MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 195 One hundred ninety five

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Chapter 195

Shen Qingxian was shocked, and he saw him deeply: "Nothing."

Of course, nothing happened. The two of them knew each other and they were naturally clear.

However, Shen Qingxian still got up and said: "I will go see."

Gu sees him to go out with him.

The outside picture can be said to be quite "charming"!

The first Tianshan of Tiandao became a golden flower. From a distance, it seemed as if the sun on the horizon had fallen and became a big fireball, wrapped around Wanxiu Mountain.

When Shen Qingxian came out, he heard the sound of Mu smoked: "Okay, get it up, don't be seen!"

Shen Qingxian looked at him: "What is this?"

Mu smoked was shocked: "Master!"

Shen Qingxian is quite strange. His little apprentice had done a lot of anecdotes before, and every time he was caught, it was a shocking appearance.

However, since the accident of the Sixth City in the sky, he has become like a person, no longer grotesque, Shen Qingxian can not catch, has not seen him for a long time.

Mu smoked to the court for a deep ritual, slightly awkward (after all, an old age) said: "Xiaojin, he can't get it back."

Yes, it is Xiaojin that makes Wanxiu Mountain a big sun.

The golden cloth became super super and super, and the color was brighter, and the whole Wanxiu Mountain was wrapped up.

Shen Qingxian looked far away, and saw Xiaojin’s tearful eyes – very wronged and very upset and nervous.

He did bad things, is he going to be driven out of Wanxiu Mountain?

He is not a deliberate QAQ!

Shen Qingxian’s heart was not soft, and he said to Gu Jian: “Help him quickly.” He didn’t dare to rush, and his practice was different. He was afraid of hurting Xiaojin.

Gu Jianshen raised his hand and clicked on it. The golden cloth wrapped around the Wanxiu Mountain became a young boy with a clear eye.

Xiaojin looked at Shen Qingxian and Gushen with tears in his bag: "I'm sorry."

Where Shen Qingxian would be angry, he sighed: "What is a good apology."

Xiaojin whispered: "Wan Xiushan was broken by me." Wan Xiushan, so beautiful and so sultry, was made slick and ugly!

Shen Qingxian laughed and said: "It is not good at all. Let's talk about how to break it."

Wan Xiushan: "..." Cry and faint!

Xiao Jin only thought that Shen Qingxian was comforting him. He was to open him in a gentle and kind manner. He did not know that Shen Qingxian said that he was telling the truth. Every word and every sentence was true and true.

Unfortunately, Xiaojin couldn't tell, he could only move, and he was so moved that he didn't know how to be good.

When I saw the letter army in the deep brain, I suddenly felt a tight heart and opened the topic: "Is the light-stained saint guiding you to practice?"

When he asked, Xiaojin immediately turned his worries into joy, and said happily: "Yes! Lightly dyed saints are too powerful!"

Mu smoked by him, he said that he was embarrassed. He said: "I am fine with me. Seeing his shallow foundation, he will help him stabilize."

Who knows this stability will stabilize the prototype! Such a big cloth also shocked him.

Shen Qingxian couldn’t help but think...

Xiaojin is just a little bit of a break and it’s so big. His family’s squad has been Mahayana, and that’s how big it is! I am afraid that I can not cover half of the real world!

However, when thinking about the color of the big apprentice, Shen Qingxian suddenly lost interest. Silver white or something... still rest.

Shen Qingxian and Gu Jianshen have left for more than a hundred years, and Mu smoked and Xiaojin have been together for so long on Wanxiu Mountain.

Xiao Jin is a lively temper, and simple and lovely, Mu smoked unintentional retreat, and promised Shen Qingxian to take care of him, since he is very careful.

People are always like this, they are bored, how can they not be relieved from the past, but they are diminished by other things.

He no longer thinks day and night about the killings that took place in the six cities of Qingtian. He no longer thinks about the indifference of the chaotic eagle, but also tries to let go of this relationship.

What about revenge, **** the chaotic eagle, the feelings he paid can not be found.

Instead of being obsessed with these things, it is better to open your heart and continue to move forward.

Shen Qingxian realized his change. He found an opportunity to ask him privately: "Want to open?"

Mu smoked and nodded: "Yeah."

Although Shen Qingxian feels that there is a flaw between them, but this kind of outsider can't interfere, Mu smoked and wanted to open, then that's it.

Shen Qingxian said to him: "Don't rush to practice, or take a look around, wait until you really reconcile and retreat."

Mu smoked: "The disciple understands."

Shen Qingxian's words are very reasonable. Mu smoked this state is no longer confusing for the heart, but to say that it is completely free to break away.

He can't see the chaotic eagle now, so I feel that everything is fine, but once I see it, I am afraid that I will give up the minute and return to the original.

This kind of mentality is going to retreat, I am afraid that it will breed the demons... It is more appropriate to stay outside for a while.

Fortunately, there is a small gold to accompany, Mu smoked is also very interested, teach the "tea brother" to teach very happy.

Xiaojin was deeply apprehended as an apprentice, and Gu Jianshen was his "teacher", so Xiaojin is also a younger brother!

After cooking the juniors, Shen Qingxian went to the Weixin Palace with his eyes.

The handy treasurer of his hand is more and more comfortable, and he has not shown up for more than a hundred years. The people in his heart have not "rebelled". It is very conscience.

After seeing a deep day, I came back to see Shen Qingxian leisurely and teasing a red squid. I suddenly felt unwilling, and came over and hugged him: "You are down."

Shen Qingxian glanced at him: "You love to work."

Gu Jianshen kissed him on his neck: "I will resign from the throne tomorrow."

Shen Qingxian laughed and said: "Don't, I am afraid that your generals will form a group to "Qingjun side."

Gu Jian snorted: "They dare!"

Shen Qingxian sprinkled the fish food and said: "They even dare, I am afraid I can't clear this side."

This is really not exaggerated... let go of the depths of the mind, the whole heart together, I am afraid that I can not do Shen Qingxian.

Gu sees a deep smile and laughs: "The queen is mighty and domineering."

Shen Qingxian swears at him.

Gu Jianshen is not awkward, and his hands are getting more and more honest. It’s really daring!

Shen Qingxian was itched by him, holding his hand: "Outside."

Gu Shen Shen said: "I don't know who is always hooking me outside."

Before joining the WTO, Shen Qingxian and Gu Jian did not play less field battles, especially the Phoenix Canyon... The place was really embarrassed to let the third person go in, after all, they were almost "sleeping" by them.

Shen Qingxian was half-pushed and half-pushed, and he was stunned by his mouth. He was still interested in his mouth: "If you really get an old body, you are going to ban it?

Gu Shen said: "If you are there, I am afraid that it will not be forbidden."

Shen Qingxian said: "You can't help, I don't want to kiss an old man."

Gu sees his head and kisses him on his eyelashes: "I think."

Shen Qingxian seems to be hit by the current, whispered: "I don't care at all..." The latter words are not very helpful.

In fact, Shen Qingxian knows why Gu Jianshen set himself to such a number of years because of the previous state of mind.

In the Lanfu country, because of the heart, Shen Qingxian became an elder.

Even if Shen Qingxian is really not concerned, the Shen Qingxian at that time is really desperate. Looking at the deep-eyed look, it is really distressing.

This time he entered the WTO, he set himself up, thinking about changing his position and letting Shen Qingxian look at it from another angle.

Whether he is old or not, he is still him, he is still him, they are consistent.

Shen Qingxian is not a very careful person. Even because of his heart, he does not care about other people's minds and is not good at trying to figure out.

But Gu Jianshen is very different from him. He is careful, thoughtful and gentle. He always thought that he didn't think about it. He always couldn't care for the place he didn't care about. He always couldn't bear to be wronged by him.

So... he must have suffered a lot of grievances.

Thinking of yourself will forget others, the same reason, thinking of others will forget themselves. But now it's okay, Shen Qingxian will think about him, thinking about him like he thinks about him.

The next day, Gu Shen saw the Shen Qingxian in front of the case and was shocked: "Do you really want to help me?" He just talked casually.

Shen Qing’s string did not lift: “Is it so long, how long does it take?”

Seeing the past and looking at it in the past, I was convinced.

In the realm of comprehension, naturally, you don’t have to play like humans, review it, and issue it. A stack of paper cranes, everything is done.

Shen Qingxian imitates Gu Jianshen's handwriting to imitate the vividness, because the two are too close, he can imitate the deep aura, even the appearance of a paper crane...

Shen Qingxian folded a paper crane and looked at him: "You are very advanced in this craft."

When the two were in Lanfu, the fat paper crane called a fat man.

Gu Jian deep smiled and said: "I was deliberate at the time."

Paper cranes are like human writing for monks, and it is easy to expose without camouflage. At that time, I was deeply stunned to hook up Shen Qingxian. I didn’t dare to reveal my true identity. So I thought it was “writing with my left hand”. It would be nice to fold it out. It’s really no way to get fat.

Shen Qingxian moved his fingers and actually folded a fat paper crane to throw him.

Gu Jianshen caught it with one hand.

Shen Qingxian didn't look up, just like a casual saying: "Although fat, but this is my favorite paper crane look."

In a word, let's take a deep heart and let go of it and kiss him directly.

Shen Qingxian said inadvertently, but actually very embarrassed, he pushed him: "When I go, I am busy!"

"Okay, go to rest, and leave the rest to me." Emperor Zun, like the energetic Mr. Ji, can not only handle the work but also want to be a wave of perpetual motion!

Shen Qingxian got up and gave him a position, but he didn't leave, but he looked at him.

Gu Jian did not look up: "Shuany?"

Shen Qingxian laughed: "Not handsome."

Looking at the deep and thin lips, the handsome scum: "That has been watching."

Shen Qingxian was too lazy to be poor with him. He suddenly remembered something and asked him: "Yes, why did you not dismiss the cuckoo when you were in the world?" It was unbelievable that he had promoted Du Fu as vice president. .

Looking at the deep old God is saying: "The wife is too charming, and the people who like him are thousands of people. I care about it, I am afraid I have to kill all human beings."

Shen Qingxian: "..."

Gu sees him and looks up at him. He is full of smiles: "You are a big man who is doing big things, not so stingy."

Shen Qingxian pinches a fruit and stuffs his mouth: "Trust your evil!"

Gu Jian deeply ate the fruit and licked his fingertips: "Please feed your mouth next time."

The Lord has never seen such a brazen man!

As for Gu Jianshen, why did he not dismiss Du Fu... The truth is so sad and humble that Lao Gu is not killed when he kills.

At that time, the machine nine dreamed to send the cuckoo to the end of the earth, so that he would not appear in front of Shen Qingxian in this life. But Shen Qingxian said, "You don't have a prejudice against him. Du Fu is very good." He couldn't go in his mind.

If you dismiss the cuckoo, Shen Qingxian will be angry.

It’s just such a thought, the machine nine will press the vinegar and the faint uneasiness of the sky to the students.