MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 71 This is not a negotiation, it is a threat!

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"Asgard's gatekeeper! Heimdall!"

"Did you hear that!"

"I know you can see it! So help me tell Odin, I have something to talk to him!"

"It's about his second son, Loki!"

"If he doesn't care about Loki's life or death, then he can ignore me!"

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. sub-base, You Ming and others couldn't really negotiate where Loki might appear.

They have been here for three days, and even You Ming asked Wu Mian to come over to take care of everyone.

After all, the meals made by Wu Mian are delicious, while the lunch box provided by SHIELD is terrible.

Therefore, Guiwu Tsuji was responsible for their meals for the past three days.

But in the past three days, they haven't made much progress.

Only Natasha persuaded Dr. Banner to come back, and is now rushing back on the plane.

Stark's research has also achieved a little breakthrough and applied it to his battle armor.

Only You Ming was here, and there was no progress at all.

The world has been changed.

Loki didn't play cards according to the original routine.

According to common sense, Loki at this time should have appeared in a high profile, and then proclaimed that he was a **** and wanted to rule the earth.

But not only did he not appear, he even left the earth with Hawkeye directly.

Because of their positioning device, a signal appeared in space for a period of time, and then there was no response.

This is enough to show that Hawkeye and Loki are no longer on Earth.

But where they went, You Ming couldn't judge.

Although she said she could ask Gu Yi for help, she wouldn't necessarily care about such petty troubles.

After all, as long as it wasn't, she would basically keep one eye open and one eye closed if it threatened the safety of the Earth itself.

But going to Odin is different.

Although this guy seems to have let go, he is actually very reluctant to see his son die somewhere else.

So when You Ming asked Heimdall to inform Odin, a rainbow bridge appeared in the sky and landed only a dozen meters in front of You Ming.

"Looks like he figured it out, you guys just keep an eye on it, I'll go to Asgard and come back to find you."

Saying that, You Ming directly entered the Rainbow Bridge.

He's not worried, this is a trap that Odin set for himself.

Because the other party doesn't need to do this at all.

More importantly, You Ming has the power of death.

If Odin wants to make a move, You Ming doesn't mind coming to him with a dead end.

At that time, directly use the system to forcibly break the seal, and then inject all the power of death into Asgard.

Thinking about this result, it makes me sour.

Odin was afraid of You Ming's death power, so he couldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

But for a moment.

You Ming had already been brought to Heimdall by the Rainbow Bridge.

He glanced at the gorgeous teleportation device around him, and the burly and heroic gatekeeper in front of him, and simply said hello.

"Heimdall's deity?"

"That's right, it's me.

God King Odin heard your voice, so go over, he is waiting for you. "

"Oh, I see, but I don't recognize the way, so can you give me a ride?"

You Ming narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively.

He wanted to know if this rainbow bridge could be freely shuttled anywhere.

Heimdall saw through You Ming's careful thought, and immediately smiled, then waved the long sword in his hand.

The next second.

Rainbow Bridge was summoned.

You Ming was enveloped by the Rainbow Bridge, and with a flick of his expression, he came to the gate of the Palace of the God King.

"It's such a convenient power, if only I had this ability too."

Saying that, You Ming looked at his system store and briefly flipped through it.

Then he really discovered the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge.

'Elementary Rainbow Bridge: Only one person can pass through, and the price is 30,000 analog coins. ’

'Intermediate Rainbow Bridge: Allows no more than 20 people to travel together, and sells for 200,000 analog coins. ’

'Advanced Rainbow Bridge: There is no limit on the number of people, and the price is five million simulation coins. ’

'Remarks: The prerequisite for summoning the primary rainbow bridge is to master black magic!

To learn the intermediate rainbow bridge, you need to learn the primary rainbow bridge first, and to learn the advanced rainbow bridge, you need to learn the intermediate rainbow bridge first. ’

'Dark Magic: The strange and mysterious dark magic forms a sharp contrast with white magic, and the two sides are mortal enemies.

Price: 100,000 Simulated Coins! ’

Really expensive!

It's ridiculously expensive!

And in addition to black magic, rainbow bridge learning requires prerequisite skills.

If you learn the whole set, it will be 5.33 million simulated coins!

And You Ming glanced at his wallet, there was only a pitiful seven hundred and fifty analog coins.

This is not even enough for other people's fractions, so naturally I can't buy it.

However, the introduction of black magic caught You Ming's attention, and he immediately turned on white magic, wanting to see how it was.

'White magic: Simple and commonly used white magic, anyone can practice it, but it is difficult for ordinary people to practice it to the extreme.

Only people with extraordinary talents can exert the strongest power of white magic.

In stark contrast to black magic, double reverse is an undead enemy.

Price: 10,000 simulated coins! ’

White magic is quite cheap. As long as You Ming is performing a realistic simulation and makes no mistakes, he will be able to buy white magic with a high probability.

But this thing depends a lot on qualifications.

You Ming is not sure if he can learn it without using those talents.

But anyway, the white magic thing can be used even in the simulation world, it can be regarded as a disguised enhancement of the strength of the Sims.

So when there is a wealthy analog currency, you can still make one.

Also, although black magic and white magic are mortal enemies, the system does not say that they cannot learn together.

Gradually, a disturbing idea appeared in You Ming's mind.

But if you want to complete this coquettish operation, you still have to save money.

And he really wanted the ability of to summon the Rainbow Bridge.

This is so convenient.

"Work hard to save money!"

"But it's only 130,000. If I enter a few more simulation worlds, it should be enough!"

After thinking about this, You Ming pushed the door and entered the Palace of the God King.

God King Odin, sitting in the deepest part of the hall!

"Human! I have been waiting here for a long time!

If you know how to save the current Loki, I can consider forgiving your previous disrespect!

Now, say your suggestion! Humanity! "

"Odin, now you are begging me, not me, please put down your arrogant posture!

And do you think I really want to help you?

Move your mind that has been sclerotic for thousands of years and think about it!

Loki is planning to invade Earth!

If he is caught by us, he will die or live by my words.

So I came this time, not to give you advice, but to threaten you! "


Odin was furious!

The divine power instantly expanded, directly covering the entire palace of the God King.

But You Ming walked forward unhurriedly, without being oppressed at all.

And around him.

As he walked, the black aura gradually dissipated.

The splendid gilded palace began to show signs of decay because it was contaminated with black aura.

The palace of the gods and kings, which has not decayed for thousands of years, is crumbling because of the arrival of You Ming!

this moment.

Odin's face changed suddenly.

You Ming walked in front of him as if taking a leisurely walk.

Behind him, is the gradually decaying Palace of the God King!

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