MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 59

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In the first semester of high school, Wen Yao returned home after school.

It took less than half an hour from school to the dilapidated old building where I live now.

She still feels a little unaccustomed to walking into the alley silently every day.

The corridor is also very dark today.

Wen Yao walked up the stairs in silence.

When I first moved here with my father, Wen Yao was a little hesitant because there were no light bulbs in the corridors of this place.

In the beginning, she also used the lunch money she saved to buy a light bulb and replace it.

However, she later discovered that in this place, a new light bulb would be stolen by some household the next day.

Wen Yao has neither the energy nor the financial resources to engage in a tug-of-war over the installation of light bulbs with the people who live here.

So, she gradually got used to walking in the dark corridor at night.

At first, she felt a little uneasy, but gradually she discovered that the darkness is actually not that scary. She is not afraid of the dark, but only afraid of the unknown.

She walked to the place where she lived now, and opened the door with the key unfamiliarly.

The house was dark, and my father hadn't come back yet.

In fact, she didn't like the feeling of darkness when she returned to where she was.

Wen Yao couldn't help thinking of the past, no matter when, the light in the porch of the house would always be on.

That lamp is her sense of security.

Forget it, those days are gone forever. She looked down and thought.

Wen Yao reached out and slowly fumbled for the light switch on the wall.

The light came on all of a sudden, and Wen Yao quietly put the schoolbag on the table.

Although the room was dilapidated, she cleaned it very cleanly. As soon as the schoolbag was placed on the table, a note floated slightly in the wind and fell to the ground.

Wen Yao was silent for a while, and walked over.

The paper was turned over and lay on the ground.

Wen Yao felt that what was written in this note was not good, and felt a little more blocked in his heart.

But she reached out and picked it up.

—Wen Yao, I'm sorry.

Looking at his father's hasty handwriting on the note, Wen Yao stood silently in the small room for ten minutes.

In fact, she thought that moving to such a small room with her father was the worst case, but she never thought that the world could get worse.


Wen Yao closed her eyes, silently folded the note and threw it into the trash can.

She didn't want to cry, but she felt like a knife had been inserted into her stomach, stirring repeatedly, cutting herself over and over again.

After a while, she hurried into the bathroom and vomited for a long time before coming out.

She squatted next to the sink in the bathroom, slowly washing away the unclean gastric juice.

Looking at the water splashing from the faucet, Wen Yao pondered for a long time whether to drop out of school.

After all, what she needs to think about now is not how to live, but how to survive.

She is a person who is very good at weighing the pros and cons. After thinking clearly that it is better not to drop out of school, she calmly turned off the tap and did two sets of exercises at night before going to bed.

The next day, she put on her bag and continued to go to school with the same expressionless face as usual, then walked into the office calmly and asked the class teacher how to apply for a higher subsidy.

The head teacher seemed a little shocked by her personal situation, and unconsciously showed her a look of pity in his eyes.

Wen Yao was somewhat resistant to the merciful look of the head teacher, because she always felt that she was someone who didn't need to be pitied.

This kind of pity cut her heart like a knife, and it made her feel more uncomfortable than the moment when she found out that her father had escaped last night.

It turned out that he has become a person who needs to be pitied.

She clearly recognized it at this moment.


Life still has to go on.

In fact, as long as this kind of life lasts for a long time, it is nothing at all. People can gradually get used to everything.

And I happen to have the corresponding adaptability and endurance.

Wen Yao was thinking numbly while studying.

Only occasionally when Omega is written on the second gender, Wen Yao still hesitates.

Omega was supposed to differentiate between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, but for some reason, he didn't differentiate for a long time.

It may be because of her malnutrition or psychological pressure, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

She felt at ease about being an undifferentiated Omega because her health couldn't keep up.

Inhibitors are money, after all.

Save if you can.

However, one day after the October vacation of the third year of high school, she still split up.

The worst thing is that I didn't expect that I would be divided in school, and I didn't expect that I would be locked up with an Alpha when I was divided.

- That Alpha named Jiang Shuyi seems to be a school bully who often causes trouble.

Wen Yao, who was locked in the cleaning room, kept calm and looked at the Alpha who looked a little dazed.

Wen Yao asked Jiang Shuyi to mark himself.

She really didn't want people to mark her.

But because according to common sense, if Jiang Shuyi didn't mark himself, things would definitely get worse.

Because facing an Alpha, she actually has no power to restrain her.

Fortunately, this Alpha just kissed the mole on his own neck, and did not move too much after marking himself.

Wen Yao expressed his gratitude for this.

It's just that in the past few days, she will have a little reaction to this person's pheromone, and she can bear it.


After school, Wen Yao went to the pharmacy to buy inhibitors.

This is her first exposure to inhibitors.

With a cautious personality, she asked the clerk many questions, such as how to inject, and which inhibitor would work the fastest, and which inhibitor was the most cost-effective.

Wen Yao actually doesn't like injections very much, but when she heard that the injection-type inhibitors are the cheapest and have the fastest effect, she still chooses the injection type.

Because there are many things to pay attention to when injecting inhibitors, she carefully asked how to inject them.

At that time, the clerk introduced it patiently, but the details of Wen Yao's careful consultation seemed to arouse the clerk's resentment, so the clerk said impatiently:

"The adults in your family should know how to use this. It would be nice if you forgot to ask your mother to teach you."

"Actually, it's not a big deal, you can use it at ease."

Wen Yao froze for a moment.


She nodded subconsciously, "I will."

What she thought in her heart was that she must not forget how to use the inhibitor.

After all, my mother is no longer by my side.

Later, Wen Yao learned how to inject inhibitors in a short period of time.

Occasionally, recalling the first time she bought inhibitors, she felt that these were indeed trivial things, not a big deal.


Wen Yao is a very cautious person, and also a person who seldom regrets what he has done.

Because, she deeply understands that something has happened, and regretting it will not help.

And her living environment also left her with few choices, which reduced her chances of regretting it, and every step she took was more like breaking the boat.

Wen Yao always dreams that when he clearly needs someone very much, that person disappears without warning, and has disappeared from his life since then, leaving traces everywhere.

Everyone in this world seems to have the shadow of the man who evaporated after leaving a note.

In order to avoid being thrown away in a hurry, she should have avoided starting.

But this is the first time she has experienced such a thing as feelings, and she has no idea when it started.

Is it too late when you realize it?

She may have regretted letting Jiang Shuyi easily enter her life.

But, not so regretful.

Jiang Shuyi is a person who loves life.

She is willing to have conversations with many different people and is good at sports, but she also plays music and draws.

She has many ways of expressing her love for the world.

Wen Yao knew that as long as this person worked a little harder, he could actually get everything.

And even if she doesn't work hard, she actually has a lot of things.

Jiang Shuyi is clean and pure, but what about himself?

- Self is despicable.

Looking at Jiang Shuyi's clothes that she secretly hid, Wen Yao couldn't help but think so.

I don't know how many times, Wen Yao felt ashamed of sneaking into Jiang Shuyi's house secretly with despicable thoughts hidden.

She tried her best to find a reason to approach this person, but she kept realizing that Jiang Shuyi didn't need her at all.

While resisting such emotions, she unconsciously fell into it.

But now, Jiang Shuyi is gradually improving himself, becoming able to accomplish everything by himself.

She had known for a long time that this person would become better and better one day, but in the world where Jiang Shuyi could do everything by himself, she was no longer needed by her.

Her spiritual world is getting richer and richer, as powerful and affectionate as the piece she played just now.

And such a person should easily enjoy her ordinary and happy life.

It's like being with Yan Jingshu.

The two of them together probably couldn't be better.

Yan Jingshu can easily and generously do everything she wants to do.

And I am just a person who has to think about where his father has gone every day, and whether the debt collector will come to the door next month and threaten him with a knife.

Wen Yao took a slow breath, and decided not to care about Jiang Shuyi and Yan Jingshu's affairs anymore.

After the school celebration ended and the Chairman finished the meeting, Wen Yao walked out of the auditorium.

She walked forward, and a series of footsteps sounded behind her.

She could tell from the sound of footsteps that the person behind was Jiang Shuyi.

It turned out that I was already familiar with Jiang Shuyi to this extent.

Wen Yao couldn't help but frowned a little annoyedly.


Wen Yao pretended not to notice that there was a person behind him, and walked forward quietly.

The people behind also followed behind her without saying a word.

After a long time, she sighed, "What are you doing with me? Jiang Shuyi."

Jiang Shuyi watched her stop, so he walked to her side,

"Wen Yao, are you going home?"


go home?

Jiang Shuyi has been using such words recently, causing her to almost accidentally forget where her real home is.

Jiang Shuyi's home will never be his home.

"..." Wen Yao paused and sighed quietly.

"Jiang Shuyi, the glass in my house has actually been repaired."

"I think I should move out of your house."

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