MTL - Women Disguised As Men and Mixed Men’s Team [Quick Wear]-Chapter 20 Girls disguised as men and mixed boys' group (20th �

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Faced with the unkindness of Qu Xiao's visitor, Shi Qi said five words unhurriedly, "We hit the mark."

And his confusion and mood are what everyone else wants to express.


Pfft! !

The reason why Xiao Shiqi refused Qu Xiao was that one team would not allow the two leaders to dominate.

Oh my god, my dear little prince!

Do you have a wrong perception of yourself?

Little Seventeen, who was milky and milky, was just an adult. If Han Xiche was the oldest trainee, then Shi Qi was the youngest, only a few days old.

Eighteen to twenty-four years old, the difference between the two is six years old.

Less one little tyrant, Qu Xiao, and two more players with the same number of topics and obvious strengths, this team once again attracted everyone's attention.

In terms of overall strength, Shi Qi's team has no problems. But the problem now is that there is a Sheng Zhaixing in this team, not to mention that there is already a Qu Xiao at the scene who is not pleasing to the eye when seeing Sheng Zhaixing, and there is no harmony in the barrage.

Not only were they scolded Sheng Zhexing, but even Shi Qi, who had chosen him, was scolded in.

Although the barrage is chaotic, the show is still being broadcast in an orderly manner.

It seems to have learned the lesson from the last time Xiaoba broke the stage, so after the random grouping ended, the program team arranged for the tutors to let the trainees choose the captain of the team, and then go to the draw after the selection Song.

"There are ten songs in total in the second performance, and the team that draws the same song will automatically become opponents. And after the performance of each song, the audience will score directly. The team with the highest score will go directly to the safe The seats and all members are safe. Teams with low scores will enter the unscheduled seats, and the 30 finalists with individual votes will be eliminated directly.”

As soon as the rules of the competition came out, the scene immediately complained. Not only because of the tragic PK comparison of the same song, but also because the elimination rate is terrifyingly high.

【Wow! 】

[No? 】

[Thirty percent elimination rate? No, for the losing team, 30 out of 50 people will be eliminated. This is a 60% elimination rate. On average, there will be three eliminations in a group. 】

【This is too scary! 】

The brutal competition system is jaw-dropping.

Shi Qi is a well-deserved captain, although Sheng Zhaixing did not speak, but Luo Gaohan, Chu Lian and Han Xiche have passed by three votes.

Qu Xiao, who was abandoned, became the captain of another five-person team. Even in his team, there is Mu Mulin, who is the most popular in the audition.

I don't know how Qu Xiao got the captain. After all, Mu Mulin's popularity is not low.

Although Shi Qi temporarily held the limelight, he still has an A grade, and because he used to be an actor, and now his stage charm adds points, the instructor is full of praise.

Why is this captain, Qu Xiao?

The audience was curious, and the show crew were about to cry.

Can't be broadcast, how to get the captain's process is absolutely not broadcast!

At the beginning, it was obvious that Mu Mulin had a better relationship with the other three trainees. Mu Mulin looked at the attitude of the other three trainees, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Although Qu Xiao has broken up with Shi Qi now, he also knows that he can't be in such a hurry when it comes to gaining favorability.

He has to wait for the other three trainees to choose him, and then come out and say that he has given up the captain to Qu Xiao. In this way, Qu Xiao has to remember his goodness, and he can get along with him. Shi Qi directly confronted him.

Thinking of beautiful things in her heart, Mu Mulin is going to come to the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole.

However, what he never expected was that Qu Xiao, the boss of Xiaoba, did think of his own advantages.

In the eyes of Mu Mulin, Qu Xiao picked up the watch, ring and necklace and gave them to his teammates.

Then, the attitude of the three of them changed suddenly. They chose Qu Xiao to be the captain on the spot.

What is this called?

It's banknote power!

Before he finished speaking, Qu Xiao directly replied, "Is there a problem with giving gifts to friends?"

"???" The stunned show crew, is this explanation okay? However, it seems reasonable, the mouth opened and closed several times, and finally the show team lost, "No."

When I met such a boss, the show team that was scolded every day wanted to cry.

You have such a bad personality, no wonder Shi Qi doesn't want to form a team with you, who can stand this bad temper!

Mu Mulin, who was robbed of the captain but didn't get the greeting, "..." He had a feeling of tightness in his chest and the urge to vomit blood.

The above is just a small episode that cannot be broadcast.

Qu Xiao did not hide his hostility at all, but Shi Qi didn't even look at him, he waved to his new teammates, and then he was the first to go to the stage to draw lots, turning a blind eye to Qu Xiao the whole time.

"Very good, very good!" His teeth rattled, Qu Xiao was so old that he didn't have to succumb to a single person so many times. Not only did he offend him, but he didn't even apologize.

No, no. It's this guy who doesn't think he's doing anything wrong at all!

Qu Xiao laughed in anger, and quickly went to the stage to play the song, then stood beside Shi Qi, lowered his voice and half lowered his head to Shi Qi's ear and said, "I am very angry. Interesting isn't it?"

"Aren't you going to retire?" Shi Qi raised his head, looked at Qu Xiao, who was not kind, and blinked in confusion.

Innocent, confused.

In those clean and clear eyes, a face of his own anger was reflected.

In contrast, Qu Xiao clenched his fists.

This **** little **** is so righteous? I really want to beat her up!

No, it's too cheap to beat her up.

"Oh! I'm not going to retire now!" After throwing a sentence, Qu Xiao turned around and left the back of Shi Qi's head.


Shi Qi tilted his head, then silently stood up straight and bent his knees.

She was ready for this guy to be unable to resist, and she was ready to defend herself. The "Criminal Law Encyclopedia" and "Civil Code" taught Shi Qi a lot of ways to protect himself. As long as there are witnesses, he can use moral and legal means to protect himself. Unexpectedly, Qu Xiao's temper is much better than expected.

Since you don't want to do it, then Shi Qi revealed the song while taking a photo of himself, "The song I drew is, "Lord Commander"."

The camera gave a close-up, and the song "Sir Commander" was not included.

On the spot, two people haven't opened the note yet, one is Qu Xiao, and the other is the trainee captain with a grade of B, his face is pale, and now he is about to cry.

Qu Xiao's long and narrow phoenix eyes picked up everyone's expressions, and he probably understood.

Seeing his expression, the program team felt that things were not good, and quickly turned all the cameras on Qu Xiao. The rules are not allowed to be violated. If you dare to buy other trainees in public, the program team will fight back. If you can't do it, you should retire from the competition. They can't afford to entertain them. It's too tiring to deal with savvy businessmen!

They are just a simple variety show, they can't let you lead them by the nose every episode.


From top to bottom, from beginning to end, countless cameras were aimed at Qu Xiao, making him unable to use money.


You can't buy it with money, right?

Then he has a way.