MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 506 : The pinnacle of good fortune.

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"What is this human talking about?"

The five ghosts, who had an extraordinary status in the horror world, could even be said to be very aloof, were all shocked.

But when they saw the surrounding situation clearly, they had to admit that what this human being said seemed to be true...

Almost at the same time, the faces of Mingshen and the three Tongtians turned pale, furious.


What a shame!

They couldn't accept it at all, and immediately exploded with ghost power, and they wanted to resist.

However, before Lin Chen could make a move, a ghost beside Hong Mo stretched out his hand to press down, and the ghost power of the four ghosts collapsed on the spot, and they were suppressed to the ground.

All ghosts and gods are ants!

Ming San's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth for a while, but he was still able to hold his breath, especially since Hong Mozai was in front of such a monster-like powerhouse, and he knew that even if he resisted, it would be useless.

"Brother Ghost, I lost to you because I am not as good as you, but there is no need to be like this. Let us go, we can turn enemies into friends." Ming San said, still keeping calm.

"Let you go? You're dreaming!" Hong Mo pointed at Ming Er with disdain on his face, "If you want to turn enemies into friends, your second brother won't be in this situation. My brother is right. Since you are here, just stay and work hard, don't talk about it indiscriminately, so as not to be beaten."


As soon as these words came out, even Ming San couldn't hold back the swearing. He turned his head, looked at his second brother in disbelief and said, "Why are we here? What they said is true?"

Ming Er nodded helplessly.

"That's right, we were all sold by Chen. His pink ghost in the sack was probably sold here by him. It's just a different mine."

Ming Sanwai gasped, looking at Lin Chen, his scalp felt numb.

What kind of ghost is this? The son of luck? He is a ghost dealer at all!

An absolute murderer!

"Look at the fuck?" Lin Chen frowned.

Ming San cursed inwardly, I am not looking at you, I am trying to kill you!

It's not such a trick!

Ming San looked at Ming Er again.

Ming Er has been in the mining area for many days, whether he was defeated or endured for a while, he now looks depressed and very decadent.

Ming San couldn't believe it.

My second elder brother, who is superior in strength, has great ambitions, and has astounding methods, has fallen into such a situation.

Instead, he would rather believe that his second brother was dead.

At the same time, he also felt a kind of sadness, partly for Ming Er, and partly for himself.

"Brother, that Mingyi caused us a lot of trouble later on. These Ming ghosts belong to the same family as Ming. Remember to retaliate for revenge and revenge for injustice." Lin Chen told Hong Mo sincerely.

As soon as this remark came out, the ghosts surnamed Ming shuddered secretly, and then stared angrily at Lin Chen, the culprit.

Although they couldn't move, if green eyes could kill, Lin Chen would have been hacked to pieces by them.

"My brother still understands me. I'm about to deal with them." Hong Mo was moved, and then he got down to business:

"The price of Ming San is the same as that of Ming Er. They are about the same strength, and the three Tongtian, I will give you a real price, one with a thousand square crystals. As for the good luck ghost, the ghost species is special and has great potential. , It’s almost reaching the sky, so I won’t forget it for you according to the ordinary good fortune, how about five hundred Fang Shenjing?”

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "This is the base price. The first four will be calculated according to the 40% discount we said before, which means a total of 52 million. As for the fortune, I will give it to my eldest brother."

This time, Hong Mo was definitely quite reliable. Lin Chen recognized the ghost quality, and Lin Chen was also generous once, and directly gave the **** of the underworld to Hong Mo.

When Hong Mo heard this, his eyes brightened, and he admired Lin Chen very much.

"Okay, then I will accept your favor, I will double the progress of your payment, and give you two thousand Fang Shenjing every month."

The other two ghosts and gods were also full of smiles. For them, Lin Chen was not only able to send ghosts in, but also the only way for them to leave the mining area and go out to breathe. Naturally, they were full of kindness.

Both parties in the transaction were very satisfied, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

In contrast, the teeth of the ghosts surnamed Ming almost gnawed into pieces.

They swear that no one can make them hate so much!

Treating ghosts and Tongtian ghosts as goods, and selling their ghosts and gods freely to the black mining area in front of them.

In their eyes, Lin Chen's delicate and handsome face was extremely detestable.

Especially the **** of the underworld, his anger can be said to be breaking through the limit, and being treated as a bonus is undoubtedly the greatest insult to a proud man like him.

While there was something wrong with the idea, it was well-timed.

Only Ming Er looked sad, having seen the fate of these fellow ghosts.

"Before that, please help me hold them down, and I'll get something out." Lin Chen took out the Happy Blade, with a gloomy expression on his face.

The blade was ordinary and small, unremarkable, but Ming Er's eyes almost straightened on the spot. As the victim of the happy blade, he naturally knew the horror of this blade.

His waist and Huang Quan are gone, and he can't recover until now!

"Brother, what is this?" Hong Mo was startled, a little confused.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, expressing it with actions.

He took Hadeshen into his hands, grabbed his neck, and fell directly to the ground.


Ming Sanwai's heart turned cold, and he was about to make a move.

But soon, after they were stared at by Hong Mo, they languished again.

A Hong Demon can completely suppress Ming Er and Ming San, not to mention there are two other ghosts and gods watching. For them, this place is a desperate situation, and there is no possibility of a comeback.

Wisely dormant.

Only Ming Shen, who was caught by Lin Chen, roared angrily, and his ghost power exploded wildly. Lin Chen just slapped him with two palms, which made Ming Shen a lot more honest.

Hades spent a lot of power in the previous battle. Now in the mine, the power of Yinyue cannot be connected, and it has weakened again.

He was not Lin Chen's opponent in the first place, so it was naturally more difficult to resist.

"Be honest." Lin Chen gave two more slaps, and he didn't have any good feelings for this guy.

The surname ghosts have a lot of grievances. They have a lot of resources, so they don't lack human blood and food. The seemingly innocent individual actually doesn't know how many humans have been killed.

That's why Lin Chen left them in the mining area and dealt with them in public.

Return the fear and pain that some humans have experienced to them intact!

After Mingshen was suppressed by Lin Chen alone, Lin Chen raised the knife in his hand and cut through the ghost power of Mingshen with the happy blade, causing Mingshen to grunt in pain.

The damage from this blade can be said to be real damage, and the pain is extraordinary.

Underworld gritted his teeth and endured, but the grief and indignation in his heart was beyond words.

He knew what Lin Chen was going to do.

The matter of Chen Neng cutting the ghost's waist is not a secret, and even the Yinyue Dynasty has conducted research on this matter.

But he never thought that such a thing would happen to him.

It's just that he couldn't resist at all. Soon, Mingshen felt his lower back go cold, his body was empty, and a **** waist was taken out by Lin Chen.

"What kind of blade is this? How could it be like this? It seems that this lost part will be difficult for this ghost to recover."

"Slaying ghosts and killing hearts! Brother Chen doesn't even let his waist go?"

Hong Mo and other ghosts were amazed. With their eyesight, they could naturally see that this was not simply destroying the ghost body, but actually cutting off the waist of Hades.

As the waist was taken out, Hades finally couldn't hold back the pain and roared.

However, before he could call twice, Lin Chen called again.

The second time I slapped it up.

"To be honest, it's not over yet."

Lin Chen continued, skillfully inserting the blade into Hades' body. With the operation of mental power, soon, an ownerless ghost domain ball fell down.


"How can this be."

This time, even Hong Mo and other ghosts were completely shocked.

Lin Chen's method has overturned their cognition.

For them, there are several ways to break through the ghost domain of the underworld god, but it is too unimaginable to separate the ghost domain and ghost body so perfectly, and only use an ordinary blade.

"Brother Hong Mo, this ghost domain is useful to me, but the drop of the ghost domain will have some impact on their strength." Lin Chen reminded.

Hong Mo was taken aback for a moment, but after realizing it, he quickly said that he didn't need to care, and at the same time he suddenly said, "No wonder that Ming Er feels weak, so he doesn't have a ghost domain, but the price I give you is actually based on the price you don't have. The ghosts and gods of the ghost domain will do the math.”

"Okay! Then please brother help me hold down Ming San.

Lin Chen decided to attack Ming San the second time.

Ming San's face changed suddenly. When Ming Shen was cut from the waist and Huang Quan, he almost made a move. Now it was his turn, and he couldn't hold it back anymore. He burst out with ghost power and wanted to escape.

In this regard, Hong Mo and the other two ghosts and gods only had a flash of their eyes, and rushed over in an instant, holding down the **** of ghosts who had exploded with ghost power, and beat them severely on the spot.

Lin Chen smiled, and leaned over with a blade stained with blue ghost blood.


There was a roar of pain and anger.

A ghost kidney and a ghost ghost domain were successfully cut off by Lin Chen.

In the dark mine, it became the most desperate place for these Ming ghosts. The three Tongtian ghosts were almost scared out of their courage, and even the waists of the ghosts and gods were cut, let alone them.

They were trembling aside. At this time, the three Heaven-reaching ghosts no longer looked like powerful evil spirits who regarded human beings as flesh and blood, but looked like poultry waiting to be slaughtered.


The matter in the mining area is settled.

Lin Chen returned to his residence and continued to refine the divine crystal.

Although he is already good fortune, he does not have an inflated mentality. There is still a long way to go, especially this time, Lin Chen has encountered too many strong people.

If you are not careful, you will die.

His enemy is no longer good luck, but even more expensive ghosts and gods!

Before leaving the mining area, Hong Mo gave Lin Chen another thousand crystals.

Apart from the twenty divine crystals given to Chonglan, Lin Chen now has 1,900 divine crystals on his body.

Enough for him to achieve a wave of promotion.


About half a day.

Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes.

The refinement of the nearly 2,000-square-meter Shenjing was completed, allowing Lin Chen to reach the peak of the Creation Level, and even started to move towards the Tongtian Ghost.

However, such a large realm requires too much energy. Lin Chen estimated that at least two thousand squares of divine crystals would be needed for him to advance smoothly.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen directly took the real king and palace in the bag and began to resell them.

His magic coins had bottomed out, so he had to continue to exchange ghosts for gods and ghosts. He sold forty hall ghosts and the crooked melons and dates that Chonglan handed him to him in one go. Only then did he make up 500 million yuan. God's trick coin.

According to the ratio of Shenjing to Shenguicoin, the lower the ghost, the greater the benefits in exchange for Shenguicoin, so Lin Chen, the real ghost king, will naturally stay until the end.

Afterwards, he once again used his god-like ability to enter the mining area.

He still has a lot of ghosts in his hand, 100 real kings and 10 palace ghosts.

Lin Chen didn't pack these ghosts for Hong Mo.

Although Hong Mo was really good, the payment for the goods was too heavy after all. Even if it mentioned the first phase of 2000 square meters, it would not be able to pay in a short time.

Therefore, Lin Chen still decided to process in batches, and quick realization is the kingly way.

Lin Chen went to three mining areas respectively.

In order to maximize the profit, Lin Chen sold the female ghost directly to the All Heavens Clubhouse.

This is the only way to deal with all the ghosts in his hand.

Then Lin Chen couldn't wait to continue refining.

Another half day.

Lin Chen's aura rose to its peak, but finally stopped.

[Host: Lin Chen]

[Physique: 13.7 million] (1 to 2000)

[Spirit: 13.5 million] (1 to 2000)

[Ghost power: 290 million] (1 to 8000)

[Reincarnation platform fragments: 13% (13% has been used.)]

[Dao Yuan True Explanation Ten Levels of Perfect Amplification Fifteen Stages (Peak of Creation)]

[Yi Jin Jing 10 levels of perfect increase of 15 stages (Peak of Creation)]

[Ten slaps and ten layers of consummation of ghosts and thirteen stages of growth]

[Five thunders and the three layers of the law of perfection increase the thirteenth stage]

[Broken soul finger: the third layer, a total of three layers (6 levels of increase)]

[Po Dao Fist: The sixth floor, a total of six floors (six stages of increase)]

[Ba Jue Palm: The fifth floor, a total of five floors (six stages of increase)]

[Ancient Holy Physique: Ninth floor. 】

[Balance of Divine Guild Coin: 460 million. 】

Today's him is much stronger than before, but he is still in the stage of creation.

The refinement of all the **** crystals, as well as the fragments of the reincarnation platform obtained from the **** of the underworld, allowed him to reach the limit of the creation level.

Still haven't broken through this shackle.

It takes a lot of energy to make good fortune into a heaven.

However, with so many resources, today's Lin Chen is only a step away from stepping over this gully to become a Tongtian ghost.

"My need for energy is getting bigger and bigger. Although Tongtian is close in front of me, if I want to become a ghost, the ghosts and **** crystals I need are astronomical."

Lin Chen sighed quietly.

With the improvement of strength and the gap between the ratio of self-demand and energy itself, the effect of Shenjing is no longer as exaggerated as before.

In addition to his own strength, Lin Chen has always been a little curious about other venues for the dream function.

Both of these points require a large number of ghosts to fill. The number of gods and ghost coins and **** crystals can be called astronomical.

"I still have to find a way to make ghosts. If only I had a pink sack, all the ghosts in UU Reading would beg to jump in..."

Lin Chen shook his head, then finally left the different space, returned to the villa, and lay comfortably on the sofa.

With a wave of his hand, King Yan and Bandage Ghost were released by him.

These two ghosts were taken back into his body by his contract with the ghost slave at a critical moment, and his perception was closed, so he didn't know what happened afterwards.

Suddenly appearing in Blue Star at this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief while being shocked.

"The matter is all settled. It's not easy for you to go back to the Horror World for the time being, especially King Yan. You can stay at Blue Star with peace of mind."

Lin Chen briefly explained the situation, and the two ghosts were shocked when they heard it, and they simply made arrangements.

Then Lin Chen looked at the last ghost in the pink sack with a headache.

This one is not easy to handle...


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