MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 69 You have a new order, please check

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Norman Osborn left.

You Ming continued to stay in the Stark Industrial Building, watching Stark strike iron here.

He is very busy every day now.

In addition to needing to study the Destroyer, he also needs to find a way to make his reactor smaller and more convenient.

However, this is still somewhat difficult for the current Stark.

And apart from these few things, Stark didn't sit still after he got the formula for strengthening the potion and the upgrade formula.

During this time, he has been letting Jarvis do simulation experiments.

This is much more convenient than Osborne alone, hiding in the laboratory for research.

It will also be much safer.

Technology changes destiny.

If Osborn had such an exaggerated black technology of projection, and Jarvis, the anthropomorphic artificial intelligence, he might not have been invaded by the Green Goblin's personality.

"To be honest, You Ming, you little brat, I'm getting more and more incomprehensible.

And how did you decide that there will be an alien army to invade the earth?

Just because of that lunatic personality, how many words did you say? "

Stark was still reluctant to believe that there would be such a thing as an alien army invaded the earth.

Although he has seen alien metal with his own eyes, he still feels incredible.

"I'm just guessing, and if the green goblin is a lunatic, he would rather believe it than not.

He is not a normal born personality, so it is understandable that he can see some unknown things.

It's just that some things, if it's what I think, then the earth may be really dangerous. "

Speaking of which, You Mingqing sighed.

Stark stopped the research in his hand, pulled a virtual screen from mid-air, and quickly tapped his finger a few times.

Then he saw that You Ming's figure with a black aura was reflected on the screen.

This is what it looked like when the power of death completely enveloped him.

"The video clipped from the satellite, the source of your power should be the goddess of death you mentioned earlier, right?"

"A goddess is also death, but the goddess of death and death are two completely different things.

After all, one of these two is a pure **** of death, and the other is one of the creator gods who controls the rules of life and death in the world.

You are clear on this point. "

"Okay, okay, I know, the name of God these days, it's really troublesome!"

Stark himself doesn't care about this kind of nonsense.

But You Ming mentioned these, which may be the cause of the destruction of the earth, so he still needs to understand.

It's just the **** of death that he knows. Hela, the goddess of death, is the **** in charge of death in Norse mythology.

But now he understands that the so-called Norse mythology is nothing but a legend that Asgard once left on the earth.

It is true to say that they are gods, but they are actually a group of alien creatures with powerful power.

And death is the real god.

Only those who control a certain rule can be called a true god.

"Stark, there are some things I can't say too much, because I personally don't fully understand them.

However, in the video you have seen, I am indeed using it, which belongs to the authority of death.

So it's not impossible for the Green Goblin to mistake me for death.

But the current situation is that death is very likely to come to the earth. At that time, both you and me, and all human beings, must be prepared to face death.

So hurry up, there is not much time left for us. "

You Ming knew that time was very tight right now.

And the world has changed a lot because of his arrival.

So he can't guarantee whether the plot of Avengers will be the same as the original movie.

This is what worries him the most.

But at this moment.

You Ming's cell phone rang, and Jarvis also notified that someone was calling Stark's communication, requesting to connect.

"My side is Coulson. It seems that I have something to look for. I'll withdraw first, and I'll help you later."

Having said that, You Ming left the laboratory.

Stark glanced at a certain bald figure who made a call, thought for a while, and finally chose to connect.

"Nick Fury, what do you have to do with me?"

at the same time.

You Ming came downstairs and happened to see Coulson's car appearing in front of him.

Very punctual.

It was as if he had been pinching.

"What's the matter?"

You Ming got into the car and asked the other party directly.

Coulson sighed and handed over a folder to You Ming.

"Originally, I planned to discuss it with you and meet with the director.

But now there is an unexpected situation, here are the detailed information, you can check it out.

By the way, this is the top-secret S-class, remember not to tell anyone after reading it.

Except for Stark. "

Hearing Coulson's words, You Ming frowned slightly, and immediately opened the folder.

But this is not a traditional paper document, but a tablet.

The above has been adjusted, and the information to be played can be played only by You Ming entering his name.

Then You Ming saw in the video that a man in a suit had invaded a warehouse.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the agents.

And the agents shot directly without persuasion.

As a result, these agents were completely crushed.

Then Coulson and Hawkeye came into view.

It's just that Coulson was knocked down the moment he saw the other party.

Hawkeye persisted for a while, but the opponent used illusion to deceive his vision, and after being surrounded by the opponent, he was knocked unconscious with a hand knife.

Finally, the man in the suit raised his head, saw the camera, and immediately showed a strange smile. UU reading

I saw him raise his hand, an ice-blue light beam burst out from his hand, and then the camera lost its effect.

But at the last moment, You Ming still saw the face of this man in the dark.

He is the second prince of the Asgardian god, Loki, the **** of trickery!

You Ming and Coulson had dealt with him before, and then humiliated him severely.

So he will appear on Earth, and it is normal to take revenge on Coulson and others.

But You Ming felt something was wrong.

Because Loki's eyeballs are normally no different from ordinary Asgardians.

But You Ming noticed that his eyes had turned blue.

And those who are controlled by the Mind Gem will have their eyeballs this color.

In other words, Loki at this time has been controlled by the Mind Stone!

"It's a bit bad..."

"This Loki is being controlled, plus he seems to have awakened, the ability of the Frost Giant.

Even I doubt that the Box of Ice might be in his hands.

To be honest, Loki, who possesses divine weapons, is actually quite strong. "

You Ming told the truth.

Although Loki is very oblivious

He is obviously a mage, but he likes to stab people with a dagger.

But when he mastered the divine weapon, his power was still very strong.

"I don't quite understand what you are talking about, but I know that he has already stolen the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!

So in this matter, the director decided to entrust you to help us find the cube of the universe.

I will be in charge of the specific matters that will be handed over to you, so you can just tell me how much you want.

You're welcome, I don't feel bad for Chief Jae anyway, haha! "

Read The Duke's Passion