MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 32

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"Your Majesty, your majesty is the most heroic in today's hunt. It is truly extraordinary to hunt this huge monster!" The officials on the side boasted.

Zhao Xuan's ears were filled with cocoons. He didn't like to listen to these flattering words. These people are used to flattering others. When he was powerless before, he never got good looks from others.

Only Zhao Yelan, who grew up with him, urged and encouraged him, and never deliberately complimented him. Even if he is now the Ninth Five-Year Venerable and has hunted fierce tigers, the other party just gave him a smile to show his approval. Brain flattery is comforting.

Thinking of this, he looked at his prey again, and planned to reward Zhao Yelan with both the tiger skin and the stag, so that he would be happy too, and of course there was some sense of pride in it.

Satisfied, he took two steps and looked towards Zhao Yelan, only to see a rabbit jump out of his hand, Zhao Yelan trotted two steps and chased it out.

Zhao Xuan was wondering where the live rabbit came from, when she saw Zhao Yelan turn her head to the other person and said, "What are you still doing, let it run away like this?"

"You beg me." Yan Mingting said with a smile.

"You're dreaming." Zhao Yelan stood in the same place and said, "Forget it, just run away, I don't care."

"I'm rare." Yan Mingting quickly caught the rabbit back and stuffed it into his arms, "You have a literary talent, give it a name."

Zhao Yelan pondered for a while: "Call it red braised, I haven't eaten rabbit head for a long time."

Yan Mingting: "..."

The rabbit flinched, and the others laughed out loud.

Looking at the group of people, Zhao Xuan stared straight at Zhao Yelan, not letting go of the change of expression on his face, and naturally noticed the flash of cunning in his eyes, as if deliberately teasing Yan Mingting. , the joyful feeling shown after succeeding.

How could Zhao Yelan tease others?

Zhao Xuan's eyes gradually darkened, and his heart felt astringent and sore. When he looked over again, Zhao Yelan returned to his original indifferent appearance, as if it was just an illusion.

He walked over with heavy steps, and asked with a forced smile, "Where did this rabbit come from?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the general caught him." Zhong Yuehong said.

"It should be that the person in charge accidentally brought a rabbit in." Yan Mingting explained.

It stands to reason that there can only be wild rabbits in the hunting ground, and it is impossible to have domestic rabbits, but soon after Yan Mingting entered, he saw this white and tender domestic rabbit. It had no wild experience, and in this hunting ground, it either died from sharp arrows or the mouth of other wild beasts, so it was simply taken away. He also looked inexplicably like Zhao Yelan, who was obviously white and soft, but had a pair of red eyes, looking fiercely at others.

"So that's it." Zhao Xuan reached out and touched the rabbit's head, smiled gently, and said to Zhao Yelan who was holding the rabbit, "This is really a good thing, don't you like to eat rabbit meat? Now you are lucky, right? , Mengting."

People around were stunned, Yan Mingting looked at Zhao Xuan in surprise, and then looked at Zhao Yelan with a complicated expression.

Zhao Yelan nodded calmly: "Yes."

After Zhao Xuan said a few words, he went to other places to check other prey.

This group of people resumed the noisy atmosphere, Zhong Yuehong couldn't bear it and said: "My lord, do you really want to burn it? Or leave it to me, I can buy it from you."

Zhao Yelan was distracted, staring at Zhao Xuan's back, not quite understanding why the other party suddenly called him Mengting, could it be that he was threatening him because he saw himself staying with Yan Mingting and the others?

Following his line of sight, Yan Mingting saw Zhao Xuan's tall and straight figure, his eyes darkened a bit, and he raised his hand to stroke the rabbit's head.

The atmosphere was a bit weird, the two of them moved and remained still, each standing on the spot with their own thoughts, and they didn't come back to their senses until everyone started to return home.

At sunset, there was only a little warm yellow afterglow in the forest, everyone left in an orderly manner, Zhao Yelan turned to go back, but Yan Mingting grabbed his arm.


Yan Mingting was in charge of the security of the hunting ground, and had arranged a lot of people around him, so he had to deal with the aftermath at this time. Zhao Yelan thought for a moment, then stayed and waited for them to go back together.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and when Li Yucheng passed by him, he gave him a fierce look, and said in a low voice, "Zhao Yelan, wait for me, I will remember the grudge from last time."


Zhao Yelan didn't even bother to respond to him, he put the rabbit on the ground, and as soon as he ran away, Zhong Yuehong would catch him back and give him a good rub.

Zhao Yelan could see that she liked it very much, and said, "Take it back and play with it yourself."

Zhong Yuehong shook his head, "No, no, this is the general who caught it for you. If I take it away, he will punish me with fifty army sticks."

Zhao Yelan wondered: "You will also be beaten by military sticks?"

"Of course, I have endured it several times, and I couldn't get out of bed for a few days." Zhong Yuehong complained.

He Cuizhang squatted down to touch the rabbit, and added to the topic: "Who told you to disobey the command and act without authorization. Besides, the general said that military merit will be rewarded according to merit, but in front of military discipline, there is no distinction between men and women. If you make a mistake, you will be punished."

Zhong Yuehong glared at him, and the two began to push and fight.

Zhao Yelan nodded: "It should be so."

As a female general, Zhong Yuehong is really a rare thing, if it wasn't for the old general and Yan Mingting to protect her, she might have been married and raised her husband by now, how could she command thousands of soldiers under her command.

Therefore, if she makes a mistake, she can't easily take sides, lest someone think she is a woman, so General Yan can be forgiven for making a mistake outside the law. If they are not aligned, it will be difficult to resist the enemy.

"Look, my lord also said there's nothing wrong with it, you really deserve to be a family." He Cuizhang smiled and said, "The more red you are, you should be more honest. You still want to sue Master Zhao about the general. How is that possible?"

Zhao Yelan's face froze slightly, he gave him a sideways glance, and ignored the two of them.

After a while, Yan Mingting left and returned. Zhao Yelan squatted for a long time, and felt dizzy when he stood up, but he held him firmly.

"You guys go back first, we still have something to do." Yan Mingting grabbed the rabbit and handed it to Zhong Yuehong, "Take it back to the General's Mansion first."

After everyone had left, Zhao Yelan turned his head and asked, "What else do we need?"

"Take you somewhere." Yan Mingting whistled, and the horse ran over. He easily got on the horse, stretched out a hand, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?"


"Hunting?" Zhao Yelan was surprised.

"That's right." Yan Mingting bent down a little and looked at him with a smile, "Do you want to go?"

Zhao Yelan frowned slightly, and stood there for a long time, while the other party waited for him patiently.

He bit his lower lip subconsciously, then held that hand, and then lightened his body, and sat on the horse's back with ease.


Lie Ma turned around and ran into the hunting ground, then slowed down and walked slowly on the road.

Zhao Yelan's tense body gradually relaxed, looking at the surrounding environment, the trees covered the sky and the sun, and had already blocked all the sunlight, making it a little dark. The surrounding grass made a little noise from time to time, and I didn't know what was hiding.

"Come on, take the bow." Yan Mingting took out an arrow from the quiver and handed him both.

Zhao Yelan took it and fumbled for a long time before getting the arrow stuck on the string.

"Pull." Yan Mingting whispered.

Zhao Yelan raised the bow, but it took some effort to pull it away. After trying a few times, it was a little difficult, and his arms began to tremble. Suddenly, the back of his hand was covered with a warm palm, and he pulled back the hand that wrapped him.

"Hold it well, look straight ahead and hold your breath." Yan Mingting whispered in his ear.

Zhao Yelan looked forward intently, remained silent for a moment, and suddenly heard a strange movement.


As soon as Yan Mingting finished speaking, he let go of his hand, and shot the arrow with a "swish", and then heard the sound of falling to the ground.

Zhao Yelan's eyes lit up slightly, and he asked in a deep voice, "What is it?"

"Go and have a look." Yan Mingting rode slowly over, bent down and picked up the arrow on the ground, a hare was stuck in the arrow.

Zhao Yelan immediately became more energetic, and asked, "Are there any hares?"

"Yes." Yan Mingting taught him how to use power again.

"Next time I will come by myself." Zhao Yelan said.


Zhao Yelan sat on the horse and drew the bow again according to his instructions. When he heard the sound of running, he shot out in a panic. As a result, the hare passed by unharmed, but the arrow shot crookedly and missed not far away.


Yan Mingting laughed, Zhao Yelan turned his head and glanced at him, and he immediately waved his hand: "It's okay, your first time will definitely not go well."

"Stop playing." Zhao Yelan turned cold.

"With sheep, the target is bigger and easier to hit."

"Where?" Zhao Yelan turned his head and looked around, but found nothing. Knowing that he had been teased, he was about to get angry, but Yan Mingting took his hand again, ready the bow and arrow, and let go together. There was a hissing sound.

Zhao Yelan gave him a surprised look, and in an instant, the two of them approached on horseback, and it turned out to be a sheep.

"How do you know it's a sheep?"

"Listen to the sound to distinguish the shape." Yan Mingting asked with a smile, "How about it, do you still want to play?"

Zhao Yelan was silent and did not speak, but Yan Mingting suddenly galloped through the forest on his horse.

He quickly grabbed the saddle and focused on the road ahead. After running a few laps, he relaxed again, feeling the pleasure of galloping, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up.

It was getting dark quickly, and in the corner of his vision, he caught a glimpse of a running deer, and quickly shouted: "Quick, it's there!"

"You come to ride a horse."

"Me?" Zhao Yelan was about to refuse, but the other party had already handed over the rein to him, and then went to draw the bow.

Zhao Yelan's heart was beating fast, the horse was galloping, he didn't dare to stop rashly, so he could only hold the rein nervously and shouted: "Hurry up, you're going to fall!"

The sound of a sharp arrow piercing the air suddenly sounded in his ears, he glanced over from the corner of his eye, saw the deer was hit by an arrow, subconsciously turned his head, and looked at Yan Mingting happily.

Unexpectedly, the horse's feet were flustered at this moment and began to bump, the two horse's hooves in front suddenly raised up, Zhao Yelan let out an exclamation, and fell backwards, even though they were hugged by Yan Mingting, the two fell off the horse together.

Rolled a few laps on the grass before stopping.

Zhao Yelan, who survived the catastrophe, slowly opened his eyes, saw that he was being hugged in his arms, moved a bit, and found no injuries on his body, so he pushed Yan Mingting away.

Yan Mingting chuckled, turned over and lay down next to him, staring at the sky motionless.

Zhao Yelan panted heavily, and after lying down for a while before regaining his composure, he asked, "Are you injured?"

"No." Yan Mingting said.

"Has the deer been shot?"


Zhao Yelan turned around and found that the other party's hand was still under his head, just as he pushed his hand, he slapped his back down and lay down obediently.

He couldn't move anymore, and asked, "Why did you give me the reins just now?"

"I don't know, I just think you should like it." Yan Mingting raised one leg lazily, looking half injured.

"What do you like?" Zhao Yelan was puzzled.

"Riding horses and hunting."

Zhao Yelan was silent for a while without answering.

"So do you like it?" Yan Mingting turned his head to look at him and asked him again.

Zhao Yelan nodded incredulously, but it was dark now, Yan Mingting didn't see his movements, so he reached out and touched his cheek and asked, "Did you just nod or shake your head?"

Zhao Yelan paused, then patted his hand away: "I like it, that's fine."

Men in the world, who doesn't like bright clothes and angry horses, shooting wild geese with a bow, or getting a title on the gold list, when they are in their prime?

But he couldn't do it.

"That's easy." Yan Mingting patted him on the back, "From now on, follow me to exercise well. I'll teach you horseback riding and archery. Next year, you can come in and show off your skills in hunting."

The surrounding area was very quiet, Zhao Yelan listened to his words silently, as if he could hear the beating of his lively heart, which was the incomparably vigorous vitality that he envied.

The two lay on the grass for a long time, it was not until Zhao Yelan sneezed that Yan Mingting helped him up, turned around and took the arrow off the deer.

Before the deer died, it struggled for a while, then ran away unsteadily.

"Go back." Yan Mingting led him onto the horse and walked out of the hunting ground together.

"By the way..." Yan Mingting hesitated to speak, after deliberating for a long time, he still couldn't help asking, "Why does the emperor call you Mengting?"

Still not escaping this question, Zhao Yelan lowered his eyes and said slowly: "Mengting is my name."



Yan Mingting was slightly dissatisfied: "The emperor knows your name, but I don't."

"Then why don't you reflect on yourself?" Zhao Yelan retorted.

"Obviously you didn't tell me."

"Then you didn't tell me, why should I..."

"Fangli, my name is Yan Fangli." Yan Mingting interrupted him.


"Is that how you react?"

"if not?"

"Call twice to listen."


After returning to the General's Mansion, Butler Tan saw that the two of them were in a mess and asked worriedly, "Did anything happen during the hunting today?"

"Something has happened." Yan Mingting said solemnly, "Mengting is very petty."

"Who is Mengting?" Butler Tan was at a loss.

Zhao Yelan regretted it very much. Since telling him the words, Yan Mingting has read Mengting all the way——

"Mengting, after you go back, do you want to pick a good horse from my stable?"

"Mengting, sit back a little, don't ride on the horse's neck."

"Mengting, hey, it's okay, I just want to call you."

"Mengting, you look so good today."

"Mengting, Mengting, Mengting..."

Reading it made his brain buzz, and he almost didn't know how to write these two words.

"Of course Mengting is..."

"Yan Mingting!" Zhao Yelan shouted sharply.

"Who is Yan Mingting? I only know Yan Fangli." Yan Mingting said with a pleasant smile.

When Butler Tan heard the familiar words, he suddenly realized: "I see, the general is flirting with his wife, right?"

Yan Mingting: "."

"..." Zhao Yelan looked sharply at Butler Tan.

Butler Tan hurriedly covered his mouth, and then slapped himself lightly—look at his broken mouth, how he accidentally said it.

Read The Duke's Passion