MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 9

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A few days later, the semi-finals were very grand. The opening ceremony took a whole day, and invited the great gods to speak, and found several stars in the opening, mid-field and closing performances.

The whole game was broadcast live on the Internet. The audience at the scene was provided with a diet and a huge live screen. The audience who were not on the scene could watch the broadcast by virtual admission.

The virtual arena can accommodate 20 million people to watch the live broadcast, and the broadcast tickets have been sold for nearly 80 million. The peak of real-time viewings accounts for nearly half of all programs.

This is estimated to be the biggest event of the year in the entire e-sports circle on the planet.

The process of the event was very formal. Tyron was checked twice before entering the event, was checked for various data, and was specifically informed of the various accidents.

Before the players played, they were in the back room lounge.

There was a communal relaxation area in the lounge, and when Tyron sat on the sofa and read the newspaper lazily, he saw the host coming in.

The host is the little goblin. When I entered the door, I saw two big long legs lying straight on the coffee table. The owner of the long leg heard the movement and looked up at her.

The little goblin was looked at by the eyes of Tyrone, and the fan fanned his wings and asked, "I...Is my skirt and hairstyle behind?"

Tyrone signaled her to get closer.

She flew to the sofa and turned her back to Tyrone. She heard Tyrone’s magnetic voice and said with sincerity: “If you have a back list, you can rank among the top three.”

The little goblins originally wanted to stop, and the whole person was shy and heard uncontrollably: "Who are the two remaining?"

Tyrone shook the newspaper and said, "There is a goddess named Venus on Mount Olympus. There is another goddess in every man's dream."

The little goblin was slain and dying, and almost had to make a "squeaky" sound, leaning against Tyrone without talking.

At this time, Lu Chaofan also came in from the outside.

He looked at the restroom and found that the host of the palm of the hand was behind the Tyrone. When he came in, he sneered and said: "I am really at ease, I will soon be ruined. Is it warm to see the newspaper?"

Tyrone has never seen such a persevering person, and laughs: "This is a public place, your image?"

Lu Chaofan feared that someone came in and spit on the floor to express his contempt and turned away.

The little goblin was shocked and said: "He is the singer's little fresh meat road? How?"

"Maybe he feels that he is steadily winning." Tyron looked at his face and smiled meaningfully. "People will expose their nature at two times: one is when they think they are in front of their eyes, and the other is Desperate when you have no choice."

Leprechaun: Four Lords have a good connotation, and the Four Lords have a good condition.

Tyrone picked up a pack of snacks: "Don't worry about him, eat French fries?"

Half an hour later, the little goblins went out to host, and Tyrone was ready to play.

He and the opponent's road super at the same time rose up in Taiwan, and the audience immediately burst into a burst of prepared screams.

First, the fans who are superb are calling, and later the fans of "Four Lords" are calling.

The fans of Lu’s extraordinary are young girls, and the fans of “Four Lords” are inclusive, both sisters and rough men.

The two sides have been in the same place for a while.

Lu Chao is very unwilling, and said a few minutes in the "pre-war declaration", put a pose to attract attention -

Pouting, tongue out, selling Meng, forty-five degrees to reveal the awl-shaped chin.

The fans screamed and took pictures, screaming intermittently.

In the eyes of the super-excessive eyes, the microphone was handed over.

When Tyrone took over the mic, his fans began to lick the moth, and shouted together: "Four Lord also showed his face!"

Tyrone didn’t want to refuse.

Then he just spoke up, and there was another "no-" that was very neat and tidy.

The 360-degree audience without the dead angle has its own stereo echo effect. This sound has been lingering for a long time, and even some good people who don’t know the truth have begun to pick up.

Tyrone: "..."

Tyrone didn't overwhelm their "no" with a microphone.

Four master powders have tried several times, and finally succeeded in this game, successfully smashed the "No" character of Siye, and expressed their satisfaction and great revenge! There is no regret in the career of Siye Powder!

Tyrone: "..." I really don't understand you modern people.

Lu extraordinary face ugly, he did not expect his own painstakingly managed for more than half a year, but actually can not match the face of Tyron blindfolded a "no".

His face was completely unspeakable, and he turned his head and said to Tyrone: "We see the true chapter under our hands."

Tarren: "Oh."

The goblin saw that the smell of gunpowder between the two players was so heavy that they quickly ended the pre-match stage and immediately gave them the game.

The rule is bo3, commonly known as "three wins and two wins."

The map was randomly drawn. The first picture is: the internal cabin of the space battleship Hearthstone.

This picture is not too big, it is a sci-fi background. There are various compartments inside the battleship, which is very suitable for hiding, and the objects in the map are not easily destroyed.

The two were transferred to the map and happened to face each other in a narrow corridor.

After the countdown began, the inside and outside of the field were isolated from each other.

Lu Chaofan still has a star-specific smile on his face, but he has been arrogant in his speech: "Don't forget the script, you have a difficult wrestling at the opening!"

Tyron thought he was very embarrassed and showed his disgusted eyes.

Lu Chao said with anger: "Don't forget three million! Since you are selling for money, what kind of iceberg do you still have! I am most annoyed by you who have no education at the bottom!"

Tyrone didn't talk and blinked.

The road super-excited him for so long, this is the first time to break his defense, immediately smug, sneer: "I did not say wrong, you have been wearing a hood is not able to see people? You Earth The mud legs of the area, the genes do not know which monkey to upload from, put on a hood to cover the face, but also want to compare with me?"

Tyrone looked at him with the eyes of the dead.

Road Super is not the first goal to spend money to give himself a redemption before he starts, but it is the first goal to continue to die so persistently.

The countdown is finally over.

Tyrone directly sneaked and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Lu Chaofan has been excited, and it is difficult to control his face and put a trap in a well-prepared place.

According to the "script", Tyrone will immediately attack from his left rear, he only needs to light a dart -

Lu Chao suddenly pulled out three darts and jumped back while squatting!

Only heard a few bangs, the darts all fell, rebounded back and forth between the metal walls, and then slammed into a black cloak.

Lu Chao was so excited that his eyes were round and round, and he pulled out his dagger and headed toward the head.

In his script, he has heard the screams of Tyrone.


The extraordinary screams of the road came to an abrupt end.

Because Tyrone, who descended from the sky, stepped on his back neck, and his body that was flying was mercilessly kneeling on the ground.

Then, before he looked up, he lifted his foot and stepped his face into the ground again.

Time goes back a few seconds ago.

In just ten seconds of opening, Tyrone has been hanging directly above the corridor by virtue of his long, long-legged physical advantage.

There was a rope around his right arm, waiting quietly and silently, and the calm look and the road superbly formed a very sharp contrast.

It wasn't until the moment that the road came to him directly, that Tyrone fell.

It is not so much a "fall" as it is a "step".

Just like the action of a person when he stepped on a dead cockroach, first lift up the leg and then squeeze it down – that is the kind of action.

At that moment, the road of the extraordinary brain was dizzy, the bridge of the nose directly hit the floor, and the nosebleeds rushed to the side. The face was red, the eyes turned white, and the time was bright.

Tyrone’s boots stepped on his back and took off the rope, and down the pocket, he firmly surrounded the extraordinary neck.

Tyrone, like picking up a dead dog, pulls the rope.

Then Lu Chaofan finally woke up from the vertigo, and then the force, suddenly turned from the ground, the dagger that had been holding in his hand unscrupulously waved to Tyron behind him.


In the face of the sneak attack, Tyrone also chuckled, and there was no lack of ridicule in the laughter.

He was slightly sideways, and before the road's superb dagger met himself, his right hand slammed – knocking on the extraordinary wrist of the road and shaking his dagger directly.

Tyrone shook the rope, then the wrist and elbow were rotated at the same time, pulling the rope, and pulling the road directly to lose the center of gravity.

The road was super slippery on the foot and fell again with a dog mud.

It seems that Tyrone didn't go straight to the plan of the knot. Instead, he tied the knot and hung one end of the rope on the door handle of the door, and ran in the opposite direction.

As the ropes kept tightening, the road was superbly slipping on the ground, and the two hands went to solve the knot. The top of the head slammed into the doorknob and screamed with anger: "Ah-"

Soon he couldn’t scream, and the face that had been red for a long time began to bloom.

The road was almost hanged on the door handle that was only one meter high.

But Tyrone fixed the rope and disappeared again, which allowed the road to be able to use the dart to cut off the rope in time.

Lu Chaofan’s face is nosebleed and he doesn’t know it. He is holding a dart in his hand as a weapon. He is angry like a bad guy with a **** face. He shouts: “You give me out! You are shameless— ”

The voice did not fall, and Tyrone really appeared.

He stood in the shadow of the corner, and he didn't feel a little bit. Even when he slowly came out to show up, he was as lifeless as a statue.

The road is so scared that it really jumps up.

Tyron threw the superb dagger to him, lazily hooking his fingers.

Lu Chao took over the dagger and saw that Taren only held a short shackle on his hand - this is undoubtedly a solicitation of a knife.

The extraordinary nose of the road tickles on the cloak. At this moment, his anger has almost blocked his judgment. He thought, "I must let him pay the price! As long as I win the game, the ugly state is certain. Will be forgiven!", can not wait to rush to go up.

Read The Duke's Passion