MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 8

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For the joy of the wedding, the emperor spared Zhao Yelan and Yan Mingting from the three-day morning court as a show of sympathy.

It's just that the three-day rest period is nothing special to these two people. The former often misses morning court due to physical reasons, while the latter hardly ever goes to morning court.

But it's not completely indistinguishable from the days before.

After all, the two are now husband and wife in name, and there is one more person around for no reason, so there are many places that need to be adjusted in daily life.

After Zhao Yelan took a bath, he changed into a purple robe with intricate patterns embroidered on the bottom of the lapel, the cuffs were crocheted with gold threads, and the white lining on the hem was piled up in layers. When he walked, he seemed to be spreading clouds in the sky. , it is very difficult for someone to present the rich and indifferent temperament appropriately at the same time.

Yan Mingting took a few more glances, thinking that if he were to wear this dress instead, it must be the effect of Guan Gong wearing a flowered dress, which is nondescript.

The two sat down in the lobby. According to the rules, they were going to serve tea to their parents-in-law this morning. Yan Mingting took him to the memorial tablet and burned a stick of incense for the two elders, it was regarded as a visit.

"Since we will get along day and night in the future, let's clarify some things first."

"Say what?" Yan Mingting felt from his serious expression and the servants of the Zhao Mansion standing in the center of the hall that what he was about to say was probably very solemn.

Zhao Yelan picked up the teacup, skimmed off the tea foam from the lid, and said, "For example, your living habits."

"Oh, life habits. Mine is very simple, start at midnight, practice, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sleep at midnight." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan looked sideways: "What about other times?"


Very boring.

Zhao Yelan took a sip of tea, frowned slightly, put down his cup, and said, "Change to a cup of tea."

"What's wrong?" Yan Mingting wondered, not sure if there was a problem with his answer or the tea, he looked down at the tea in his hand, "Don't you like this tea?"

Xiao Gao received Zhao Yelan's look, and stepped forward to explain forcefully: "We adults only like to drink Longjing, and what Longjing needs is Mingqian tea from West Lake. "

Yan Mingting was stunned when he heard that.

Zhao Yelan: "What kind of tea is this?"

"It's just picked from the back camellia tree." Yan Mingting said.

"Don't drink." Zhao Yelan looked at his people, "Go and change tea."

Butler Tan saw the maidservant of the Zhao Mansion across the street hurrying to change the tea leaves, and couldn't help feeling sorry for the general: "Mrs. Zhao, you don't know that the tea leaves in the General Mansion were grown by the old lady herself, so the general I have been ordering people to pick it every year, and I am only willing to make two cups for distinguished guests."

"Is that so?"

Seeing Butler Tan's anxious look, Yan Mingting sighed heavily under Zhao Yelan's questioning eyes: "Hey, yes. This is all my mother's wish. If you don't drink, I'm afraid that her old man will Missing you, I came to give you a dream in the middle of the night."

Zhao Yelan: "..."

Butler Tan was shocked, seeing Yan Mingting secretly blinking at him solemnly, he quickly lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

"Since it's for distinguished guests, it's even more important to keep it for me. It's not suitable for me to drink." Zhao Yelan smiled lightly, then looked at Yan Mingting fixedly, "After all, I'm not a distinguished guest. , but the master."

"Yes yes yes, you're right." Yan Mingting couldn't refute, and ordered people to put away all the tea leaves, so that they wouldn't be brewed for this master in the future, hmph, ignorant guy.

While waiting for the new tea, Butler Tan proposed to take Zhao Yelan to visit the mansion. Although the General's Mansion is simple and old, it occupies a large area, so it would be good to take advantage of the two days' free time to get acquainted with the environment.

Zhao Yelan had no objection, got up and followed behind them, the sachet around his waist dangling with his steps, and his eyes also dangled with it.

Zhao Yelan turned his head to look at Yan Mingting expressionlessly: "What are you looking at?"

Yan Mingting pointed to the sachet curiously: "This smell is different from the previous ones."

I used to sneeze when I smelled it, but this faint, faint fragrance is just right, suitable for this weather, and also very suitable for this owner.

"Of course it's different. I have a lot of sachets, and they have all kinds of flavors." Zhao Yelan proudly raised his head, separated some distance from him, and observed every corner of the mansion.

There are many wing rooms, but because they are not occupied all the year round, they already exude an old smell. Even after some repairs, they have not been fully restored.

"You should always live in the capital from now on, why don't you take care of yourself?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"There are not many people in the mansion, so why bother to spend a lot of time, no one will live in it after repairing it."

"There aren't many people?" Zhao Yelan looked back at the old people from the Zhao Mansion he had brought, "Then let's recruit a group of servant girls tomorrow."

Yan Mingting hastily stopped him: "We only have two masters in total, so it's inconvenient to ask so many people to do something."

"It's inconvenient for me if there are fewer people. These people in your house don't know how to serve people at all. They are very slack. They can't even make lotus tofu soup well. They just chat around in the kitchen." Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting: "They have been used to staying in the mansion since they were young, so they are definitely not as good as the people in your mansion, they are as smart as you."

The two quarreled over this matter again, butler Tan persuaded: "How about... let's go to the study first?"

Zhao Yelan flicked his sleeves and strode into the study room. As soon as he entered the door, he raised his hand, covered his nose with his sleeve, and waved his other hand: "How long has anyone been here?"

Butler Tan explained: "The General's Mansion has never liked to use the study."

Zhao Yelan walked in with a frown, and ordered: "Clean this up, and I'll go back home tomorrow and move all the things in my study. The room is too dead, clean it well, and put some wormwood to smoke it... here , put a table on it. Over there, give me a little seat to put on the table, and prepare the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, remember, it must be the inkstone of Jinming Pavilion."

The people in the General's Mansion were stunned and wrote down one by one, and several people rushed to make arrangements.

After only visiting a few houses, there were not enough servants, Yan Mingting finally understood why he wanted to recruit servants.

Thinking that there are still so many houses to visit in the back, and not knowing how many orders there are still in that mouth, seeing Zhao Yelan walk to the door of his armory warehouse, he quickly grabbed Zhao Yelan's arm and pulled it back.

Zhao Yelan was caught off guard and turned around. Before he could see what happened, his vision went dark and he bumped into his broad and powerful chest.

A faint fragrance lingered in front of him, Yan Mingting lowered his head to look, happened to bump into Zhao Yelan and raised his head, those eyes that seemed to be quenched by cold light gave him a hard look.

Yan Mingting forgot what to say for a moment, just thought it was funny, so he laughed twice.

"Let go." Zhao Yelan angrily shook off his hand, and subconsciously touched the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

"Then what... What I mean is, do you want to go to the backyard to have a look? This room is full of knives and sticks, it's not good if you accidentally get hurt." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan looked at him for a while, then turned and walked in another direction: "Lead the way!"

Yan Mingting breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly told Butler Tan: "Don't let him in this house from now on."

On the one hand, he was really afraid of hurting people with swords and guns, and on the other hand, he was worried that if Zhao Yelan got interested, he would come here to burn some incense. These babies would be so fragrant, would he still be alive?

The General's Mansion has been depopulated for many years, Zhao Yelan knew about this situation, so he just ordered to make some changes, but when he came to the backyard, he still underestimated the situation of the General's Mansion.

I saw a field specially set up in the backyard, surrounded by fences, and there was a group of chickens in the circle. The roosters walked around the circle vigorously with their combs on their heads, and the hens were looking for food back and forth. .

The maid in charge of raising chickens ran over skillfully, picked up two eggs from the nest, and put them in her arms.

Those who didn't know thought they had entered the farm, Zhao Yelan looked at the chattering place, pointed at the chicken coop and asked in disbelief, "You actually raise these things in the mansion?"

"Yeah." Yan Mingting didn't find it strange at all, and enthusiastically led him to the small fish pond behind, "Look at these again."

Zhao Yelan supported his forehead.

High-ranking officials and dignitaries are very particular, and they will build small bridges and flowing water landscapes in their yards, which are both beautiful and unique, as well as Fengshui. The General's Mansion is good, there is a small bridge with flowing water, but the fish inside are not the common red and yellow carps that are used as ornamentals, but a group of commonly eaten fish such as perch and Anhui fish, which are hidden at the bottom of the water and only occasionally float to the surface. out of the water.

"What are you doing raising these in the mansion?"

"Don't you think it's very energetic?" Yan Mingting raised his eyebrows triumphantly, pointed to the chicken pens and fish ponds, with a proud expression as if saying that this is the country he laid down, "Who said my general's mansion It's lifeless, look, how lively it is."

"Other people generally don't say that the General's Mansion is dead." Zhao Yelan met Yan Mingting's questioning eyes, and said slowly, "It's just that you can kill stars, even dogs are killed."

Yan Mingting rubbed his chin, pondered: "Unexpectedly, they know quite a lot. Most of these living things are about to be killed by me."

Soon, Zhao Yelan knew what he meant by "restraining death".

The food on the table is freshly served, steaming, steamed sea bass, boiled fish fillet, fish head with chopped pepper, hot and sour chicken offal, ginseng chicken soup... There are also several side dishes, which almost use chicken and fish to the extreme .

"...Is this how you killed them?" Zhao Yelan asked.

"I'm sending them to reincarnate earlier, don't worry, I've recited the mantra for them, and they shouldn't fall into the animal realm again in the next life." Yan Mingting picked up a piece of fish, and ate it with gusto.


These are the specialty dishes prepared by the chef, so they are obviously not as good as the delicacies that Zhao Yelan has eaten, but after this whole morning's tossing, his appetite has been opened up, after a few bites, the taste is acceptable, so eat it in a leisurely manner After a meal, I am quite satisfied.

But it is impossible for him to eat these every day.

After several hours of understanding, the living habits of Zhao Yelan and Yan Mingting can be said to be worlds apart.

A luxurious and ostentatious, a simple and convenient.

If you want to live in harmony, you have to make concessions to each other. But Zhao Yelan, he doesn't want to live in harmony, let alone give in.

"If you can change it, that's the best. If you can't, we will separate the rooms. Aren't there so many houses in the backyard? You can take your people to live with your chickens and fishes." Zhao Yelan said.

"No, you asked me to change, at least tell me exactly what to change?" Yan Mingting didn't know why.

"First of all, you have to wash your hands first when you go back home, especially when you come back from the school grounds, you will smell bad." Zhao Yelan said annoyed.

Xiao Gao on the side added honestly: "Your Excellency likes fragrance, we all want to be fragrant."

These words fell into Butler Tan's ears, and it was not a pleasant feeling anyway—a general who practiced martial arts, what's wrong with the smell of sweat! That is a majestic masculinity! Unlike some people, who are proud of their fragrance of makeup and powder.

He snorted, but was overheard by others, Zhao Yelan gave him a sideways glance: "Butler Tan seems to have something to say?"

Butler Tan was startled, bowed his head and confessed: "This old slave has nothing to say."

"Is there anything else?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan: "Also, there are too few servants, the food is too hard, the tables and chairs are too old, the wardrobe is too small, the bed boards are too hard, and the chicken coop is too smelly... Just think of these for now, let's replace them all first."

Yan Mingting pondered deeply, but Butler Tan became impatient: "General, don't agree, we can't stand this grievance!"

Zhao Yelan leisurely played with the jade pendant on his waist, the crystal clear jade shuttled between his fingers, he smiled slightly: "Since you can't bear it, then let's separate, the accountant will also be separated, Zhao's mansion belongs to Zhao's mansion, the general's mansion Returning to the General's Mansion, let's not interfere with each other and just be friends, how about that?"

Butler Qin thinks this proposal is very good!

Although there is no news in the capital of any newlyweds who split rooms on the second day of their marriage, General, this is a special situation. Two big men can only sleep well if they share a room. It is spacious!

Butler Tan winked at Yan Mingting quietly, but Yan Mingting said surprisingly: "Yes, I will change all of these, and I will arrange to replace the things you want to replace immediately."

Zhao Yelan paused and looked up at him: "Really?"


"Why did you agree so readily?" Zhao Yelan asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to share a room with you." Yan Mingting sat on the chair and stretched comfortably, "It's rare to marry such a beauty, how can you be left out in the cold?"

Knowing that he said that on purpose to irritate himself, Zhao Yelan couldn't help being angry, his expression changed a little, he smiled suddenly, suppressed the anger between his brows, stood up and walked in front of him, raised his chin, and breathed like blue: "General Are you telling the truth?"

Yan Mingting held his finger funny, waiting for his reaction: "Yes."

The person in front of him tilted his head, put it close to his ear, and slightly hooked his lips: "My sachet not only contains incense, but also poison, it depends on whether you have the ability to steal the incense."

The warm breath fell on Yan Mingting's skin deeply and lightly, causing a thin layer of trembling. This is different from the excitement and fear when leading soldiers to fight. It is the breath from another person, which easily makes him stiff In this way, it is an unknown and novel experience that has never been experienced before.

With a sound of "shua", the saber revealed a little light, extremely sharp, Yan Mingting asked with a low laugh, "I wonder if your poison takes effect faster, or my sword is faster?"

The four eyes faced each other for a long time.

However, the outsiders didn't hear what they were muttering, and they didn't feel the tense atmosphere. The servants only saw that the two masters were arguing about the room division a moment ago, and they talked about love in an instant, and then went head to head. Whispering, with a smile on his face, it's shocking.

"Master Zhao, someone wants to see you!"

As soon as the gatekeeper's voice fell, an extra figure appeared at the door. From a distance, he saw the terrifying Zhao Yelan, leaning on Yan Mingting's chair, lowering his head as if to kiss General Yan forcefully. He was so frightened by this scene that he tripped over the door.

In broad daylight, the sky is bright! General Yan, you have been molested so miserably!

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