MTL - Unique Legend-v19 Chapter 9 Promise

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We were silent for a while in the long corridor.

Secretly glancing at Edo, he didn't seem to have the initiative to speak, and it felt like he was enjoying a walk, a leisurely pace and a completely changed pace.

"That, Edo ..."


"What is the water stone?" Can I repair the water mirror?

I remember they said before that recasting of water mirrors is almost impossible, waiting for a long time ...

"It is the pure power accumulated by the natural water in the past. It is said that it can be seen everywhere in the water place a long time ago. It is also the best place to provide rest and enhancement of the water creatures. However, the legend has almost disappeared in more than 2,000 years. Now The water stone is rare and hard to find, and the city can almost buy a city through the bargaining price. "After a pause, Edo smiled helplessly:" This is also no way, collectors and buyers are increasing, The natural environment of Waterland has long been destroyed. When I was brought back from the resting place, Yado and Ledo went deeper into the Water Demon Territory to find a piece. His Highness Bingyan and Mr. Xia Sui entered the Demon City. I found another piece, these two were used on my body and the water mirror, so the water mirror can appear in its current form. This is already the limit. I think even the intelligence class ca n’t find the whereabouts of the third piece. . "

"Oh ..." It really seemed difficult.

We went a bit longer, and Edo seemed familiar with this place ... Actually, I think everyone seemed to be familiar with the team, and the only person who didn't know where to go was called me.

After a few minutes or so, apart from the medical class, the outside has been cleaned up, and some of the damaged places are recovering at a magical rate.

Ito had a transfer team and I knew right away that he was going to college.

Just like when we came, we blinked back to school after the rotation of the formation.

In front of the most familiar black hall, Yado and Ledo stood together. Anin didn't know what to say to them. When he noticed that we appeared, he interrupted his speech, and the two quickly ran towards this side.

"Is Yadu better?" He patted his brother's shoulder. When Ido spoke, he first asked the person who had just used the special power of the ring weapon.

"That's nothing." The answer was immediate, and Yaduo's expression didn't change much: "Duohua hasn't said anything yet."

"Cheat, Yaduo almost fainted ..." He was about to lay down his brother's Lei Duo before he was finished, and he was turned and punched.

Sometimes I ca n’t teach anyone, and I have **** living examples in front of me.

The twin brothers holding their faces, left and right, didn't talk to each other at all. In fact, it was more painful than speech. I bet that Yado's fist definitely put in the resentment that just fell down.

"Did you already discuss it?" Anin came over and said hello to Ido slightly.

"Yes, as you know, now you must focus on the invisible soul and the dark breath." Edo frowned slightly and sighed.

"Well ... do you still have to think of a way?" It seemed like I had already figured out what happened in the medical class, Anin also sighed helplessly, and then turned to look at me: "I think you should go back first Room to rest. "

"Can you go in now?" Looking at the black hall, I suddenly felt as if I hadn't seen such a place for a long time.

"Yes, Saita has rectified everything inside, but there are a few people staying here, and it may be a little quiet, but because it is a very period, please bear with me a little bit." He smiled, and Anin did so. tell me.

I know he should not want me to listen to the next thing.

"Well, I'll go ahead then." Pulling a ripped backpack, I nodded with Edo.

"See you next time." Edo stretched out his hand and made a prayer-like gesture, saying gently: "May the goddess in the wind bring you sleep, cleanse the filth and fatigue, my friend."

"Uh ..." This is again! Should I go back to Mazu and keep you?

"Come in." Anin broke the embarrassment in time and let me leave first.

As usual, I stepped on the stairs of the black hall and pushed open the black door. The familiar air in the hall immediately ushered in, as if there had been no war, and there was no passive dust.

Then I remembered something terrible.

I put the pigeons in the medical class.

I hurriedly called and asked the assistant minister to tell the minister. I went upstairs while trembling to close the line.

I do n’t know if he will come back next time to meet him ...

Chen did not have a good impression on me, and this time he also put him on a pigeon. I think it is better to avoid the person in charge of the school next time.

Around the floors, I seemed to feel that there was some sight, but I turned around and saw nothing. It seemed that those sights were hidden in the shadows so that it was invisible.

I didn't know the sight in the black hall before, but most of them came from the strange decorations. This time I'm sure it's a person. I don't know why. Anyway, someone who is sure is right.

I think it should be the people Anin said are temporarily resting here. Since they don't come out, I don't need to find out.

After hurriedly returning to the room, once the door was opened, nothing was changed inside.

After taking off the backpack and everything on the table, I fell directly on the floor and looked at the ceiling. It felt like I hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

Quietly all around.

Quiet space, no sound.

I don't know how long, maybe I got up from the ground in about five or six minutes, organized my clothes, and watched me come in almost without touching the bathroom.

I don't think a person is more terrible than the ghost king.

However, in order to prevent things from coming out as soon as the door is opened, I still call Minas to prepare. If it is really unfortunate that the door is attacked, it can respond even if it is unfortunate.

However, if he uses the speed of one hundred steps per second, I think I still have to report to the medical class today.

Putting my clothes aside, after I removed some sundries in the bathroom door and turned off the electric light, I stood carefully behind the door and slowly pulled the door open. The muzzle was inside the bathroom.

After two seconds, I immediately knew that these actions were redundant.

The bathroom was completely empty and there was nothing. The puppet I had seen at the beginning was gone, and there were no signs left, as if the thing had never existed.

Was he taken away or did he run away ...

The thought of the latter answer suddenly made me feel creepy. If you can, please remove it with good intentions.

I'm still a little scared that the puppet will not rush out from there. I took a quick shower and then rinsed out. After jumping out of the bathroom, I blocked the debris again.

Where did that thing go?

I decided not to think about it, lest I become more frightened.

After rectifying, I climbed onto the bed and thought nothing, there was no sound at all, and I didn't hear the small fantasy animals or birds outside the window.

After waking up, the whole person has become a lot easier, and some small wounds are completely gone. Sure enough, the medical class is indeed a medical class. As a result, I have not yet bought the dream medicine I want.

After about 10:30 after washing, when I wanted to find some food and opened the door, there was someone at the door who was about to knock on the door, and then both of us were startled by the other.

It's rare that Nile, who will have a wrong expression, will return to its original state within half a second.

"I want to say that you should need a bit of food. The food in Heiguan is almost gone now, and lunch will not be served until noon." Holding the silver plate, he coughed gently, so he told me.

"In addition, Mr. Seta seems to be looking for you. He came in the morning, but he said that you were still asleep, so you left for a while." After passing the message to me, Nile evoked a faint smile: "If You want to find him after dinner, and he is still in Kenta. "

"I see." After thanking him, Nile said that he still had things that could not stay long, and then left.

I wonder what Seita suddenly asked me to do at such a time?

Chewing on high-level meals, I tidy up my belongings again with a grateful fullness, because the previous backpack was already broken, so I had to pick the more important ones and put them in my pocket temporarily.

"please wait."

The water droplets spun out of my side, then the familiar big snake tail and beautiful face, "Bring the one." She pointed at a thing on the table that was beating her strength to make us pay attention to him.

Seconds passed, and I saw that the pointer I deliberately didn't want to bring to the table was bounced around very lively, that is, it didn't bounce to the ground and flew to the corner to end its life.

"It will be useful." After saying these four words, Minas didn't discuss anything, and disappeared into the air.

… Since she said everything, that means I must take it.

Turning around, I put the number into my pocket and felt that thing was quiet, so I went to the crystal tower.


The building still glowed in the sun in the mountains.

After leaving the dormitory, I found that the outside was completely different from what I had before going to bed. The buildings, gardens, and even the trails all returned to the original place. Except for the students who have not yet returned, this place is completely the same as before the war.

The empty and tense atmosphere was not left at all, and the administrative staff cleared the site as quickly as possible and restored it to its original state without any trace.

In this way, it is easier for me to find a way. You must know that space will lose its sense of direction.

I came to the crystal tower along the memory, and I saw that the tower was standing outside and I do n’t know how much time, it may be that the atmospheric elves that they said had come to notify first, it always cost him to stand here with a gentle smile It seems like I knew I would be here at this time.

"I want to go to the ghost king's grave." Without any opening remarks, he just spoke to me like this, and he seems to know that I thought about it, and plans to sneak away in the past two days: "Maybe, would you like to go with me? "

Before I came, I did think about going to see the ghost king grave, but I didn't expect Saita to ask such directly.

Perhaps he also felt that politeness was too redundant.

"Can I go to another place before I go?" As someone said, I always knew how to find him now.

Except there and the ghost king grave, I really can't think of any other side.

"The town of the lake." He used an affirmative sentence.

Gently nodded, I directly acquiesced.

"Then let's go."

Sai Tower moved her fingers. Unlike the transfer array, a gentle wind blows around, but the moment I saw it, the sights I saw had all changed.

In front of me is a whole scene of foreign se.

He didn't seem to have changed much since I first stepped in here, and it was so quiet that he continued to spend every day with the water level. However, after losing the residents, it became unmanned, and the whole was a bit desolate, and some of the more easily broken things also broke apart. Spider webs were formed on the signboards above, and some dead bugs were stuck on it and no one knew it.

In the morning time, the sun on the ground reflected the sun shining from the puddles that were too late.

"Here, another town will be rebuilt after time passes, and soon people will forget who was here." Saita made a prayerful gesture, "Like the millennium ago, buried the bones No one knows. If you don't remove your weapon, the elf will fight back depending on the situation. "

The words behind him could not be connected to the front. I turned around and turned my head. I saw that there was no one standing behind the tower, and the long black needle was on the side of his neck.

"I don't remember I invited another elven to participate in our affairs." Andyel, who stood behind his eyes narrowed, and the long black needle slowly pressed into the fair skin, "especially at the end of the war Afterwards, do you want to be a sacrifice to soothe the wrath of the ghosts after the war? "

I turned my wrists, took Minas and pointed at his head: "Seta came with me."

After taking away the black needle, Andy made a smile: "First of all, I must explain that even with you, it is no longer within the scope of my mercy; if you are smart enough, you should go to the appointment alone."

"I don't think I'm just smart enough to be played by you." Put away Minas, I know he won't do it.

"That's what I said." Andy shrugged, then pushed the tower, even if he didn't want to worry about the extra people: "But I didn't expect you to come so soon, I thought you should wait more Only a few days, even a week, decided to come over. "

"I think so too." If it was me, I think it would be better to drag him back for another half a year, but I started to feel that some things seemed to escape, and it would be better to just take the initiative.

Glancing at Saita, Andy circled his hands: "So, I want to tell you something and something, do you think it doesn't matter to let this elf know?"

"There must be no problem with the tower."

The tower next to her stood with a smile, and she bent slightly: "I swear like the Lord God that I will not make a move that is not good for the two. The spirit of the wind is waiting and can prove it for me."

"That's it, that's it." Andy raised his hand and pointed to the place behind him: "Let's talk over there. There are a few guys here that make people feel unsightly. I don't want to be interrupted. . "

The place he was referring to was a private house, which looked nothing special. I also know that the obstructive fake he said refers to the guild robe level of the nearby Gu Shou. After the incident in Lake Town, the guild set up surveillance points here, but we ran in twice in a row. It can be seen that some of the guild's monitors are still loose.

As Andy walked into the private house, it was probably because the tower followed me this time, so it felt less scary than last time. I believe that Sai Tower is actually more powerful than the ghost king, but he has never really shown it, even during the war. The reason is not clear to me, but this is not the scope I can inquire about.

That house was cleaned up, just like everywhere else, as if the owner would come back at any time, and even the appliances were still powered on.

Andier, like walking into his own home, took a few things from the cupboard and actually made coffee.

This made me feel like I didn't know what to say.


"I actually met with Anna once more."

After seeing that both of us were indeed on the sofa, Andyel began to speak, came over while holding the coffee, and put three weak white smoke cups on the table.

"... Have you ever met with His Royal Highness?" Saita's expression was very unexpected, Lu Se's eyes stared at the ghosts in front of her.

"Before you answer the question, tell me who you are, Elf." Lifting the coffee cup in front of him, Andel opened his mouth like an elegant gentleman.

"I was one of the three princes' mentors, and he vaguely knew what His Highness had to do with you, although he did not say it." He did not conceal, and Saita answered his question quite directly: "This is not a secret. At that time, the mentor who was the prince all opened his eyes and closed his eyes. We believe that the Lord God will lead his children on the right path. "

"... It's been too long. I didn't even remember the appearance of the children of Yana during the competition. I only remembered it when I met them. Of course, you are similar. You turned out to be one of them at that time." Shake gently Cup, Andyle still maintained the same smile: "Really, past memories have caused some trouble."

"Uh, take a break." The owner of the conversation between the two of them, I asked my question: "I think if you want to discuss this matter, you should go to Ran, he is the leader of the fairy pharmacist, and He also inherited all the memories of Vance. "To me, I think it's actually similar to that person, and it's strange that Andy came to me without him.

"What kind of memory is that." With a cold smile, as if feeling disdainful about this matter, Andy opened his mouth again: "If I want, I can receive all of that memory, But it is a container that can store memories, and at most it can only be used as a chess piece of strength. For me, that guy is far from Vance. "

His statement was a bit subtle, but it was a bit similar.

Of course, he once said that he was not that person, he just kept that memory.

"You are looking for someone with the same wavelength." Seta stared at him, then said: "The memories and familiarity brought by people in the past have made you look for the same person, not the heir or the power , It just feels like it, but this one is not the one you know. "

I was a bit confused by Saita's tongue twister. It wasn't clear what each one heard.

"Maybe so." Without the anti-match tower, Andy seemed to be in a better mood: "You should be grateful that the descendants of Vance chose to help you after a thousand years, otherwise this time the world will definitely be Will be in our hands. "

"Everything that happens in the world must have his meaning. We will not disobey the arrangement of the Lord God, and even the ghosts will not be able to fully control destiny and time." Without concession, Saita put forward her own statement: "The world belongs to all lives, and not who can master it."

Andy did not continue after seeing him for a while. I think I was too lazy to talk too much with him, because the cognition of the two of them was not the same, and they might continue to fight directly.

"How did you meet the Three Princes afterwards?" With a cough, I tried to break the looming sparks and raised the topic that had just been interrupted.

He turned around and looked at me: "It happened to me one day when I was walking around."

Is not this nonsensical!

With a little movement of his fingers, Andy put on a small light ball with a black light in his hand: "That country is still ridiculous, almost dying under the breath of the ghosts, or do we think we are a kind of It ’s all his friends, it ’s not easy to realize when he ’s dead. ”He threw the black ball to me, and after I caught it, it was a hard object like a twisted egg with some kind of mark on it, faint inside There seems to be something, but I can't see it clearly.

"It's ... the demon's?" Saita, who seemed to know what it was, looked a little surprised.

"Now, Vance's body is back to your demon division. Anyway, you can't continue to use it after being destroyed by poison bees." Andy narrowed his eyes and said so.

After he finished speaking, I noticed that the thing inside really looks like a personal type, but it is not obvious because it is too small.

I don't know how to open this?

Or is the columbarium of this world so environmentally friendly and economical? Can a small space be buried directly?

… It's a great technique to learn.

"For the time being we will not see each other. I am now in a position to help Yelu find a new body." Standing up, Andel said this in the same relaxed tone as before, as if it was just talking about the weather as usual: "Your Good luck, at least for a long time to breathe a sigh of relief. This time, after the two major ghosts have been severely damaged, they will have to wait for a while, but as long as Yalu is restored to the most complete state, you will begin to pray. Reincarnation in another world. "

"I think that after the resurrection of the ghost king, people of every race would not mind letting him die again." A mild smile was expressed, and Saita told him very politely.

I sat among them, feeling as if there was a hidden dark duel with dark clouds floating over behind me.

Because I have been in the college for a long time, usually I only need one thing at this time, and I wo n’t provoke both sides, or I can wait for them to solve it by themselves.

Picking up the still-smoky cup, I suddenly discovered that the cup Andy gave me was not coffee but cocoa.

… Should he occasionally make turns? 2k novel reading network

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