these things back Bar."

Zhao Yelan picked and picked, took back a few ingots of silver to settle the bill, and returned the jade pendant: "The business is doing well, and these are the rewards for you."

"Thank you, my lord, then this saber..."

Zhao Yelan glanced at it, and said angrily: "Just put it with you, don't let me see it again, and no one is allowed to redeem it."


Zhao Yelan watched the sword disappear from sight contentedly, tapped his finger on the teacup twice, and asked, "Li Yucheng often comes to the workshop recently?"

"Yes, according to your instructions, let him win a few hands from time to time, so he comes so often." The man asked, "...Do you want us to order directly?"

"No need." Remembering Li Yucheng's arrogant attitude, Zhao Yelan smiled, "It's not yet time."

Now that the annoying Yan Mingting was gone, according to the original plan, he made another trip to the north of the city and saw that the house was nice, so he returned to the General's Mansion in the warmth of dusk.

"It's just in time for you to come back, follow me to the school grounds." Yan Mingting walked towards him, and was about to walk out while holding his arm.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Yelan's brain ached when he heard the word "school field".


"I won't go, you let me go!"

Pulling and tugging at the gate, this kind of feeling of being manipulated by others is very annoying. Zhao Yelan was so annoyed that he pulled out the sword on the guard at the gate. Before he could lift it up, his neck felt cold.

Yan Mingting moved faster, picked up another guard's knife, put it on his neck, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to use this trick again?"

Zhao Yelan stared at it for a long while, then silently put the sword in his hand back into the scabbard.

Yan Mingting raised his eyebrows: "Will you go to practice?"

Zhao Yelan: "...can't you practice in the mansion?"


The author has something to say:

Zhao Yelan: True Desire to Survive

Read The Duke's Passion