MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 8 Buried secret

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Location: atlantis Time: 10.36pm

After being quiet, there was a sudden tumult.

I was taken somewhere by someone in the noise.

The whole brain was buzzing, not even knowing what was said or asked.

The black robes did not follow. There were only a few people left in the space. The air was silent. I knew that the people next to me were paying attention to my situation, but I didn't want to speak.

I also want to think about what Andy just said.

Emperor, are you okay? The person sitting at the other end suddenly gasped for a few breaths. The skin that was not healthy was now even paler. I saw Chen Ban pull and hold him halfway, pressed the person to the temporary bed next to him, followed the class that just came The guide also helped push back the emperor who wanted to get up.

Then I knew it was a medical class.

At night, only the assistant director is on duty here, as usual.

Fever, let him lie down and rest. The assistant quickly took a few bottles from the medicine rack, and took some liquids from each to prepare a cup of potion: It should be affected by the breath of the ghosts just now, didn't he say that he should not be confronted with those messy things? The destroyed body has no way to provide a power purification barrier, and it can easily absorb harmful poisons around it.

He is going. Chen seized the potion, and carefully fed his partner to drink it.

Stop him! Otherwise, fainting is also possible. Don't cause trouble in the health room. There are at least three dozen students outside me waiting to be resurrected. Don't just take up beds. Walked to the refrigerator and pulled out several cans of beverages, and the assistant officer casually threw them around the unexpected guests.

There will be more than three dozen because of your laziness, less shame. An uncomfortable voice came from beside me. I turned slowly and saw the senior sitting in a chair next to me. Then he passed the drink over to me: take it to drink and calm down first.

It's very rare that he didn't make rough or yelled. After I opened the drink and took a few sips, the whole head suddenly became clear.

Lilia is all right! Immediately I remembered that Lilia was taken away by Hitomi, and she was seriously injured. I was afraid of something unexpected ...

The assistant minister looked over and laughed: "" That little girl is okay. This is the school ... It's not easy to die, it's just a little troublesome. " It doesn't seem very optimistic.

\ "The injury caused by Andy is not so easy to recover. \" The senior added this sentence later.

I nodded, silently looking at the beverage can in my hand, then looked up.

From the beginning, I haven't seen it. She should be here with the emperor, but I only saw the minister.

The senior didn't say anything, even though I knew he heard it, he still didn't say it.

I was thinking about those words that Andy finally said. Does he want to tell me that Anin is still alive ... If so, is there any chance for Anin to be saved?

But if he didn't eat Anin, why would he have Anin's appearance and feel something to him?

I ca n’t understand, I do n’t know why I want to break my head.

\ "Second-year classmates, the teacher wants to talk to you. \" The class guide who stood beside and kept silent suddenly beckoned to the senior: \ "Talk in private. \"

The principal stood up and left with the class guide.

I watched the door of the health room be closed. When I didn't respond, someone suddenly grabbed my hand and the beverage can almost didn't follow.

\ "Are you injured? \"

Looking up, I saw Chen's face not far from it. He grabbed both of my hands with a lot of strength, and then I remembered that I had just been injured by the attack of Andel. All of them were scars, but the blood didn't know when it stopped, and there was no pain at all.

\ "Chen, please help me, I'll see the status of that little baby girl. \" While tossing the medicine bottle, the assistant minister hurriedly pushed the emperor into a room, and then did not come out.

Chen grabbed me like this and narrowed his eyes.

There are only two of us left now, and if he suddenly pulls my hand directly out of the body, I have no room for resistance.

After a long while, the minister let go, then turned the lid of the medicine bottle, squatted down and helped me to take the medicine silently.

\ "Did that ... go back later? \" Because it's too quiet, it makes me feel weird, and I'm not very familiar with the minister, I always think it should be awkward to say something.

He applied the medicine silently and rolled up the bandages, and the minister stood up while packing, and then began to answer my words: "" She will make the current situation even more confusing. I told her to go back first. "

\ "... \"

It's even more embarrassing now.


\ "I and Emperor are brothers. \"

At the moment of total embarrassment, Chen suddenly jumped out to make me even more embarrassed.

Don't suddenly remember the past and tell me about your past at such times, I will scare ...

After taking a look at me, Chen wiped the residual medicine on his hand and sat on the big table filled with medicine jars by the assistant director: \ "We were originally the same elf stone, and were later made into three individual illusions. , Followed by my second sister, Emperor is my brother. \ "

\ "噗 —— \" I almost squirted out the beverage that was about to enter.

It turns out that your appearance and age have grown up against each other?

Looking at me with a very indifferent expression, Chen played with the medicine powder pot on his hand: \ "If you really say that the ghost family is a demon master, if you do n’t have to take a shot, I will kill you on the spot . \ "

I immediately stood up, and sure enough, I felt the hostility at the time was not false.

\ "Not yet. \" Dropping the pipe, Chen jumped off the table and glanced at the room with the emperor: \ "We have a deep relationship with the demon teacher, although I do n’t know this later, and I personally You have an agreement with a friend, so you better bless you will not be a descendant of the demon teacher. \ "

\ "Yuanyuan? \" I swallowed my mouthwater, and I had a bad feeling.

Chen's expression was almost completely unchanged, and he didn't tell me any more. He pushed the door of the room and walked in, then threw the door.

I was taken aback by the slamming of the door, and then I could hear the apology and the countdown from the gap of the door.

I'm alone in the whole space.

I don't know what I'm standing here right now, no, even if I do something now, I feel completely incompatible with this place.

There seems to be some changes here that make me want to go back and go back to the place where I should live an ordinary life.

Speaking of putting the beverage can into the trash can, I gently opened the other back door of the health room without dead people, and it was empty outside, only to see the garden.

\ "Yang Yang. \"

Suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder. I was shocked and almost fell forward. When I turned my head back, I saw Randall who had not appeared on the scene. He was followed by his butler.

\ "Go to my room. \" Randall lifted his chin.

I have no choice. I should say I have no more choices, so I nodded.

A transfer array appeared on the ground immediately, and after a blink of an eye we had returned to the black hall, the main entrance of Randall's room.

\ "Nile, it's too late to prepare for something to eat, too late. \" After dismissing the housekeeper, Randall walked in front to open a door and a long corridor.

His room was connected with a strange space, and the inside was much larger and vaster than the outside.

After three gorgeous doors carved with flowers and totems, we walked into a hall, which was like the western-style castle or villa-like hall seen in the movie. It was quite luxurious and gorgeous, surrounded by oil paintings and elegance. Wallpaper.

\ "My room is connected to my residence in another world. \" Randall flicked his fingers, and the originally dark hall was lit up. It really is a house layout, and there is a roundabout upside Stairs: \ "For a while, it was a tourist attraction of the church. I heard that it was very lively when hunting vampires. Now, in addition to the subordinates who are needed for work, they will come here. Occasionally, only some filmmakers or commercials will come to borrow scenes. \ "

\ "It must not be cheap to borrow here ... \" The windows are all black, and I think the world is dark at this time.

\ "Ha, how could I let humans casually shoot the vampire's nest, of course, all of them refused. \" It was very generous to sit down in the hall with the highest level of rewards and punishments, Randall glanced at me, I Had to sit down beside.

I know he talks to me to relax me, but I don't think I can relax.

Too much has happened tonight, and it makes me think that the memory of this night is good ... In fact, I will wake up tomorrow as usual, and Lilia will rush to kick the classroom door and tell me to go with her.

I didn't talk to Randall, and he should have deliberately calmed myself so he didn't say anything.

It didn't take long before the footsteps, barely audible, stopped beside me, and the Nile with a silver plate helped us put some simple meals and drinks on the table, and Randall's table More glass of red se liquid.

Nile stood with the plate.

I looked at the food on the table. It was almost the kind of small bread sandwiched with sausage and ham slices, which could be eaten one or two at a time. As soon as I move unconsciously, I pick them up and chew them one by one. It should be something delicious, but I don't think it tastes good.

There are only seven or eight breads on the plate, but I think I have been eating them for almost a century.

\ "Are you better? \" After I swallowed the last bite, Randall finally made a sound.

Nodded, I stared at the empty plate, and suddenly found that my bandaged hands were shaking.

I was so happy the other day ...

\ "Can I ask what is the task for Anin? \" Looking up, I looked at the count on the sofa, and I knew he would tell me, and he really did.

\ "He was visiting the ghost king's grave. \" Suddenly, Randall pushed me the bread on his desk, and then he was a little serious: \ "After your grave mausoleum internship happened, the place was listed as dangerous Area, so the guild deployed a basic surveillance team over there. However, a strange thing happened recently, that our people began to disappear, and there was no return. The audio and training were all gone. Later, the same thing happened to the second purple robe. .The student robe level is not able to participate in long-term tasks, but Anin is not a student, so he can. He took the third in-depth inspection. The day of the sports meeting started, and we lost his whereabouts that night. \ "

So at that time, the senior and the senior Xia Su ...

I suddenly felt as if I knew what, and it seemed that I didn't know anything at all.

\ "So we suspect that the place has actually become the base of the Bichen ghost king, and tonight saw Andy appear in this way, and now there is no need to doubt, it is correct."

Randall stopped talking, and he finished all he could tell me.

\ "But Andyel said ... he was joking, he hadn't planned to rival Jing Luotian ... \" I remember that Jing Luotian should be the ghost king who often sent messengers to find Anin.

If Andy doesn't want to be his enemy, does that mean that I'm right?

Can I hope that Anin is still alive?

Randall frowned slightly: "Are you sure he told you this?"

I nodded, and then saw him call Nile immediately, not knowing what was ordered, then stood up: \ "I'm going to contact the guild now, you rest here, let Nile take you if you want to sleep Go to the room to rest. \ "He walked to the door on the other side and glanced at me." I know you don't want to go back to the black hall now, you can live temporarily. "

After that, he left.

\ "Do you need more food? \"

After the count had gone, Nile leaned over and asked softly.

I shook my head and looked at him: \ "I ... \"

\ "You want to know about the demon master. \" Interrupting my words quietly, Nile stood up, looked around, and then looked at a dark place outside the window: \ "If I don't mind, I can First take you to a room where you can rest, it will be quieter there. \ "He stared straight at the place, then took a button from his sleeve and bounced, and that button was as fast as a bullet. Through the glass, the darkness fell outside.

Vaguely, I seem to hear some kind of stuffy hum.

Immediately standing up, I followed Nile towards the roundabout staircase of the big house. He didn't walk too fast but not too slowly, which was the kind of pace that people could easily follow.

He led me, and soon stopped in front of a carved door, then lit the lamp inside.

It was a large room, clean and tidy, and felt a bit like a hotel's senior suite.

After I walked in, Nile closed the door, then slammed it on the door panel twice, and turned back after saying something like a spell: \ "Sorry, because we are special, there will always be some Such a monitor is outside, and I don't think you want the third party to hear the conversation. The enchantment has been laid out, and there will be no outside interference for the time being. \ "

\ "Has it always been this way? \" I think his moves are familiar, as if it was not the first time.

Nile nodded slightly, and then made the bed for me: \ "Even if the habits and methods have been changed, the church will still pay close attention to this place, because the blood relationship cannot be changed in the past, and sometimes there are some self-proclaimed expulsions. The devil is, of course, 'here-, the nocturnal race in the world's guarding is a recognized race, there will be no problems in this regard. "

I heard him say nothing about himself, as if to clarify the count.

By the way, I remember that Nile was called the Beast King tribe there, and it was similar to the five-seed chicken head. It seems that the world line on the other side is also simple ... The orcs are like the Beast King tribe.

\ "Well, can I talk to you? \" I don't know why, I suddenly thought that Randall intentionally left Nile here, it was an intuition, but that's how it felt.

Nile nodded, as if he had known that I would ask for it, and stood a few steps away from me: "Please say it."

I looked at him and asked him to sit down, because it was too aggressive to be stared at, so even if there was nothing to say, fortunately Nile didn't say anything that could not sit casually, etc. Sit down with the chair in the same position.

\ "I want to know something about the demon master ... I mean Andy said that I'm the demon master. \" After a pause, I looked at Nile's gaze, and then continued: \ "In fact, I have been told this before, but the senior said he was not, and he would not even say a word ... \"

\ "If this is the case, I can provide your opinion is to go directly to the medical class to request verification, the medical class has a complete racial identification process, but if the identification results are the same as those said, you will face extreme Big trouble. By the same token, among all robes, the black robe is the highest level. What a black robe says will affect a lot of things. \ "Nile looked at me for a while, and seemed to be thinking about what to say to me Do n’t be afraid \ "The truth will not change, but it will only affect people's thoughts. \"

In fact, he did not say this sentence in great detail, but I thought about it, what a black robe said would affect a lot of things, so the senior student denied my inquiry at that time, in order to ...? ...?

\ "The black robe must be prudent, these words can only be told to you by my mouth, but not my master. A highest robe level represents a certain position of leadership, even if he is only a free agent and not a designated worker , You should be able to understand these meanings. \ "Stop, Nile told me a very important thing next: \" I am rude, if you asked at that time, and he gave you a certain answer, based on The identity of the demon master is special. You should now be completely detained instead of sitting here. The behavior of the black robe is to protect your identity, not a bad attitude. \ "

So the refusal to respond was to protect me?

I curled up my feet and rolled into a soft chair, thinking about some actions of the senior, including his answer when asked. I have always thought that he should be troublesome or why he didn't want to answer, but I didn't expect that there was such a relationship. No wonder sometimes he can't ask other people.

I thought, those words that Lilia helped me translate.

Time passed by little by little. After the two of us were quiet, the hands of the old clock in the guest room moved a little louder than a drum. I knew for the first time that the sound of time could be so obvious.

It's as if I'm inexplicably there.

After a while or so, I heard Nile slowly say: \ "I tell you one, this is not even recorded in the book. \"

I looked up at him, not knowing what he wanted to tell me ... but probably related to the count?

\ "That is a secret that belongs to our family and is not recorded anywhere. \"

That night, Nile told me something that no outsider knew.

He said that about a few hundred years ago when they had not been forced to disappear into the dark world, one of his immediate ancestors was a woman named Dalina.

At that time, the vampires and the werewolves fought as usual for the sovereignty of the dark world, because the human world on the ground was expanding, and there was less and less space for them to survive. In the end, the loser was eternally extinct. Before thinking of a solution, what they can do is to eliminate the other party who takes up living space.

Dalina was the leader of the Wujin werewolves at that time. The number of Wujin was originally very small because of the rare relationship between Yan and Se. In addition to the church, the exorcist and the vampire clan, even human collectors will participate in the hunt. After that, She then removed the fur in a special way, so in order to avoid these killings, she led the remaining tribe to leave the place where they originally lived and migrate to the western mountains.

But I do n’t know how the news leaked. As soon as I left the group, the single ethnic group was immediately chased by the vampire army. The valiant Dalina was an old veteran against vampires, so after staying with a few soldiers, she let the rest of the people Run away first.

After finally repulsing the vampires, already scarred, they encountered the exorcist and the collector's mercenaries on the way to catch up with their companions, so several people thought that this should be doomed to be destroyed, just End up with each other. But at the worst time of the war, a young man in the mountains did not know where to come to help them.

The fighting style of the youth was very strange. He didn't even have anything on his body, but in a short moment, all the pursuers died on the spot. Even a few werewolf fighters did not know what method the youth used to escape them. Rob.

In order to thank the youth, Dalina first let the tribe keep up with the others before, and stayed to talk with the youth all night. Later, he heard from the youth that he was also a fleeing tribe. Because of his blood relationship, he settled in this deep mountain.

He didn't tell Dalina his race, nor did she tell her why she was reduced to flight.

As a result, the youth took the Wujin werewolves and took them to a place where no one could find them.

That place is full of enchantments. If you look from the outside, you can't find that there is a place to live in.

With the help of the youth, the Wujin werewolves settled there, completely lost contact with the outside world.

And because the youth's helping hand allowed them to settle down, so Dalina headed, and all the surviving Wujin werewolves vowed to be the guards of the youth.

However, this is only a short period of more than ten years.

One morning, when everyone woke up, the young man had disappeared and nothing was taken away, leaving only a note telling them that he had to move to another place, otherwise it would affect them, leaving everything here to Let them settle down in peace.

If they had settled there at that time, maybe they would spend all their time in such comfort.

But Dalina chased out, and all werewolves chased out.

In this way, the werewolf family returned to the battle after disappearing for more than ten years, and after a long period of time, the more rare werewolf family could not change the survival mode like the vampire family and began to extinct.

Before reaching Lena's death, they never met the young man again.

This is known to only a handful of misty werewolves, and it is only passed on by word of mouth from their immediate descendants.

When I heard this, I almost knew what Nile told me about the role of \ "youth \" among them.

But this is completely different from what I heard before. The group I know is a representative of killing and evil. Everyone thinks that it should not exist.

Slowly sighing, Nile always sitting very straight looked at me: \ "I think it is not bad to be defined as bad, and some facts are not superficial, even if you suffer disaster because of this, you can remember There are people who have been blessed here who do n’t consider evil to be a disaster. \ "He paused and spoke again: \" Maybe you may or may not be, but there are things that cannot be changed, such as For example, people ’s impressions. When everything comes to the end, please remember that you have heard of our family. \ "

I looked at Nile, his eyes were as blue as the sky.

Then I burst into tears and the whole person relaxed.

And here, I don't need to worry. 2k novel reading network