MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 508 : Chapterel!

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Following the "elevator", Lin Chen came to the upper floor.

On this floor, there are also many figures in white coats walking back and forth, looking very busy.

But the building is not as empty as below. Besides the hall, there are many different secret rooms.

Lin Chen entered the secret room closest to him.

Here, Lin Chen finally saw the so-called ghost body experiment.

Inside, there are several beds, and on each bed, there is an evil spirit tied to it, surrounded by several researchers in white coats.

Holding various instruments, he continuously dissected the ghost body.

The scene was extremely bloody.

"The value of this water ghost has been recorded. His natal skills are very good. If he learns similar ghost skills, he will be promoted to a fierce **** according to the same hidden ghost power, yin energy, and resentment energy. There is a 100% chance of becoming a water ghost. There is an eighty-in-ten chance that he can copy his natal ghost technique."

Lin Chen was surprised when he heard this.

This ghost body laboratory is really extraordinary, even this can be researched.

You must know that even legendary or supreme families may not produce 100% legendary ghosts, many of them are similar subordinate ghosts, not pure.

However, the ghost body laboratory can not only copy ghost species 100%, it can even copy natal skills!

This method is too extraordinary.

"Unfortunately, it's just a water ghost. If there are those top ghost species from the heavens, the experiment would be more meaningful." The being who mainly operated the experiment shook his head, with a bit of regret in his tone.

He is also a ghost, and his strength is at the good fortune level, so he is definitely not weak.

When Lin Chen heard this, his heart moved slightly.

Later, they came to the other two laboratories and found that they were doing the same cloning experiment. After that, they left the secret room and went to the next room.

With continuous exploration, Lin Chen quickly understood the function of this layer.

Some laboratories specialize in cloning ghosts, while others study the strength and weakness of ghost species, targeting natal skills.

In addition, it also includes the elimination of grievances, research on ghost domains, research on the strength of ghost bodies, research on spiritual power, and so on.

It can be called variety.

And Lin Chen also heard more than one person who lamented that the experimental product was too ordinary, and said that they wanted to be more powerful.

"Sure enough, there is a lack of ghosts, but I don't know if there is a **** crystal here..."

God's Guild Coin has already consumed 8 million.

The remaining balance will be used to go to the cemetery of the gods.

Lin Chen didn't wait for a while.

Although he didn't see Luo Jin and other female prostitute ghosts, he could see that different ghosts were treated in different ways here.

Some experiments are indeed cruel and innocent, but there are also some that are helpful to ghosts, so I don't worry about what will happen to me if I sell Luo Jin and those ghosts here.

After confirming this, he no longer considered the specific situation of Luo Jin and the others.

"End the dream function."

After the order was issued, Lin Chen returned to the villa and waited quietly. The villa seemed very quiet at this time, because Lin Chen was the only one left.

Yan Wang and Bandage Ghost were also arranged by Lin Chen to go to Zhou Geng's side.

the next day.

Lin Chen once again opened the "God Arrival".

Not long after, he returned, his face full of excitement.

The second batch of payment is in place!

2000 Fang Shenjing.

Babel is just around the corner!

Waving his finger, cutting through the space, Lin Chen stepped into it.

in a different space.

Lin Chen was bathed in the ocean of divinity, and the aura on his body rose again, powerful and mysterious.

Sometimes he is as hot as the sun, and sometimes as cold as ice.

Lin Chen once again felt the increase of "hidden ghost power", that is, the accumulation of ghost power.

This is like an invisible pool, when the energy is full, you can achieve true perfection

, Break through the shackles, achieve the sky!

Let Ghost Power complete the leap-forward growth.

The blue light illuminated the entire space, and with the refinement of the divine crystal, Lin Chen's aura became more powerful.

Until finally, he opened his eyes suddenly, and two beams of divine light burst out like the opening of the world.

The entire space suddenly collapsed, forming a turbulent flow.

Lin Chen's figure suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it had already returned to the villa and landed on both feet.


The villa collapsed again...

As if encountering an explosion, it shocked many people.

But soon, Lin Chen controlled the power of time to reshape the villa. And teleported away from here.

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 15 million (Ninth Realm)] (1 to 4000)

[Spirit: 15 million (Ninth Realm)] (1 to 4000)

[Ghost power: 500 million (nine-star early stage)] (1 to 16,000)

Finally into the sky!

And in addition to ghost power, physical and mental power have reached the ninth level!

And the real strength improvement cannot be calculated by pure numerical value at all.

The full-dimensional quality is also different from before, just like the fruit conversion ratio expressed by the system.

Directly doubled on the original basis.

In other words, only 16,000 ghost power fruits can increase Lin Chen's current ghost power.

This is a qualitative change!

The soaring strength of the full dimension also made Lin Chen feel unstable again and felt uncontrollable for a while.

That's why the villa collapsed.

Lin Chen stood on an uninhabited flat ground, calming down the turbulent ghost power in his body, and familiarized himself with the power after the surge.

At the same time, he also received a summons from Zhou Geng.

"Boy Chen, what's the matter? I received a message saying what happened to you?" Zhou Geng's projection appeared. Seeing that Lin Chen was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, but his tone was still a little anxious.

"It's just a slight breakthrough, Lao Zhou, arrange a quieter place for me, I can't continue to live in the busy city."

After thinking about it, Lin Chen replied.

"You broke through again? Have you reached the middle of eight stars?"

Zhou Geng was speechless. Although he did not reach this level, he also knew that the higher the player's level, the slower the improvement.

However, only half a month later, Lin Chen broke through again. Even if he knew that Lin Chen's improvement speed could not be described by common sense, he was still surprised.

"Roughly the same."

Lin Chen did not respond directly.

"Good guy... You seem to be cheating, it's too exaggerated, how long have you been a player?"

After receiving the "affirmation", Zhou Geng gasped and was shocked.

And arranged for Lin Chen a villa on the top of the mountain, saying that it was very quiet there and no one would disturb him.

Lin Chen nodded with satisfaction when he heard the words, and ended the projection communication.

at this time.

In a dungeon of the horror game, Chen De, who was secretly manipulating the dungeon mechanism, forcing the dungeon owner to honestly give water to the human players and target the ghost players to death, was startled suddenly.

"Player: Uncle Chen"

"Dungeon cooling time: one year."

? ? ?

Chen De was stunned on the spot.

What's the situation, wasn't it just reduced to one month before? Something wrong with my permissions?

It took him a long time before he realized that an unbelievable idea appeared in his mind.

Quickly flipped through Lin Chen's player panel.

"Player: Uncle Chen."

"Level: Eight Stars (True: Nine Stars)."

! !

As Chen De, who has the dungeon authority, he can naturally see through the players that Lin Chen is hiding from the outside world.


But this discovery almost made Chen De cry out in shock. How long has it been!

That kid broke through to eight stars, not to mention nine stars?

I plunged into the darkness and opened another path, and now I am only at the peak of the seven stars, he is too exaggerated!

"Is it possible that this kid will destroy the horror world by himself... In that case, will I turn into a ghost for nothing?"

Chen De shook his head.

I feel a little unrealistic.

And once again helped Lin Chen see the cool-down time, reducing a year's time into a full six months, before reaching the limit he can do now.

"That's all I can do. My authority is not enough. After I become good luck and destroy another original incarnation, I absorb his authority, and the time can continue to be shortened."

Chen De was talking to himself, but soon, his expression changed slightly. In the darkness, a figure in ancient men's attire stepped out and looked at Chen De with a smile.

"Yuan Shi, you seem to be moving too much, which is not in line with the will of the main body." The man in ancient costume whispered.

"You control too much. The main body gave me the authority of one-eyed incarnation. This authority is much higher than yours. If you don't want to die, you'd better stay away from me."

Chen De snorted coldly and said mercilessly.

The man in ancient costume restrained his smile, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"This is not your home field. In addition to us, the main body also has the incarnation of thoughts. They represent the real order."

"So? They don't care about me. What are you talking about? Yuan 21, you became the incarnation of the main body earlier than me, but I fell behind in the ranking. You shouldn't blame me for this, but you should Think about your own problems."

The complexion of the man in ancient costume finally couldn't hold back, and the murderous intent in his eyes became very obvious. He stared at Chen De coldly for a long time, and finally disappeared slowly.

Chen De snorted coldly.

Here comes the goal...


Looking at the cooldown time of the dungeon that grew longer and then suddenly shortened with the breakthrough, Lin Chen couldn't help but see Chen De's sloppy look in his mind.

"The increase in strength has caused the cooling time to increase again, but judging by the meaning, it should be Chen De who helped me suppress it. Sure enough, there is an acquaintance who is an official in it. It really feels good to give me a little trouble, unlike some guys, obviously Also has permissions, but does nothing."



This increase in strength was too terrifying, and it took Lin Chen a full half a day to fully adapt to it.

And went to the residence arranged by Zhou Geng to rectify.

Afterwards, Lin Chen took out the human puppet and activated it again with the remaining divine crystals.

On Lin Chen's body, there are also "scattered" divine crystals from all directions, which are specially prepared for puppets.

However, as an energy source, one hundred thousand divine crystals would not be able to exert much power at all to a puppet with the same strength as him.

The current existence of the puppet is just to deceive people and deter evil spirits at critical moments.

Although the news of Lin Chen's entry into the horror world had already spread in the two worlds, the humanoid puppet had been waiting at home and did not appear outside, so it was not exposed.

Under the light, the power of rules shines, and Xu Renfeng in human skin returns.

"I summoned fifty real kings, hehe, tell them that there are good things for them, they are all outstanding members who have been selected, and have special benefits, so they all rushed over, let's send them back first, a little Wait for half a day, and you'll be able to catch them all." Xu Renfeng had a mean smile on his face, and he didn't have the demeanor of a master.

However, Lin Chen didn't care at all. Instead, his eyes lit up, and he and Xu Renfeng laughed lowly. The laughter echoed in the room, and it looked extremely gloomy.

Two fixed-point teleportation symbols are used.

Lin Chen finally breathed the "fresh air" of the horror world.

Everything is still so beautiful.

The horror world is not like a dungeon, which is different from the time of Blue Star.

The time difference, but basically the same.

It was already night at this time, and the moon was in the sky, sprinkled with moonlight, shining on the earth.

This place is a wilderness. According to Xu Renfeng, he was the one who tricked the ghosts of the real king and exhausted them to the place where they accepted their fate, and it was also the place where all the ghosts gathered.

The members of the God Group who came from *** are still on the way.

Only Lin Chen and Xu Renfeng were around.

We can only wait for the time being.

Lin Chen looked at everything around him, and finally looked at the moon above his head, his eyes were deep and had a special meaning.

Horror world, here I come again...


After midnight, black shadows quickly flew from a distance, landed on the ground, and turned into human shapes.

The fifty real kings that Xu Renfeng mentioned had already started to show up.

At this time, Lin Chen had once again transformed into the image of the legendary taboo god, covered in dark ghost power, that extreme blackness, and the mysterious abyss-like aura.

Under the moonlight, the ghosts shuddered.

"Forbidden...forbidden god?"

"I have seen the forbidden god!"

"I have seen the leader, I have seen the Phoenix King!"

Some ghosts were astonished, while others saluted directly with fanaticism on their faces.

To be honest, they all refused the "holy water" at first.

But after taking it for two or three times, they felt the power changes in their bodies, and their thoughts changed.

This is the magical power of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods.

Extraordinary means of changing the laws.

It is natural to be in awe of the leader of the God Group.

"You are all elites of the God Group, so there is no need to be polite." Lin Chen waved his hand, making all the ghosts stand up.

The ghosts stood up straight, looked at Lin Chen, and couldn't help asking curiously, "God of Taboo, what's the purpose of calling me here this time?"

"Don't worry, you're just here first, and you'll know when all the members arrive." Lin Chen responded.

Xu Renfeng looked impatient: "Don't ask too much, this matter must be a good thing, it is a great opportunity, I just notified the 50 members of the real king, it is an absolute secret, naturally I have to wait for all the members to arrive before I tell you you."


Although Xu Renfeng's attitude was very bad, when all the ghosts heard the words, they all showed surprise in their eyes and nodded one after another, not daring to talk nonsense anymore.

over time.

A member of the group of gods began to arrive.

It wasn't until after midnight that the fifty true kings of UU Reading finally gathered. Lin Chen stood in the air, and Xu Renfeng stood behind him, facing the ghosts.

All the ghosts looked at each other, and all spoke the mantra of the God Group.

"The birth of white sheep, the reincarnation of heaven, the hometown of true demons, the **** of taboos, give me holy water, and save all spirits!"

They were uniform, their voices were loud, and their faces were fanatical.

This is a barren mountain, and I am not afraid of being noticed by anyone.

Lin Chen nodded with satisfaction: "You are all the elites of our God Group, and we gather here today to give you a fortune."

The ghosts were so excited that they all looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

The next moment, a pink sack flew out of Lin Chen's body.

It became extremely huge, covering the sky, blocking the sun, and blocking the light of the moon. The huge pocket opened, like the mouth of an abyss, covering the heads of all ghosts.

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