MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 507 : Entering the dream: ghost body laboratory.

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The latest website: Mu Wang.

A demon with countless human blood on his hands.

Lin Chen had never been lenient in dealing with this kind of ghost before.

But now, he has a kind of hesitation.

Because King Mu is Mu Yun's father.

Mu Yun gave everything for him, but he turned around and sold Mu Wang to the mining area?

He really can't do this kind of thing.

In other worlds, there are few places suitable for King Mu. It is a terrifying world. I believe that King Mu will not be able to go back. Once he goes back, he will be a member of the God Group who is screaming and beating.

Or a traitor, which is quite similar to King Yan's situation.

But if it was placed in Blue Star like King Yan, it would be impossible for Lin Chen to do it.

The hatred between King Mu and him can be offset by Mu Yun, but the hatred between King Mu and Lan Xing can never be eliminated. It is impossible for him to make the entire Blue Star forgive King Mu according to his own thoughts and wishes.

"It's difficult."

Lin Chen thought about it and decided to stay in the iron pot for now.

Do it cold.

The iron pot has a lot of space, which is enough for King Mu to fall asleep. We will solve this matter when there are other methods in the future.

After waving Yan Wang and Bandage Ghost to leave, they familiarized themselves with the environment.

Lin Chen used the player system to connect with Xu Renfeng.

Speaking of which, Xu Renfeng has sent messages to Lin Chen more than once, but Lin Chen has been busy and didn't reply until now.

Newsletter link.

Xu Renfeng in ghost skin appeared in front of Lin Chen in the form of light projection.

"Fuck! Brother, you are too fierce."

As soon as Xu Renfeng appeared, he screamed loudly.

"I thought I was already able to deceive ghosts. The development of two hundred true kings and three creations is already the limit. I was still complacent. When I turned around, I heard that you destroyed Yancheng and killed that **** Ming God, and three Heaven-reaching ghosts, and one ghost! This is too exaggerated."

Xu Renfeng chattered endlessly, and it took him a long time to calm down.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I've already returned to Blue Star, what's the current situation over there?"

"It's all crazy! The death of ghosts and gods is no less than the death of an emperor. If you put this matter on Blue Star, think about how big it can be? Although the flow of information is a little slower in the horror world, it is still very noisy, from ghosts and gods to Tsing Yi , all are discussing."

"Is there any news about me? Of course, don't say any abuse, including whether the God Group has been affected?" Lin Chen asked.

"There is a lot of news about you, but if you don't let the abuse be mentioned, then there will be nothing."

Lin Chen's face darkened, feeling insulted.

"However, because of your affairs, the God Group has received a lot less attention. These days, I have developed a lot of ghosts, and the God Group is growing stronger." Xu Renfeng didn't pay attention to Lin Chen's face at all, but looked Proudly.

Lin Chen nodded when he heard the words, and stopped thinking about being scolded by the ghost.

"You ensure your own safety first, after a while, I need you to take me to the horror world."

He had left a fixed point in Yancheng before.

But following a battle between ghosts and gods, all the laws were broken and reorganized, and the fixed point disappeared long ago.

And the copy used to travel through the horror world was also blown up.

As for the iron pot... Although it can be regarded as a dungeon, it cannot form a fixed-point summoning at all when it is brought by Lin Chen's side.

At present, the only way is for Xu Renfeng to use the fixed-point teleportation talisman to fix a point in the horror world, and then return the talisman to Lin Chen, and the two will go there together.

But in this way, the consumption of fixed-point teleportation symbols is not small.

Lin Chen just made such a big fuss, and made Yinhuangzhou terrified. Now that he has passed, he can't do too many actions, and the gain outweighs the gain.

And, most importantly, he did not break through Tongtian.

Only when he reached the Heavenly Ascension Level would the Breath Containment Technique and Invisibility Cloak play a greater role in the horror world, so he didn't need to worry about ghost-level powerhouses.

"Don't worry

Yes, the talisman in my hand is still useless. "Xu Renfeng said with a smile.

"Stay safe for a few days, and when the storm subsides, you gather some true kings of the God Group and come back to pick me up."

Close the communication with Xu Renfeng.

Lin Chen looked at his panel. Lin Chen estimated that he only needed another 2,000 square crystals to break through to the sky.

However, the ghosts in the pocket had been exhausted, so they could only wait for Hong Mo.

"The resources of the God Group are still sufficient, let's develop it for a while, there is no need to kill chickens and eggs immediately, but there are too few ghosts in the Blue Star, compared with the horror world, they are all small fish and shrimps, if you can enter Just a copy."

[Dungeon countdown: 60 days. 】

After the strength improved, the interval between dungeons became longer and longer, which made Lin Chen very regretful. After all, the quality of ghosts in the dungeons is guaranteed.

If he enters the eight-star dungeon, he is guaranteed to gain a lot of money.

But unfortunately, there are still two months to go, even if Lin Chen wants to enter, he cannot force his way in.

Lin Chen went upstairs and put away the puppet who had been waiting quietly.

Now that he appeared, the substitute was temporarily useless.

Afterwards, they flew directly to the Blue Clothes headquarters, collected some of the ghosts captured by the Liming team, and took out some resources according to the same period.

After seeing Lin Chen, Zhou Geng talked about Chen De.

"A member in blue entered the dungeon and met Chen De."

Lin Chen was taken aback, and then asked, "How is he?"

"It sounds good. It has indeed obtained a lot of permissions, and its strength seems to have increased a lot. After communicating with us, we selected a lot of talents to become new players, and helped old players clear the dungeons and get high scores. Reduce damage... In just half a month, the Blue Star players have almost completed a promotion as a whole."

The news is good. Chen De has done what he wanted to do. This is a great contribution, and it is also the strength that Blue Star needs most. However, Zhou Geng sighed and looked a little lonely.

"When someone sees the light, someone will bear the darkness. Chen De is indeed good." Lin Chen said.

"Yes, if I were him, maybe I would do the same. It's just that Chen De has too much infamy. This feeling of not being understood is actually the most depressing." Zhou Geng nod.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Lao Zhou, I think you can take out the word "maybe". If you say so, you will definitely do it, and you will follow Chen De's path. Although he is not the same kind of person as you, But they are all working in the same direction.

And Chen De's fate is not bad, at least he lived in a different way, as for infamy, it really doesn't matter, if you go to the horror world to inquire, who wouldn't scold me behind my back? "

While Lin Chen comforted Zhou Geng, he also comforted himself...

"What you said really makes sense."

Seeing Lin Chen's look of reason, Zhou Geng nodded hesitantly, and then burst out laughing.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and asked, "By the way, how much authority does Chen De have? Maybe speed up the cooling time for players to enter the dungeon?"

"Yes, because some blue-clothed players are eager to improve their strength, so they are reserved for registration, and then let the players who enter the dungeon inform Chen De, and Chen De will shorten the dungeon cooling time of the designated players." Zhou Geng said with certainty.

Lin Chenyixi: "Okay! Then tell him next time, shorten my cooldown time, as fast as possible, as you all know, I like dungeons the most, and I can live in the dungeon every day." It's better inside."

Zhou Geng's cheeks twitched for a while, the dungeon that others were afraid of, in Lin Chen's eyes, it was like seeing a peerless beauty, with incomparable longing.

This is really...somewhat morbid!

But he can also understand, after all, every time Lin Chen enters the dungeon, he kills ghosts like dogs.

"no problem."


After leaving Lanyi headquarters, Lin Chen went to see Dong Potian and the others again. For these students, seeing the three ghosts, including Yannv, had all grown up a lot.

leave satisfied.

He didn't give the students additional resources for the time being, but decided to practice first, and later, he allocated a large amount of Shenjing and Shengui coins to each of the three students.

Two days later, Lin Chen received a notification from the system.

[Dungeon countdown: 30 days. 】

Almost cut in half?

Lin Chen was slightly overjoyed. Although he could not be allowed to enter the dungeon directly, it was not bad.

For the eight-star dungeon, Lin Chen is looking forward to it. After all, he is the only human player with this strength. In other words, all he can face are ghosts!

Simply heaven!

Of course, Lin Chen estimated that when he entered the dungeon again, it might not be an eight-star dungeon.

It's a nine-star dungeon!

[Ghost City: 520 million. 】

"Finally enough 500 million to open the next world. Although the ghosts in my hand were sold short for the purpose of collecting ghosts, you can also use the dream function to find out first."

The number of ghosts in the headquarters in blue is not small. After all, some members directly pay huge sums of money to collect ghosts in exchange for rewards.

But if it is sold, there are only about 30 square meters of Shenjing, which is not enough, so Lin Chen did not choose Shenjing to trade, but sold all of them into Shengui coins.

Choose to open the next place first.

After all, he was curious about the ghost body laboratory.

There are many familiar ghosts there...

In fact, in the past few days, Lin Chen has not been too idle, and used the dream function to explore several new mines.

I even went to the All Heavens Club once.

This time, he went to see the God of Flowers.

It is said that the huge island where the sea of ​​flowers on the other side is located has been shaking violently.

Lin Chen was naturally more curious.

But with just one glance, he immediately exited the dream function.

Foggy...white flowers...people's shadows...

The picture of 404 made him wash his eyes for a long time before he tried his best to selectively forget it.

"System, upgrade the dream function to open the next place."

[The cemetery of the gods, the clubhouse of the heavens, the ghost body laboratory, the super bathing pool, the mysterious desert, the super large power plant, the mysterious mental hospital, the ancient temple of Qingshan, the barley world, and the seminary of the gods. 】

[Consuming 500 million **** coins, the ghost body laboratory has been unlocked, and can be used to enter the dream or descend like a god. 】

[The next location is the super bathing pool, one billion is needed to unlock it. 】

"An increase of 500 million at a time?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath, and there were more and more places to spend money.


The dream function is invisible, invisible, and invincible. If Lin Chen wants to know, it is naturally the most cost-effective to use the dream function.

After the function was turned on, Lin Chen's eyes went dark and he fell asleep directly.

But his consciousness came to another world.

The distorted space returned to calm, and Lin Chen could see the surrounding scene clearly.

It's a huge space.

Except for the roof, no matter whether it is front, back, left, or right, you can't see the edge of the wall at a glance!

The lights were dim.

With the sound of "crawling" mechanically, figures in white coats walk back and forth, some are ghosts, some are humans, or special species.

What attracted Lin Chen's attention the most was not these figures, but rows of huge transparent containers on the ground.

These containers are several meters high, filled with unknown strange potions.

And in each container, there is a ghost soaked in it, its face is pale, and it is in a coma!

If you look around, there will be one of these containers around five meters away, neatly arranged, covering the entire space.

"Is this a specimen?"

Lin Chen's eyes widened.

Soon, he saw a familiar ghost in a certain container.

That is a clear face

Show girl.

Sleeping in the potion, his face looked a little peaceful.

"Dong Xiaorou?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet this ghost as soon as he came up.

He took a closer look, and soon discovered that there was a line of writing on the transparent container.

The fire ghost, Dong Xiaorou, came from an unknown world. The demon in his heart couldn't be removed after a month. He was suspected to be affected by special powers. He was a first-class experimental product, and his resentment couldn't be eliminated.

This is a record.

"That is to say, Dong Xiaorou was temporarily sealed here after going through many experiments, but there was no effect?"

Lin Chen looked at the introductions of other containers.

"Black devil, an ordinary ghost species, from this world, successfully captured for doing evil, successfully eliminated grievances, temporarily banned, low-level experimental product."



Lin Chen noticed something, and at the same time came to a sudden.

This point has been mentioned in the system before, he sold the prostitutes in the flower building here, it is the ghost body laboratory that can eliminate grievances.

But he ignored this before.

Resentment is an energy that can only be observed by the holder of the reincarnation platform. There are records in the ghost body laboratory, which shows that there is a high probability that there are fragments of the reincarnation platform in the ghost body laboratory!

"Impermanence ghosts, ordinary ghosts, come from this world, through recruitment, voluntarily participate in the experiment, want to sublimate the ghosts, the experiment is successful, temporarily banned, waiting for the ghosts to improve."

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a ghost body laboratory, and it can even improve ghost species!

Lin Chen couldn't help being surprised.

These three ghosts made him see three different types of experimental subjects.

Some were sold here by him, some were caught by mistake, and some were voluntary.

"Where is the ghost of Hualou?"

Lin Chen glanced around, UU Reading flew quickly, passing rows of containers, but he didn't see the prostitutes and servants in the flower building at all.

At this time, he noticed a ghost in white walking out of a door similar to the Blue Star elevator.

The white-clothed ghost was considered a staff member, so Lin Chen didn't pay attention, but looked at the place where the white-clothed ghost walked out.

"Isn't this the first floor? That's right. Just like the cemetery of gods and demons and the clubhouse of the heavens, there are more than one area. If you think about it, this is just an area of ​​the ghost body laboratory."

"So this should be the warehouse of the ghost body laboratory."

"Above or below, there must be other places."

Lin Chen whispered, and then flew up along the elevator.

He feels that this ghost body laboratory will give him a big harvest. Since it is here, he might as well spend more money and investigate it.


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