MTL - Unique Legend-v19 Chapter 10 After the ghost royal family

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After looking at the ** that I didn't want to drink, I put the cup back on the table, and the two of them also stopped talking. It seemed that they didn't plan to continue.

That should change me to ask the business, "Where do you put the senior's soul?" Although I vaguely have a bottom, I decided to directly ask the guy in front of you faster.

"Why should I tell you?" Andy drew a smile and returned me.

"We want the senior to come back to life." Holding the small ball in my hand, I secretly took a deep breath: "If he is the child of your friend, it should be an elder by reason, and it should not be too bad to give us back. . "

"Ghosts don't have elders." Happily said, Andy came pacing and sat on the back of the chair behind me. He felt like something was sinking in the back and said at the same time: "If If you tell me a secret, what do you want to exchange? Or if you join the ghost clan, of course I can return the soul to you. "

"... I found it myself." I was a fool to ask him.

"The atmospheric elves will lead us, if you don't want to explain, it doesn't matter." Saitta added this sentence to him.

Andy shrugged. "Of course, an elf king and a demon master, it would be ridiculous if you can't find it." He stood up, patted my shoulder, and said in a smile that made people laugh. "I'll come back to play with you when I have time."

Maybe not.

For a second, I tried very hard to pray to the legendary weird power of my monster. It is best not to touch this guy again.

"Goodbye, heir to Vance."

After turning his head, Andyel had disappeared into space.

The surroundings were quiet for a moment, leaving the air of coffee and cocoa floating in the space like nothing.

I tilted my head and saw that there was a moment of thoughtful expression in Sai Tower, but all of a sudden, "I think we should leave for the next place."

I quickly got up, and I walked beside him, thinking of another thing: "Are you also a Icefang tribe?" Said to be the prince of the Three Princes ... I suddenly wondered how long he lived.

"I'm a servant, um, maybe I'm also a member of the Fangs according to your statement. After all, I spent a long time there, but I'm not a Fang of Elves, but a long time ago, Belongs to the White Elf. "He said softly like a song:" Later he was invited by the Elf King of the Icefang Clan to be one of His Highness' mentors, and then His Highness left after he left the Elvish Clan and died. The message, the kings and directors on both sides signed the contract but still felt worried, so they secretly asked me and Hitomi to come here to take care of his Highness's children. I am not really a Fangya, so the provisions in the contract have nothing to do with me. "

"Speaking like this, ghost ... Hitomi isn't from Fire Valley?"

"Well, His Excellency Hitomi is, but it is not, he was a person who was a distant valley before the distant past, but it was not before the war." Seta paused, "He is the guardian, you said you saw His child is just one of his soul consciousness, and the ontology must be seen somewhere else. "

... meaning he's really a ghost?

I rubbed my hands and suddenly felt a little hairy.

But I do n’t know why. After the college war, I never saw Hitomi again, and I do n’t know if anything happened ...

"It's not complicated at all. If the Valley of Fire allows it, you can know that it's not what you think." Saita smiled and told me.

No, I feel complicated at home after you finish.

I do n’t intend to talk about these things completely. The tower moved, and the surrounding scenes also changed. This time took a little longer. He explained that it was because of the technical problems in this place that affected the entry time .

At first I saw the black space.

After the surrounding scenes were fixed, everything was dark and dark, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The air is humid with a little **** breath that has not yet spread, and there is another kind of people who can't help but feel nauseous, like the smell of rot mixed with the mud, all floating around.

After I stood still, I was almost spit out by the taste. After knocking the old man twice, he quickly helped me to make an enchantment, and the taste disappeared suddenly.

In the darkness, Sai Tower became particularly noticeable, because there was a faint little light around him, making him look a little bit like a living creature in this space.

He looks like a ball of light condensed in space, and is likely to disappear soon.

"It seems that all the members of the demon division have left." Saita looked around and said, "I feel like a guild robe, I think maybe we should go down."

"Why go down?"

The elf turned and looked at me: "Do you think it should be up?"

Looking around, I coughed twice: "Uh ... let's go down."

There are no legendary stairs up here.


I remember the first time I went to Onizuka.

At that time, it was just off-school teaching, and it turned out to be a series of messes and escapes.

Walking on the narrow road of black se, now the only light source is the low light on the tower. I did not use the auxiliary spell of the light shadow village, because the fairy brand electric bulb is actually quite bright, especially when it is dark. There is something pleasing to the eye, probably after the light is turned off,

As if familiar with this place, Saita took me around in the path, and also went to a few places like a palace, surrounded by ancient stone carvings, and some of them are carved, not too Like a product of the ghost clan.

"These are the last left to the West Hills." Wiping off the dust on the side wall, where the lost elves' heads were revealed, Saita said lowly: "Before the ghosts, the West Hills were once beautiful This place, I visited here several times with the Three Temples, alone or with me. The elf brothers here are enthusiastic and familiar with many songs. "

I do n’t know if he did n’t say the following things. Later, because of the curse of the demon master and the ghost king, this place became the base of the ghost king. The original elves living here were almost spared. In the other hall, there are the bodies of dead elves.

But it also makes sense. If the three princes used to come, no wonder the senior would say that he was familiar with it, probably all from his father.

I also think that person is terrible for having the ability to never forget it.

However, we are now looking for that person.

"Mr. Saita." Following the elf's brisk steps to ghosts, I tried to break the silence. To know that it was dark enough, I would always think that there would be something in the back that would take people at any time. Towed away, "Why are you sure that the soul of the senior is in the ghost king grave?"

He didn't say it, but I don't know why, I know he's pretty sure it is there.

"So, why do you think this is it?" Without answering me, Saita asked me the same question.

Why do I think the soul of the senior is here?

Hoe, I answered him in a somewhat unsure tone: "Because Andy, who I always feel, is going to give us back ... shouldn't do too much." The body returned, according to him That strange character, I do n’t know why I'm sure the soul should be here too.

He felt to me as if he hadn't tried to kill us from the beginning.

Moreover, it can be said that, in fact, he has been instigating me and the seniors to join them, saying a lot of things like mastering the world or something. Honestly, besides the college battle, Andy did not really do anything detrimental to us {the kind he thinks is like a prank is not too much}, let alone say that he has been helped a few times ...

I'm more and more confused about what's in this ghost's head.

"The elf has a feeling." She twitched her lips, Saita said quietly, and then took me through a few small turns. "We can see a lot of things, and the soul that is about to disappear in our sleep, I can feel us The soul looking for needs to go in this direction. "

… Intuitive.

I have no doubt about the elf's intuition. It is something unknown. Sometimes it is better not to think deeply about myself.

"By the way, are you familiar with the senior father?"

"Can you say a little bit about the past?" I pressed the cold wall, and I turned to the topic just now: "I heard something from Andean before, can I know more?"

A thousand years ago, what was the person who could accept the demon master and the ghost clan?

I'm curious.

Saita gave me a light look, and said, "I sincerely thank that I once taught three His Highnesses in the arrangement of the Lord God. Although it has not been a long time ago, his fate is still the least. He and the other four students His elder Highness, the mentor who was also consulted by the Elven King, learned everything. "

His voice was small but not small, echoing like a wind in the aisle.

Saita was talking.

A long time ago, he taught Yana Sern Imelo, and they knew him in the clear sky.

At that time, the elven clans were harmonious with various races before being hidden, and Yana led the love of many races.

The old elves know everything.

One night, the three princes climbed timidly through the window, which was not the same as the usual calm appearance, although Saita always knew that the appearance was deliberately made in front of people.

The young elf with frank silver eyes borrowed a book from him, and then sat down at his window sill with a night lamp made of white flowers.

"Sometimes, His Highness asked me why the elves couldn't communicate with the demon master. The message the wind elf told me told me everything. Those teachers helped the three princes to conceal the demon master, even the elven king didn't notice it.

Ancient wisdom made them know that the demon master is not a dark race, but no one except them thinks so.

They also know that as long as time passes, the demon master will leave, and friends who cannot be accepted will not get eternity; and friendship will be forgotten with memory.

None of these things exist in the world.

Until one day, another mentor, Abimoa, told him that His Highness the Prince knew a ghost.

Saita told me that it was a complicated feeling that was difficult to explain, because they had to pretend they didn't know, but instead told the prince to stay away from the nobleman.

He thought, in fact, the three princes should have a vague understanding of their identities. Although he had been pretending not to know, when he borrowed a book from Abimoya, the above-mentioned ghost family story had already explained everything.

Although Yanathion was simple, it was not completely unknown as people imagined.

If time goes backwards, maybe they can prevent the birth of a tragedy at that time, but they chose to wait silently next to the day when the prince came to ask.

Later, he and his friends caused misunderstandings. Their princes gradually lost their smiles, but they continued to bear all the responsibilities that they should have as a prince, and because those must make him smile again.

After the start of the Elven War, the tower at the time was not involved.

The old elves were not allowed to enter the front line directly, although he longed to be able to penetrate the ghost clan with those brothers.

Most of the elves who participated in the war failed to return in the end, except for being killed and seriously injured, the dark breath deprived them of life and the blessings they were given. Before everyone set off, they may no longer see their hometown, hear the sound of flowing water, and never smell the first blossoming fragrance.

The Atmospheric Elves communicated the news on the battlefield to various places again and again, and the Poetry poets kept writing everything, it was only possible to let all races know, and more and more people could support them.

The three princes and the princess of the Valley of Fire met in this situation.

The wolves of the Flame Valley are far more brave and fierce than anyone else. They have characteristics not possessed by elves and are not afraid of darkness. The blood of natural warriors brought them from the far east to the west, defeating many masters of ghost kings and becoming The Elven Alliance is a strong pusher.

They attracted each other and became partners on the battlefield, facing away from each other but doing everything.

After collectively sealing the ghost king's body in the ghost king's grave, the last gleam of the three princes also completely disappeared, and the dark breath began to penetrate his life, like the curse of the demon master, the painful suffocation will kill the elves.

Everyone tried everything to heal the prince, but the elves couldn't go back as soon as they fell into darkness.

Yanathion began to lock himself in the unmanned tower alone. He wouldn't let the elves step in, and only the atmospheric elves could come and go freely.

Saita and the other mentors took turns to enter there, but they were gradually rejected later.

One day, the elven king and the great prince finally could not bear it, forcibly entered the tower, only to find that their beloved prince did not know when he had disappeared into the territory of the Icefang tribe.

No clues were left, no atmospheric elves knew, and no spells could find him.

Their third prince left here, and would never return to his favorite place.

Of course, they searched as much as possible, and even the prison world asked someone to look for it, but Yanathion disappeared like air, unable to capture, and no one knew where he was.

Later, the princess of the Fire Valley also came to hear the news, and resolutely left here, looking for the disappearing prince.

After some time, some people rumored to have seen the three princes and princesses in distant borders, but no one could detect their whereabouts.

This matter went silent as the season changed.

The elf's years were equal to blinking eyes. While they were composing songs to pray for the elf war kings, the princess holding the child entered the land of the Icefang tribe.

She brought back a child with the ability of ice and inflammation, and the child inherited everything from the princess and prince. The deep red eyes had the maturity and wisdom that children of the same age did not have.

Then the wolf carried them back to the bones stored in the crystal.

After giving the child to the elven king, the princess of the Valley of Fire will never sleep in the beautiful cemetery of the prince. Where they planted many beautiful ice flowers, where they wrote everything about princes and princesses, and nothing would bother them anymore.

The elven king who was left had a long conversation with the owner of the Valley of Fire from a long distance. No one knew the content. After they came out, they couldn't survive in the two peer environments because of their strength. The young child with the blood of the prince who would be chased by the ghost clan was decided to send him away.

They found a place outside of time where everything can be done for as little as the starting price.

The huge price paid by the Icefang and the Valley of Fire, but no one complained, they sincerely hope that the only blood of the three princes and princesses can escape everything and leave the shadow of war far away.

The young child was concealed, and after being sent to a distant millennium, people of the two races were not allowed to touch him by himself or let the ghosts notice him.

But even so, the Ghost Clan sought them after a thousand years.


"I think this is all arranged by the Lord God."

After walking across the icy rocky land, Saita stopped and turned to look back at me: "If His Highness is from this age, maybe their family can live happily now. In recent years, many ethnic developments have been suppressed The techniques and drugs of the dark breath can continue to live as long as they persist. "

I know what he means. It's similar to Xia Su's senior. At that time, things that could not be treated at the time could still be managed.

If they were living at this time, would n’t they be like all families?

Then, I will meet with the senior or other people in another situation?

For example, they will be the best friends of the demon division, and the demon division will not have to hide in life.

Those are the things that are long, long ago, impossible to be modern.

Less than a few seconds after the tower stopped, I heard a small sound of running water and the sudden drop in temperature around it, which was very similar to when I first came. The coldness started to feel a little cold.

Standing less than three steps away in front of me, Saita groped for the end wall, which was already the dead end. "It seems that the explosion of His Royal Highness has buried the entire bottom below."

I used to go to the place where the body of the Ghost King was buried and sealed. Later, I have seen here a body that should have died a thousand years ago but was reused.

Some kind of muffled noise came, and the rock blocks blocking the road were not moving and could not be removed. Then he told me to leave a little distance, pulled out his weapon and waved a few times against the rock.

Then there was the sound of water, and they all fell into the water, causing several sounds that broke the silence.

Sai Tower flicked her fingers, and the faint light began to spread into darkness, and soon all were illuminated outside, and countless lights floated on the water.

The place where we came out is very high, it can be said to be at the top, but the whole below is all water, slowly getting very close to the top, just under the place where we stepped, less than one person below, it seems that the glacier should be blown off during the explosion It also blew up the water, flooding the entire area like a large reservoir.

The mist of white se floats on the water, bringing the cold, and hiding the scenery below.

Putting the weapon away, Sai Tower waved his hand, and those white fog suddenly followed slowly, and I did n’t know where the airflow was trying to stir the thick layer of cold, and gradually let the things under the water appear. come out.

I see a face.

No, it's not the person I know.

It should be said that there are several faces, beautiful and delicate, like many sleeping puppets quietly fixed in cold water, they have no life at all, and will not move again for a long time.

Taking a step back, I was a bit scared by the countless corpses under the water. It took me a few seconds to tell that they were the bodies of many ancient elves, just like we saw on the other side last time, but it was very good to see them at that time. It is regularly discharged, even with coffin containment, unlike the messy distribution here.

Then I saw Saita's shoulders trembling again, and a sad look appeared on his face.

I did n’t ask, I immediately reacted after watching him ... these are the corpses of the elves that were cut out and discarded by the ghost clan. After the resurrection of the ghost king Yell, they broke the seals of other places, and slept the elves waiting to return. All the remains were dropped here.

Unable to complain, one by one beautiful face closed her eyes, waiting for slow decay under the water.

"Seta ..." I wanted to tell him something, but I was shocked. I found out that my head was banging, let alone comforting words. I do n’t know what to say next. .

"It's okay, I'm fine." Touching his lips, as if to make me feel safe, Saita patted my shoulder: "Everything will be fine, let's find our soul now."

He said, don't open his face, that action made me feel as if he didn't want me to see other sad expressions, and jumped down after speaking. There was no sound on the water. I saw the elf's light body standing above the water. No wave was caused, and he started walking around silently.

He had forgotten a very serious problem, that is, the non-elf I should jump down and sink directly.

Looking at the deep water pool that seemed to freeze to death, I swallowed the water and considered whether I should jump down suicide.

Is that whether the jellyfish floats face down or up when drowning ...

When I tried hard to think about the jellyfish floating and the tower had traveled a long distance, I suddenly saw that there were several pairs of eyes with different colors under the water, and those bodies showed small fluctuations.

Then I saw a familiar face named Xingya.

The fog of Bai Se radiated from them, and in the blink of an eye I saw an almost transparent body standing in front of me. They were beckoning at me, pointing under the deep water, where there was this faint faint light.

In fact, I wasn't sure what happened at that time. After I returned to my mind, I had already fallen into the water. The cold water flow instantly penetrated into my mouth and nostrils, and I couldn't breathe at all.

Struggling to review the jellyfish floating by the way, and then I was shocked to find that there was a pull under my feet that was constantly pulling me up, turning my head and seeing that there was no problem with breathing in the water, but I didn't expect other people's problems. Efforts are pulling me down.

Let me change my breath at least.

I don't know how many times it is, I deeply think that one day I will definitely not see it in the hands of the enemy, but inexplicably in my hands.

Covering my nose, I started to feel a sense of consciousness after it had been like ice water.

It was a little better in the blur. I think the old man found that the enchantment was set incorrectly, but I still had a white flower in front of me, and I saw the outline of Xingya floating nearby.

Like a fish that originally lived in the water, he went deep from this side, and then slowly resurfaced.

I saw a bunch of silver se in his hand, coldly shining.

At that moment, I knew what it was. 2k novel reading network

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