MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 9 Party

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Location: atlantis Time: 6.40 am

That night I lived directly in Randall's place.

I woke up a little later than usual the next day, but after I woke up, I had prepared the toiletries and breakfast. I walked around the house and did n’t see anyone else. I guess it was to go out for a task or something. thing.

Originally I wanted to say that I would take a day off automatically, but I gave up thinking that the senior might perform an inexplicable curse and the like. After having breakfast, I went out of the Earl's room along the same path as when I came yesterday.

As soon as I got back upstairs, I was surprised to see that the senior was standing in front of my room. He was not wearing a black robe in his usual clothes, but he had black gloves on his left hand, probably because yesterday's injury was not good.

\ "You were at Randall last night? \" As soon as I saw me coming up, the senior turned around and asked in a strange tone.

\ "Huh ... \" Earl count they didn't speak, I thought they did.

\ "I don't know now. \" Leng snorted, the senior told me: "" The guild was in a mess last night, and I only returned to the black hall ten minutes ago. "

Ah, that's really hard.

\ "You don't need to go to class today for the time being. \" After thinking about it for a while, the senior gave me a glance: "" I have already said hello to your mentor ... "

\ "Why not go? \"

Is it because of yesterday? Do many people know now?

\ "Everything about yesterday has been blocked. At present, most students don't know. \" Frowning, the senior seems not to want to answer such things.

\ "But not everyone in the school knows it, right? \" I know that the guild spreads information quickly, and there were so many people there last night. It is unlikely that no one would mind.

And, I'm a little scared.

\ "No, the senior teacher has requested that all known robe grades on the scene must not publish this news, so only those who knew it last night. \"

I looked at him. Although I knew what the Nile damned told me last night, when I listened to the senior, I still felt inexplicably wanting to be angry: \ "Can you tell me why? So many people say that I am a demon teacher? Is this good or bad? I want to know, why is this so? \ "

From the beginning to the present, I always feel that the senior student seems to know everything, but he has not said anything. This is very unfair. It is obviously a matter related to me. Why is he not willing to say anything?

Nothing else, even if he told me in private, write it in a note, right?


I saw a look on the senior's face: \ "Don't you say that you forgot what a note is? \"

\ "... \"

OK, sorry, I forgot that you used your skills and habits, my fault! Anyway, you can tell me a little bit in any way ... In this situation, there is no warning at all and it is pointed out that I am a demon teacher and I have been concealed for a long time. Do you think this is fun?

\ "Chu, I don't want to quarrel with you in the hallway. \" Rubbing my left shoulder, the senior's voice is indifferent: \ "And in my cognition, you can't know everything yet The extent of the matter, as long as that day comes, I will tell you everything you want to know, but it is too early. \ "

\ "When is that going? \" Andier has already named and said that it is me, then when shall I wait?

\ "You have to get at least a white robe so I can tell you everything and everything."

\ "When will I be able to get it! \" I looked at the senior and suddenly realized that he really knew everything, but he never told me.

When I get the white robe ... How long after that? And I ’m so unlucky that I ca n’t get it in this life, or in the next life, how can he decide when I will know about my affairs?

\ "This matter does not only affect your personal problems, I will give priority to the current situation, so-\"

\ "Forget it! You guys!"

Anyway, I just don't know anything.

\ "Chu! \"

I was so courageous that I didn't listen to the seniors at all and ran straight downstairs.

He didn't catch up. I walked past Luo An when I went downstairs, and his direction was exactly the opposite of me and went up to the floor where we lived. Vaguely, I seemed to hear Luo An asking what was going on with the seniors, but I didn't care about them, so I just ran out of the black hall.

The outside sky is bright.


As soon as I went out, I suddenly felt a soft leg.

Just now ... I didn't know how to live or die, I had a fight with the student senior.

Feeling really uncomfortable.


\ "Yang Yang! \"

When I thought about not knowing what to do now, as usual, a familiar cry came from behind me.

Turning my head, I still saw meow meow and Qian Dongsui, and they usually find me the same time, "" Yang Yang, hit your mobile phone, why didn't you answer? "

My cell phone?

After a quick touch, I realized that I had forgotten my cell phone in the earl's house, and probably no one answered it until it died.

\ "I forgot to charge it. \" I just remembered why a normal person would use it, and I remembered that the phone couldn't be charged at all.

Fortunately, Meow Meow didn't ask any more questions, she smiled widely: \ "Let's go eat, today we are going to have dinner together, we have to skip class! \"

For the first time in my life, I heard this sentence from Miao Miao's mouth and looked at her in surprise: \ "qiao class? \"

\ "Yeah, the shops in Zuo Shopping Street only have a limited set of exclusive packages today. It ’s a pity not to eat them. Meow Meow would like to eat and watch specially made packages. Yang Yang would also like to eat it? \ "Bending my arm, Meow Meow smiled flatteringly, and pulled out a few tickets by the way: \" Look, we have a hospitality ticket to eat. \ "

\ "Just one day anyway, let's skip it. \" Chi Dongshui, who is rare to say such things, pushed a heavy pair of glasses and spoke in a tone that made people fall eyes, as if it was normal to skip classes.

\ "There is also a limited amount of rice ball special meals. \" Ryan of Lesson 3 offers the reason why he wants to skip the lesson.

\ "Let's go, Gengeng must have been waiting for us over there. \" Looks like I'm still a little hesitant. Meow Meow is falling down and pushing me with a big smile.

Ah ... forget it, I didn't plan to go to class anyway, but the goal was to change from library to dinner.

As they walked to the left shopping street that I knew best, I deliberately slowed down and did not participate in their conversation, thinking about these things last night and this morning.

Actually, I regret it a bit, I told the student senior too much ... After all, although the senior student is hiding from me, I think he should really be thinking on my side ...

But it's right to hear him say that logic makes people think big.

\ "Yang Yang, do you have any help? \" I don't know when, Chi Dong Dong, who is also slowing down, will walk with me in parallel.

\ "Eh, maybe it isn't ... \" Anyway, you can't break the deep mouth of the senior to force him to speak.

\ "Oh, it does n’t matter if you do n’t want to say anything, I just thought I could help you. \” Qian Dongsui took off his glasses and wiped off the small dust with his sleeve, \ "I already knew about last night, If you do n’t think you need to do anything to help, just tell it if you are not comfortable, we will help you. "

I stopped suddenly and glared at him like a ghost.

Did n’t the senior say that no one except yesterday knew?

\ "Don't look at me like this, sometimes the information source of the intelligence class will not all rely on the guild." "Qian Dongsui ticked a smile, and then put his glasses back on his face: \" But you can rest assured, the source It was the intelligence beast that I put in the school. It should have been received by no one else. I did n’t even say anything about Ryan. In fact, I was a little bit skeptical before. I ’m not sure if it ’s turbid or not. People come to trouble you.

Looking at Qian Dongsui as if he was half clear, I was relieved.

Meow Meow in front of Qianyang walked away while chatting with Lane, some distance from us, so you should not hear the conversation, \ "Not what you think ... \" Although I don't know what you think: \ "Because I myself was inexplicable and didn't know anything, I didn't say it, I don't know how to say it. \"

The sound of Qian Dongshou seems to understand what I want to say, "" You have been too nervous these two days, wait for a good meal, let's relax and talk. "" He smiled and shot Holding my shoulder: \ "When you want to say it, whether it's meow, lion or me, you will listen."

\ "Hmm ... \" Nodded, so the two of us quickly followed the two meows who had stopped before beckoning to us.

The left shopping street is not far away. The place where meow took us unexpectedly was that I had been there once, and the place was so luxurious that it made me think that ordinary people like me should not go in. .

I still remember when I first learned that Qian Dongsui was in a red robe.

Because it's quite early, it's about seven o'clock, so there aren't too many people. In the distance, you can see Sister Geng Xue standing outside that restaurant and waving at us.

\ "You guys are a bit late. \" Geng stood in front of him and smiled at us: \ "I have already advanced to make a reservation, and I almost missed it. Today, because it is a limited special meal, the entire room is fully booked. Fortunately, come early, otherwise we would have to take the bento box and go out to find somewhere to eat. \ "

\ "It's okay to eat outside." "Miao Meow jumped over and hugged her hand: \" Otherwise, Geng Geng, let's go to Bai Yuan to eat. The scenery over there is very nice and beautiful. "

\ "But Bai Yuan can't be full in the store. \" Geng looked at us and asked with his eyes.

\ "I don't care. \" Qian Dongshou shrugged.

\ "... \" Lane is silent, but he is a good guy as long as he can get the rice balls, and there is no opinion on where to eat him personally.

\ "I'm okay. \" Before Geng looked over, I immediately expressed my opinion.

\ "Well, then it is decided that everyone will go to Baiyuan for dinner together! \" Very happy Meow Meow raised his hands happily, Geng next to him smiled helplessly, and cancelled the reservation with the service staff at the door.

And our destination changed direction again.

I suddenly remembered that many things actually started from the side of Bai Yuan.

Including, I met Ryan Skell here, and I and Wuse chicken heads also opened their eyes here. Since that day, I have seen and felt more different things.

When a large group of us returned to the Academy's Windy White Park with a lot of food, another person was already there. Obviously, everyone doesn't want to go to school very much today, one by one came here.

\ "Four-eyed boy, why are you here! \" It was completely unexpected that we would appear here. The five-seed chicken head originally lying in the middle of the white grassland turned up immediately, and it was all white se In the surroundings, his head was particularly bright and dazzling, and a lot of transparent elves could be seen looking around his head curiously.

\ "Why are you drying here early in the morning? Don't take up the place, we'll have dinner here." "The expelling messenger's Chitose will immediately go to catch people.

\ "Ha, Uncle Ben is here to take root and sprout, and Bai Yuan is not your home. You have to win this in advance. Uncle Ben will slap back all over the turf. Five se chicken head grin provocatively.


\ "Thousands of years old, or let's eat together. \" Seriously, I usually don't bother to decide whether they want to fight or noisy, but today I really don't want to watch these noisy, so I just opened my mouth and asked other people by the way Comments: \ "Can you?"

\ "It's okay. I was just afraid that everyone didn't eat enough, so I changed the food for several people." "Sister Geng Xue smiled softly.

\ "Geng Geng doesn't matter, Meow Meow doesn't matter. \" Meow Meow is in a very good mood and did not raise the bar with Wuse chicken head.

\ "… \" Ryan, who has no opinion with rice balls, of course continues to have no opinion.

\ "Cut, good luck. \" Qian Dongsui snorted and kicked the five-headed chicken off the ground.

\ "Ha, it really is Yang ~ You are more upright. \" I'm too lazy to care about that foot with Qian Dongsui, Wu se chicken head stood up and patted the grass of white se, then let Kai Geng and Meow Spread a large square on the floor.

Hah ... I'm on the road, I just want to say that after you hit, I should change from breakfast to lunch. It would be better to eat together.

When everyone was preparing, Wu se chicken head leaned over, looked at me up and down, left and right, and also rushed before me: "" Yang ... You are not in a good spirit, didn't you sleep enough yesterday? "

\ "Are you there? \" I immediately touched my face reflectively, wondering that I didn't feel like I couldn't get enough sleep when I was grooming in the morning. Why did he say that all at once?

\ "Do you think everyone is like you. \" Put the five chicken heads away, Chi Dongsui said in a kind voice: \ "I have eaten. \"

\ "Ha, ask others to be polite when eating, have n’t your family taught you?"

\ "The courtesy of my family is only used for normal people, not for abnormal people." "I don't want to talk nonsense with him, Chitose is sitting directly in the big square.

I also pulled five se chicken heads to find a seat.

The range of kerchiefs is large, and the amount of things we bring back from restaurants is also considerable.

When I first took it, I did n’t pay attention to it because it was packed. After all of them were unpacked, the large group of meals immediately drooled everyone.

That said, it seems a bit sinful to eat such luxury early in the morning.

\ "Ah ... this is a masterpiece of rice **** ... \" Holding a rice ball box that doesn't know why rice shines, Lane's eyes light up, and then he looks at the rice ball in the other person's meal set, his face It's full of words please give me whether you eat or not.

Shouldn't this kind of rice ball be poisoned? I have never seen shiny rice. Is this due to excessive metal content?

\ "This is so cute!" The meow next to me also cheered, turning around and seeing that she was holding a cotton bear, which should be a snack, said happily.

Seriously, these meals are really beautiful, it is not difficult to see the intention of the producer ... Does it mean that he made it at midnight? And why is he doing all these things suddenly?

\ "I heard that the founder of that restaurant has just one hundredth birthday today, so today all the limited-edition combination meals are launched all day long. It ’s different at noon in the morning and in the evening. \" Resolve my doubts in a timely manner Sister Geng Xue said with a smile: "If everyone feels good, let's try our luck again at noon, there are some hospitality coupons."

In fact, I would like to ask how the hospitality coupons came from, because the status of the booking just now knows that it should be difficult to get a meal today, shouldn't you have any dark underground pipes?

\ "Agree ~~ \" Meow Meow, who is completely satisfied with the breakfast sword, is holding a cotton bear, and it seems as if he has decided to collect it forever.

\ "It's not bad. \" The hard roasted leg that grabbed the main meal was stuffed into the mouth, and it was rare to complain that the bones of the five-seed chicken head in the mouth of the five-seed chicken head were bitten.

I finally knew what happened to the bones of that match.

Looking at the people sitting next to me, these are the people I first met. Their attitude has never changed, but after we gradually became acquainted, we all began to understand each other better.

I remember when I was on the first day when I was in school, Sister Geng Xue took me. At that time, I really thought she was very beautiful, but I think it would be better not to mess with her.

\ "Yangyang, can you give me a cotton bear? \"

\ "Yangyang, can you give me the rice balls? \"

After being in a daze, I saw two heads looking at me at the same time, very ambitious to have delusions about my meal together.

\ "Hey, what do you two expect from someone else's breakfast! \" It sounds like the five-seed chickens of the righteous side helped me protest, and condemned the two people who crossed the border very harshly.

\ "If you don't want extravagance, please remove your hand. \" Chitose sitting next to me stretched out his hand and pinched the chicken feet to steal meat: \ "Yang Yang, if you are not happy, you You wo n’t be able to eat everything from appetizers to main meals to desserts. \ "

\ "Qian Dong Sui is an evil spirit! \" Meow Meow shouted at his friend after seeing Cotton Bear's head unscrewed.

\ "Yangyang, I'll exchange it with you for a meal." "The undead Ryan came out of me with a whole box of potato salad.

\ "Eh ... I can do it. It's good to change it if you like. \" I don't dare to eat that rice ball that seems to have heavy metals.

\ "Then I want to change too! \" Meow Meow leaning over holding the sweet soup.

Then, my side dish and the dim sum immediately became the same double.

\ "Yang ~ I use cotton bears to exchange roast chicken with you." "The five-se chicken heads that draw the gourd in the same way proposed an unfair deal.

\ "Don't think, have you ever heard of eating sugar? \" Qian Dongshou directly stuck his delusion and made him unable to change.

\ "Well, if it ’s eating, there are still a lot. Did n’t you just say that you have more than one? Do n’t play anymore.” "Geng Xuejie reluctantly told these people in exchange.

\ "Cotton bears are so cute ... \" The meows who continue to give love to Marshmallow seem determined to take all the cotton bears away: \ "Wait for which one to give to Lilia. \"

Ryan began to act as if he wanted to remove the rice **** from the other extra boxes.

As usual, everyone is still lively.

\ "Yang ~ this for you. \" Grabbed the second piece of chicken and bit it. Five se chicken heads gave me a carton. This box is not included in the meals we bought. It should be his own. Original: \ "My third wife gave it to me. Didn't you like it last time? \"

I opened the box and it was filled with a few small cakes, originally from the world, "" Thank you. "

The five-headed chicken head froze a bit, his face a little awkward: \ "Thank you! You can't always give your servants wind! \"

Although you are a servant on your mouth, thank you very much.

\ "Wait until you're full and don't know what to do. \" The meow, which finally started to eat, returned to its usual appearance, mutilating the chicken with very elegant movements.

\ "Want to go to the library? Or what fun places to go to? \" Qian Dongsui pushed his eyes and began to think about all the suitable places in his head: \ "Last time we didn't have a fun out of the forest, Yang Yang hasn't been there, would you like to see it? \ "

\ "Oh, there is also a good picnic there." "Miao Meow stopped for a moment, and frowned immediately:" No, the forest is very big, and it will stay all day long, and the light insects will only be there in the evening, and have to stay overnight Yes, let ’s go together during the holiday. \ "

\ "Okay, we haven't gone out to play together recently. Let's go together this week." "Qian Dongsui looked at me and said.

\ "Um, okay. \" Nodded and I smiled back to them.

\ "Otherwise, I ’ll wait and see if everyone prepares them first. I ’ll make an appointment for this meal first. Let ’s eat here at noon. Let ’s go to the movies after we are full. Yuan's activity: \ "Yang Yang hasn't been to the movie theater in Zuo Shopping Street, it is very different from the original world. \ "

\ "This is also good. \" Meow meow with a big smile: \ "Let's go together. \"

\ "Uncle Ben didn't want to go with you guys, it's noisy. \" Wuse chicken head snorted and turned to the beginning.

\ "The most noisy should be you, if it is not Yang Yang going, we are too lazy to meet you. \" Immediately talked to him with the Qian Dongshou voiced back: \ "You still have trouble following me.

\ "Ha! Just pointing at this sentence, Uncle ~ Ben and you go to the movies. \" Arrogantly spit half bones next to Qian Dongsui, Wuse chicken head showing an underhanded smile.

\ "You bastard-\"

\ "Stop, don't quarrel, you will end up arguing. \" Just two people stuck, sister Geng Xue looked at me: \ "How about, Yang Yang? \"

I saw everyone cast their gaze at me, and everyone looked at me with a smile.

\ "Okay, let's go together. \"

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