MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 24 Pig demon? ?

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After explaining the front desk, Yan Daqing took things to find Yunrong. Yunrong has already cultivated and is watching TV on the sofa. The TV is broadcasting "Huaguo on the tip of the tongue", which not only introduces delicious food, Also introduced the practice, seeing the cloud of non-stop swallowing water, what is more painful than eating?

That is to see can't eat!

Just when Yunrong looked seriously, there was a knock at the door. She got up and opened the door. Daqing smiled and smiled and stood at the gate. When she saw her, she handed a small box to her. .

"Cloud predecessors, you said that there is no mobile phone, I specially bought you a newest one." Daqing went to the house while walking.

"Nothing is not arrogant, I can't mess with your things." Yunrong waved his hand. Last time he used a little aura, and Daqing gave her a million. She felt embarrassed in her heart.

"How is it reactive? Cloud predecessors, you have great kindness to our family. My family's five little nephews, yesterday I ate the aura that you gave, and this morning can be shaped, this is seeking Good things that don’t come.” Yan Daqing immediately laughed on his face.

He is really happy to talk about this. He and his wife are both refined after the founding of the country. They are not a valuable variety, and they are not passed down. The little scorpion born is weaker, and it is not much worse than ordinary dogs. .

If there is no aura of Yunrong, then I don’t know when it will be shaped. You said that the people around you are all human beings. The neighbors know that his wife is pregnant. As a result, the child is not seen, only five dog lice are seen. What do people think?

Then he really wants to give up his current life, go to the mountains, and concentrate on practicing with the little sisters.

Therefore, Daqing is really grateful to Yunrong. He opened the phone and said: "The cloud predecessors, compared with the aura you gave, the mobile phone is really nothing. With a mobile phone, we would like to contact it in the future. ”

"The Terran has no mana, so rely on the mobile phone to contact you. You are a Yaozu, and you can't use a mobile phone." Yunrong had some doubts. He thought that Daqing didn't even know how to practice in the morning. He couldn't help but ask: "Would you not? Usage link?"

On the face of Daqing, there was a hint of embarrassment. He smiled and said: "The predecessors of the cloud are not alone. I will not. Most of the demon people now will not..." After that, he felt that he was justified and everyone would not, no. awkward!

Yunrong opened his mouth and finally said nothing. This is not even the most basic spell. Do you mean that you are a demon? The current level of the Yaozu is too low.

Daqing lived in the human race for a long time, and the service industry was dry. He did not feel embarrassed at all. He quickly recovered. He took out his mobile phone, inserted a mobile phone card, and introduced the basic operation to Yunrong once.

"Cloud predecessors, you see how to open this app, you can see how much money you have in the future." Daqing focused on the use of several software dealing with money.

The operation is not difficult. Yun Rong remembered it once. He immediately checked his current balance with his mobile phone. Lu Henian gave her 20 million, and Daqing gave her a million. Lu Huanian gave her 50,000. She now has 21,500,000.

Yunrong checked the balance and did not avoid Daqing. The eyes of Daqing’s dog were straightforward. Daxie was a big man, and the deposits were several times his. The next few zeros were countless.

Compared to the envy of Yan Daqing, after reading the balance, Yunrong was a bit frustrated, 20 million looked more, and a billion is still a lot worse, where she went to get a billion!

Looking at the use of Yunrong mobile phone is almost the same, and Daqing also asked: "Is the cloud predecessor eating breakfast?"

"I haven't eaten yet." Yun Rong shook her head. She originally wanted to go out and buy the cake she had eaten yesterday. But after looking at all the money she had now, she decided not to eat it. Nothing is more important than Danqiu Mountain. She was originally You don't need to eat, you can't spend money for your appetite.

“There is a buffet on the first floor of the hotel. Do you want to eat some of the predecessors of the cloud? The dishes of our hotel are all famous chefs. The taste is one of the best in the city.” When Daqing heard it, he shunned.

The cloud can't stand it and ask: "What is a buffet?"

Yan Daqing is also accustomed to Yun Rong’s “lonely and ignorant” and explained: “The buffet is where many kinds of dishes are placed, what to eat if you want to eat, and how much you want to eat.”

Yunrong listened, couldn't help but shine, but the next second dimmed, and tried to endure: "Forget it, I have no money." When I return to Danqiu Mountain, she will do it herself, and then she will have no debt. It’s light and you can eat as much as you like.

No money? Daqing always suspects that his ears are wrong. Isn’t the account of more than 20 million yuan not money? If Yunrong has no money, is he not poor?

He looked at the cloud with amazement, but still smiled: "The breakfast buffet does not cost money, the president has told me that the seniors want to eat in the hotel, what kind of service they want, no money."

Always remember to give the president a good impression and be a good employee in the new era. :)

“Really?” Yunrong glanced.

"Really! Can I lie to the seniors? You have already told the president." Daqing hurriedly patted his chest.

Yunrong was still thinking when he went downstairs after Daqing, the president was really kind, careful people, he misunderstood him yesterday, really should not, I could not help but feel the heart.

Such a good person can't be blessed!

As soon as the mind was moving, a little green light on Yunrong disappeared into the air.

On the way to the company.

Lu Henian sat in the back seat of the spacious car, and the haute couture jacket was casually placed on the leather seat on the side, with the legs overlapping and leaning against the back of the chair.

He closed his eyes, long eyelashes left a silhouette at the moment, softened the engraved face, like a handsome man, is listening to the latest news on Financial Street in the United States.

In the co-pilot's seat, Zhang Chongming was working on the laptop, and suddenly his mobile phone rang. He took a few whispers and turned around and said to Lu Henian: "President, Zhou Jia just came on the phone. Said that I hope to see the president."

"Zhou Guomin?" Lu Henian did not open his eyes, faint.

"It is him, he said cooperation, he hopes to talk to you personally." Zhang Chongming replied.

Zhou Guomin is a half-brother of Zhou Guodong, but Zhou Guomin is a serious young master of Zhou Jiadong. Zhou Guodong is a small three-born, and the two were born a few months later. Because of the birth of Zhou Guodong, the mother of Zhou Guomin I got depression during breastfeeding, committed suicide, and made a big ticket before I died. I killed the third child of Sheng Guoguo and made Zhou Guodong live for more than 30 years.

I was only found the year before, and my father was old. I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t find the old son who was so hard to find it. I remembered the sweetness of Xiao San, and that I couldn’t wait for any good things to give this son.

Can Zhou Nationals be happy? When I was a prince for decades, I also came to seek a pilgrimage. I wanted to find him to cooperate recently, but he opened a 30% stake, and Zhou Guomin did not agree.

I thought it would take a while, I didn’t expect it to be so fast. Lu Henian’s mouth was a little faint, and he looked very happy. He opened his eyes and said, “It’s not 30% after talking.”

Zhang Chongming knows the means of his own president and smiles: "Zhou Guomin sounds very anxious, saying that no matter what the president asks, it is negotiable, as long as Zhou Guodong can be defeated."

Again: "President, this is too smooth. I originally estimated that Zhou Guomin was not so easy to agree." The company under Zhou’s name is not as good as Lu, but 30%, at least two market value. Billions, this is really a **** one.

When Lu Henian heard Zhang Chongming's words, he suddenly appeared in his mind that Yunrong had a serious saying that you would make good luck, that way, could not help but laugh, is this a good luck?

"President, what's wrong?" Zhang Chongming looked at the president and listened to his words. He smiled and looked gentle, and the goose bumps got up and swallowed.

"Nothing." Upon hearing the voice of Zhang Chongming, the gentleness of Lu Henian’s face disappeared without a trace, as if it were just his hallucinations.

The temper of the president is really getting more and more unpredictable. It used to be cold and cold all day long. Now it suddenly laughs and is even more shocking!

Yunrong didn't know what happened to Lu Henian. When she walked into the buffet restaurant, she saw her eyes. In addition to the tea spots and cakes she had eaten, she was more delicious than she had ever seen.

Where is this restaurant, this is the ocean of joy!

Yunrong learns the look of other guests and chooses what he likes to eat. It’s just that she hasn’t eaten a lot of things, she doesn’t know the taste, so she’s all in order. Yunrong’s excitement, it’s okay, a row of past, every Kind can eat, anyway, she can eat!

The chef in the back kitchen couldn't help but have a cold neck. He frowned as he washed his hands: "Lao Zhang, will there be a little less preparation today?"

"A lot of it, we are doing according to the number of guests staying in the house, and the weight has been specially increased. Even if it is all male, it is enough." The chef named Lao Zhang looked up.

Soon, they were beaten, and the waiter at the buffet restaurant said that things were not enough, and several dishes were empty.

At this time, Yunrong is having a good time in a corner. She is very careful to eat. She doesn’t take much at a time. Even if she likes it again, she won’t take the plate. The action she eats is elegant and clean, so For the time being, no one has noticed that the weight of the dish is rapidly decreasing and is related to her.

Only when Daqing looked at Yunyun with a sigh of relief, did he guess wrong, Dahao is not a peach demon, is a pig demon?

Just as Yunrong was full of food, the voices of the two young girls sitting at the front of the table came over. "Are you going to see the peach blossoms behind the hotel?"

"Look, it's pretty, I traveled to the resort last time. There is a peach forest there. There aren't these trees that look good, big and dense, just like flower balls."

"Show this to you." One of the girls secretly took out a brown piece from the bag.

Another little girl frowned and said, "Oh, you have smashed the peach branches like this!"

The little girl holding a small peach tree branch sighed, and her face appeared a touch of sorrow: "All said that everything is alive, you said that the peach blossom was originally opened in March and April, and now it is open in August, is it not? Extraordinarily effective, I folded a piece of peach branch, maybe I will take the peach, and the senior may notice me."

"The quickest way for the seniors to notice that you are going to confess!" The little girl across the board hated the iron and made some of her foreheads. "I don't confess for two years, I hope you have a branch? I think you are ignoring the fire." It!"

"I am not afraid of this!" The little girl who folded the peach branches licked her lips and hesitated.

"What dare you dare, you don't confess, you will graduate next year, will you still have a chance?" The little girl who persuaded was obviously a resolute, eye-opening: "A few days after school, you are ready, When you start school, you will be confessed. If you can't do it, you can't do it. If you can't, there are so many men in the school, and you can find another one."

Another little girl hesitated, and under her persuasion, looked at the peach branches in her hands, and the hesitant look, slowly firmed and bitten her teeth, as if she made a major decision.

The two tables were close, and the two little girls did not deliberately suppress the sound. In addition, the original ear force of Yunrong and Dai Daqing was different from ordinary people. This dialogue was clearly heard.

There was no expression on Yunrong’s face. He was shocked and stunned. He cautiously said: “The predecessors of the cloud, these little girls are not sensible, don’t care about them.” The Yaozu are short-term, and the body of Yunrong is peach. Now I see other peach trees being folded, I am afraid that my heart will be unhappy.

"What do you care about?" This is inexplicable. Yunrong didn't understand it for a while. He looked up and looked at the peach branch in the hand of the little **** the front desk. He could see the pale green aura.

"There are more than a dozen peach trees in the backyard in the past two days. The guests and employees in the hotel are very strange. They often go to see and see more people. It is inevitable that some people will pick up the peaches and fold the branches. The predecessors don't care." Daqing said it again.

"No, nothing." When I mentioned this Yunrong, I knew what was going on, or her apocalyptic problem. She was the mountain ghost of Danqiu Mountain. The aura of a mountain was tied to her. It was inevitable that there would be a reiki in the past. Drifting, although she has deliberately converged, the one-and-a-half-point point that emerged, still makes the plants of the Haijing Hotel seem to be fattened.

Just as the two of them spoke, the wish of the little girl holding the peach wood branch in front was passed along with the aura.

"I hope to be successful and become a girlfriend of the seniors!"

Yunrong heard the little girl's pledge, could not help but think about it, or reached out and bounced a green light spot on her body. Since she heard it, she completed her wish.

After doing all this, Yunrong bowed his head and pinched the peeled king crab legs into his mouth, revealing a satisfying smile.

The little girl of the peach branch did not know that she had the blessing of the mountain god, and her wish would be fulfilled.

Yunrong did not know, after the success of this little girl's confession, she firmly believed that this section of the peach tree gave her good luck, and also specially returned to the Haijing Hotel. I also introduced many friends to the hotel. The peach tree slowly became a marriage tree.


After Lu Huanian sent Gu Yuanyuan to kindergarten, he returned to Lujia. Jiang Shuhua was drinking tea in the garden. When he saw his daughter coming from afar, he was shocked. He almost sprinkled the tea in his hand and said: You are a girl, are you going to have an injection? How many times have you told me that the needle can’t be played, and the old problem will come out later.”

"No injection, your daughter, I am born beautiful!" Although Lu Huanian is in his thirties, but Lu's only daughter, her husband is a childhood friend, the **** is very lively, this will be happy in my heart, dancing when dancing.

Can she be upset? In the morning, my mother is like a little fairy.

"All the people who are mothers, and said such words." Jiang Shuhua looked at his daughter with a dislike.

"How can I not export, you are my mother, what else can I not say?" Lu Huanian sat down next to Jiang Shuhua and got close to Jiang Madao: "Mom, look, what changes have I made?"

When Jiang Mu heard this, she really looked at her daughter and looked at it carefully. I didn’t know it. When I saw it, I was shocked. I was surprised and said: "You didn’t come this way the day before yesterday. Ok? The beauty salon has a new care?"

"No, Mom, if I told you, I am eating Chinese herbal medicine, do you believe it or not?" Lu Huanian was more proud and raised his eyebrows.

"What Chinese herbal medicine?" Jiang Shuhua did not believe it.

"Your morning gave me the money, said it was called sedge, and I ate it with salad last night. I woke up this morning, it was this skin condition, it was several hours in the morning, let alone dumb, even out No oil!"

Jiang Shuhua glanced, "Yun Rong? You found the little girl who saved the round?"

"Speaking of this, Mom, you have to talk about the Year of the Crane. He clearly found Yunrong and said that he didn't know." Lu Huanian showed a smile of gossip. "When I met them yesterday, they were still on the floor." Have a morning tea together with the tea house."

"This is impossible!" Jiang Shuhua was surprised and widened her eyes. Because of her life and character, her son never ate with a woman, and she ate at the same table at home.

"How is it impossible? I saw it with my own eyes." Lu Huanian did not say his guess and Jiang said that the relationship is not something that the sister can intervene, just sighed: "I don't want to let the girl It’s a matter of interfering with the life."

"The matter of life, Mr. Zhang said it is very dangerous. It is really bad for a little girl to intervene." Jiang mother also lost a smile, serious. In fact, she does not believe in Yunrong, Mr. Zhang is already a Chinese country. One of the best people in Xuanmen, he has no way, how can a little girl be powerful?

Every time I mention the Year of the Crane, Jiang mother is always depressed. This has become a heart disease of Lu Jia. Lu Huanian regretted mentioning this matter and quickly transferred the topic: "Mom, did the old ginseng sent by Yunrong eat?" How is the effect?"

When Mr. Zhang left, he took most of the processing, leaving some fresh ginseng to eat as soon as possible.

"Ginseng is a warm-filled medicinal material, which is so effective." Jiang Shuhua laughed and said: "I don't know if it is my psychological effect. I really slept last night. I didn't wake up when I was asleep."

"It must be the effect of old ginseng. Mr. Zhang is so valued. It is definitely not an ordinary ginseng." Lu Huanian is now convinced of Yunrong. "I had a meal with her yesterday. I really think this girl is not Ordinary people, beautiful and cute, I feel happy when I see her."

Lu Huanian said this several times, and Jiang Shuhua’s curiosity was also hooked up. "Is there such a lovable little girl?"

"I promise, if you see Mom, I definitely like it more than me!" Lu Huanian nodded.

"Would you like the little girl to come to the house to eat dinner, we also met?" Jiang Shuhua paused and proposed that she was too curious, what kind of little girl was in the end, even her own son was put down the body.

Ginger mother is a resolutely popular person. While calling Lu Henian, she told the nanny to make a few good dishes.

When Lu Henian received a call from Jiang Shuhua, he was watching the secretary's modification. To the office of Yunrong, the room was not big. There were not only office desks, computers, but also a large sofa. It was enough to sleep on it. Next to the sofa is a snack area, which includes all kinds of snacks on the market. There is also a double-door refrigerator on the side. You don't have to look at it. It must be eaten inside.

Lu Henian glanced at the phone and connected the phone.

"Hennian, are you at the company now?" Jiang's voice came.

Lu Henian whispered aloud, Jiang mother continued: "You go to pick up Yunrong early in the afternoon, I let the family prepare dinner, ask the little girl to come to the house to gather, by the way, thank her for saving the round."

Jiang Shuhua knows Lu Henian's temper, so he did not mention anything else. He only said thank you for his help.

Lu Henian frowned and said: "Mom, I don't think it's necessary, thank you for handling it..."

When he hadn't finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Shuhua. "You are you, Lujia is Lujia, and saved the big thing like Yuanyuan. We can't live without our family. Our family is not the kind of kindness." People."

Jiang’s mother said that this was the case. Lu Henian also refused to think. He thought about it: "This is to ask for Yunrong’s opinion. If she agrees, I will go home with her today."

Jiang Shuhua was satisfied, and smiled and said: "This is the case, first ask the girl's opinion, if something can change the time."

A group of secretaries on the side, listening to the name of Yunrong, could not help but erect their ears. They all listened to Zhang Chongming. The president recently chased a little girl named Yun Rong. The office was arranged for her. According to their guess, it is to get the moon in the near water.

The result is now, see the parents directly? This speed is a rocket, too fast!

When Lu Henian turned his head, he saw four secretaries looking at him. The fire of the gossip on his face burned, and his face was dark.

"President, can this arrangement be?" Secretary Wang Jing came back and quickly bowed his head and pretended to ask.

“Is this the office place?” Lu Henian swung his hands in his pocket, faintly sweeping the circle, and coldly said: “Re-get it!”

After that, Lu Henian pointed out that Zhang Chongming said: "Zhang Chongming, the next month's bonus is deducted." It must be that he is in the WeChat group, and the office secretary who brought it is like this.

Was named to deduct wages, Zhang Chongming's face showed a painful expression, but did not dare to refute, if he retorted, it is not so simple to deduct wages, but how does the president look so angry and angry?

Read The Duke's Passion