MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 30

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After the emperor gave the new entrants a job and rewarded them again, the banquet officially began.

Musicians and maikos filed in and played music and danced in the courtyard, and the elegant ladies flipped the long-sleeved skirts, making people dazzled.

While enjoying the art, everyone drank and chatted freely, and after a while, some people started to walk around.

The high-ranking officials who were closest to the emperor went to toast one after another and said some compliments. Yan Mingting didn't bother to climb up and smile, so he drank it by himself, and glanced at Zhao Yelan from time to time, seeing Zhao Yelan buried in the selection of cakes and tea, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"General, I see that Kan Chuan looks pretty good, and I heard that he has a good character and a bright future." He Cuizhang approached from behind and whispered, "You say let him be a more popular husband-in-law, how about it?"

When Zhong Yuehong heard it, he immediately became serious: "Don't talk nonsense, he is already married, so I won't be a concubine."

Yan Mingting looked at Kan Chuan who was diagonally opposite. Unexpectedly, the other party was sizing up Zhao Yelan secretly. He subconsciously frowned, but the other party only paused for a moment, then looked away.

"That's it... The main reason is that these ministers have families, so it's really hard to choose too much... Hey, I heard that the number one scholar has not yet married a wife. How do you see him?" He Cuizhang said again.

Zhong Yuehong glanced at it, and only then did he see the appearance of the new champion, and said in surprise: "Isn't that the little boy we saw by the river last time?"

He Cuizhang took a closer look: "Oh, I'll go, isn't this the good friend of Mr. Zhao?"

Yan Mingting gave him a sideways look.

"Bah bah, it's definitely not a good match." He Cuizhang slapped his mouth pretendingly, his eyes were fixed on Wang Guisheng, and his eyes widened in the next moment, "General, he went to find Mr. Zhao!"

The three of them looked over together, and the high-spirited Zhuangyuan Lang was surrounded by everyone, but he walked outside.

Wang Guisheng was also quite puzzled, the number one in the imperial list, he was proud, many people came to chat with him, but Zhao Yelan remained indifferent.

He had guessed in advance that Zhao Yelan was looking for him in advance just to win him over, but right now he didn't do anything, as if he didn't exist, which made him a little curious.

However, he didn't go directly to Zhao Yelan, but went to exchange greetings with several academicians from the Imperial Academy, who were going to serve in the Imperial Academy in the future.

From the corner of his eye, he has been observing Zhao Yelan, who has been fiddling with pastries and drinking tea leisurely. The bachelor took him to briefly introduce his colleagues, and when he was introduced to Zhao Yelan, Zhao Yelan raised his head and smiled at him: "Congratulations, Mr. Wang, the number one scholar in high school, please advise me in the future."

It was very perfunctory, Wang Guisheng was stunned for a moment, with an inexplicable emotion lingering in his heart, and he was debating whether to be polite.

The rest of the Imperial Academy saw it, and they all watched it with the mentality of watching the show. After all, Wang Guisheng's previous article had insinuatedly insulted Zhao Yelan's party, and the Imperial Academy would be very lively in the future.

Ruan Xian was afraid that the atmosphere between the two would be awkward, so he stood up and talked to Wang Guisheng, and introduced the affairs of the Imperial Academy in a humorous manner.

The high-ranking officials inside also noticed Zhao Yelan. The powerful minister who was originally more than 10,000 people was sitting in the outermost circle, and he wanted to make up for the smiling face of the new Jinshi. Outside laughed all over.

But Yan Mingting has good hearing, his eyes gradually darkened, he stared at these people without saying a word, he didn't even hear the emperor calling him.

It wasn't until He Cuizhang pushed him that he came back to his senses and heard the emperor ask: "General Yan, I'm sorry to trouble you about the spring hunting."

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter." Yan Mingting replied.

Zhao Xuan saw that he was sitting alone on the seat drinking, with no one around him, and looked at Zhao Yelan who was sitting outside, preconceived that the relationship between the two was not getting along, smiled lightly, and rewarded Yan Mingting. A pot of Yulu fine wine, to show the emperor's favor.

After drinking for three rounds, the emperor and queen left first.

The courtiers were also a little drunk, drinking wine in small groups. Yan Mingting picked up the two jugs of wine and walked to the opposite table, those people looked at him in a cloud of mist.

He smiled honestly: "My lords, I wonder if you can do me a favor and have a few drinks with me?"

Those people were already dizzy from drinking, but it was not easy to refute his face, so they had to continue drinking with him. Who knew that Yan Mingting kept pouring wine for them, and said with a smile: "Not long after I return to Beijing next time, in the future I still need everyone to take care of it, this is a good wine rewarded by the emperor, I will do it first as a respect."

A few people couldn't evade it in time, and they were poured into something by him in two or three times, and they all ran out of the banquet hall to vomit.

Yan Mingting looked at their backs, snorted coldly, and then met Zhao Yelan's eyes, Zhao Yelan cast a questioning look, he didn't answer, sat back again, and stared at him all the time.

Zhao Yelan didn't know why, so he planned to question him after he got back. He looked around, his gaze paused for a moment in a certain direction, and then he got up and walked out.

"Master Zhao, where are you going?" Ruan Xian asked.

"Come out."

Zhao Yelan walked unhurriedly, but was bumped by someone behind him, it was Kan Chuan who was in a hurry.

"Master Kan is in such a hurry, what are you going to do?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Kan Chuan looked directly at him, and replied: "It's just a greedy drink, and I want to relieve it."

Zhao Yelan nodded, and said sarcastically, "Lord Kan is now favored by the emperor, there must be many people who will drink with you, but be careful not to overdo it."

Kan Chuan took a deep look at him: "What's the matter?"

The two looked at each other for a moment, Zhao Yelan was about to speak, when he suddenly caught sight of Yan Mingting coming from the corner, he ignored him, and went straight to Yan Mingting: "Why are you here?"

"I'm afraid you'll be bullied if you meet a drunkard." Yan Mingting said drunkenly, looking straight at Kan Chuan.

Kan Chuan sneered, turned around and strode away.

"I think you are the biggest drunkard." Zhao Yelan frowned, and dragged him to the banquet hall.

"Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Not out."

Yan Mingting hiccupped and followed behind him, and it took him a long time to say: "Holding it is not good for your health."


Zhao Yelan ignored him, thought for a while, asked another question, and said in a low voice, "What kind of wine did you drink with those old fellows just now? Want to get closer to them?"

Yan Mingting said: "No, I just think they are a bit annoying and talk a lot."

Zhao Yelan stopped suddenly, as if he had guessed the reason, that group of people used to love to impeach him in the court, and they always used ridicule words behind his back. He looked back at Yan Mingting and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about these old guys."

"Are you not angry?"

"What's there to be angry about? They can't make any political achievements, they can only show off their quick tongue."

"It's uncomfortable to listen to gossip." Yan Mingting snorted coldly.

Zhao Yelan said coldly: "It's nothing to be uncomfortable. If they really annoy me, they won't even have a chance to speak. They're just a bunch of old things waiting to die."

"Hush." ​​Yan Mingting suddenly covered his mouth, led him to jump, jumped into the nearby bushes, and hid in the dark, "There is someone."

Zhao Yelan vigilantly pressed the leaves in front of him, looked around, and caught a glimpse of two figures from far and near, a man and a woman, apparently dressed as a court lady and a sixth-rank official.

The official gave some instructions to the maid in a low voice, and then flirted again, muttering shameless words, and seeing that they were about to kiss.

"..." Zhao Yelan was extremely speechless, turned his head to look at Yan Mingting, but saw Yan Mingting looking at him teasingly, and raised his hand to remove a leaf from his head.

Zhao Yelan froze for a moment, then winked over there.

Yan Mingting nodded, picked up the stone on the ground, threw it across the air, and hit the official's head.

"Who is it?" The official first yelled in horror, and then led the people away in a panic.

Zhao Yelan stood up and patted on his clothes: "Sneaky listening to other people's corners, thanks to you, you can do it too."

"When I heard the sneaky footsteps, I thought it was some serious matter. Who knew they were here to make a joke." Yan Mingting smiled helplessly.

"It's not worthless, don't let him steal the scenery."

What the official arranged for the maid was to lure the emperor to a set position on the day of spring hunting, so that he could lead people to pretend to be heroes, such a clumsy drama.

"Don't worry, I'm in charge of the hunting ground, can I let him take advantage of the loophole?"

Neither of them went to the banquet hall, they walked outside the door together, Zhao Yelan asked, "Are you going back too?"

"It's so late, why don't you go back, and I don't have many acquaintances who want to drink, unlike you, there are so many little boys drinking together." Yan Mingting said sarcastic remarks, and suddenly got kicked. "

"Stop talking, Li Jinyu is over there, go test it out." Zhao Yelan lowered his voice and raised his chin toward the southeast.

"How to test?"

"You hit Li Yucheng, apologize to him, and see how he reacts."

Yan Mingting nodded, and after he got into the sedan chair, he turned around, walked up to Li Jinyu with a smile on his face, cupped his hands and said, "Master Li, I just wanted to have a drink with you at Yan Mingting, but I can't get rid of it." Let me go, and I hope to forgive you."

"It's okay, General Yan is young and promising, so it's normal to socialize a lot." Li Jinyu smiled kindly.

"Speaking of which, I also want to apologize to Mr. Li. Last time I drank too much in the restaurant and acted recklessly. I beat up Mr. Li, and I regretted it afterwards..."

Li Jinyu smiled and said: "I would like to thank the general. If you hadn't hung him up, I'm afraid I would never have been able to find this traitor. Now he stays in the mansion obediently. I don't know how obedient he is."

Yan Mingting looked at him and smiled, chatted for a few words, then rode back on his horse and arrived at the General's Mansion first.

"What's his reaction?" Zhao Yelan asked while washing his hands after entering the door.

Yan Mingting said it in detail, and Zhao Yelan pondered for a moment, then wiped his hands: "This old fox is pretending to be good, it seems that just beating him can't make him move."

"Then what? Kill Li Yucheng?" Yan Mingting asked.

"Do you dare?" Zhao Yelan looked sideways at him.

"I just don't think so. Although Li Yucheng is a bit of a dude, his nature is not bad. Besides, I almost became his brother-in-law. How could..." Yan Mingting suddenly stopped talking, and looked at Zhao Yelan meaningfully, but saw He wiped his hands as usual, and he didn't look jealous at all, feeling somewhat disappointed in his heart for no reason.

"It's useless to kill him, it's just a waste of effort. As I said, all people have weaknesses. Li Jinyu's weakness is Li Yucheng, and Li Yucheng's weakness..." Zhao Yelan put down the handkerchief slowly, tugged at the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were full of weakness. Without a smile, "That's too much."

Yan Mingting stared at him for a while, then pondered: "Everyone has weaknesses... Then what are your weaknesses?"

Zhao Yelan raised his eyebrows: "I have no weaknesses."

"Impossible." Yan Mingting suddenly drew his sword and put it on his neck, "Don't tell me, believe it or not, I'll kill myself for you to see?"

Zhao Yelan raised his hand: "Please move quickly."

"..." Yan Mingting was frustrated, sometimes he felt that Zhao Yelan liked him, but sometimes he felt that the other party didn't care at all.

Zhao Yelan sat down to rest for a while, and was about to wash up, but was pulled up by Yan Mingting.

"what are you doing?"


"It's so late today, you still have to go for a run?!"

"Persistence is the most important thing." Yan Mingting led him to the courtyard without any explanation.

"Wait, it wasn't discussed before, do you have to promise me something?" Zhao Yelan said.

"Well, what have you thought about?"

"I want you to promise me that you will not pull me to exercise in the future."


Zhao Yelan didn't expect him to refuse, and said sarcastically: "A man, you don't count your words."

"Yes, I'm a real villain, what can you do to me?" Yan Mingting raised his chest and akimbo confidently, "You must continue to exercise tonight."


It seems that this guy is determined to cheat.

Zhao Yelan had no choice but to be dragged for a run. After half a circle, he was leaning weakly on the beam, gasping for breath.

Yan Mingting came back and stood in front of him. To prevent him from escaping, he put one hand on the outside and looked at him silently.

Zhao Yelan raised his head feebly, he didn't have the strength to scold him anymore, he could only condemn his rascal behavior with his eyes.

Yan Mingting looked into his eyes, staggered his gaze, reached out to smooth the hair that was blown to his cheeks by the wind, then turned around and walked into the house, sighing: "Okay, let's stop here tonight."

Zhao Yelan turned his head sideways, watching him slowly disappear into the corridor, leaning on the railing and sitting down on the chair next to him, blowing the evening breeze for a while before returning to his room.

Three days later, it will be spring hunting.

For the past three days, Yan Mingting left early and returned late every day, the two rarely met face to face, and Zhao Yelan rarely stayed quiet for a few days.

This morning, he changed into light clothes and set off with Yan Mingting.

Several lieutenants were waiting outside the door and followed them, riding horses around the sedan chair.

Zhong Yuehong switched back to his armed forces, and enthusiastically threatened to hunt a leopard.

Everyone talked about the prey you want, Zhao Yelan asked Yan Mingting casually: "What do you want to hunt?"

"I haven't thought about it, let's see what's there." Yan Mingting lowered his head and wiped the sword.

Zhao Yelan originally wanted to remind him that this was a spring hunt mainly focused on the royal family, and told him not to show off, but seeing his heroic side face and the group of generals eager to try outside, he didn't say anything.

It's a big deal, just let the emperor save some face.

"What's the matter with you these few days?" Zhao Yelan asked.

Yan Mingting looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong with me?"

"There's something wrong with you." Zhao Yelan naturally sensed his strangeness these past few days, he was a lot more taciturn, and seemed a little more mature and stable than before, but he was inexplicably...unaccustomed to it.

"What's wrong with me?" Yan Mingting asked again.

Seeing that he refused to speak, Zhao Yelan didn't bother to ask further questions, and remained silent all the way.

After arriving at the hunting ground, a group of people walked inside. This is a closed royal hunting ground. It is only for the children of the royal family to enter on weekdays. Only the spring and autumn hunting will be carried out by civil and military officials.

The camp was not far from the entrance, and as soon as we entered, we saw a lush forest, where countless prey were stocked.

After walking for a while, there was a sudden noise in the nearby forest, rushing towards this side with a whoosh.

Zhao Yelan exclaimed, grabbed Yan Mingting in fear, and squeezed in front of him in fright: "There's something over there!"

Yan Mingting lowered his eyes and saw that his eyes were closed tightly, he was so frightened that he was almost on his body, the corners of his mouth rose wildly, and then he coughed, put an arm around his back, and comforted him: "It's okay, you can see for yourself what is that?"

Zhao Yelan slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at the branch, it was just a little squirrel.

The surrounding generals all pursed their lips and held back their laughter.

"..." Zhao Yelan took a deep breath, turned his face straight again, and was about to go forward alone, but Yan Mingting grabbed his arm.

"The road ahead is dangerous, don't walk too fast." Yan Mingting handed him a step, "Follow me."

Zhao Yelan lowered his head, always paying attention to the movement around him, half pushing and half walking along with him. Suddenly, the hand holding his forearm slipped down and grabbed his wrist.

He raised his eyes to look at the other party, Yan Mingting smiled at him and said: "You have to hurry up, don't be scared out of your body by kittens and puppies."

Zhao Yelan struggled a bit, but the other party held him even tighter, and said shamelessly, "I don't even bother to protect most people, so I take extra care of you because you ask for help."

Zhao Yelan: "..."

Alright, the familiar Yan Mingting is back again.

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