MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 23 Old father

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After entering Yunrong so much, Lu Henian really thought about what kind of work she should arrange for her. He is even more reluctant to go out to find another job.

It is the department under the company that does not work either. First, Yunrong does not have anything. Second, because of his fate, there are very few female employees in the company. When they come out, they are male employees of Yishui. Some of them are in their twenties, and they have not graduated from college for a few years. Don’t say that they are married, not even an object.

If Yunrong enters the following department, it is not that the white rabbit has entered the wolves. When he thinks about this scene, Lu Henian’s face is involuntarily black. He licks his lips and leaves it under the eyelids.

Yunrong did not put this matter in her heart. Although she has the memory of Wu Songya, Wu Songya has been crazy for so many years, and her memory is incomplete. She herself does not understand the human world, and it may be a misunderstanding.

So when Zhang Chongming mentioned that the cakes in the cake shop are already ready, he is going to take the cake behind him.

The secretarial group is a single dog without a girlfriend, and does not know which taste the girl likes to eat, but when I heard that Zhang Chongming said that it was for the boss, I ordered a dozen cakes in one go, and the colorful cake was in the fresh cabinet. Lined up, it looks pleasing to the eye.

Yunrong was attracted at once. She ate the chocolate mousse in her hand and smiled at Zhang Chongming: "Thank you, this cake is delicious."

Fragrant, slippery, I knew that the Terran thing was so delicious. She shouldn’t have overturned the house that was built in Danqiu Mountain. She remembered that there was no food for the Terran.

When I thought that I was wasting a lot of delicious food, Yunrong felt a little regret!

When Yunrong’s words were finished, Zhang Chongming felt that the president’s sight on him had become cold and cold, and he couldn’t help but sneak a sneer. “Miss Yun didn’t thank me, the president’s command, our president has been It is a careful person."

Yunrong did not expect to be prepared by Lu Henian. He remembered that he had just slandered and was a hooligan. He felt a little embarrassed. He could not help but smile at him: "Thank you, second brother!"

Seriously said: "You will make good luck!"

Listening to the soft girl called the second brother, Lu Henian’s mood was involuntarily improved. He bent his lips and took out his handkerchief and wiped out the chocolate at Yun’s mouth. He said: “Like it, eat more.”

Because Lu Henian had to deal with the company's affairs in the afternoon, the three sat in the store for a while, and they were ready to send Yunrong back to the hotel.

Yunrong only ate a few cakes, but I still didn't eat enough. I felt that I had to eat a few more mouthfuls. When I walked out of the cake shop, I looked back.

Lu Henian looked at the little girl's reluctant look in the eyes, could not help but laugh, and smashed Yunyun's hairline: "I have already packaged Zhang Chongming, they are sent to the hotel for you, you have already eaten One, can't eat any more."

This kind of sweet cake is still in moderation.

Even Lu Henian did not find out that he had just spoken, just like an old father who married his daughter.

Has she eaten so much? Yunrong glanced, and quickly put away his expression, and then he must wear it when he ate it. Which normal human family eats so many things in the morning? Fortunately, Lu Henian reminded that it would be suspected.

Yunrong cautiously patted his chest, and heard all the rest of the package, and happy again, smiled and nodded.

Zhang Chongming looked at the whole process of the uncharacteristics of his own president has been numb, he followed the two on the car, took out the phone to see, there are dozens of messages in the secretary group, are asking for the cake like it, there is Didn't help the president?

He carefully glanced at Lu Heian, who showed his smile and smiled. He turned his head silently and entered in the WeChat dialog box: The president was very satisfied and revealed the smile of the old father.

Secretary 1.2.3:? ? ?

Sending Yunrong back to the hotel, Lu Henian also told her not to run around, he still needs to make some arrangements for work.

Yunrong nodded. She had just taken the time to explore the situation of Danqiu Mountain. The old man who excavated the archaeology was still holding a small brush to brush the soil. He hadn’t brushed down the soil for a long time. It is estimated that he will not finish the work for a while. The tight heart suddenly fell.

At this speed, she is not in a hurry to find a job for the past two days, or to eat delicious first!

On the way back to the company, Lu Henian has restored a cold look, his legs are stacked together, leaning back, revealing a hint of laziness and casual.

Lu Henian took a breath, and there was still a little sweet smell on the little girl in the car. It was not like the smell of perfume, but the inexplicable feeling was very good. His hands were on his knees, his index finger and thumb were involuntarily smashed. The fingertips seem to feel the smoothness of the little girl's hair, and the unsatisfactory darkness is dark.

"Zhang Chongming, back to the company, you have cleaned up the room next to my office."

Zhang Chongming, a quick response, excitedly asked: "President, is the office for Miss Yun?"

The heart can not help but sigh, the president is good, the office is squatting, usually in the morning and evening, then it is not a matter of time to win Miss Yun? After all, the entire company is the most handsome president, and Miss Yun can only see others if it is not the eye?

Lu Henian glanced at him faintly until Zhang Chongming thought that he had made a mistake, and said: "You set it up, what do girls like, how do you get it."

"Well!" Zhang Chongming cheerfully responded, and almost sweared in the Northeast. Seeing Lu Henian did nothing to tell, and felt that he took out his mobile phone to open the WeChat group.

Zhang Chongming: Important notice of important notice, the president asked to modify the small room next door to the office, striving for comfort, warmth, cute and playful, integrating office and leisure.

--what happened? Does the president have a special lounge?

- Are you stupid upstairs, the president's lounge is cute and playful, and Missy is coming to work at the company?

- Missy's own company is too busy to come, what happened in the morning?

Zhang Chongming: It’s still Lao Wang’s cleverness. I’m honest, the president didn’t want the girl to work this time.

- Don't come to work, is it...

——The employee manual clearly states that you cannot talk about office romance!

- The president is not an employee.


- Zhang Chongming, according to your observation, what does the girl like? What are we going to do.

Zhang Chongming thinks of Yunrong’s appearance in the cake shop: the rest are secondary, and the most important thing to prepare for eating!

——This is easy to handle, I will go to the supermarket to buy, I will have a refrigerator to eat snacks, how can I drink ice cream without a refrigerator?

- Right, the refrigerator is the most important thing. I heard that girls are not only eating in the refrigerator.

- What to put? (Ignorance from a single dog)

Zhang Chongming is proud of this: I know, put skin care products! (contempt.jpg)

Secretary: Gun! A girlfriend is amazing!


Lu Huanian took the scribbles from Yunrong back home and placed them in the kitchen. When the babysitter asked him at night, he remembered this thing.

The nanny took this grass, which was pulled back from the green belt downstairs. Uncertainly asked the hostess, "Madam, is this grass going to be planted? Do you want me to find a flower pot, the weather is so hot, then I am afraid I will die if I let go."

Lu Huanian took the scribble in the hands of the nanny and looked at it. He took it for half a day. It’s so hot that it’s long gone, that is, the air conditioner is turned on at home, and the water has long been lost, but this grass is still Green and green, the leaves are straight and straight, like a break will flow out of the juice.

Not only does it grow vibrant, but when it comes close, there is a faint scent of fragrance that makes people feel happy. Lu Huanian does not eat at night in order to stay in shape, but this time he smells a scent of sedge, but he feels the mouth. Shengjin, has a bit of appetite.

She thinks that Yunrong said that it can be eaten raw directly. Since it can be eaten raw, it should be no problem to make a salad. Lu Huanian re-delivered the **** to the nanny: "Make a salad, I want to eat."

"Make a salad? Is this what you eat?" The nanny looked incredulously at the weeding in her hand, but even if she saw a flower, she did not recognize what the plant was, and looked like a leek, but The leek was slender and tall, and she was not sure: "Mrs, really made a salad?"

Lu Huanian just got to the head. A handsome man walked downstairs. He disagreed: "Hua Nian, something that Wang Jie doesn't know, I don't think it's good to eat."

Gu Qin and Lu Huanian have been married for so many years. They also know that his wife loves beauty, and that woman does not love beauty. His family, no matter how much money he spends, is not excessive in his face. It is not only for beauty, but also for the family's face, but watching The grass in the nanny's hand, he still caressed the forehead.

The nanny Wang sister is a professional training institution. Basically, she knows all the ingredients. Even she has never seen it. He really didn’t dare to eat Lu Huanian.

"What is chaotic eating? This is Chinese herbal medicine!" Hearing that Gu Qin said, Lu Huanian was not happy. She is now convinced of Yunrong. The wild ginseng, Mr. Zhang said that it is a good thing, Yunrong said to send I sent it, indicating that the herbs in her hand should be good.

After Lu Huanian finished speaking, he also pointed to the nanny: "Sister Wang, you have to cut it."

The hostess said so, the nanny nodded and took it to the kitchen to cut it. He was afraid of not eating well. He also made a small tomato, cucumber slices, lettuce and olive oil.

Lu Huanian is holding a bowl and sitting cross-legged on the sofa. When she eats the first bite, she still hesitates. It is not that she does not believe in Yunrong. It is just that Chinese herbal medicine is bitter. If it is difficult to eat, isn't it a waste?

Gu Qin sat on the side and looked at Lu Huanian's face and hesitated. He laughed and joked: "What? I don't dare to eat now, Comrade Huanian, I think it is right from the beginning?"

"I will recognize it?" Lu Huanian smashed her husband's foot. In order not to be flattened by Gu Qin, she took a big mouth and stuffed it into her mouth, but in the next second, she was kneeling in the same place because of the big shovel. Just entering the mouth, it turned into a cool, slipping into her throat.

Looking at Lu Huanian in the same place, Gu Qin was shocked, and couldn't take a joke with his wife. He sat down on her side and nervously said: "What's wrong? Is it difficult to eat? Quickly spit it out!"

Seeing Lu Huanian still not talking, he quickly went to shoot her back, frowning: "Call you don't eat, don't listen, you don't listen, medicine is just eaten? Chinese herbal medicine can't be eaten! You said that you are a famous graduate. of……"

"Husband..." Gu Qin’s words have not been finished yet, Lu Huanian interrupted his words: "Good food, this grass is delicious!"

Gu Qin: ...

"Lu Huanian, you don't want to lie to me!" Gu Qin let go of his wife, leaning against the sofa, the face is not channeled: "When we were in high school, you said that the cherry-flavored cola is so delicious. Sub-expression."

Lu Jia and Gu Jia Na are the world's best friends for decades. Gu Qin and Lu Huanian are also childhood friends. They all say that there is no feeling in the marriage of the giants. But they have a very strong preference. They have been married for almost ten years and are still married.

"This time I really didn't lie to you." Lu Huanian leaned on the salad bowl and leaned on Gu Qin's body. He took a bite and handed it to his mouth. He said with sincerity: "Don't believe you taste it?"

When Gu Qin was studying abroad, the elective was medical-related. He looked at the chopsticks with a look of disappointment and did not open his mouth.

"You taste it, your wife will lie to you?" Lu Huanian took the danger, and the smile was forced.

"You lie to me less?" Gu Qin ruthlessly spit, but still afraid of his wife, Zhang mouth to eat the sedges sent to the mouth, the expression on his face has not receded, it slowly became surprised After a while, I was surprised: "What is this? It's really delicious."

Chen Huanian put a look at "I know that you will say true fragrance" to Gu Qin, while eating and saying: "Yun Rong said it was scribbled."

Gu Qin has already listened to Lu Huanian’s mention of Yunrong several times. Yesterday, he was on a business trip abroad. He couldn’t sit still when he heard the news of a roundabout accident. Yuanyuan is his only daughter and the most loved little angel. In a round of trouble, he will live in pain for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Gu Qin felt lucky. Fortunately, this little girl named Yun Rong saved the round. He subconsciously held his wife in his arms, and the laughter on his face also retreated and became serious.

"You seem to like this little girl very much."

"Of course, I really feel that I have a fate with Yunrong. Otherwise, how can people save the round so well? I feel very comfortable when I see her. I am very happy." Lu Huanian said seriously: "This is the eye."

"That is a good thank you to everyone." Gu Qin touched the head of Lu Huanian: "Let's find a time to ask the family to be a guest."

"I also have this meaning." Lu Huanian finished the last bite of sorghum, and there is still a bit of a sense. She has already begun to plan, when to ask Yunrong to buy some more, Chinese herbal medicine, even if the effect is good, it is not as effective as a beauty salon. Care.

The former is conditioning from the inside out, the latter is the improvement of the surface skin, so Lu Huanian did not expect to be effective once, but also thought that he must eat more than a few times to see the effect.

On the second day, Lu Huanian woke up in a confused way, went into the bathroom to wash, and prepared to send her to go to school. When she looked up, she saw a huge mirror in front of the washstand, clearly reflecting a delicate White face.

Lu Huanian certainly recognized that it was his own face, but the skin on his face was as delicate as the photon rejuvenation, and even the pores could not be seen.

She touched the mirror incredibly, until the fingertip touched the cold mirror, and suddenly woke up, even if the maintenance was good, there were some minor problems on her face after 30, but now, these small The problem seems to have disappeared. This person is full of radiance, just like being young at the age of five!

"Gu, Gu Qin..." Lu Huanian was surprised and panicked, and involuntarily called her husband's name.

"What's wrong?" Gu Qin rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed, and asked casually: "Is it a long line or a pimple?"

"Liang trough!" Lu Huanian turned his head and just wanted to refute, but his eyes were on the face of his husband, once again squatting in the same place, and even swearing came out.

Gu Qin's face is not so exaggerated, but the change is still very obvious. Not only does the skin become better, but even a white line-like scar left by his brow bones disappears, but it is an old scar for more than 30 years!

"All said that the round is born can not be swearing ..." Gu Qin frowned, and finally opened his eyes, as soon as he saw Lu Huanian, suddenly scared to sleep evenly, "lying trough!"

"Isn't that swearing?" Lu Huanian's faint road.

Ten minutes later, the couple sat on the bed and looked at each other and finally believed in their changes from each other's shocked eyes.

"What did Yun Yun say when he gave it to you?" Gu Qin took the lead.

Lu Huanian was still touching his face. His face looked like a smile and a smile. He said: "It is good to eat skin, ruddy complexion and delicate skin."

"That's too good." Gu Qin also began to touch his face. "I took a bite, and the skin would be like this. I believe that this little girl has the real ability."

"You believe now? What little girl, she is not a little girl, now she is a master, I believe it!" Gu Qin was so stunned, Lu Huanian finally recovered from his surprise and turned into ecstasy. Which woman does not love beauty, in order to keep the skin young, she spends more than a hundred thousand dollars on skin care products a month, and now what skin care products are used, this money is not as good as Yunrong!

Lu Huanian felt that he was dizzy, just wiped out the essence of the lotion and stood up. She now wants to ask Yunrong, how long it can be eaten, how much, she wants to buy more.

"You don't wear makeup?" Gu Qin looked at the raging wife and asked.

Lu Huanian’s voice came from the door. “I still use makeup on my skin?”

Gu Qinyi thought it was true. He calmed down at this time. He changed his suit and looked at it before wearing the mirror. He nodded with satisfaction and was more handsome than before. The man also paid attention to the image.


Yunrong did not know that Lu Huanian’s chicken and dog jumped. At four o'clock in the morning, the genius was just bright. In the presidential suite of the Seaview Hotel, the floor-to-ceiling windows were half-opened, and the morning breeze came in, and it also blew in the aura of the silk.

Yunrong pushed the thin body of her body, stumbled and sat up, opened her eyes, and did not want to get up. She knew why the Yaozu of this era was so degraded, and did not get up early in the morning to absorb the aura.

It’s not that the bed of the Terran is too comfortable. The food of the Terran is so delicious. Who is willing to get up early? Who is willing to go to the valley? How many delicious foods do you have to miss?

This is the word that comes with "satisfaction, desire,"!

Yunrong felt that she couldn’t fall down like this. After she got out of bed, she made a cleansing spell for herself, and she was cleaned up. She went through the living room to the balcony to absorb the reiki. It was inevitable to see more than a dozen empty cake boxes on the table. Yun Yun stopped, swallowed and swallowed water, I knew that I left some yesterday, and now I want to eat nothing.

Sighing, the cloud tolerated her own appetite, walked toward the balcony, and when she went to the balcony, she frowned. She had two half-high sea otters on the balcony to decorate. She found it yesterday. This sea otter grows a bit faster, and today it is even more exaggerated. In the summer, the sea bream blooms a tree, densely squatting, and the whole sea otter can't see green, just like a flower ball.

She has tried to converge her own aura, but for flowers and plants, it is still too much, no way, she is a mountain god, is close to these creatures, Yunrong points on the two jellyfish flowers, do a little A little cover.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, when Daqing came to work, I heard the little girl at the front desk discussing.

"It’s weird, you said that the plants in our hotel are not particularly watery for two days. When you look at it, it seems to have just been watered."

"When you say it, is it true that the gardener is fertilizing? The dozens of peach trees in the backyard of our hotel, have you seen it? They all have small peaches, and maybe they can eat them in a few months."

"What joke are you doing? That is to watch the peach blossoms. How can you make peaches? Not to mention that there are not a few flowers in this year, and half of them are dead."

"I don't believe you are optimistic. It bloomed the night before. We still feel weird. When I saw it this morning, some flowers have already been thanked, and I have grown a small peach."

When Daqing heard it, it was not right. He went to see it the day before yesterday. It seems that the peach tree is alive. I want to ask the garden workers to dig up the seeds. It’s only a few days, even the peaches. Growing up?

"You said that the dozen peach trees in the backyard are alive?" He approached the front desk and couldn't help but ask again.

"Hey manager, you are here." Daqing was very kind and very young. The young employees were not afraid of him. He smiled and said, "Yes, the flowers are so busy, the guests who live in our hotel, many of them. I went to see it and said that our hotel greening is doing well, and the peach blossom is still open. It was past the flowering period in April and May."

"Hey manager, is this a bit strange?"

"It’s weird, don’t say anything.” When Daqing heard a sigh of relief, he suddenly remembered Yunrong. Yunrong’s repair was too high. He couldn’t see what it was. Now, listening to the front desk, he could not help. Thinking, is it a peach flower demon?

It’s no wonder that you can’t see the repairs, and there’s nothing left. The peach blossoms have something to do with Taoism. It’s a Taoist demon. Nature is different from ordinary monsters.

In this way, he quickly squinted at the front desk: "Don't say this in the future, what is strange, not the news, the news is not said, some plants are seasonally disordered, although it is summer, it may be thought to be In the spring, isn’t it going to bloom? Inform the gardener to take care of it and the flower beds have been rebuilt.”

Yunrong not only helped his child to be born smoothly, but also sent so many auras to him. I don’t know if it’s over, I know, he must take care of the body of the big man.

The author has something to say: Lu Henian reveals a dangerous smile: girl, who do you say is the old father?

The girl's top lid escaped...

The girl has been dizzy and vomiting today, using a deposit that is easy to use, and the year is coming, the little cute must pay attention to the body!

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