MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 70 A different Steve than imagined

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Inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

Coulson accompanied You Ming to study where Loki is likely to appear.

Because of the characteristics of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the S.H.I.E.L.D. tracker has no way to be placed on it.

So they can only rely on speculation now, and nothing else can be done.

And not long after, Natasha also appeared here.

According to Hawkeye's position, she learned that Hawkeye was preparing in other countries.

I don't know what he's doing.

But what is certain is that Hawkeye is under control.

In the video at that time, Hawkeye was just knocked down.

But according to Coulson's description later, he woke up halfway and just saw Loki disappearing at the base with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and Hawkeye.

So now Hawkeye's signal reappears, which means that Loki has returned.

"Natasha, you know the most about Hawkeye, where do you think he should prepare at this time?

Although he was controlled, as far as I know, the controlled person is no different from before except for the change in his thinking. "

Hearing You Ming say this, Natasha really thought of a place.

There is the battlefield where she and Hawkeye met for the first time.

And the coordinates are also very close to that side.

But if you want to go there, it is impossible without a day or two of itinerary.

After all, Hawkeye and Loki couldn't just stay in one position and stay still.

"Forget it, forget about it for now, the current information is that Hawkeye is very likely to be safe.

What Loki wants to do with him, I don't know yet.

But it was enough to know that his life was not in danger.

The most important thing now is to gather some people to stop Loki's next move. "

With that said, Coulson looked at Natasha and handed her a document.

"This is where Dr. Banner is located.

He made too much noise before, so our people secretly sent him to this area.

However, he is very resistant to S.H.I.E.L.D. now.

So Natasha, you'd better be careful when you touch him.

It's fine if you can't bring it back, there's no need to force it. "

"Understood, I'll go now."

Natasha nodded, then turned around and left.

This resolute attitude is worthy of the name of Black Widow.

But just as she was leaving, a man in a leather jacket just walked in from the door.

"You're here Captain, how's your stay during this time?"

"It's okay, but I have to complain about your food here.

Seriously buddy, everything is good here, and there's high tech that I haven't seen before.

But your food is too bad, I can only eat half full at every meal.

Really, it's quite uncomfortable. "

The man called the captain shrugged helplessly.

"Haha, isn't this what you're thinking about for Captain, after all, your body hasn't recovered for a long time.

If you eat too much, even if you are a super soldier strengthened by serum, you will get sick. "

Coulson touched his nose and explained with some guilty conscience.

Actually, he didn't know why Nick Fury made this arrangement.

But obviously, this burly man was very dissatisfied with the insufficient food.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to bother with you, after all, I can cook myself.

But then again, is your S.H.I.E.L.D. now so short of manpower that even children are recruiting to become agents? "

The man frowned and looked at You Ming, then walked over.

"This classmate, although I don't know why you were drawn in by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe you have special abilities, or have physical abilities no less than that of a super soldier.

But I still advise you not to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

They are all a group of dangerous elements, don't be brainwashed by them. "

"I know, thank you for your reminder, and I didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D.

The two of us are just a simple cooperative relationship. "

You Ming nodded, his first impression of this man was quite good.

And You Ming also had some guesses, but looking at the other person's appearance and the way he spoke, it was still difficult for You Ming to connect with that person.

After all, the captain he knew was not so rude.

"Since it's your choice, I won't interfere too much.

Now let me introduce myself, my name is Steve Rogers.

They all call me Captain America, but I'm really just a soldier.

If you don't mind, you can call me captain or uncle.

After all, I am older than you, haha! "

The captain laughed, but he was a little cold.

No way, what he said is now out of date.

However, You Ming was still very face-saving, he laughed twice, and immediately shook hands with the other party.

"Hello Captain, I'm You Ming, I'm half a bounty hunter, and I'm currently in a partnership with S.H.I.E.L.D.

As long as they are willing to pay, I am still willing to help them. "

"I see……"

Steve nodded, then glanced at Coulson, but something was not right in his eyes.

When You Ming saw the captain in front of him, he also thought of what he looked like in the original book.

Steve Rogers is a very righteous man.

But it is precisely because he is too righteous that he is not tolerated by some people.

The government of this world wants to make him obey, and then turn him into its own weapon.

But Steve Rogers, he would rather not have the title of captain than do something against justice.

But sometimes, he pays too much attention to feelings and is very emotional.

It's like facing the Winter Soldier.

When he learned the identity of the other party, it was his good friend Bucky, although he still arrested him, but after the other party regained still chose to help the other party.

Even if he broke with Stark, he was even set as a wanted criminal by S.H.I.E.L.D.

He himself is a very complicated person.

But it is undeniable that, for the sake of justice and brother, even if he sacrificed his own life, he would not hesitate.

"By the way, Captain, I read the report about you before.

The above said that after you defeated the Red Skull, you chose to fall into the ice with the universe cube.

Although this act is great, it is undeniable.

But I just wanted to know, could you just jump off the plane at that time?

If possible, why didn't you choose to jump? "

You Ming asked this question.

The scene suddenly fell into a freezing point.

Steve Rogers looked at You Ming embarrassedly, but he didn't get too angry, but sighed helplessly.

"Because it was too chaotic at the time, I forgot!"

"It's that simple?"

Coulson actually had this question, but he didn't dare to ask.

What he didn't expect was that You Ming was so courageous, he asked directly in front of the deity.

However, this is also due to the fact that he is still underage, so even if he asks, Steve Rogers will not be angry because of it.

This will make him feel that the child in front of him is more real.

It was just the question that Coulson blurted out, which made him even more embarrassed.

"Colson, I suggest that you revise the special attack rules.

I really don't know how you got to this position. "

Hearing Steve's words, Coulson was instantly embarrassed, and then he heard You Ming's laughter.

This made him even more frustrated.

Read The Duke's Passion