MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 6 orphan

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"Which school did you belong to?"


"Where is home?"

"The ancestral home is outside the customs."

Hua Rongyue paid a painful price for being impulsive.

She is now honestly explaining her origins in front of Yan Sheng, and she is sitting neatly.

—Of course, Yan Sheng is not interrogating prisoners now. He doesn’t even wear official uniforms. It is estimated that he just casually passed the Hundred Herbs Hall today. .

He would just sit there quietly drinking tea, and he didn't mean to ask the teacher to ask for guilt, because just now, Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian had whispered to Yan Sheng what happened. The corpse on the counter was still on the ground, and there were dust and sawdust all over the floor. Everything was clear. No matter how I said it, I couldn't rely on Hua Rongyue. To say it, Xiao Han had a bigger problem.

Xiao Han was squatting on the side at first, but after Wan Fulian gave him a wink, he slipped away.

You can't just detain Hua Rongyue just because she knows martial arts.

Why? Hua Rongyue said it clearly when she came on the first day.

—“I used to be on the rivers and lakes for a while.”

By the way, when I mentioned this Doctor Qi before, I wanted to laugh a little, but now when I mention this Doctor Qi's expression... It's a little bit hard to describe.

Of course, if Hua Rongyue said something wrong, then Yan Sheng, who was drinking tea quietly, would definitely not have such an attitude.

Hua Rongyue was not stupid, and made the decision to try to lie in front of a person who could be the leader of the six gates in the future. It would be very easy to be seen through, and then he would be suspected of why he lied.

However, Hua Rongyue still has a place where she can operate secretly - she is not a real Yi Linglong after all, before she came across, she was an ordinary civil servant.

The stories of the two life experiences are mixed together to talk randomly, which one is more suitable.

It's the truth no matter what, Hua Rongyue speaks more confidently, it's the first time in her life that she lied so smoothly.

I couldn't help but feel a little flustered, but Hua Rongyue told herself to try to calm down.

Yan Sheng kept drinking tea with his head down, no expression on his face, Hua Rongyue was not sure whether he believed it or not. In short, he didn't show any too strong reaction for the time being, and he didn't directly detain Hua Rongyue, which means that nothing happened.

"Did you say before that you have no interest in Jianghu?" Yan Sheng asked.

Hua Rongyue said: "Yes."

"It's rare." Yan Sheng put down the teacup, "With your skills, you can make a name for yourself in the arena, how can you return to such a small place?"

How to answer this seemingly trivial question, but in fact it is an obvious trap?

Hua Rongyue looked at the desktop and was silent for a second.

She didn't say anything because you have to work hard to live or the rivers and lakes are too sinister, but said something that sounds perfunctory to outsiders, "Because I'm tired and want to rest ."

Such a sentence, Yan Sheng, who wanted to ask more, suddenly swallowed everything he wanted to say.

He looked at Hua Rongyue, and there was a hint of melancholy on his face that was always too serious. I don't know what Hua Rongyue had in mind, who was looking down at the table. He also lowered his head and silently took a sip of tea.

All kinds of things happen every day on the rivers and lakes, many people enter or exit, and the reasons are also different. However, among the reasons for quitting, "tired" is not uncommon, but it makes people speechless.

And, this is also one of the most common reasons for those who have good skills but quit the arena.

When Hua Rongyue and Yan Sheng were "fighting wits and courage" here, Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian were cleaning up the counter that had just been smashed, while whispering whispers.

"What do you think Hua Rongyue is from?" Hua Rongyue had been here for two months, but the two of them seemed to know him the first day.

"How do I know? I don't know martial arts."

"Don't you read the book often? Let's talk according to the inside."

"Me? I'm reading the script, and I'm not a real chivalrous girl." Wan Fulian's expression was a little speechless.

But she turned her head and glanced at Hua Rongyue quietly, and then Dr. Qi said: "I think Rongyue may have a lot of background, think about how we both were when he first came. want?"

"What do you think?"

Doctor Qi was taken aback by Wan Fulian's question, and then suddenly remembered what Hua Rongyue and Wan Fulian had secretly commented on him when Hua Rongyue first came.

At that time, Hua Rongyue hadn't shown her reliable side yet. Doctor Qi and Hua Rongyue inevitably talked about Hua Rongyue in private. They first said that Hua Rongyue seemed to be rich from whom It was actually Doctor Qi who escaped. As a doctor, he sometimes had to give outpatient treatment to some wealthy families.

The way rich people treat diseases is different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary people need to do it by themselves, while rich people need a doctor to come to the door in person. Dr. Qi has seen all kinds of powerful and powerful people, so looking at Hua Rongyue's face, at first glance, he feels like he came from some rich family, which can be said to come from an intuition.

But later Hua Rongyue was too capable, even more reliable than what he and Wan Fulian did, so he forgot about it.

But when Wan Fulian mentioned it, he thought about it again.

"Hey, you said." Doctor Qi suddenly had a very bold guess, his expression became strange, Wan Fulian felt a little hairy when she saw his expression, and asked, " Master, Master, what did you think of?"

Dr. Qi seemed to hesitate for a while because of his guess, but he waved carefully, let Wan Fulian turn his ear, and whispered in her ear: "You said... Is he a child of some martial arts family?"

Wan Fulian also took a breath, but then her face showed a sudden realization.

Wulin family, a very general concept, give a simple and most common example - "xx Villa". Generally speaking, whoever reports his family in this format can basically judge that he is from a martial arts family, and the level of status is judged by what "xx" is.

xx If there is a breeze, like Yangliu, it is a bit compelling but not too iconic, then it is an ordinary family. If it is Wanmei, I am afraid I will kneel when I hear it; if there is no dispute, then I will run away when I hear it.

If **** is a Tibetan sword, then immediately buy a husky for self-defense.

But ordinary people and Jianghu people have a wall after all, some things Jianghu people know very well, keep it in mind when walking in Jianghu, but it is really far away for ordinary people. Doctor Qi thought about it for a long time, but he didn't even think of which villa Hua Rongyue came from. Rather, he probably didn't know much about the villas on the rivers and lakes.

Wan Fulian knows a little more, but she understands it from the book. At this time, if she is asked to take these as real things, and it is still in the two at first glance. In front of pedestrians, she herself would blush.

Young gentleman, gentle as jade. Hua Rongyuedan is indeed such a fan of his personality. After such a comparison, Wan Fulian and Doctor Qi actually felt that this was not far from the truth. Although he was from the martial arts, he was also a genuine son of a noble family.

The eyes of the two looking at Hua Rongyue changed a lot in an instant.

Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian discussed there for a long time, but in the end it was just a guess. On the contrary, Hua Rongyue and Yan Sheng were chatting and chatting, and they came to this without knowing it.

"Do you have any friends?"

Hua Rongyue thought about Yi Linglong's interpersonal relationship and said honestly, "There are friends, but not many."

"What about your family?"

Dr. Qi and Wan Fulian were still talking about this issue just now, when they heard Yan Sheng asking, and instantly felt a burst of curiosity, all pricked up their ears and started to listen, just waiting to hear Hua Rong Yue's next answer will be the son of the martial arts family they guessed.

—The son of the martial arts family, isn't this identity more exciting than the simple son of the aristocratic family?

Hua Rongyue is speechless here, Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian are murmuring here, Gou Gou whizzing, thinking that no one will hear what she said, she dares to guarantee I'm afraid that all those words entered the ears of the person on the other side without a word, that's why the other side asked her such a question.

She could see clearly, just when Doctor Qi said the word "Wulin Family", the other party's eyebrows raised, and his eyes looked at her a little more.

Hua Rongyue looked at Yan Sheng with some helplessness, the other party wouldn't really believe this explanation, would he?

"Are you also very interested in painting and calligraphy?" Yan Sheng asked.

Hua Rongyue met Yan Sheng's brain circuit almost instantly. Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian were not very familiar with Jianghu, but Yan Sheng was different.

He must have searched all the martial arts families in Jianghu in his mind just now, and then made a judgment on Hua Rongyue's identity according to his age, identity, appearance and skill, etc.

—Ji Mingyu, the eldest son of Lingyu Villa.

Ji Mingyu disappeared about a year ago. Before the disappearance, this person's knowledge, skills, and appearance were among the best among his peers. Lingyu Villa is also a famous family in the world, and he is good at using knives. To this day, no one knows why Ji Lingyu disappeared. All this is like a mystery. People in Jianghu know that the people of Lingyu Villa are famous for their love of painting and calligraphy.

But Hua Rongyue knew that he was dead. Someone gave Tianyilou a high price to secretly buy Ji Mingyu's head. When Hua Rongyue knew, Ji Mingyu could not be saved.

But soon after, the person who killed him was also killed by his enemy, as has been the case since ancient times.

Hua Rongyue looked at the cup in her hand, holding it very warmly, Ji Mingyu...a very good identity.

The age is suitable, the appearance is suitable, and there are not many people who know him. There is only one old owner left in Lingyu Villa, who hardly goes out on weekdays. It is also very far from Lingyu Villa, and the killer who killed Ji Mingyu is also dead, which means that no one here knows Ji Mingyu.

Yan Sheng watched Hua Rongyue for a while, and the other party had an indescribable calm and trusting temperament.

Some people wear expensive and solemn clothes, but at a glance they can make people look fake, but Hua Rongyue is different.

Thanks to Yi Linglong's tall height and calm and dignified facial features, she sometimes even needs to simply stand there, as if she can control the overall situation. This kind of temperament is very rare, so he judges that the other party has a good background.

If such a person is a son of an aristocratic family, it is not a strange thing.

But after a while, Hua Rongyue said with a smile, "I know what you're thinking, but I'm an orphan and was abandoned as soon as I was born."

When Yan Sheng heard the answer that was completely different from what he had imagined, he was slightly taken aback, and even Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian who were eavesdropping behind him were also taken aback.

But judging from Yan Sheng's personal experience, he could feel that the other party was not lying, which surprised him, but considering the other party's mood, he didn't show the slightest bit.

Hua Rongyue's attitude is quite calm, but Yan Sheng will inevitably not think too much.

He was not thinking of Hua Rongyue's identity, but something else.

Things in this world are really weird, how many descendants of dignitaries he has seen, it's like mud can't support the wall. And the calmness and extravagance of the other party's body does not look like an orphan who was abandoned by his parents when he was born.

—Temperament is something that is really hard to come by.

Read The Duke's Passion