MTL - Vanguard of the Eternal Night-Chapter 8

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Unfortunately, today is destined to find something on the head of Tailun.

When he just opened the book, his artificial intelligence butler suddenly popped up a very eye-catching box: "Dear master, someone in the real world is looking for you! Warning, please handle this information immediately, your life maintenance device is working Failed!"

As I said before, this body has been relying on machinery to maintain life because of congenital genetic diseases. It will hang up if you don't pay attention to it, which makes him afraid to even go offline.

Tyrone didn't choose, and he chose to open the video device in the real world and talk to the person who came to him.

The one who came to see him was his sister, Sakura.

Sakura saw the video window open, revealing the face of his brother's avatar, and immediately cried: "Brother, why don't you pick up my newsletter and don't return my mail?"

Tyrone has long replaced his e-mail and communication numbers, and he did not want to be contacted.

But I didn't expect this girl to be so embarrassed, looking directly from the real world, and whether the brother lying in the life cabin is hanging on the line, trying to shut the instrument directly, using warnings to force him to appear.

Tyrone said: "Open the instrument. What are you doing?"

The previous sentence was told to the artificial intelligence butler. The latter immediately began to check the life-sustaining device and reported it to Tyrone: Fortunately, Sakura did not know how to operate, and the body was not affected.

Sakura Sakura did not notice anything else, and said goodbye: "Brother, how do you send me the account and password of the game character?"

Tyron said puns: "Your brother's money and valuable things have been given to you, and the real estate license has also written your name. 'Your brother' is dead, these are your inheritance."

Sakura said: "That... brother, did you hit the semi-finals? The 419th player is you right?"

Tyrone was most annoyed with this unclear thing and said: "There is something to say directly."

Sakura Sakura bit his lip and said, "Brother, you have to fight with the road, right? He wants to talk to you about a business, but he will not send you an email. You can't contact you in any other way. So I asked about it here. I think... I think our family is very short of money now, so I want to ask you."

Now, Tyrone knows what it is.

Hey, the fraudulent little black road has found him coming up, wanting him to play a fake game together?

Tyrone felt very funny again, but he didn't show it. He said to Sakura: "Is one million? How much do you need?"

Sakura is a little surprised, bowed his head and said: "You know what the sage is, brother. I need money, the more the better, I, I want 500,000..."

"Oh." Tyron said, "I will give you an email, and you will let me know how to contact me."

Sakura said: "No, no brother. I have talked to him many times. If you agree, I will send you a contract tomorrow!"

When Tyron saw it, she knew that she had received the agency fee. She even wanted to laugh. She said, "You are too tired in the middle. I can talk about it myself."

Sakura said quickly: "No, I am not tired, brother! You are sick, let me come."

Tyron’s mouth is slightly tilted: “I know, you will give me a contract tomorrow to see.”

Hey, he never lie to his sister, and Sakura is relieved at once.

Sakura Sakura hastened to ask for help. After chatting for two sentences, she pretended that she was going to catch up with her work, and she was happy to leave her face.

- One million, then 500,000?

Tyrone returned to the virtual world and once again opened the way to the extraordinary personal website.

After watching it for a while, Tyrone touched his chin and revealed a smile full of evil.

"Good business."

Half an hour later, Tyrone registered a brand new mailbox, and sent a letter to the extraordinary public mailbox. He directly stated that he was No. 419 and attached a certificate of identity to the official website of the league.

Not long after, Lu Chaofu wrote back and asked him to meet at a virtual restaurant.

Judging from the speed of his appointment, it is estimated that he has not been able to contact the 419 for a long time. This is already going to be a game soon. It is especially anxious to think about it.

Tyrone did not put his pigeons, and he was very happy to go to the appointment.

In less than half an hour, they met in a private room, because it was a virtual world, so it is certain that the dialogue will never be heard or recorded.

After sitting down, Lu Chaofan actually performed quite eagerly, and explained the contract to be signed with him.

"A total of three million, this is good." Lu Chaofan said, "500,000 deposits, the rest will be given to you after the game."

Three million, awesome sakura, one cut into a million, and half by the way, one-sixth of the old brother left.

Tyron’s mouth was hooked, and he smiled and said: “When did we say better?”

The road is extremely anxious: "You can't refuse to accept the account, your sister promised yesterday!"

Tyron sipped and said, "You are cheated, I don't have a sister."

Road extraordinary: "..."

After a few seconds, Lu Chaofan wants to understand, the feeling that the self-proclaimed 419 sister is actually a female liar?

Then he screamed and screamed: "x! I lied to my head! I will go back and ask her to look good!"

Lu Chaofan re-talked to Tyrone about the contract, the content is probably:

No. 419 was responsible for the performance and lost to him according to the script he wrote.

At the beginning, he paid a deposit of 500,000 yuan, and the remaining 2.5 million was paid off after the victory of the game and the victory of the road.

There are also liquidated damages in the contract. If the two parties do not fulfill their obligations or disclose the contract, they will be fined an additional 20 million yuan.

Tyrone said: "The winner of the Earth Area Individual Competition is 5 million. Your contract is only 3 million?"

Lu Chaofan said: "You are only one of the top four, 25% chance to win the championship, now want five million?"

Tyrone said faintly: "Just by you? Probability is just an excuse for the weak. If I want, the champion must be mine."

Lu Chaofan was so angry with his arrogance that he sneered and said: "Do you think that I will hit the road all the way, and I will buy it through money? I tell you, you have to sign this contract, you can sign it if you don't sign it!"

Tyrone said: "I don't see any place where you can threaten me."

Lu Chao took out his mobile phone and gave him a video.

This video is a video of Lu Chao’s abuse of food in the preliminary round. In this game, the player opposite him is particularly slow. As long as the road is over, the opponent will be beaten; on the contrary, when the opposite move is like an old man, it will take aim for the road for a long time.

Tyrone saw a little clue.

Lu Chaofan said: "I am not afraid to tell you that in the finals, the assistant director is the person on my side. If you dare to try to be right with me, I will let you try to delay the extra time to add 0.2 seconds."

Latency is a parameter of the speed of the network.

The delay is high, indicating that the speed of the network is slow - the opposite person put a skill, and after half a second, he realized that he could have escaped, but now he can't hide. What is this kind of awkwardness?

People's reaction ability is generally around 0.3 to 0.4 seconds. The faster the top e-sports master responds, the planetary champions of this era generally do not exceed 0.3 seconds.

It is no exaggeration to say that after a delay of 0.2 seconds, the players who play melee will lose more than two paragraphs. The world's top 500 will fall to the second-rate master, the second-rate master directly stunned everyone, what else to play against the opponent?

Lu Chaofan himself also looked at it with gusto and said: "Do you know what happened to this person later? The audience asked for a refund after watching the game, saying that he was slow to react like a tortoise, and put a skill like a grandmother pushing a baby carriage... I really don’t think the netizens are so talented. I really laughed at me. If I was so sarcastically, I have no face to live in this world! Do you know what expression he had on his face? I like to watch this kind of grievance. I can’t wait to kill Laozi, and I’m still losing my face.”

Tyron thought for a moment and said, "If I don't appear here, will it be like tomorrow?"

Lu Chaofan smiled and said: "What do you say? If I don't want the Final Four to follow the script, can I come over and ask you to sign a contract?"

In the eyes of Tyrone, the thoughts of the light flashed away. He said: "In this case, the three-million contract is the best choice for me? I can sign this contract, but there is an additional condition. ”

Road extraordinary: "Do you dare to talk to me about conditions?"

Tyron smiled: "I want to see the venue. Since you know the assistant, you can easily go in and see it in advance."

The extraordinary sight of Lulu stopped for a while on the face of Tyrone. Although he couldn't see his face through the hood, Tyron's dark golden eyes looked neither angry nor disgusting—it seemed to be quite satisfied with the contract.

If the conditions are raised, it means that he is really sincere about signing the contract.

Road Super thought and thought, "I can take you to rehearsal."

The relationship between Lu Chaofan and the assistant director is true, and the assistant director came to pick him up.

They entered the venue that night.

The staff in the finals are all rehearsed, and the entire background is well organized. Everyone remembers to say hello to the road.

They took another look at the stage, when a host was flying on the stage to speak.

Lu Chaofan said: "The venue is randomly selected and can't be faked. You have seen the table and the back rest area here, are you satisfied?"

Tyrone looked at the host - she is a well-known female player in the goblin game, specially invited to host this semi-final. She is a little goblin with wings and wings. The slap-up body exudes a sly light, holding a dandelion-shaped microphone, and selling the host while talking about the host.

Tyron looked thoughtfully at the venue and said, "Look at it."

Road Super took the contract and said coldly: "Then sign it. The script of the game will be sent to your mailbox in a while. Remember, don't do anything extra, the breach of contract is 20 million according to my fame rating. Certainly, you can’t afford to pay for this kind of fight!

Read The Duke's Passion