MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 21 Girls disguised as men's mixed boys' group (21st issue)

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Qu Xiao greeted the camera, and walked to the side of the team leader who was about to cry without tears.


What kind of routine is this.

How can he be so kind?

While the show crew was confused, Qu Xiao's strides did not stop, he didn't just walk over, he even bumped the poor B-level captain.


The poor captain smashed his ass, he looked at Qu Xiao aggrieved, he didn't understand how he was hindering others, but he had neither popularity nor background, Don't even dare to complain.

Just when the squad leader felt aggrieved, he was picked up by Qu Xiao by the arm. Very good, as expected of practicing dance, really strong.

"Sorry." Qu Xiao apologized insincerely, the team leader could only admit it through gritted teeth, then bent down and picked up the note. But after the note was picked up, his eyes were about to bulge out!


As their eyes met, the B-rank squad leader instantly understood. This is the rhythm of the fight between the gods, understand, he understands! In this way, Qu Xiao's goodwill can be refreshed, and it can also avoid PK with Shi Qi's devil team. He is not stupid, of course he knows how to be nice to himself.

"It doesn't matter, it's all my fault. Come on, let's say hello again, lest people who don't know think you bullied me." The captain took the initiative to go to Qu Xiao's side and bumped his shoulder with him as a friendly gesture.


Qu Xiao, the misfit boss, actually made friends in front of the camera! !

I even got a poor B-grade rating. It seems that Xiaoba is not as impersonal as the legend.

In the end, the two opened the note at the same time, Qu Xiao's eyes crossed the crowd and looked at Shi Qi, "It was me who drew the song "Lord Commander"."

This result made another B-ranked team that was waiting for the result to cry with joy. PK with Qu Xiao and the others is definitely a loser, and with the PK of the same level, there is still more than half of the chance of surviving .

Not only does Shi Qi's team have no one willing to PK, but Qu Xiao's team is also very powerful.

Therefore, the scene presents a polarized result.

A group of fairies fight, and a group of chickens peck each other!

Program Group, "…"

They felt that Qu Xiao was operating under their noses, but **** they had no evidence.

However, what surprised him the most was that someone actually cooperated with Qu Xiao.

It seems that Qu Xiao can succeed in business, not only because of his good family background. As long as he wants, he can achieve the goal. Even though, the character performance is still so bad.

This kind of person can do anything. It seems that for a while, their program group can't get rid of this living ancestor. However, controversy can be regarded as a topic, pain and joy.

Seeing Qu Xiao full of fighting spirit, the PD of the Blue Ocean couldn't help but look at Shi Qi who aroused his fighting spirit. After looking for a while, I saw someone in the corner.

Good guy, this kid completely ignored Qu Xiao.

Sitting in the corner, Shi Qi, holding a large three-layer hamburger and a glass of ice Coke, was very devoted to eating. The other teammates couldn't stop her, so they could only help her cover.

Although the regulations do not say that eating is not allowed, can you respect others when they regard you as an enemy and opponent?

What's wrong with cooking!

But don't tell me, looking at Shi Qi eating, makes people want to eat his same burger. Which burger is this? How long until get off work? Would you like to buy the same hamburger set as a late-night snack?

"Shi Qi, do you have confidence in Er Gong's PK?"

Then photographers started looking for people.


The scene was very embarrassing for a time, she just took a few bites when she saw that there was no camera facing her, and now she was caught by everyone.

Since you can't hide it, then admit it. "You have the strength to PK when you are full."

The PD of Blue Ocean, who was secretly ordering takeout with his mobile phone, turned his head silently, and sure enough, he turned his hands over the clouds and covered his hands for the rain to harm their show team. , saw a trace of crack.

This is the end of the trainee shots.

Next, sixteen instructors selected trainees to lead the team.

Because there are ten songs in total, in order to be impartial, only ten tutors are needed, and each tutor has two teams with the same song.

Tutors who looked confused, "???"

You agreed to be mentors, but your program team actually let them compete for jobs? There are even six instructors who have no students to bring.

Make things happen, this is making things happen!

It's no wonder that you have invested so much money to invite so many mentors. The feelings are not wasted at all. They are singing and dancing. .

This wave of visual feast is really worth it!

The audience watched with relish.

However, the final result program group has not announced.

Instead of telling everyone, pay attention to the official Weibo of the national idol and the Weibo of the mentors.

So on the night of the show, top stream Huang Tianyu and Shi Qi, Fire and Shi Qi, Shi Qi and Qu Xiao, Shi Qi and Hamburg, and ten Several tutors have been hotly discussed on Weibo one after another, and they have been searched in turn. The entire show [National Idol] is almost on the hot search, and even the competition system of this genius creative pit tutor is also the focus of the hot discussion.

Inexplicably rushed into the top three hot searches with a dark horse, and there is also the PD Blue Ocean of the program group.

As the PD of the program group, with the very appetizing competition rules, she was successfully picked up by enthusiastic and anxious fans and sent to the hot search.

Even the name of Lan Haizhi was ruined by netizens, and it changed from a ghost PD to 'our 101st blue child paper'.

【Fuck! 】

【How long is my blue child paper head, my curiosity has been successfully aroused. 】

[Which ten mentors are leading the team? 】

【What about the remaining six mentors? 】

[Ouch, I really want to know which mentor my cub ended up in the hands of. 】

Already in her thirties, she was called the PD of Blue Ocean by teenage girls, "..." He also never expected. As for the mentor who chose Shi Qi's team, he never imagined what the **** he had experienced in the past few days!

Read The Duke's Passion