MTL - Zombie Evolution-Chapter 756 within Temptation

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"His Highness, who is new to our deity?"

"So many His Highnesses, I see, the weakest is the existence of the Lord of the Half Steps, all of whom have joined our deities?"

"The master is really amazing. In such a short period of time, there are so many allies."

"Hahaha, our **** is saved now. With so many His Highnesses, it is absolutely no problem to destroy that fleet."


Fujimoto and others are exchanging consciousness, and the surprises in their eyes are even more fiery than the many chapters of Yasha and others.

It was thought that the greatest suffering of the gods might be destroyed, but in a blink of an eye, the turn of opportunity appeared.

More than a thousand and a half step God's strong, this is an extremely huge force.

Although the majestic fleet is huge, the gods are not without counterattack.

You should know that the strength of the battleships and main battleships that came last time are generally in the form of ordinary titles. Even the mothership is only half the power of God.

There are not many warships with the same power as the mothership.

More than a thousand and a half step gods are powerful enough to achieve beheading. Destroy the local mothership, maybe this battle will be easily won.

"These are some of the original members of my deity." Zhang Yang introduced to Yasha.

He has reservations about speaking, and the power of the gods is not strong enough, so that all Yasha knows the full power of the gods is not necessarily a good thing.

"Have seen Your Highness."

"Have met my friends!"

Hello from each other.

Fujimoto and others looked at Yasha with respect in their eyes.

And a bunch of Yasha looked at Fujimoto and others. Although respected on the surface, there is a clear lack of sincerity in the heart.

Zhang Yang knew that Yasha could say hello to Fujimoto and others, and it was already in their face. Although everyone is the same deity, after all, strength comes first.

Without corresponding strength, it is never possible to get the sincere respect of others.

"Your Highness have all seen this tree of life, yes, this tree of life. It is the treasure of the town line that belongs to our deity." Zhang Yang looked at the tree of life. He said.

The ideas in the minds of all the Yaks were verified, and they were all very excited.

Sure enough it is the tree of life!

Zhang Yang was moved again, and his palm was wiped in front of him.


In the fluctuation of space, small transparent bottles appeared in the air. The levitation was suspended.

Among the transparent small bottles. Each contains a drop of energy fluid. Crystal clear and turquoise. Hundreds of small bottles, full of emotions.

Small bottles have a seal. Breath and fluctuation are not leaked, but just from a visual perspective, these yètǐ are also very seductive and refreshing.

The eyes of Dosha, the king of Yasha, first became hot.

Life fluid!

But he knew for certain that these were definitely life fluids.

Other Yashas may still have speculations, but some smart ones, Lenovo's just tree of life, have already predicted something.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang then spoke:

"Some His Highness has already guessed it, yes, these are the liquid of life! With just a drop, you can break through the liquid of life in front of you!"

This time, there was no uproar, and more, it was shocked. Yasha was greedy, staring at these life fluids.

When ordinary monks see the fluid of life, they will feel crazy. Not to mention, these Yashas have been imprisoned for many years in a place where resources are scarce, and suddenly they see one of the purest forms of energy in the universe, how can they not be crazy?

Of course, since Zhang Yang dared to take it out, he was not afraid that these Yashas would be mad and rob. Constrained by the supreme law, if these people dare to grab things from their own hands, they are seeking their own way.

Offensive to the Lord of the Gods, the Supreme Rule will instantly wipe them out.

Gissia looked at the greedy eyes of her companions, and she couldn't help but pinch her lips slightly, disdainful.

At the beginning, when the Lord His Highness conquered himself, he gave himself a hundred drops of life fluid. Looking at the present, there are more than a thousand heads of Yasha, including the great Lord Doroth, but only a few hundred drops of life fluid were taken out, and the average person was not even a drop ...

Thinking of this gap, the sense of superiority in Gisaiah's heart was spontaneous.

Where did he know that Zhang Yang was so generous at first because he didn't understand the preciousness of life fluid at all. He only saw such a huge amount of life fluid in his hands, and the tree of life was able to produce ... It felt like it could not be used up anyway, so he gave Gissia a hundred drops.

Now that I know the preciousness of life fluid clearly, of course, I need to save a bit of use.

"These vital fluids will be given to your Highness in the next period of time. Even if your contribution to the deities is large enough, I will add another batch of vital fluids.

In this sentence of Zhang Yang, all Yasha's breathing became heavy.

It is exciting to know that there is life fluid in the **** system. It is even more exciting to see the opportunity in front of you and know that you can get life fluid.

"His Highness, please give your next drop of life fluid. Your subordinate is now a half-step God's great consummation, not because the law is not enough, but because of the lack of energy. If your Highness gives the next drop of fluid, your subordinates have faith Immediately promoted to the Lord of God. The strength of his subordinates will certainly be able to make more contributions to the gods. "At this time, an old Yasha first couldn't help but stand out, looking greedily at the liquid of life.

"His Royal Highness, please give him a drop. His subordinate is also a half-step God Lord. He only needs one drop to be able to be promoted to God Lord and become ... the existence of Yasha King." Ruth glanced before gritting his teeth.

"There are subordinates, and I have the confidence to be promoted to God."

"So too!"


The heads of old Yasha have called for help, and there are more than 20 people who are confident to advance to the big realm.

The rest of Yasha was regretful.

Dorus frowned.

These Yasha were originally his subordinates, but now he stood out so openly and demanded to get life fluid first, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Thinking about it this way, suddenly looking up to see Zhang Yang's eyes seemed to be looking at himself, with deep meaning.

Immediately in my heart.

Yes indeed! Now he has vowed to join the Galaxy. The galactic gods only need one supreme right, which is the master of the gods.

This kind of thinking now is very dangerous. Once the Lord is dissatisfied, the Lord cannot execute members of the deities arbitrarily, despite the restrictions of the Supreme Rule.

However, Doroth knew that, as the master, there was no need to do it himself to execute members of the deities. It only takes one day for any dangerous tasks in the Department of God, such as facing powerful enemies, such as exploring unknown and extremely dangerous mysteries, sending yourself over, all problems are solved.

His Lord His Highness cannot be dissatisfied.

Thinking about this, Dorus quickly corrected his position, and his eyes became docile.

Zhang Yang looked at all this and felt very satisfied.

What particularly pleased him was the twenty-plus Yasha.

His enlightenment investigation is naturally very clear. These yakshas are half-step gods in great consummation. What they said should be true.

Also in the half-step God's great consummation ~ ~ there are more than fifty Yasha.

These fifty-somethings were very heart-warming when they saw their companion's request, but they eagerly tried it out and finally dared not stand up.

It seems that their understanding of the rules should not be enough to advance to God.

"Okay! Since 26 of you have this opportunity, this temple can give you a drop of life fluid."

As soon as Zhang Yang spoke, the faces of these twenty heads of Yasha all looked ecstatic.

As for the other Yasha, it is the envy.

Especially the other fifty heads, who were also half-step gods in great consummation, watched people who were in the same realm as themselves were about to be promoted. It was a step in the sky and they would leave themselves far away ... Satisfaction, with the Lord of God, is very different in strength.

Heart drop, especially severe.

"But," Zhang Yang's tone turned, and then he said, "The life fluid in this hall cannot be given to you in vain." (To be continued ...)

Read The Duke's Passion