MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 7 sixth sense

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Six Doors is an organization that is mixed with the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes, but also belongs to the imperial court.

Although most Jianghu people don't feel particularly fond of this name when they hear this name, but I have to say that Jianghu people have many opportunities to deal with Liumeng.

Although this place is also a court organization similar to Jinyiwei, it is different from Jinyiwei. The members of Jinyiwei are all serious court officials, as well as dark guards raised since childhood, similar to the imperial court's eagle dogs. But there are so many people in the six doors, all of whom have been transferred from the status of Jianghu people.

After all, I have the experience of Jianghu people, so no matter how long I stay in the six doors, there will always be such a Jianghu person temperament in my bones. It is precisely because of this that the six doors have become the department that has the most contact with people in the martial arts, and is also the most suitable department to deal with the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Six doors have a kind of meaning that heroes do not ask where they come from. Killers, thieves, beggars, prostitutes, and all kinds of people can be found here. It can be called a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

Hua Rongyue has seen a lot of things about six doors in Yi Linglong's memory, and it is in these memories that she changed her vagueness about six doors before the concept of.

For a modern person, the six doors may be just a thing that only exists in books or TV, but now Hua Rongyue can barely say a thing or two about it .

However, Hua Rongyue is still a little speechless about Yan Sheng's behavior at this moment, because before he left this time, he mentioned the matter of the six doors intentionally or unintentionally, although it was very vague.

—He was testing whether Hua Rongyue was willing to join Six Doors.

After Hua Rongyue understood Yan Sheng's words, she felt dumbfounded.

It probably means that Six Doors recently has the intention to recruit a new batch of new people. Yan Sheng is one of the people who knows about this and has a bit of voice. He can decide who comes in and who. do not come in.

Because of his understanding of this person's character and his future achievements, Hua Rongyue is a little skeptical about the point of "having a little right to speak" - that point is probably not half Jiangnan. .

Six Doors recruiting people at this time is easy to make Hua Rongyue think a little too much, she always feels that Six Doors is about to stand up, so she wants to recruit people.

It has been two months since Tianyi Building was burned, but the follow-up caused is definitely not that simple. Hua Rongyue now sleeps in the middle of the night and still can't sleep soundly. She always hears movement outside. After all, she has stayed in Tianyi Building for half a year, and she can hear any turbulent things, there is no way.

Ordinary people can hear these wind noises, and the six-door one must not be too busy.

By the way, in the hearts of ordinary people, the reason for the chaos in Jiangnan these days is caused by Tianyilou, and one of the representative characters is Yi Linglong.

It can be said that ordinary people don’t know anything about other things, but they know everything about Yi Linglong’s departure from Tianyi Building. Hua Rongyue understood it herself.

This is the most out-of-the-box operation in martial arts in the past two months. But Hua Rongyue was very clear in her heart - this has nothing to do with Yi Linglong's seriousness.

After all, the most powerful is Yi Linglong, what does it have to do with her Hua Rongyue?

Everyone else is still in the rivers and lakes, but this guy Yi Linglong has no news at all. Of course, the blame should be placed on this former colleague who has left.

Hua Rongyue sits at home, and the pot comes from the sky. She has received a lot of inexplicable black pots in the past two months. The situation of forgiveness has gradually turned into a situation where I am afraid that I will be killed on the spot as soon as I show up. It can be said that the martial arts people in the Jiangnan area have contributed a lot in it. So she really couldn't help laughing at Yan Sheng's suggestion.

"Me?" Hua Rongyue pretended that she didn't understand Yan Sheng's suggestion, Yan Sheng saw that Hua Rongyue's heart was iron-like, so she simply brought some dry goods, "The catcher in the six doors We have a minimum of two taels a month."

Staying in Baicaotang as an apprentice, food and housing, but no salary.

Hua Rongyue still pretended not to hear anything, and sent Yan Sheng out calmly. After she welcomed the guests away, the Hundred Herbs Hall became silent again, she closed the door and turned her head, and instantly saw Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian standing behind her with their faces close.

"Rongyue, you have to enter the six doors! You actually have two taels of silver a month! Then you are a rich man." Wan Fulian said very happily.

"I won't necessarily go." Hua Rongyue shook her head slightly.

"Yan Sheng actually asked you if you want to enter the six doors, it's really a strange thing." Doctor Qi came over at this moment and interjected.

"Doctor Qi, you and Xiaolian knew that Mr. Yan was from Six Doors?" Hua Rongyue asked slightly surprised.

"Of course I know, I encountered something a few years ago, Six Doors came, and he was the one who came at that time. We can say that we are old acquaintances."

Ah, so it is. Hua Rongyue looked suspiciously at Dr. Qi.

What he said was light, because he was not from the rivers and lakes, and did not understand the three words six doors at all, let alone what the concept of the future commander was.

According to the previous experience, Dr. Qi can encounter the matter of the commander-in-chief who needs the future six doors, won't it be because of his miraculous physique?

Since that day, Baicaotang welcomed a very miraculous apprentice. The apprentice came before dawn the next day. Hua Rongyue didn't know it yet, so he got up early in the morning Startled when the door opened.

When she was about to take out a knife again, Doctor Qi stopped her.

"This person... is a new apprentice." Dr. Qi dragged Hua Rongyue aside and whispered in her ear.

Hua Rongyue opened her eyes wide and looked at Doctor Qi incredulously.

Doctor Qi explained helplessly, "No way, his family... Well, as you know, he can't stop him if he wants to come, just take more care, if it really doesn't work, just pretend not to see it. Let's forget it. There have been a lot of people making troubles in the store recently, he is sitting here, I am afraid that those people will come less."

…Xiao Han became the third apprentice of Baicaotang.

--Alias ​​the apprentice of the spirit behind the back, the best thing is to stare at Hua Rongyue like a spirit behind the back, his eyes are very fierce, and his movements are very careful.

He was very different from when he came to Hundred Herbs Hall before, this time he was a lot more slack. Before, he was arrogantly showing off his treasured sword in the Western Regions and various dangerous legendary experiences. Now, he often lies on the table, playing Hache, sleeping, and the big civet cat is so crowded that he has no place to stay.

This time he finally became quiet, Hua Rongyue was able to take a good look at his appearance, this person, purely from the appearance, looks quite in line with her aesthetic.

A very standard...a young version of a domineering and evil face, the standard face of "cool and madly pulling the world's first" in martial arts novels. In fact, what accords with Hua Rongyue's aesthetics is not only his appearance, but also his clothes. After all, he was a child of a wealthy family, and Xiao Han was very particular about his clothes.

Only the pair of boots he stepped on did not look special. These shoes looked ordinary, but the effect was different after the upper body. Hua Rongyue especially liked them On the surface, it looks simple, but when you put on the clothes and shoes that are particularly stylish, some things will look good if they are not piled up with gold and silver jewelry. Xiao Han and her have a very common language.

It’s this emotional intelligence problem that really doesn’t help…

Although Hua Rongyue thinks the other party's emotional intelligence problem is a bit difficult to help, but as long as he doesn't say a word and stays there quietly, Hua Rongyue is very happy to see such a pleasing picture Everyone has a face and a love for beauty, so let's put it in a vase for the time being.

According to Hua Rongyue's own guess, the other party condescended to come to this small place to be an apprentice, so she should be worried about her. For example, if a person with good looks suddenly appears next to your girlfriend or boyfriend, do you care that much?

Most likely.

It's just that other people stare at them occasionally, and it's okay to inquire from time to time, but the eldest young master is different.

"Why are you here! Hurry up and go back?" Wan Fulian was angry for the first time.

She was drying the herbs outside the house, walking back and forth with a basket, Xiao Han followed her, wherever she went, Xiao Han followed.

Xiao Han's daily life includes staring at Hua Rongyue and following Wan Fulian's **** as a follower. Wan Fulian, a girl with such a good temper, was angry with him.

"Xiaolian, listen to me, I'm not worried about you? He doesn't look like a good person with the surname of Hua. I always feel that he hides too deeply, not on the surface It's so simple, you still have to continue to be an apprentice here..." Xiao Han followed behind Wan Fulian's ass.

"Why don't they look like a good person? No matter what they say, they're better than you who broke the counter the first time you came here!" Wan Fulian was even more angry when the matter came. She turned her head and stared at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was a little flustered by Wan Fulian's eyes, and said, "This is different..."

"What's the difference?"

Xiao Han and Hua Rongyue turned their heads suddenly, and suddenly saw Hua Rongyue standing at the door, leaning slightly against the door, looking at them both.

Neither of them knew when Hua Rongyue came.

"Nothing! You listen to his nonsense." Wan Fulian came over immediately, threw Xiao Han directly behind her, and told Hua Rongyue about it without looking back. Entering the house smiling.

Xiao Han seemed to want to say something in the back, but Wan Fulian ignored him at all. He was behind and felt a little lost and pitiful.

know how to enter the house.

Xiao Han stood alone at the door of the Hundred Herbs Hall, not knowing what he was thinking. When he came back to his senses, he found a pair of shoes in front of him.

He was shocked and even took a step back.

He didn't hear any sound just now, and he didn't know when someone came.

"Junior Brother Xiao." Hua Rongyue, who had just entered the room, actually came back and asked him in a low voice, "Am I not a good person?"

Xiao Han stared at Hua Rongyue vigilantly.

Hua Rongyue thought that because of his temper, he would have to fight with her no matter what, maybe he would perform a full martial arts with her.

But this time he didn't even answer, bypassing Hua Rongyue and running into the house, it seemed that he was afraid of her because of what happened last time.

Comrade Xiao Han was unwilling to be lonely. Although he still didn't dare to really fight with Hua Rongyue, he still had a trick. His eyes were staring at Hua Rongyue fiercely all the time.

After Xiao Han left, Hua Rongyue bowed her head and stood at the door for a while, then suddenly chuckled.

"This person's emotional intelligence is not very good, but his sixth sense is quite good..."