MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 165 One hundred and sixty five

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Chapter 165

What is this ghost thing?

In fact, what it said is not the language of the comprehension, but Shen Qingxian and Gu Jianshen have all been to the power of the third world, so they can understand the language conversion method.

But there is no difference between this understandable and incomprehensible. What does it mean?

The big dumplings are very strong, and they are very happy to jump and dance: "Mother one, kiss one and kiss one!"

Shen Qingxian look at Gu Jianshen.

The old rogue is "innocent": "What is it talking about?"

What do you really mean when you say something?

Shen Qingxian also has to be "shy": "I don't quite understand."

Datangyuan has become a beautiful background sound. It jumps, body bombs, music and music, and it is also very sloppy: "When you kiss, kiss one and let you go!"

Gu Chunqing, who couldn’t understand it, understood it now: "It seems to say that we are going to let us go."

Shen Qingxian is not good to be stupid with him: "It is lie to us."

Gu Shen Shen said: "In case? It is better to save some spiritual power at this time."

Don't you want to kiss? What is the provincial spirit!

Shen Qingxian has to refuse, he said: "I think it is a waste of effort."

Gu see deep whisper: "No effort, no effort..."

The big dumplings couldn't wait, and they still threatened them: "Don't throw them away without kissing them! The following is magma!"

So scary, so scared, I want to kiss! It’s good to give you a blank eye!

If Shen Qingxian doesn't look at it so beautiful, go out and clean it up.

When he saw Shen Shen, he hugged him tightly. He listened to the dumplings and looked down at him. He only thought that he was dry and didn't want to drink water. He wanted to touch his light lips.

"Do you mind?" Gu Jian asked him.

Shen Qingxian’s face was covered with a thin red, and it was even more unbearable to see Gu Shen.

Shen Qingxian whispered: "It’s useless to kiss... oh..."

Gu Jian kissed his lips and blocked his unfinished words.

Shen Qing’s string slammed his eyes wide. When he looked at him like this, Gu Jianshen only felt that the whole body was hot, and he wanted to go deeper and kiss him more eagerly.

Unfortunately, it is not the time.

He reluctantly let go of him and looked at the soup, "Can you let us go?"

Really, it seems to be really spiritual!

The big glutinous rice dumplings 眨巴眨巴绿豆小眼, fangs: "This is called pro? This is also called pro? Are you teasing me?"

Shen Qingxian: "..." Is a dumpling so well understood?

Gu Jianshen: "..." is really a good and sensible good dumpling.

The dumplings are very violent: "Hurry up! Pro, kiss for a long, long time! Let's scream like that!"

Shen Qingxian was actually reddened by the old face he said.

In fact, they don’t have to be “bullying” by this dumpling. They can get rid of this with a little touch of their fingers. But both of them are diligent and have a good family. They want to save their spiritual power, so the big dumplings are netting two people who don’t want to go out. people.

If the outside is a person, Shen Qingxian is not expected to let him play, but it is a dumpling, or an orange, gave a very flattering look, so...

Shen Qing string hangs: "It is letting us kiss."

Datangyuan couldn't understand what they were saying, and he sipped: "Kiss, kiss, kiss, be very close and very close!"

Gu Shen Shen said: "Offended."

When the voice fell, he kissed Shen Qingxian. It was a real kiss. When he touched it, he invaded his mouth. He kissed it all over the world. There was no rule, hot and hot, and he was full of love. The intention has been unable to cover up, and the spray has come out, almost two people are drowning.

When they kissed, they had already forgotten where they were, and they only had each other in the center of their eyes.

Shen Qingxian lowered his head and did not dare to look deep.

Gu Jianshen was staring at him, and Ding could not move his throat.

Until they snorted, the two fell to the ground.

Did the big dumplings really put them? Both of them have some faint disappointment...

They looked at each other and suddenly disappeared.

The big dumpling, which had been screaming and screaming before, actually turned around and twisted and twisted: "Oh, oh, shy! Too shy!"

Gu Jianshen & Shen Qingxian: "..." Not that you want to see kisses!

Datangyuan was shy for a while, then turned his head and blinked again: "I am talking to the rhubarb, this will put you out!"

Really? Don't think about it?

Rhubarb dumplings are a good dumpling, and it came over and did not reach out, but actually untied a large net.

Just getting free, Shen Qingxian wants to catch this orange little cute.

Who knows that the dumplings are very flexible, one foot high, and then a giant net.

Gu Jianshen and Shen Qingxian were tied together.

Datangyuan laughed: "It’s caught again! This time you have three kisses to let you go!"

Shen Qingxian: "..."

Gu Jianshen: "..." A little happy, this kind of thing must not be shown.

Datangyuan is also very familiar with the rules. It says: "I am not playing around with you. I am giving you a chance. It is too slow for you! Not running away!"

Who knows that you will really let go, who knows that you still have a net?

Of course, I know that some people will deliberately release water, pretending that they can’t run away...

The big dumplings are happy again: "Fast kiss, fast kiss, like the one just now, kiss the right side of the kiss, but also close your eyes, cheeks are red!"

Who, who is blushing! Lord of adults never imagined myself as much as you want to hit a small orange lying lovely day!

Gu Shen said deeply: "I don't think this thing is malicious."

Which is not malicious? It’s all good intentions!

Shen Qingxian thinks that in the true two thousand years, he and Gu Jian fell into this third world, and they were tied by such a big dumpling. They were forced to kiss and kiss...

Who can bear this? I was very fond of Gu Jian, and there was a provocation before the fat paper crane. How did the really pure Shen Qing string live?

Gu Jianshen said almost to his ear: "We will satisfy it first, and when you let it go, I will take you there."

Shen Qingxian whispered: "Can you run away?"

Seeing the deep sigh: "Reassured, I will do my best."

Shen Qing string believes, believe that he will do his best to not run!

I don't know when, the big dumplings were surrounded by a small dumpling, and a group of dumplings were all round, all looking at them.

Just kiss, it’s so beautiful! Also call friends and friends to see?

Datangyuan is urging again: "Kiss and kiss, kiss!"

I am afraid that this guy will use a childish voice to say such a shameless thing. Shen Qingxian said to Gu Jianshen: "Let's try it."

His voice just fell, and he had already kissed him.

Shen Qing’s heart swayed, his fingers tightened his clothes, trying to suppress the impulse to respond.

On the kiss skills, in fact, the current Shen Qing string is better than seeing the depths.

However, this guy has a talented personality. After he has been kissed twice, he has no teacher, and he has become more and more close.

In fact, the relationship between kissing and this kind of skill is really not very big, especially the two people who are sympathetic to each other. Because of the sensation of feelings, what is done is a slight tingling, although there are skills to add points, but not skilled or have a fascinating taste.

After all, there is nothing to kiss, what is there are two people.

With such emotions, whatever you do becomes a hot and hot thing.

For a long time, I was only finished. When I loosened it, Shen Qingxian sneaked at the dumplings.

Sure enough, the big and small are all turned back and twisted, shy can't do it!

What is wrong with this?

Obsessively watching, you still have to let them kiss... Could this be a roller coaster? Are you afraid of not getting rid of it?

After twisting for a while, the dumplings turned and said, "Come one more! Come again!"

Gu Jianshen was already familiar with the road, and he stayed with his back.

The dumplings screamed, and the small dumplings screamed. Shen Qing’s string was squinted, and the little **** turned around again!

No wonder they want to have it, oh, they just don’t dare to watch the sound!

It seems that he is not serious, and he glanced at him deeply. Shen Qingqi gave him a look. This eye made the old Gu classmates tremble, and they were even more arrogant.

When the two kisses ended, Shen Qingxian had to use a little spiritual power to suppress the heat of the body.

He has the power to press, but he does not see it.

The two are so tight that something hard and hard can't be hidden.

Shen Qingxian noticed that even the tip of his ear was red.

See you deeply: "Sorry..."

Shen Qingxian is embarrassed to return to him.

Gu Jianshen can only hold him hard and forcefully. He dare not say too much. He can only let his heartbeat dominate his ears.

When they were kissed, the dumplings didn’t look at them. When they were finished, they were alive and kicking. They couldn’t do it: “The third and third, there is one!”

Gu Jianshen took the initiative to return so much, Shen Qingxian also took the initiative.

He kissed him and took care of him with his hands.

Shen Qingxian quickly closed his eyes, and it was difficult to suppress the deep kisses than the previous two.

"Okay, let me go, I will let you go!"

Datangyuan is really a good dumpling for talking, and it would be better if it didn't go out.

He was let go, but he did not return to the sweetness from the sweetness, and the two were tied again.

Shen Qingxian feels that he can't escape this "net" in his life.

Gu Jian said: "I have not returned to God."

What can Shen Qingxian say? After all, he seems to have never looked back.

Datangyuan laughed and understood how to recuperate. He said, "I want to take you back to the castle! I want to raise you up! Show me kisses every day!"

Shen Qingxian has nothing to say.

Gu Shen said: "Let's do it first, let's go to their city to see..."

Entering the third world that has not been developed, there is a trick to leaving. If you find out the rules of the world, find the boundary, and resonate with your own aura and comprehension, you can go back.

This sounds simple, but it is actually somewhat difficult. The first point is difficult to find, and the spiritual power consumption is also great, so Shen Qingxian should try to save spiritual power.

Lanfu Wang calculated very well. He used the spiritual power of several of them to open the third world. When the three of them were drawn in, they were in a state of high spiritual overdraft.

In this case, they don't say that they are returning to the realm of cultivation. It is extremely difficult to live in the third real world.

When they are eight people dead, the real world will not want anyone to go to the battlefield in a short time.

After all, in order to succeed in the formation, Wan Fazong’s head and the heart of the field have borrowed to help!

However, King Langfu still has a wrong place.

He underestimated Gu Shen and underestimated Shen Qingxian.

When I wanted to come to see that in the past, I also protected Shen Qingxian at a crucial moment. Although Shen Li’s spiritual power was exhausted, Shen Qingxian left more than half of the spiritual power.

Look at the stupidity of this dumpling, I want to come to them with good luck, this third world is not an extremely dangerous small world, so it is possible to retain the spiritual power and eventually return to the realm of comprehension.

As for what happened later, Shen Qingxian is not clear, and can only get away from it by thinking of ways.

The dumplings finally did not let them kiss, but led them to the lake.

As Shen Qingxian thinks, this lake is really not a real lake.

Datangyuan stood up and shouted: "Bu, let's go home!"

The lake moved like a jelly, and then stood up.

Shen Qingxian looked up... I looked up hard and looked up to see all the behemoths that covered the sky.

Very good... This lake is also a big dumpling.

This color may not be called dumplings. In short, it is also a big group. It is very big. It is all blue in the water. There seems to be water waves in the translucent body.

The sun is very bright, and it shines on it and reflects a golden glow. It is dazzling.

Shen Qing’s head once felt that... the original blue thing can look so good, um... the main reason is to reflect the sun.

Although the dumpling is much smaller than this big water group, it seems to be its owner.

It said: "I have caught two males. Going back can let them perform kisses for everyone!"

everyone? ? This third world is not a world of dumplings!

The large water group cloth made a dull voice: "Buddha."

Very good, know the origin of the name of this water group.

The cloth was evenly flattened and became extremely low and short. The dumplings took Shen Qingxian and Gu Shen deep, and the small dumplings also jumped up and circled them around.

After they stood firm, the cloth became a big group. Interestingly, the center of the group was hollow, just let them sit steadily.

Although I am not sure if the rice dumpling is sitting...

Datangyuan is very satisfied with the two males he captured. He said: "You are obedient. When you go back to the pro six times, I will let you go."

Going fart, going back to your old house, how can you run?

Datangyuan is still a brainy dumpling, just listen to it and say: "Of course, if you don't want to go, it's better. I will definitely treat you well. Just show me three kisses a day. You can do it at any other time. play."

Shen Qingxian really can't understand the brain circuit of this cross-species.

Gu Jianshen actually learned their language and only listened to him asking: "Why must we kiss?"

The dumplings of the dumplings: "Of course it is fun!"

Gu Jianshen asked: "Two male kisses are fun?"

"Yes, yes!" Dafayuan cheerfully said, "The male kiss is the most fun!"

It seems that the difference between asking and not asking does not seem to be big...

However, it is true that these dumplings are not malicious, and they simply feel fun.

Like a child who doesn't know the world, he has a strong curiosity about fresh things, just acting for happiness.

Gu Jianshen said to Shen Qingxian: "You don't worry, we are not dangerous here, I think the brothers are fine."

In the past, I was deeply acquainted with them, and now I am called the voice brother...

Shen Qingxian's thin lips whispered: "Well."

When he saw that he didn't mind his name, he suddenly swayed again. He had to be insatiable: "Can I call your words in the future?"

Shen Qing string eyelashes microscopically: "Yes."

"涟华..." He was so close to him, and he called him with such a voice. Shen Qingxian suddenly reddened.

This is really not installed, just remembered some blushing pictures.

The two have been together for so long, what have you said before? Especially when seeking happiness, Gu Shen is more like to tease him, and screaming to make his legs soft and soft.

Da Yuanyuan was playing there in a serious dumpling. When they saw their whispers, they came to the sentence: "I can say it well. If I didn't see it, you will not count it!"

Shen Qingxian: "..." Can you do this! He wants to get into the cloth and bury himself!

This road is quite fast, the cloth is big, and it takes ten steps to step on top of others, and it is liquid-like, as if it is sliding on the ground, it is very smooth.

And this small world is indeed a rare third world.

Probably because there is no aura or similar energy form, so there are no overly powerful creatures.

The main creature here is a variety of dumplings.

What colors are there, all are group-like, too big and too small to speak, only one meter square is wise.

However, these wise dumplings also seem to be mentally unsatisfactory, similar to human four- and five-year-old children.

They are playful, full of curiosity about strange things, and do not understand what fears are.

Shen Qingxian walked all the way, and saw several dumplings. One of the big red is really beautiful, like the sun on the sea.

Red Tang Yuan saw him look at it, and jumped up and said: "Xiao Huang, this male sent me! He seems to like me very much!"

When the rhubarb dumplings hit it, it hits it: "Don't you find two? You have to grab it with me!"

Red rice dumplings succumb: "I am still sleeping, I have been reluctant to wake up to play kiss!"

When Shen Qingxian listened, he suddenly felt a tight heart. Gu Shenshen had already asked: "Is there a male like us?"

Rhubarb said: "Yeah, plus you have a total of four pairs, but unfortunately all of you are sleeping."

Just listen to it and say: "I still have good luck, I can catch two kisses, but it's okay, when they wake up, they can kiss!"

Shen Qingxian: "!!!"

Read The Duke's Passion