MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 196 One hundred ninety six

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Chapter 196

In order to hide my own thoughts, I will see the deep and perfect topic: "In fact, this time I joined the WTO, I am most afraid of Yuan Yiming."

Shen Qingxian smiled and asked him: "Afraid of what he is doing?"

Looking at the deep heart, I have a long way to go: "A person who can't cover a twenty-six letter can't be afraid."

That's right. Looking at the life of a big baby, the twenty-six letters are too few, and it is not enough to clarify his intricate love network.

Shen Qingxian is quite nostalgic: "He is very interesting."

Looking at the deep **** defense road: "Where is it interesting, and the letters are entangled?"

Shen Qingxian knows what he is thinking. He said: "Don't worry, what kind of letters do I have?" At the end, he looked at him again and smiled lightly. "If you dare to be with others, I will kill you first." ""

A word that is obviously awkward, but when he sees it, he hears sweethearts. He said, "Then you have to be disappointed. This life is afraid that there is no such opportunity."

Shen Qingxian looked at him: "Is there a next life?"

Gu sees a deep smile, he pulls people into his arms and kisses him: "The next life, the next life... there will be no life."

Shen Qingxian’s lips are extremely lightly hooked, and I have to laugh and laugh: “It’s as if you have the next life.”

There is no reincarnation of the monks. When you walk into this way of practice, you are faced with a life of nine deaths.

Either make eternal, or fall off.

The higher the realm, the more thoroughly it will dissipate.

There are still souls in the death of low-ranking monks. Like their realm, if they die, it is really nothing left.

This is also normal, risks and interests have always coexisted.

Speaking of this, Shen Qingxian listened to what he thought of after his accession to the WTO.

About the real "I", about the body of the blood, about the red jade.

Gu Jianshen heard all the smiles in his eyes: "Before, I can never imagine that you would say such an idealistic theory."

Shen Qingxian glanced at him: "The near Zhu is close to the black."

He is just a joke, but he has deep emotions and a lot of emotions. "Although this is the case, you still have to stick to the road and not be disturbed by these thoughts." He is worried about Shen Qingxian, afraid of him. The concept of contact with the heart is detrimental to one's own practice.

Shen Qingxian said a little helplessly: "Don't think about me first."

Gu Shen Shen said: "You can be embarrassed about me."

Shen Qingxian is also crying and laughing: "Don't be poor with you, say good things."

In the past, he was soaring in his heart, and now he is all flying with his eyes.

So he has to figure out the jade, to figure out these tasks, to figure out how to get on the ladder.

Gu Jianshen took out the red jade slip and looked at it: "No matter what it is, it doesn't matter."

Shen Qingxian looked at him and said, "What?"

After seeing it, he whispered: "Because it is selfish."

Shen Qingxian has a natural affection for Hongyu Jane. He is not convinced: "I think it is for you."

"It's good for me, toss me, its purpose is to let me fly."

Shen Qingxian vaguely understood his extra-string sound.

Gu Jianshen continued: "Because only I am flying, it can fly."

Shen Qing’s string smashed...

What he said is not unreasonable. Whether Hongyu Jane wants to let Gu see deep love, or wants to make him satisfied, he thinks nothing more than to make Gu Jian deep into a avenue.

Therefore, it is said that it is selfish because it is attached to Gu Jianshen.

Shen Qingxian said: "It doesn't matter, it's selfish, but it's for you."

Seeing the deep red 眸 眸: "What is it for me? It depends on what it is for me."

This statement is very dull, the tone is the same as usual, but Shen Qingxian has heard a different mood.

The emperor of the heart, the peak of the heart of the heart, Gu Jianshen has his own pride.

He is not controlled by anyone, even his own "heart".

This is very contradictory, but human nature is extremely contradictory: it is not the same as what it is done; this moment is different from the next one; the self is different from the self.

Asking for heart and heart...

The heart and the heavens are really the opposite.

Shen Qingxian screwed his eyebrows and said to himself naturally: "I am..." He hasn't finished yet, and a sweetness is pouring from his throat.

"What's wrong?" Gu Jianshen grasped his hand.

Shen Qingxian pressed the surging blood into the air: "It's okay." He adjusted his body very quickly, covering up the sudden heartbeat disorder.

Gu Jianshen did not relax, he said: "Don't lie on me, if you feel unwell, you must tell me."

With Shen Qingxian's medical technique, he wants to squat, and no one can perceive the entire realm of cultivation.

Shen Qingxian laughed: "What can I do?"

Gu Jianshen also tightened his eyebrows, Shen Qingxian stood up and said: "I am a little lacking, let's go outside and breathe."

Gu Jian thought deeply and said: "You don't think about it, I know what I have in my heart."

Shen Qingxian nodded: "Nothing is useless, wait for it to release the task."

After seeing and talking, Shen Qingxian knows what he wants to say. He said, "Okay, it’s okay, I’m also a Mahayana period. It’s so easy to move the heart.”

Gu Jianshen still yelled at him: "In short, don't think too much about my business."

Shen Qingxian teased him: "Only you think about me, I am not allowed to miss you?"

Gu Jian deeply hugged him: "I think you are free, you think I am against the road."

Shen Qing’s heart trembled, and his tone eased: “Don’t define it like this. Our heavenly monks and monks have gone more.” Although his heart is forbidden, he wants to do it, but it does not matter after sanctification. Only the companions of the Heavenly Monks are also convinced of heaven.

Gu Jianshen said: "In short, you don't want to think about the heart." He looked at the things before the case, slightly annoyed, "Go, go back to Wanxiushan, don't touch these troublesome things."

Shen Qingxian did not want him to make a fuss, kissed him and said: "Okay, nothing."

Gu Jianshen had to take him back to Wanxiu Mountain.

Upon returning to Wanxiu Mountain, Shen Qingxian’s heart was quiet, and those who were thinking about it were really weak. This mountain has a formation set by the letter of the real person, which is of great benefit to the washing of mind and body.

Xiaojin is still following the practice of Mu smoke, and he looks very excited.

Mu smoked to see Master returning, but also slightly surprised, and soon he saw the anxiety in the deep eyes, and then looked at Shen Qingxian, he saw his lips slightly dry.

Mu smoked a tight heart, but because I noticed the sight of Shen Qingxian, I closed my mouth.

After all, he grew up with Shen Qingxian and knew him very well.

The last time he saw Shen Qingxian was slightly tired, he was still in the Sixth City of Qingtian.

At that time, Shen Qingxian applied a ban, saved the six city spirits, and then he found Mu smoke, and he bounced in his eyebrows: "Don't obey."

Mu smoked his head and saw the dry lips of Master. That was the first time he saw Shen Qingxian revealing fatigue. What happened now? Mu smoked a little uneasy.

Shen Qingxian adjusts very fast.

He is very good at medical skills, and his old Gu is extremely bad, so it is easy to hold him.

After two or three days, the days have returned to normal, and Shen Qingxian has no different appearances.

Gu Jianshen seems to have no worries, accompanying him to drink tea every day, to enjoy the beautiful scenery, to tease the apprentice, is very leisurely.

On this day, Shen Qingxian said: "Hello, you are also the master of Xiaojin. Can you just point him down?"

Gu Jian said with a deep smile: "Light-stained saints teach very well."

Mu smoked the words: "The emperor has a reputation. In recent days, I always feel that there are several pauses in Xiaojin's meditation, but I haven't found a reason. If the emperor has time, why not go and see?"

Gu Jianshen got up and said: "Well, I will go see him."

After the people were taken away, Shen Qingxian looked at Mu smoked.

Mu smoked: "The disciple offended." He reached out and held the wrist of Shen Qingxian.

After a while, Mu smoked and opened his hand, standing down and standing.

Shen Qingxian asked: "What did you try?"

Mu smoked and shook his head.

Shen Qingxian laughed at him: "In the early years, you let me follow my medical skills. You don't learn, not to say that you have two brothers and you have nothing to worry about."

His three apprentices, Xue Ge learned the heart of the decision, Chi Yangzi learned medical skills, Mu smoked... Probably learned the skin of Shen Qingxian when he was young!

Mu smoked and said: "The disciple is not filial."

Shen Qingxian sighed and said: "Well, I didn't want to train you."

Mu smoked but really worried about him: "Master your body ... really innocent?" He can only ask if he can not see.

Shen Qingxian accepted the smile of the corner of his mouth and asked Mu to smoke: "I see that you teach Xiaojin to teach very well. Do you understand the practice of the heart?"

Mu smoked a sigh, the voice is harder: "Total... always understand some." The chaotic eagle is high, and they will be affected for so long.

Shen Qingxian looked at him and stopped talking.

He did not ask, afraid of disturbing Mu smoke. After all, even he himself was countered for this.

Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian have been together for so long, and they love each other, but they never really understood his way.

He only thought about the two people doing the task together and flying together. What if the Tao is different? The ultimate goal is the same. But what if the latter task is related to this?

Giving up "belief" is easier said than done. This is done in the realm of Shen Qingxian. If you give up, it means that you really can't think about it.

In fact, let alone give up, he is only trying to understand the theory of the heart, the body is a burst of water, if it is really serious research...

Shen Qingxian closed her eyes and smothered: "I am fine, you have to worry."

Mu smoke can only come down.

Not far away, seeing the deep points | body flashing.

He knew that Shen Qingxian was supporting him, so he also left a sorrowful knowledge.

Although Shen Qingxian simply supported a barrier, but he was too aware of him, these simple barriers could stop him. Therefore, Shen Qingxian and Mu smoked the words he heard clearly.

At this time, the voice of Shen Qingxian entered the secret: "There are new tasks."

Gu Jianshen has already seen it. He raised his hand and applied a illusion to the red jade.

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