MTL - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love-Chapter 164 One hundred sixty four

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Chapter 164

It took Shen Qingxian to wake up for a while.

The king of Lanfu was really vicious, and he even made such a hazy trick.

For more than half a month, the seven brothers have been guarding them, and they are cautious to take antidote every day, for fear that they will be put under the cover, but they are still caught.

King Lanfu did not do anything on the food, but he worked **** the objects they arranged.

- Mirror stone.

Shen Qingxian is only heard about this thing. I did not expect this Lanfu King to have this treasure.

With this thing, all they did was mirrored. It was originally a separation of the world from the realm of comprehension. In the end, they separated the eight people from the two worlds.

I wanted to come to the surging crowd last night and it was purposeful - to delay them with this shackle, and the Lanfu King made adjustments in the half of their array in the night, making the mirror stone work perfectly.

Because of the mirror stone, they couldn't find the same thing on the second day!

Coupled with the mortals who saw the madness last night, they increasingly wanted to enchant the enchantment as soon as possible, and rushed to the end and fell into the trap.

After all, they are still big.

I always thought that with the power of eight people, even if it was forcibly arranged, it would be a good thing, but it would not be that I thought that Lanfu Wang’s heart was so deep, and that it was so persistent with the world, and there are such treasures, which is unexpected.

Shen Qingxian sighed with relief and moved his hands and feet.

This is the third world.

It is not the realm of comprehension that is not a universal world, but an unknown small world that is collectively referred to as the third world.

On the way to the monks' practice, there will always be a variety of small worlds: some are developed by their predecessors, leaving them with the secrets of their experience; others are unexplored, and they want to venture into the land for treasure hunting; More is not known, even the hidden third world is not known about the danger.

Shen Qingxian is no stranger to the third world. For many years he has encountered many unknowns and even created himself.

But at the moment, this third world is a bit weird. It is about the reason of the formation. The powerful pulling force has brought them to such a ridiculous little world.

His gods couldn't find out, and there was more than half of the spiritual power in the body, but it was dry and exhausted, and there was not even a hint of aura.

Is this a third world without aura? A little trouble.

Shen Qingxian looked around and looked at the coma.

He got up and came to him.

Gu Jianshen was red and wet, and the pale yellow land was dyed dark red.

It’s really skinny! Shen Qing's heart glimpsed, and quickly reached out, the warm silvery white light condensed from his palm, and then the white mans like a soft sun, moistened the injured body, allowing it to recover at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, Shen Qingxian is well versed in medical skills, so he can easily heal the deep cure. Otherwise, he will fall into such a place where there is no spiritual power, and he is so injured. He is afraid to plant it here.

With such a thought, Shen Qingxian was a little scared, and his heart became a group, and he was healed more seriously. He forgot that this was only a fantasy.

After half a quarter of an hour, there was no serious problem, and Shen Qing’s string wiped the thin sweat between the foreheads and relieved.

His gods can't get out of it, and he doesn't know what the brothers are all about.

"Water..." fainted and looked at the deep hoarse voice.

Shen Qingxian quickly said: "Wait."

He was just about to get up, and he took a hard grip on his wrist. He was still comatose, but his body seemed to be self-conscious, holding him hard and not letting go.

The Shen Qing string was very gentle and gentle. He whispered: "I am going to find water for you and come back soon."

Maybe I didn't hear it, maybe I didn't want to let go when I heard it. In short, he still held Shen Qingxian tightly, for fear that he would leave.

Shen Qingxian continued to warmly say: "I will be back soon, and the Qiankun bag will fall in two steps."

Gu Jianshen is not letting go.

Shen Qingxian did not have the heart to break free, but he was not willing to waste his spiritual power. He did not dare to move him. He had to use the slender body and use the posture he had never thought of in his life to hook the Qiankun bag that was not far away.

Seeing the tiptoe is about to hook up...

A burst of white mans flashed, and the Qiankun bag disappeared out of nowhere!

Shen Qingxian: "..."

what? Rabbit? It seems more like a dumpling...

Shen Qingxian shook his head and fixed his eyes. Don't worry about rabbits or dumplings. Anyway, a small thief, even stole their Qiankun bag!

Shen Qingxian gently broke off, and someone held it tighter. He thought about it and went over and kissed him.

Sure enough, this is extremely useful, only a kiss, and the deep hand strength will be loose.

If the unrespected Lord is a world-famous doctor, it is certain that he is in a coma, and he must suspect that he is fainting!

Shen Qing’s eyes quickly pulled out his hand and tried to get another Qiankun bag. Who knows that Baimang is a flash, and he is taken away by the guy who doesn’t know whether it’s a rabbit or a dumpling!

What is irritating is that Shen Qingxian could not catch it without dare to use the spiritual power!

Both Qiankun bags are gone...

Shen Qingxian looked around and found that there was a crystal clear lake in front.

However, it is one of the codes that the third world cannot be eaten.

Looking at the lake, who knows if it is a sleeping monster, this strange thing Shen Qingxian is not the first time I saw it.

What's more, there is the little thing that was not known just now. What if the guy left the company and stole it?

Shen Qingxian is not at ease.

Gu sees deep blood loss, although he stopped him blood, but it is extremely water-deficient, need to add a lot of water.

This is how to do?

Shen Qingxian thought about it, carefully took out a hint of aura, and changed a fake Qiankun bag on the open space.

As he thought, the little dumplings came out again, hugged and ran.

Shen Qingxian has changed one more. It is like a greedy little hamster, desperately fishing, and desperately carrying it on his back.

When Shen Qingxian changed to the sixth one, it finally couldn't take it, and began to enter the single stupid mode of Xiongzizi glutinous rice - one lost one.

Shen Qingxian caught the opportunity and finally changed back to his Qiankun bag.

The dumplings blinked and didn't seem to understand what he did.

Shen Qingxian is clearly seeing it, this guy... It’s really like a dumpling, round and round, with no arms and legs, only two black eyes, how innocent and innocent.

It’s so flawless! Stealing eight Qiankun bags is also a good idea to pretend to be innocent!

It grows like this, ordinary people will be very rare when they see it, and the girls are expected to scream and sprout.

Unfortunately, it was wrong with the color, Shen Qingxian did not like this white thing at all. Therefore, selling Meng is ineffective, and the Lord’s Master is cruelly deceiving the two two Qiankun bags.

The small dumplings carrying the ten fake Qiankun bags sneaked away.

Shen Qingxian quickly took out the water to drink and see.

Drinking water, the state of seeing deep is much better.

Shen Qingxian is a bit worried, they are all people in the valley, and how can there be a lot of food in the Qiankun bag? This is because he has a good cup of tea, so he brought a lot of Xianquan water, so he can drink if he wants to drink.

As for eating, there is no...

There are some in the pockets of Gu Jianshen, but there are also some red and gold snacks, which are obviously brought to him.

There is no slight aura in this small world. Can they not absorb and talk about it?

You have to eat without going to the valley, but can you really eat something here?

Shen Qingxian is also worried about the brothers, but this time he will not be awake, he will be anxious, and he will have to wait until he wakes up and act together.

After an hour has passed, the serious injury that has been put on others for ten days and a half has been restored.

Shen Qingxian knows the body of the blood, and it is convincing to see it.

Obviously, there is no aura, but there is such a terrible self-healing ability. This blood is indeed terrible.

Seeing deep eyes, first of all, some were out of focus. Then he sat up and locked his eyes tightly. "How are you? Are you injured?"

His eyes are full of real worries, and there are still some uneasiness and nervousness, staring at Shen Qingxian, for fear that he will disappear in the next second.

Shen Qing’s heart is hot, and the voice is soft and not like: “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Gu Jian deep held him, and the hot breath fell on his neck.

Shen Qingxian shriveled his neck and said: "We are in the third world. If you don't care, let's go find the brothers."

Gu Jianshen finally returned to God. He realized that he had done something and immediately let go. He said, "I am fine. Let's go, I have to find them as soon as possible." The eyes sneaked into Shen Qingxian and looked at them. He was angry with the abruptness he had just made.

Shen Qingxian couldn’t care about him at this moment. He got up and said, "There is no aura here, and the gods can’t find out. We still have to be cautious."

Gu Jianshen has already noticed, he said: "Reassured, my homework is not bad."

Shen Qing string heart: Where is it good? Seventy-seven forty-nine days seven times a day is not too tired of people ... is not bad!

Yeah, in this place where there is no aura, it is very useful to work outside.

They are very strange in their place.

The land is wonderfully pale yellow. Some silvery white stones on the ground are large and small, scattered and scattered. There is no texture. There is a lake not far away. Looking at it, it is a sparkling, but it looks good.

This scene is actually quite beautiful, but it is quiet and somewhat strange.

There is no sign of life, even a tree and a grass have no bugs.

Before that little dumplings disappeared, the whole space was very warm, but it was oozing an unspeakable weirdness.

Shen Qingxian said: "Go around first." There is still some spiritual power in his body. If there is danger, don't worry too much.

Gu Jian looked down and said: "Come here."

At this time, I saw intuition. Shen Qingxian chose to believe in the future of this heart.

After all, if you follow your heart, the intuition of the person who cultivates the heart should be stronger.

Just after thinking about it, Shen Qingxian regretted it - he saw that he had a fart instinct!

The two talents took three steps. Suddenly, they moved to the mountains and shaken them. Shen Qingxian just took hold of Gu’s deep hand, and he took him full of care.

Although the intuition is spicy chicken, the skill is still very good.

Gu Jianshen holding Shen Qingxian can still jump up, relying on a stone, borrowing power to run forward, and flying out of the ten feet without using the aura, can be said to be very powerful.

It’s a pity that it’s useless, and a net is falling, and the two can’t escape.

Shen Qingxian whispered: "Don't worry, see what's going on."

If you use the power of the spirit, this net can break free, but the consumption is somewhat large, and it is not urgent.

Seeing that he was so happy, he was holding him tightly and brightly. He was not in a hurry.

After the two were arrested, an orange-colored dumpling swayed out.

This "Dianyuan" is much bigger than the previous little ones. It is one meter high. Of course, it is one meter wide, and the group is playing again. On the ground, there are many teasings.

Such a funny ratio, the opening is: "Oh, it is two males, kiss your grandfather quickly!"

Gu Jianshen & Shen Qingxian: "..."
