MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 757 Collective breakthrough, grand occasion!

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"You guys, you need to make a contribution to the deity.........

"Yes, Your Highness! Your subordinates are willing to serve the gods and contribute to the gods!"

All the Yashas had no opinion at all, obviously they had expected this for a long time.

There is no free lunch. Dominating the Lord's establishment of a deity is also to strengthen his power and obtain more resources for himself, not to use his own resources to feed a large group of waste for free.

"Of course," Zhang Yang continued, "Now, because your strength has reached a critical point, you can break through with just a drop of life fluid. The strength has skyrocketed. With stronger strength, you can make more contributions to the gods. Therefore, I give you a chance to give you life fluid first. "

Zhang Yang said a moment's meal and looked at the twenty-odd Laoyasha.

"However, anyone who has accepted this drop of vitality should now immediately return to Capricorn World to draw a Yasha equivalent to your strength to join our camp. This is the condition, do you accept it? This temple does not force it. After all It is also risky to return to Capricorn now. "

"Subordinates are willing to accept!"

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, a Yasha agreed without hesitation. It was the first one who proposed to get life fluid.

Just a glance, Zhang Yang knew quickly.

Although this old Yasha has a half-step God Lord's great state of completeness, his vitality is almost exhausted, and it turns out that Shou Yuan is almost exhausted.

Yasha's life is extremely long, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is almost immortal.

However, they are not truly immortal. Unless they are truly promoted to the level of God, then, as the years go by, after several trillion years, they will also run out of life.

This old Yasha turned out to be running out of Shou Yuan, I really don't know how many years he has lived.

Seeing Zhang Yang's curiosity, this old Yasha explained:

"Subordinates were severely injured before being sealed into the Capricorn world. At that time, the injury was healed at the cost of the loss of life. Now, the subordinates have a hunch and there is not much life left, even if they are lucky to leave the world of Capricorn. In the world of energetic Daqian, his subordinates have no absolute certainty to break through to the realm of God before Shou Yuan is exhausted. Therefore, his subordinates have only a chance to take risks. Moreover, His Highness ’s mission has at least 90% of his subordinates ’ability Done. The subordinates lived endless years, and even when they were new to Capricorn, they were here to meet a lot of fellow monks. Those old friends have the desire to leave the Capricorn world. After the subordinates are promoted, just go to them Going to the previous station, such a living example, I believe they are very willing to leave with their subordinates. "

Old Yasha said with great confidence.

"Subordinates are willing to accept!"

"Subordinates are willing!"


With this old Yasha taking the lead, other Yasha had been a little hesitant, and immediately relieved their concerns, and no one was willing to fall behind.

Yes indeed! Everyone has lived in the Capricorn world for hundreds of millions of years. Who doesn't know a few monks of the same level with each other?

The Capricorn world is lacking in resources, and each Yasha dreams of leaving there, as long as it is not unlucky to be hit by His Highness Tarson, generally nothing will happen.

Compared to the return of a drop of life fluid, taking this risk is very worthwhile.

"Okay! Now I will give you life fluid. Take it here first, after you have been promoted, and then return to Capricorn. Bring back a rule to realize the great completion of the promotion level Yasha, I will give you a drop of life fluid, bring back both ends I will give you two drops, and so on. "

Zhang Yang said, shaking his hands.

咻咻 咻 ——

One by one, the brilliant bottles fell into the hands of the twenty or more Yasha.

In such an environment of scarce resources in the Capricorn world, being able to be promoted to the half-step God Lord's great consummation, and the realization of the law can reach the promotion status, which have exhausted countless years. Even if Shou Yuan is not nearly exhausted, he is more than half.

The head of Laoyasha, holding the liquid of life in his hands, were extremely excited.

There was no need for Zhang Yang to command. After the liquid was in the hands, they opened the stoppers and looked up.

The harsh living environment of the Capricorn world and the extreme shortage of resources have also created a fierce competition environment. If there is any resource in Yasha's hands, he will certainly suffer. It is not uncommon to be blessed.

This has caused everyone's last name. After getting the resources, they are used up immediately, and their strength is improved. This is the real benefit.

How can you rest assured on something so precious?

Having just joined the Galaxy of Gods, the surname created by billions of years is difficult to change for a while.

What's more, Zhang Yang was happy to see them on the spot. On the spot, the promotion of the strength and the enhancement of the strength of the gods is one aspect. Let other Yashas watch with open eyes and stimulate their aggressiveness. This is another very important purpose of Zhang Yang.


Under the fluid of life, the violent energy seemed to explode in the body.

The liquid of life, produced from the tree of life, is the purest energy. There is no time to retreat, and it all works on the spot.

You know, this is a drug that the strong can take on the spot in battle! If there is a period of weakness, it is not worth the life-saving medicine that so many strong people dream of.

Nourished by the energy of the liquid of life, the bodies of the old Yasha have undergone earth-shaking changes instantly, and their dry vitality is quickly restored. The breath of the body is getting stronger and stronger.


In the rhythm of the rhythm, the laws of heaven and earth from the depths of the universe first fell on the old Yasha who was about to run out of life.


The crimson realm is full of evil and thick, making everyone around you feel breathless.

"Alas! Promoted! This temple has finally been promoted!" Laoya laughed wildly.

Before the laughter stopped, I felt that the laws around me fluctuated again ...


There was an old Yasha next to him, and his body was full of rules.


The third law came, and another Yasha breakthrough ...

The half-step God Lord's breakthrough to God Lord is definitely an extremely rare scene. Even if you look at the entire universe, it is very rare for more than 20 strong men to make breakthroughs at the same time.

Who can go to the half step of God, who has not experienced endlessly long years? Even if hundreds of millions of half-step gods gather together, it is impossible for more than 20 people to break through at the same time.

Only these yakshas, ​​first of all, have reached a certain level of law, then they are limited by lack of energy, and now they are also given the fluid of life ...

This situation is definitely difficult to gather.

More than twenty laws of heaven and earth have come one after another. The mighty power and the surrounding space are falling apart.


The leaves of the branch of life are swaying, and the majestic vitality also bursts out.


In the crisp voice, I saw the roots of earthy trees interspersed in the collapsed space. The collapsed space immediately became firm.

Zhang Yang, many Yasha, and Fujimoto and others have long retreated and looked away.

Fujimoto and others are just fine. Anyway, they are still far away from this realm.

Many Yasha are not calm.

The companions were promoted in an instant, and immediately existed a higher level than them.

The improvement of the realm and strength means the improvement of status and the availability of more resources in the future. How can this not be jealous?

When someone is jealous, someone feels a sense of crisis.


If there is only one God-level Yasha, Gisaya may still be calm. However, with more than twenty heads in the blink of an eye, how could he calm down even with the comfort of His Highness Zhang Yang?

After all, strength comes first! Without strength, how do you fight for status?

"His Highness, his subordinates are also willing to return to the Capricorn world and work hard to subdue the new members of the deities."

The fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth continue, and the promotion of the Yashas has not yet ended. Gisaya has gritted his teeth and stood up to petition Zhang Yang.

If strength is immutable, then I use credit for status.

Kisaiah thought decisively

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