MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 49 Wretched demon

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After playing the white ink, Yunrong’s gas also disappeared. She left the white peacock in her hand on the bed and stood up and asked, “Now you talk about why you are the name of Ahe, who told you ?"

The original form of white ink lingered on the bed, heard the problem of Yunrong, subconsciously shrinking, like an old hen holding a nest, feathers trembled: "No one told me, I saw it myself."

"Don't dare to lie to me?" The anger of Yunrong just came out again, and the aura of his hand suddenly turned into a long whip, and he rushed toward the white ink. "You have lived for three hundred years. Where do you see these?"

The white ink slammed his wings to escape the whips of the aura. The feathers on his body were scared to blow up. He was busy: "The seniors don't fight, this is my life-killing technique. I can see the seniors at the first sight. The most concerned thing, with this technique, I will become the most profound person in the memory of the predecessors. The seniors are most concerned about this man called Ahe, so I just turned it into a crane..."

White ink cultivation for three hundred years, there will be such a spell, a spell that can be played. In the past, with this technique, how many little girls have been deceived, never lost, I did not expect to have a big head.

Later, where can he dare to seduce the little girl, who knows if the soft and soft girl is a big girl!

It turned out to be the method of life, no wonder that it is difficult for me to detect, because I have always dreamed of a man with a vague face, so my heart is weak, and I will be able to take advantage of it. Yunrong frowned and said: "What else have you seen? ?"

"No, no, the seniors are highly educated. I only discovered that the name of Ahe is very important to the predecessors, and the others will not be seen." Bai Mo shrinked back and forth, and quickly said.

He regrets now. At that time, because Yun Yun's aura was too rich, when he explored her memory, he only saw a little memory, and did not think much. If he didn't think it was right, he would not have done so much.

"Then how do you know to call me Ayun?" This is not like the truth, Yunrong sneered and licked the whip in his hand.

"Because the predecessor called Yunrong, I have a chance to move..." If it is not the original shape, Bai Mo can't wait to give himself two slaps, call your mouth, what is Ayun!

"Ayun..." these two words rolled on Lu's tongue, and the voice was low, as if with a little lingering.

"Two brothers?" Yunrong heard the sound, could not help but see, a complex emotion in her heart came up, flashed past, but she did not catch.

Lu Henian returned and looked at the little girl and smiled and said: "This name is very good!"

Looking at Lu’s smile, it seems that with the power of appeasement, the recent irritability of Yunrong has been smoothed out, and Yun’s anxious heart calms down. She laughs subconsciously: “I also feel very good.”

The question was also asked, a 300-year-old little nephew did not know anything, Yunrong re-appeared on the white ink, thinking about how to deal with this peacock essence, after all, she lied half a night When the taxi arrived for an hour, I spent more than 50 yuan on the taxi. I couldn’t just let it go.

Bai Mo felt that Yun Guan’s eyes fell on himself. For a long time, he didn’t speak, and his heart was more stunned. He shook his body and promised: “Predecessors, I can say everything, you let me go, I sucked. Point aura, but I never hurt the lives of those women. After I went back, I would never do it again..."

"Speaking is clear, but you can't be fooled by this." Yunrong suddenly smiled and looked at the long and beautiful tail feathers behind Bai Mo, revealing an excited expression.

White ink saw the expression of Yunrong, a human face revealing a frightened expression on the bird's face. The instinct of the small animal made him jump from the bed in an instant. When he opened his wings and flew, he rushed toward the gate.

Yunrong seems to have long expected him to escape, his fingers in the void, a light green light like an arrow flew toward the white ink, and immediately wrapped around his legs, squatting tight.

The white ink did not react, and he fell to the ground with a splash.

"I don't want your life, but you have to be punished for doing something wrong. So, can I count your tail feathers as a small punishment?" Yunrong slowly walked over and kneel down beside Baimo, laughing and asking. .

Tail feather? White ink suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Yunrong incredibly. The most important thing for the peacock family is the beautiful tail feathers. From the birth, the white feathers are recognized as the most beautiful, and the tail feathers are removed. It is better to kill him directly. .

"Predecessors, have something to say, don't..." He asked for affection and tried to move backwards, but he was **** with his feet. White ink is like a hen in the vegetable market, and he is spinning around.

Seeing Yunrong’s hand reaching toward his beloved tail feather, Bai Mo was really panicked. He screamed at once. “Don’t touch me, I tell you, I am the national animal protection white peacock, you pull me hair. It is illegal! I am going to the forestry department to sue you!"

Oh, this little **** threatens her!

"You will call again, I will pull out your hair and see how you will go out tomorrow!" Yun Rong grinds his teeth, making it a fierce road.

When the white ink was heard, the following words suddenly lingered in the throat, and half of the words could not be said. The tail feathers were pulled out enough to be ugly, or the whole body was pulled out. He was not killed by jokes in the demon world.

When I saw that the little donkey didn't talk, Yunrong was in a good mood. When she reached out, she pulled out more than a dozen tail feathers. However, in a few seconds, the white ink's buttocks were bald, and there was a state-level protected animal. It’s terrible.

"Don't do this kind of thing next time, do you know? If I know that you are still using illusion to seduce the human woman to take aura, I can arrange a few hairs so simple." Yun Rong received the tail feathers inside the Qiankun bag. While warning the white ink.

This tail feather is bigger than the ordinary white peacock. Each one is like a small fan. It is also full of brilliance. It is very nice to go back and insert it in the office vase.

There was a tear in the eyes of the white ink, and I looked at Yunrong with pity. What else did I agree? I quickly said, "I know, I will never do such a thing in the future."

Later, he has a shadow on the opening of the hotel, OK!

Looking at the white ink is really wrong, Yunrong is not embarrassing him, untied the rope tied with him, stood up and said to Lu Henian: "Second brother, let's go home."

Lu Henian nodded and stood up and went out of the room with Yunrong. When the two men took the elevator to the lobby, the duty manager was still waiting downstairs. When they saw them, they hurried up and respected: "The president is going to Go? I let the parking car drive."

While talking, while secretly looking at the two, looking at the face is not like a rape? It’s clear that it’s black face and how to smile, isn’t it... the manager’s eyes wide open, is the president playing big?

"What's wrong?" Perceived the manager's gaze, Lu Henian frowned and asked.

"It's okay, it's too late, do you need to ask the driver to send you home?" The manager almost scared his tongue.

"No need." Lu Henian faint.

Yunrong and Lu Henian walked out of the hotel, the parking boy had already drove the car to the hotel entrance, because the night was sneak out, Yunrong had a dim sum, and he was going to pull the back door.

"Sit in the co-pilot." Lu Henian saw the little girl with her head down and didn't dare to look at him. Because the little girl sneaked out, the anger that was not explained in one sentence suddenly dispersed, and my heart turned into a piece, soft. Channel.

The movement of Yunrong finally opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in it.

An invisible 尴尬 弥 尴尬 尴尬 尴尬 , , , , , 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无On the rear view mirror of the roof, I am slightly pleased: "The second brother, the peacock is a bird, his tail feathers can be safe, beautiful and practical. I will hang it up to ensure that you will drive safely in the future." of."

Lu Henian didn't talk with his face. He didn't know what he was upset about. He didn't have what he imagined. He should have been happy, but the little girl stared at him and didn't trust him. He seemed to be burning. fire.

Yunrong saw Lu Henian not talking, a little lost bow, Lu Henian looked at it, suddenly softened, just when he wanted to open the comfort of the little girl, Yunrong whispered: "Second brother, in fact, I am not deliberately staring at you. Since the battle with He Bo, I often dreamed. I always dreamed of a man’s back. I felt that I must have forgotten something very important, but I just couldn’t remember it. I met white ink today. He used illusion. Let me think that he is the man..."

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Your company's business is already busy enough, so I will..." Yunrong has been a person for thousands of years. She does not like to trouble others, not to mention Lu Henian is a human race.

"Well..." Lu Henian parked the car on the side of the road and interrupted the little girl. He reached out and grabbed Yunrong’s shoulder. "Who said this thing has nothing to do with me..." Your business is better than mine. Things are important!

Yunrong looked up and looked at Lu Henian.

Lu Henian’s words turned, and he did not say anything in his heart. He licked his lips and said: "Since you called me a second brother, your business is my business. Although I can’t help, but you told me, maybe I can solve you. You are important to come out to meet with others tonight. This is a peacock that has been cultivated for three hundred years. You can pick it up, and next time, if you meet He Bo, you have to suffer. ”

"Under the circumstances, you have an endless life, you can't think of it, you will think of it someday, you can't think of it, maybe it's not a happy thing."

This is the first time Lu Henian said so many words, Yun Rong a glimpse, suddenly a wave of tides in the eyes, as if the heart was filled with something, she nodded: "I know the second brother, you really I met The best people to be."

Lu Henian smiled and was a good person card.

When this matter was said, the alienation between the two people disappeared. When driving back to Qiufeng Mountain Villa, Lu Heian took the peacock tail feather that Yunrong had just hung up when he came down from the car.

Yunrong saw it and asked casually: "Second brother, why did you take it down, is it not good?"

Lu Henian acted a meal and licked his lips and said: "The car is not open, I hang on the car that is often opened." When I think that this is the hair on the other man's buttocks, he will itch his teeth and still itch. Let him hang up and watch every day, he asked himself could not do it.

"Nothing, I have pulled a lot of it. If the second brother likes it, I will give you a few more." Yunrong said, and began to turn the bag.

This one can't wait to throw it away, how many more?

Lu Henian quickly held down the little girl's hand: "No, one is enough, the peacock tail feathers are useful, and can't compare with your air."

Yunrong also listened to it. As long as she had touched something, she would be contaminated with her air. She often used Lu’s car, which was much more useful than the peacock tail feather. When she thought of it, she nodded and no longer took it.

Looking at the little girl walking in front of the back, Lu Henian breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the feathers on his hands in disgust, and finally took out the lighter and burned it. After all, it was a national first-class protected animal, and it was seen in the trash can. Not sure.

Into the house, Yunrong did not see the feathers of Lu Henian's hand, thinking that he was hanging on another car, and did not put it in his heart, smiled and said: "Second brother, would you think that I pulled a white ink tail feather a bit? strange?"

This kind of seduce the girl to go to the hotel to open the room, not to mention a few hairs, that is, the whole body of hair is pulled out, Lu Henian feels that the little girl is doing right, but Yun Rong asked, he still said: "Why are you? Do? I think this punishment is too light."

"The peacock family loves beauty and loses its tail feathers. I am afraid that white ink will hide for a while because of the lack of face, so that it will not come out to harm the human woman. What's more, the repair of white ink is in this gorgeous tail feather, I pulled out. He is more than half of them. I am afraid that he will not be able to repair it after ten or five years. He has learned a big lesson this time, I am afraid that he will not dare in the future."

When I thought of making the swindler's nephew ugly, Yunrong was happy and excited.

When I heard Yunrong said, Lu Henian also felt deflated. He smiled and smiled at the little girl's nose. "This is good. It will not hurt his life and give enough lessons."

White and national first-class animal protection. Ink lay on the floor of the presidential suite of the hotel. It took a long time for him to slow down. He moved his hands and feet and suddenly changed from a peacock to a young man with an undressed body. With a beautiful feather, I finally cried out, his poor feathers, I don’t know how many years to raise it!

The feathers on the body are also counted. The most important thing is the tail feathers. I have never seen such a heart-wrenching, and the tails have been bald. I have seen my brothers and sisters when I went home in the New Year, and I was killed by a joke!

Bai Mosheng couldn't be in love for a few hours in the hotel. When he was in the morning, he was completely armed and left the hotel. The next day, Xiao Wu, who was seen by him, was shocked. It was a big summer, white ink jacket trousers. The sunglasses mask was fully armed on the sofa, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and a poor, embarrassed look.

This is not right. Before, when I opened the house with the little girl, it was not radiant. What happened today? This does not want to go to sleep, this is like being sleeped!

The little girl who was last night couldn’t really see it, it’s a means!

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Wu asked cautiously.

"I..." The white ink did not shed tears first, and the mood that had just calmed down was agitated, and even the eyes were red.

Xiao Wu was still schadenfreaked. Now I saw that the white ink is really scared. I quickly asked: "Boss, you said, is that what the girl did to you? I said that this kind of thing is less, sooner or later. It will happen!"

Xiao Wu didn't mention it, and the white buttocks were faintly stunned. He meant to hold his ass, and there was a tear in his eyes: "Don't do it, I won't do this again in the future." ”

The tail feathers are pulled out and he has shadows.

Xiao Wu saw the movement of white ink, and his eyes were widened. After a few seconds, he looked at him with sympathy. He often stood at the riverside where there were non-wet shoes. Hey, I met women’s clothes, this is The next son is really a painful lesson.

In the afternoon, Bai Mo's studio sent a notice that the white star needs to recuperate for a period of time due to sudden illness, and recharges himself during the rest time, hoping to face the fans better when he returns.

The news is like a gust of wind, all the streets and alleys that have been scraped all the time. In recent years, it has been red-faced and half-day. It is called the national male god. Fans say that they can’t accept it. A competitor, a few happy ones at a time.

When Yunrong watched TV, he just saw this entertainment news, and suddenly he came over. This is where the temporary rest is, no one and a half years, the tail feathers of the peacock should not be raised.

The demon has more than the Terran, the dazzling appearance, the life span of hundreds of thousands of years, the more restrictions there are, the more the white ink does not kill, but the little girls who are absorbed by the aura will age more than their peers. It's faster, it also has an impact on the number of lives, which is no different from the life of a person.

So Yunrong does not care about him at all.


Lu Songnian's home.

Today is the weekend, at 8 o'clock in the morning, Lu Songnian and Xu Bi are eating breakfast in the dining room. The two couples eat each, and no one cares about them, just like two strangers.

The nanny aunt carefully placed a cup of freshly squeezed juice on Xu Bi’s hand and whispered: “Mrs., the juice you want.” Turning to go to the kitchen, Xu Bi’s temper is not good. When Lu Songnian is at home, she eats more. It seems that the two couples are sitting together, like a bucket that can burst at any time.

The nanny of the nanny touched his heart and only felt that he was frightened when he walked into two steps.

Xu Bi took a sip of the juice and suddenly frowned. He threw the cup on the table with a slamming voice. "Tang Ma, what happened to you today? How is this juice so sour, you want to deliberately kill me." !"

"Not the lady, you said more grapefruit in the morning, so the sour taste is aggravated." Tao Ma quickly explained.

"I told you to add more grapefruit. You are a babysitter or I am a nanny. Have you not tested a chef's card? Don't even know the balance of taste?" Hearing the explanation of Tao Ma, Xu Bi suddenly got angry. , pointing at the babysitter's face and shouting.

In fact, Xu Bi just wanted a venting vent, just as the nanny was not satisfied with the things she did, she picked it up by her head.

Tao Ma felt that she was wronged and could not refute. Lu’s salary is very high, twice that of other people. Her family needs money to cure the disease, and she can’t live without it.

Biting his teeth, Tao Ma lowered her head and said, "Mrs, then I, then I will give you a new one."

"Re-doing your money is a big wind? I invite you to work, you waste a little bit, West waste a little, do you want to save and take it away!" Seeing the grievances on Tao’s face, Xu Bi only felt happy in her heart. She was the hostess of Lu’s family. These people in Lu’s family had to look at her face!

As soon as I heard Xu Bi’s words, Tao’s face was red. Isn’t this directly saying that she is stealing things? She was angry and shouted: "Mrs, how can you say this, I have been in Lujia for more than a year, and I have never taken anything I should not take."

"What are you nervous about? Who knows..." Xu Bi became more and more proud. He was just preparing to sneak a few words of Tao Ma. The words had not been finished yet, and Lu Songnian’s anger was heard behind him.

"As a lady of Lu, can you have a look of Mrs. Lu!"

This sentence can poke Xu Bi's lung tube, her anger is burning more suddenly, why she is not good in the morning, not because Lu Songnian, these two people are going home, not a word She said that she was dead in bed at night, and she didn't touch her when she touched her. Xu Bi was also a face!

Xu Bi smiled coldly: "Mrs. Lu Jia? Do you think of me as Mrs. Lu Jia?"

"I don't want to quarrel with you in the morning, you should position yourself." Lu Songnian frowned, his eyes faintly faint, calm.

However, the more calm Lu Songnian was, the more fierce the heart of Xu Bi was. She stood up and excitedly said: "Where I didn't position myself, did you give me the respect that this wife should have!"

"Well, you are bothering, noisy in the morning!" Xu Bi’s voice just fell, and Lu Yunqing’s impatient voice came from the dining room door.

"When the adults talk, there is you..." Xu Bi turned his head and saw Lu Yunqing's unspeakable glimpse. The words behind him suddenly stopped, and he was a little surprised: "Qing Qing, what happened to you?"

Lu Yunqing wore a silky home dress, and the whole person lost a circle. She wore a fitted dress a few days ago. Today it looks empty, as if the body wrapped inside has dried up and exposed the arms outside. You can see the protruding bones.

This is not the strangest. Lu Yunqing looked up and revealed a small face with a big palm. The baby's fat on his face didn't know when he had all gone. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes were hollow. His face was like a critically ill patient.

Lu Songnian also saw Lu Yunqing's appearance. He was shocked and worried: "Is it sick? Go to the hospital and see it."

Lu Yunqing has not slept for one night. She does not want to sleep. She does not dare to sleep. From the night before, she has had the same dream for two consecutive days. In her dream, there is a man wearing a big red dress and a foot. Going towards her, the day before yesterday was still at the door. She had already entered the door last night. She didn't dare to sleep. She was afraid to close her eyes. The man had already walked to her bed and grabbed her!

I didn't sleep all night, and I was afraid of it. Lu Yunqing didn't have a good voice: "How am I? As long as you don't quarrel, I can't die!"

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