MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 31

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Many people have already arrived at the camp, and everyone greeted each other. When they saw them, they immediately came forward to say hello.

"General Yan will have a big harvest today."

"Deputy General He is also very energetic. It looks like we're going to hunt a lot of good things today."

He praised these generals one by one, automatically ignoring Zhao Yelan who was powerless.

Zhao Yelan didn't want to make false claims with them, so he just sat down on his seat and saw those martial arts practitioners coming over to talk to Yan Mingting and the others, his words were full of longing and admiration.

The two father and son of the Yan family can be said to be role models in the minds of all warriors.

The others also slowly arrived. At this time, Eunuch Gao shouted: "The emperor is here."

Everyone stood up and saluted. Zhao Xuan came out wearing a strong attire, and said with a loud smile: "You don't need to be too polite. Today is the day of hunting. Everyone can go to battle according to their skills. If anyone can hunt If the tiger hunts down, I will reward you a lot.”

A group of people were eager to try, and after he finished speaking, they couldn't wait to ride into the forest.

The ministers were old and old, but their children were young and energetic, and they were riding their horses to find their prey, and even Li Yucheng was among them.

Bows and arrows were distributed uniformly. Zhao Xuan picked up the quiver and when he was about to set off, he subconsciously glanced at Zhao Yelan.

Looking at each other, Zhao Yelan smiled and nodded, as if encouraging.

Zhao Xuan smiled back tacitly, and raised his voice, "General Yan, let's go together."


Yan Mingting lifted his bow, jumped onto the horse, tightened the reins, and looked at Zhao Yelan vigorously, but Zhao Yelan gave him a neutral look: "Don't be complacent."

The corner of Yan Mingting's mouth raised, and he gave an order: "Let's go."

He Cuizhang and others followed one after another, the sound of horseshoes gradually faded away, and the people who were still there waved the dirt and dust splashed in the air.

After entering the hunting ground, Zhao Xuan separated from Yan Mingting and the others. He was fond of riding and shooting, and he didn't want to use Yan Mingting's skills to obtain prey, so he went to the other side to hunt with a few followers.

"General, what should we do now?" He Cuizhang asked.

"Then there's no need to get together, everyone can play according to their own abilities." After Yan Mingting ordered, Zhong Yuehong turned his horse's head and rushed into the middle of the forest excitedly.

Even though it was far away from the hunting ground, the civil servants sitting in the camp could hear the neighing of the horses and the roaring of the prey inside, which sounded a bit scary, especially some people's children were still inside, which was particularly worrying.

The Prime Minister on the right seemed to be afraid of Li Yucheng's accident, so he called a few followers to follow him in to find someone.

Someone laughed at him: "Li Xiang, don't you write poetry now?"

Li Jinyu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I can't do it right now, I'll do it later."

The others laughed loudly, and some added embellishments and said, "By the way, I heard that Zhao Yelan and General Yan hanged Mr. Li on a tree in the street a few days ago. Is there such a thing? You are the right prime minister!" , how can I live so uselessly, if it were me, I would definitely..."

"What must happen to you?" Zhao Yelan asked with a smile.

The man's tone paused, he didn't expect him to pick up this sentence, na na he didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Zhao Yelan: "I remember that your young master is thirteen years old, and he won't die if he hangs himself overnight. I'll catch you tomorrow..."

"Lord Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I made a slip of the tongue, so don't bother with me, just let my son go." The man hurriedly begged for mercy, knowing that he was forgetting himself for a while, even though Zhao Yelan is only a seventh-rank Hanlin now, but He may regain the emperor's favor at any time, not to mention that Yan Mingting has already done bad things with him, so there is no guarantee that he will not be driven by him.

Zhao Yelan smiled faintly: "I'm out of tea."

"I'll add it for you." The man trotted over quickly, refilled his tea and water respectfully, and handed the teacup to him with a smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yelan threw the water out as soon as he took it.

"Too hot."

The man endured it, and poured another glass for him under the complicated gazes of everyone. Zhao Yelan took it and said calmly, "Okay, it's nothing for you here, go back."

The people sitting around Kan Chuan couldn't help muttering, and a censor said, "Why is this Zhao Yelan still so powerful? It's really shameful! I will definitely take a copy of him tomorrow morning!"

"It's useless." Kan Chuan said, "He will say that the other party was the first to speak rudely, and when he splashed the water, he insisted that it was too hot and caused it to be unstable. The emperor will not deal with such a small matter, and it will only make the emperor think that your censor is a day I only catch trivial things at night."

"What Lord Kan said is true. But since our censor can't say anything, why don't Lord Kan talk to the emperor? The emperor has always summoned you alone recently, so he should listen to your opinions seriously, right?"

"The censor said carefully, the emperor summoned me to discuss important matters concerning the common people, not to listen to me suing the officials. If I really did that, then what is the difference between me and Zhao Yelan?" Kan Chuan said righteously When he finished speaking awe-inspiringly, all the people of Qingliu agreed and admired him very much.

"But, should he continue to be so arrogant?" Another person asked.

Kan Chuan looked at Zhao Yelan, who also happened to look over, and his eyes met. He said calmly, "Although he is in peace now, don't provoke him easily. Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. Who will go at this time?" Step on his feet, if he turns over in the future, he will suffer."

When other people heard this, they also made the same reasoning. Wasn't Master Liu just like that? This Zhao Yelan hadn't turned over yet, yet he dared to ask Mr. Liu to pour tea for him in front of so many people, but he didn't dare to think about how it would develop in the future.

Sitting nearby, Wang Guisheng listened to their conversation and looked at Zhao Yelan with a complicated expression. He felt a sense of arrogance in his heart, and wanted to wipe out this traitor, but he would always think of Zhao Yelan talking with him. On the night of poetry and poetry, warm food and warm wine, words of encouragement, won such a real appreciation that has never been seen before.

When Zhao Yelan looked over faintly, he subconsciously straightened his back, not knowing how to face the other party. When he was struggling, Zhao Yelan had already looked away. While he was relieved, he also felt a subtle sense of loss.

"Master Zhao, I've found you." Ruan Xian walked over with a smile. The camp was spacious and there were many officials who came to participate. Yelan sat down beside him familiarly, "How is your health?"

"Thank you for your concern, it's nothing anymore..." Zhao Yelan withdrew his inspection gaze, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, coughed a few times, and continued, "It's a serious problem."

"I said it's okay." Ruan Xian said with concern, "It's really a coincidence, my brother-in-law went out to see a doctor and hasn't returned yet, but I have already passed a letter to him, and I will return to Beijing in two days , will give you a good diagnosis."

"Don't bother."

"Hey, haven't we met? You and I hit it off right away. Although I call you Mr. Zhao, I treat you like my elder brother in my heart." Ruan Xian laughed.

Zhao Yelan smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Ruan, for your kindness."

Ruan Xian smiled unexpectedly: "If you want me to say, let's stop calling you adults, how about I call you Brother Zhao?"

"Alright." Zhao Yelan nodded in agreement.

Ruan Xian was a little happy, and wanted to have a drink with him, it could be seen that he was always coughing, so he had to taste the wine by himself.

The two sat and chatted for a while, Ruan Xian didn't know what came to mind, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhao, I see that you have a very good relationship with General Yan, can you tell him, don't be angry with me every time you see me?" Looking at me ferociously made my heart flutter, and I don't know where I offended him."

"What else?" Zhao Yelan asked in surprise.

"Yes, when I saw him these few times, he would stare at me a few times without saying a reason. I have never had much contact with him, and I don't know what made him unhappy. Although he is handsome, he can be fierce. It's a scary time, I'm really afraid of him." Ruan Xian complained incessantly.

"No, what I'm asking is, when did you see that our relationship is getting better?"

"..." Ruan Xian frowned, "Isn't it good?"


"Uh..." Ruan Xian saw that he was sure that his relationship was not good, and he was not sure, and began to suspect that it was just his own illusion, "That may be my misreading."

"You must be wrong." Zhao Yelan affirmed.

The time limit for hunting is one day, so lunch is also eaten at the camp. Everyone gathered together to eat, and suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, and someone came back.

"Drive!" Li Yucheng was the first to come back, sweating all over his head, and shouted excitedly, "Dad, I've caught it!"

Everyone looked over curiously, and saw a group of attendants following him carrying a dozen rabbits.

In an instant, the whole room roared with laughter, not wanting to see his riding and archery skills in a word. Li Yucheng laughed so much that he felt ashamed and lowered his head listlessly.

Only Li Jinyu patted him on the head with a smile on his face: "Yes, Dad is very happy, as long as you are safe and sound, tell Dad how you hunted them?"

Li Yucheng's face was full of joy again, he pulled him to sit down, and vividly talked about the scene inside: "There are too many things inside! There are also leopards and big tigers, so scary..."

The others turned their heads with a smile, Zhao Yelan couldn't help but take another look, seeing that no matter what Li Yucheng said, Li Jinyu listened very carefully, and would echo a few words and say some words of praise.

"You said that our right-hand minister has a good literary talent, why is my son so useless?" Ruan Xian lowered his voice, shook his head and sighed.

Zhao Yelan lowered his eyes sadly: "This is Li Yucheng's blessing."

"It's true, Li Yucheng has been comfortable all his life when he met such a doting father, unlike me..." Ruan Xian's tone was filled with sourness, and he immediately laughed, "Forget it, since there is no such a good father, You can only rely on yourself."

Zhao Yelan twitched the corner of his mouth and said softly, "Yes."

In the afternoon, the temperature rose a bit. Fortunately, the camp was shaded by trees, so it wasn't very hot. Zhao Yelan sat on a chair and took a nap for a while.

Which adult has hunted a deer, and which son has shot a wolf... There are congratulatory voices all around, which is very noisy.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at these people who had hunted trophies. They were surrounded by everyone and told about the experience inside, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

"I heard that the tiger is difficult to tame, can anyone go there?"

"The emperor has gone, he...Look, isn't the emperor coming back now?"

Everyone looked over one after another, and Zhao Yelan followed suit, and saw Zhao Xuan riding out on a majestic horse, his clothes were still stained with blood, and his attendants were pulling a wooden cart with the corpse of a tiger on it. , just looking at it is scary.

The ministers dispersed one after another, watching and not forgetting to say a few words of flattery.

Zhao Xuan was in a good mood, and ordered the tiger to be cut up and divided among everyone. When he caught sight of Zhao Yelan's figure, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

"Your Majesty's prestige remains the same as before." Zhao Yelan complimented.

Zhao Xuan laughed loudly, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I'll give you the tiger skin when the time comes, to keep you warm from the cold."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhao Xuan turned around and looked at other people's achievements, and praised them without hesitation, which was very lively.

Not long after, He Cuizhang and Zhong Yuehong also came back, He Cuizhang hunted the wolf king, and Zhong Yuehong captured the leopard.

"That's right, the two lieutenants are really young and promising." Zhao Xuan walked in front of them, laughed loudly, and when he looked at Zhong Yuehong, he was full of praise, "General Zhong is so skilled, he really does not give way to a woman." .”

"Your Majesty, I'm honored." Zhong Yuehong cupped his hands, performing a soldier's salute.

Zhao Xuan glanced at her appreciatively, then looked away: "All of you are back, why didn't you see Yan Mingting?"

"Yeah, why hasn't General Yan come back yet?" Someone asked.

"The general was never with us, and we don't know." He Cuizhang said.

Zhao Xuan counted the number of people and found that there were still a few princes from the family who had not returned, so he ordered everyone to continue to wait.

"Then let's guess what General Yan will bring back?" One person suggested.

"But the tiger has been captured by His Majesty, the wolf king and the leopard have also been captured, what else can be hunted?"

"There is also a bear. It seems that no one has brought it back yet."

"Yes, General Yan must have caught the bear."

At this moment, the person in charge shouted: "Report! Wu Zhuangyuan hunted down a black bear, twelve geese, and a deer."

"Hey! It turned out to be the work of Wu Zhuangyuan!"

"Then what else can General Yan catch?"

"There is nothing powerful in this forest anymore, maybe the general is going to fight the nine-headed bird in the sky hahahaha."

Everyone laughed, at this time some people already showed sneering expressions, and they all suspected that this famous general would not be ostentatious, would it be okay if he couldn't even hunt the first prey?

Others and deputy generals also came back one after another, and they gained a lot. Seeing that Yan Mingting hadn't come back, the group automatically came to Zhao Yelan's side.

Zhao Yelan turned his head and asked, "What did he do?"

The lieutenants naturally sensed the ridicule of others, and He Cuizhang replied, "We haven't seen him either... Could something happen?"

Zhao Yelan frowned, and secretly glanced around, inexplicably feeling that everyone present might have set a trap for Yan Mingting.

On the one hand, it is because the Yan family army has too much power, and on the other hand, it is because of myself, there are too many people who have made enemies with me, so I start with the people around me first.

Normally, they would not be able to easily murder Yan Mingting, but today they took advantage of the spring hunting opportunity to set up some traps in the hunting ground, then let the wild beasts in, and finally declared that they died at the mouth of the wild beasts...

He looked at Zhao Xuan suddenly.

Zhao Xuan noticed a sharp gaze, turned his head to look at Zhao Yelan, and when he met those deep and dark eyes, he couldn't help but froze.

For so many years, he has seen Zhao Yelan show such a dangerous look countless times, but he will never treat him like this. Every time he looked at himself, Zhao Yelan's eyes were always fragile and filled with unspeakable emotions.

When he looked over again, the other party returned to normal, as if it was just an illusion just now, and even smiled gently at him, which made him really suspect that he was too tired and had hallucinations.

Not Zhao Xuan, Zhao Yelan thought.

He soon came to his senses. Although Zhao Xuan was afraid of Yan Mingting, he still needed his army and would not use such a lowly scheme to murder Yan Mingting.

If he wanted to harm Zhao Yelan, it would be an easy task, and he didn't need to go through a lot of trouble to get rid of Yan Mingting first.

At this moment, there was a slow sound of horseshoes in the forest, and everyone looked over after hearing the reputation, and Yan Mingting finally appeared at the entrance.

Yan Mingting came out slowly on a horse, half of his long hair was blown up by the wind, his eyes were like stars, he sat on the horse's back, and looked around blankly. There is obviously no one behind, but for no reason it makes people feel that there are thousands of troops behind them, ready to go. This is an invisible deterrent.

"Son!" An adult from behind the crowd suddenly shouted, and then pushed forward, "Son, what's wrong with you?!"

Only then did everyone come back to their senses and saw a person lying in front of Yan Mingting. Hearing the voice, the person raised his head helplessly and stretched out his hand, "Father, cough, cough, cough..."

Yan Mingting picked him up by the back with one hand, and someone else immediately went to follow him, and he said to that person: "Young Master Ling was almost bitten by a wild dog, please send him to the doctor for a careful examination."

"Thank you General Yan!"

There was an imperial physician accompanying her, and Zhao Xuan immediately ordered someone to check on the injury.

Others naturally saw that Yan Mingting did not bring back any prey, but saving someone's life was a good story, and no one would sneer at it anymore.

Yan Mingting didn't know that he was secretly ridiculed, he got off the horse, threw the quiver on He Cuizhang, and walked straight in front of Zhao Yelan.

He Cuizhang counted: "Hey, General, you have no use for any of them, did you not go hunting at all?"

"Who said there is no such thing." After Yan Mingting finished speaking leisurely, he noticed that Zhao Yelan's face was a bit gloomy, and asked concerned, "Why are you unhappy?"

Zhao Yelan looked at him silently, never saying a word, and he couldn't explain why he was so depressed.

When he was silent, he suddenly saw Yan Mingting's chest move, and pointed to his chest: "What is this?"

Yan Mingting frowned: "It's for you."

Several other lieutenants also looked over curiously. Zhao Yelan lowered his head again. The next moment, a fluffy white rabbit showed its head from the skirt of his clothes. Its three-petal mouth moved and opened a pair of innocent red eyes. I had a face-to-face meeting with Zhao Yelan.

"Ah, rabbit!" Zhong Yuehong felt fond of it, and just as he reached out to stroke it, Yan Mingting slapped his hand away.

Yan Mingting grabbed the rabbit's ears, carried them in front of Zhao Yelan, stuffed them into his hands regardless, and said with a smile, "Hold it firmly."