MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 48 Green hat

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This is definitely his fans. The white ink is more determined, and the smile is more brilliant. "You don't have to call Mr. Bai, you can call me, you know my name, I can know you. Name?"

The good-looking smile is always a foul, Yunrong stunned, and the smiling face gradually overlaps with the vague face in the dream. She subconsciously replies: "My name is Yunrong."

"Yunrong, your name is really nice, like the ripples of water, the meaning of smog?" White ink looked at the expression on Yunrong's face, deepening the smile of the lips.

Yunrong’s eyes were dark and seemed to have fallen into some sort of memory. He frowned and asked, “How do you know?”

"Of course I know!" Bai Mo reached out and gently left the broken hair of Yunrong behind his ear. The smile was almost greasy. "Because I am the one who knows you the most."

The person who knows her the most? In Yunrong’s heart, it seems that something has been pinched, and it hurts. She is a mountain ghost. Since she was born, there will be no sad emotions. Why is it so uncomfortable in his heart?

Yunrong’s eyes were cold, and he reached out and grabbed the hand of Bai Mo. He asked seriously: “What else do you know? Tell me!”

Bai Mo glanced at the small claws that grabbed his arm. It was such a simple touch, and he could feel the rich aura coming. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and the fundus pattern was looming: "It is inconvenient to say here. I will go to the MG Hotel tonight, I will tell you everything I know."

Yunrong glanced at the time. Lu Henian was about to finish the meeting. Here is the company. It is monitored everywhere. Her identity is quite special. If the people have inadvertently heard it is really bad, she nods and says, "I will go. of."

If the peacock's little scorpion dared to tell lies, he would pull all the hair on his butt!

When Yunrong came out of the reception room, Lu Henian just came out of the conference room and saw her coming out of the reception room. He asked, "What are you going to in the reception room?"

"The white ink of that endorsement came, I just poured a glass of water and sent it in." Yunrong replied.

"Li Minghai, isn't this responsible for him?" Lu Henian frowned. It wasn't that the angry little girl was caught and worked. It was just that this white ink was not well known in the circle. It was a master of love and liked to do something to the little girl. Moved feet, a good look, those women do not care about being taken advantage of, his little girl does not understand anything, it is estimated that it is cheap to understand.

Lu Henian is very responsible for his own affairs. Yunrong has been aware of his temper for so long in the company. He quickly said: "He just picked up the phone and immediately returned. The easy thing, my second brother, I will go back to the office first."

Lu Henian didn't think much when he heard it. He nodded and asked: "Let's go out to eat at noon, you go back and think about what you want to eat."

"Well, okay." Yunrong still had a white ink in his heart, and there was a snack that nodded.

After returning to the office, Yunrong has been thinking about white ink. It is obviously a little blind who is less than four hundred years old. He has been sleeping for three thousand years. He certainly does not know. Why does he have a familiar time every time he laughs at her? feel?

This feeling is not good, Yunrong feels depressed every time he thinks about it. After she was worshipped as a **** by the Terran, she has always been like a god. There is very little joy and sorrow. Unless she is willing, there is nothing to control her. mood.

And since the battle with He Bo, she often dreams, the man who can't see the face in the dream, who is it? Yunrong feels that this must be very important, she must figure it out.

Thinking about things in my heart, Yunrong didn't have any spirit all day. At night, I went back to Qiufeng Mountain Villa. The housekeeper Auntie had already cleaned up the room. Looking at the little girl and turned into the room, Lu Henian finally couldn't help but ask: "Yun Rong Is there something wrong?"

Yunrong stunned, subconsciously did not say anything about white ink, smiled and said: "Nothing, my brother went to rest early, I will not press you tonight, you can sleep well."

Silly girl, he couldn’t sleep because it was because of her pressure.

Lu Henian couldn't help but laugh, and reached out and smashed the girl's hairline: "There is something to tell me, the second brother will help you."

"Uh-huh." Yunrong nodded so cleverly that Lu Henian could not help her.

The two went back to the room to sleep. After 12 o'clock in the evening, Yunrong of the bed opened his eyes. She glanced at the time. I felt that Lu Henian should have slept at this time, and then he shrank the floor into a small area and went straight to the big. The road began to stop the car, she originally wanted to directly shrink into the past, but I have not been to this MG hotel before, do not know the address.

People living in Qiufeng Mountain Villa, which is not their own car, not to mention the big night's car is not good to play, she stood on the side of the road and waited for half an hour before stopping the car, and sitting for half an hour before the car When you arrive at the MG Hotel, you will be mad at the price of the cloud, and you will need more than 50 pieces.

Holding a taxi ticket in his hand, Yunrong frowned into the hotel and spent 50 yuan on her. If the peacock had no one to say one or two, three or four, she would not. !

When Yunrong walked into the hotel, Xiao Wu, an assistant waiting in the lobby, saw her at a glance and hurriedly greeted her: "Miss Yun, Bai Mo let me wait for you here."

"Oh, let's go up." Yunrong knew him, the assistant who coughed in the reception room today, nodded and walked in front.

Assistant Xiao Wu looked up and down the Yunrong, see the little girl's face full of collagen, white and clean, beautiful and bright, looked no more than twenty years old, thought about it and couldn't help but said: "Miss Yun, you really Are you going to go up?"

This kind of thing Xiao Wu has done several times. The first time I did such a guilty feeling, this is still a little girl. How did Bai Mo get it? He decided. If the little girl is going now, he will never stop. I said that Miss Yun has not been here.

Yunrong was a bit inexplicable and nodded. "Don't go over and do me?"

Why didn’t the girl listen to it? Xiao Wu himself has a girlfriend. I can’t bear to watch such a simple girl being ruined. I can’t help but slow down and advise: “Miss Yun, do you think it’s not appropriate to go up, you have to think about it. Clear!"

Yunrong glanced at the star of the Terran in the end. The assistant was probably worried that he would go out and talk about it, affecting the reputation of Bai Mo. He said: "You can rest assured that I will not say anything when I go out, nor will I say that I will see you." Passing the white ink, let's go up."

Is it so anxious? Now the little girl is not holding it at all!

What Yun Yun said, Xiao Wu can say anything, this is what you want, I will say that it is not a person inside and outside, suddenly do not speak, lead her to go upstairs.

White ink is still very considerate. The presidential suite was opened. Xiao Wu came to the door of the room and knocked on the door. The door soon opened. White ink pulled Yunrong into the room and directly to Xiaowu: "Let's go straight, I went back on my own."

Such a small snack full of aura, he has to enjoy it.

"Boss, you can..." Xiao Wu saw the excitement of Bai Mo, just wanted to persuade two sentences.

White ink has already dropped a sentence, "I have a few in my heart." He slammed and closed the door to the room!


At the home of Qiufeng Mountain Villa, Lu Henian suddenly woke up from his sleep and touched the bed, but touched it empty. Only then remembered that the little girl had gone to sleep in the room today. He pointed at the fingertips and suddenly came up with a little heart. Lost.

After being silent for a while in the dark, I couldn’t sleep anymore. He sat up and suddenly missed the day when he slept with the little girl.

Lu Henian sat in bed for a while, and finally couldn't help but get out of bed and walked outside the door.

The little girl sleeps and likes to kick the quilt. If it is cold, it is not good. He will take a look and return the quilt.

Lu He’s young hand came to the door of Yunrong’s room and hesitated. He reached out and opened the door of the room. The night light in the room was still on, and he could see the outline in the dark. He only saw it. At a glance, I was shocked, the quilt on the bed was neat, the little girl was not in the house!

Lu Henian looked at other rooms and didn't find Yunrong. He immediately thought of the abnormality of Yunrong when he slept at night. The little girl must have gone out.

In the end, there is something that needs to be next to him, and he will go out in the middle of the night without a word. Lu Henian’s heart sinks and he feels a little uneasy.

After thinking about it, he went to the study and took control. Qiufeng Mountain Villa is actually Lu’s industry. Lu Henian has the right to take control of the whole community. Although he does not hope, he still looks at the monitoring of various roads in the community. Finally, at the corner of the camera at the entrance of the community, I saw a pink bear slippers.

This is the little girl's slippers, the housewife aunt just bought today.

Yunrong had already left the community at 12:30. Lu Henian looked at the time. Now it is already half past one. After an hour has passed, she has not come back. He wants to contact her, but suddenly sees the mobile phone on the sofa. The little girl didn't even have a mobile phone.

Lu Henian suddenly came up with a lot of uneasiness. After thinking about it, he made a phone call and hanged a few words. After five minutes, the phone rang again. The man inside said: "President, I have already transferred the nearby shops. The monitoring, there is a store monitoring just happened to take Miss Yun, Miss Yun got a taxi at a time, and finally got off at the MG Hotel and went in."

"Into the MG Hotel?" Lu Henian frowned. "Isn't it out now?"

"Yes, the MG Hotel is also our Lu's industry. I have already contacted it. It has been ten minutes. It is a man who picks up her upstairs. According to hotel monitoring, Miss Yun entered the presidential suite. The opening room is white ink. The man on the phone replied.

White ink? Lu Henian was heard, and it was still worried that the little girl was in danger. It turned out to be secretly seeing a little white face!

At this point, Xiaobai face and white ink close the door of the room, Yunrong immediately said: "What do you know? Now we two, can say it."

Bai Mo just showered, casually put on a bathrobe, loosely tied around the waist belt, revealing a large piece of smooth and firm chest, he listened to Yunrong talking, lazy smile and said: "Ayun, so Good nights, we can get together here and say what to do? It is better to do something meaningful."

As soon as I saw the smile of the white ink, the familiar feeling during the day surged up again. Yunrong was a bit embarrassed and asked subconsciously: "What makes sense?"

The curvature of the white ink mouth is even bigger, and even the fundus is full of smiles. It is obviously a big man, but it has a charming temperament. He slowly reaches out and grabs Yunrong’s hand in the palm of his hand and pulls her to the bedside. Go and walk while saying: "Ayun, come here, let's talk slowly."

Yunrong felt that she was caught in a familiar and embarrassing mood. The fog was as if she was dreaming. She couldn't help but follow the white ink to the bed. It was not the white ink but the other man.

"Ahe..." Yunrong called out subconsciously.

"Yes, boy, come here." The voice and smile of Bai Mo was light and soft, as if with some kind of confusion, he sat down with his cloud and reached out to touch the little girl's neck.

The little girl's neck is fragrant and soft, but also with a strong aura, white ink subconsciously rubbed the lips and lips, such a good snack, I am afraid that eating once is not enough, he should eat slowly, eat a few more times.

Thinking this way, he lowered his head and buried the tip of his nose in the little girl's hair. He took a deep breath: "Ayun, let Ahe take you to do some happy things..."

No, no, it’s all right. Yunrong’s heart is getting more and more wrong. It seems that there is a voice saying to her, Ah He is not like this, Ahe will not be like this to her!

Just as the white ink's lips were about to touch Yunrong's face, Yunrong was shocked and suddenly woke up. His eyes were cold and cold: "A small scorpion that was repaired for three hundred years, dare to start with me, I see You are impatient!"

Bai Mo only felt that a savage pressure came from the face. Before he came back, he was turned over to the ground by Yun Yun. He rolled straight down from the bed and made a loud noise.

Yunrong still didn't get mad. Turned over and sat up from the bed. He reached for the white ink neck and told him to the bed again. The voice was cold and said: "Whoever sent you, dare to count me!"

This time she was really angry. Yunrong’s mood has always been very weak. She is a god. In the long life, nothing can arouse her anger, because compared with time, these things are just in the middle of the river. a drop of water.

But when she thinks about what White ink is going to do to her, even the person who plays with illusion, she can't stand it. Even if she can't remember who the man in the dream is, he must not be insulted by a little nephew.

The mountain **** was angry. For a time, a powerful pressure came from the face. It was like the air in all directions was compressed, so that the white ink could not breathe. He could hardly maintain the original shape, and his face began to appear pure white feathers. Frightened question: "You, you are not a human race!"

Yunrong has not played this way for a long time. She stood up on the bed, her fingertips moved, a pale green light and shadow passed, and the white ink was suddenly tied up. She sneered: "Who told you me? Is it human?"

When Bai Mo experienced this kind of scene, he screamed and shouted: "No one, I guessed it myself, I was wrong with my predecessors. I don't know Taishan. I really didn't mean it..."

"Now I know it's wrong, it's late!" Yunrong felt that he was going to blow up. He didn't want to listen to the white ink speech. He reached out and pulled it with a whip. He only screamed at the white ink.

On the other side, Lu Henian thought for a while at home. In the end, he couldn’t help himself. He drove to the MG Hotel. He usually took a half-hour drive. He arrived in the hotel for fifteen minutes. He walked into the hotel lobby and was illuminated by bright lights. He suddenly sneered in his heart and felt that he was like a little wife who came to the hotel to **** the bed.

Lu Henian hooked his lips and pointed out a dangerous smile. When he came, he looked at this white ink. In the end, it is worthwhile for the little girl to sneak out and open the room at night!

"Lu, what happened to you in the big night?" The manager on duty hurried over and saw the president standing black with his face, and he couldn't help but feel a big deal. Let the president have a big night. come?

"Which room does the white ink live in, take me to the past." Lu Henian licked his lips.

The manager stunned, and for a time did not understand what the president was looking for in the dark at night? However, he soon thought that half a hour ago, a young woman entered the white ink room. Does the woman have anything to do with the president. Is he coming to rape?

At this time, the manager remembered the rumors between the employees before. Lu was almost thirty, not to mention his girlfriend. There were no two female companions around him. He liked men in all likelihood. He did not see the employees of Lu’s head office. A boy of water?

The manager opened his eyes in an instant. Isn’t the president not to catch a woman’s rape, but to catch the white ink? For a time, the manager’s mind flashed countless thoughts, only to feel the heart pounding.

He nervously said: "Mr. Bai lives in the presidential suite on the 15th floor. Please come with me."

The two quickly took the elevator to the fifteenth floor and went to the door of the room where Bai Mo opened. Before they even walked in, they heard a scream of faint screams inside, and in the middle of the night, the screams from the hotel room. Is that still a scream? What else is there to do with guessing? The discerning eye understands it!

"President, Bai Mo is here, right in this room." The manager stammered and pointed his finger at the door. When he finished, he felt that his back bones were a bit cold. He turned his head and saw Lu Henian. The face that sinks.

The president’s face is almost smashed, and it must be a rape! This is a cuckold thing, which man is put on it? The manager subconsciously stepped back two steps and looked at Lu Henian with a fearful and sympathetic look. He handed the house card to him: "President, nothing, I will go down first, this is the room card."

When Lu Henian took over the house card, the manager turned and left, without any hesitation, it was a matter of the man’s face, and he was still not in the field.

Lu Henian took the room card and stood down with his nephew until the manager disappeared at the end of the corridor. He looked up and looked at the door. The president of Lu Da, who had done things for the first time, had a hard time making a mistake. Go in?

Emotionally, he wants to go in immediately, but rationally tells him that if the life of the life is not solved, he will leave the little girl at any time, and he is not a little girl, what qualifications are in charge of her evening and which man meet? Even he should not come over today.

Just when Lu Henian was hesitant, there was a loud noise in the room. He suddenly came back and subconsciously inserted the room card into the door, and the door slammed open.

As the door opened, the sound in the room was quiet.

The doors were all open, and there was no reason not to go in. Lu Henian reached out and opened the door and walked in.

The leather shoes fell on the stalls, giving a slight rustling sound, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, the white ink is about to collapse, and pleading: "The seniors will let me go, it must be the paparazzi, if it is photographed, I How can you mix in the entertainment industry tomorrow?"

At this time, I was worried about whether the entertainment circle could be mixed up. Yunrong was quickly laughed by the peacock. She grinds her teeth: "Then I will take you back to the original shape and will not be photographed!"

When the voice just fell, I saw Lu Henian appear at the door, looking at them inexplicably.

When Lu Henian came in, he thought about any bad pictures in his mind, but he did not expect to see the scene in front of him. Yunrong sat on the window with his feet up, holding a big bird with white flowers in his hand. The neck, the white feathers scattered on the ground.

Lu Henian: ...

I don't know why, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and tried to ask in a calm tone: "Yun Rong, what do you do in the evening?"

When Yunrong saw Lu Henian, he suddenly had a dim sum. He looked down at his eyes with his head down: "Two brothers, how come you?"

"I wake up at night and find that you are not in bed, worried about your accident." Lu Henian eco-natural way, went into the bedroom and sat down on the chair.

Yunrong didn't notice what was wrong with this sentence for a while, and he was still moved. He asked: "How does the second brother know that I am at the MG Hotel?"

Lu Henian’s eyes flashed, and a serious saying: “Because the MG Hotel is also my industry.”

Bai Mo saw that the two of them were still talking about each other, and the heart was so angry, this is obviously the room he opened! However, Yunrong has stopped the throat of fate. Where can he say that he is not a word? Only pitiful: "The cloud predecessors, you hit this fight, and the gas is out, let me go, I will not dare to confuse the little girl to the hotel to open the house again. In fact, this kind of thing you love I wish, although I absorbed a little aura, but the little girls would rather pay the money and want to be with me..."

"Shut up, seduce the human woman, do you still have a reason?" Yunrong suddenly interrupted the words of white ink, and he lost the fact that he did not make a life-threatening thing. Otherwise, she found out that something was wrong, and she shot him.

The white ink flicked and suddenly did not dare to speak.

"This is the star white ink?" Lu Henian, sitting on the side, listened for a while and couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, it is actually only white peacock essence." Yunrong replied, and said: "Second brother, wait a moment, I will ask a few more questions, we will go back!"

Lu Henian looked at the darkness of the white ink and became cold. He said: "No hurry, you ask slowly."

During the speech, Bai Mozhen’s a nap, wrong, why was he stared at by a small human race, he has a creepy feeling?