MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 4 hostility

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Location: atlantis Time: 5.21pm

Yang ~

The man dragging the conspicuous dragon robe came over.

In fact, to be honest, that dragon robe is not the kind of imaginary series (it really will be dead), but a modified suit style ... but it is too outrageous!

What kind of ghost is the golden se shiny bottom and the dragon's three-dimensional painted flower!

Chu, your friend. Like an appointment, Senior Xia Sui and Azlian turned away immediately, and even the meow meow, who was originally very enthusiastic, immediately released my hand and lowered his head to pretend to clip the buffet.

Hey, do you guys have some sympathy?

It took me three seconds to consider whether I would pretend not to know him, and then turned to run away.

After three seconds, this opportunity was missed, because the very shiny dragon-pao chicken had rushed to me, with a lot of glances at seeing the neuropathy, turned around in front of me very shiny, in that Daikin se With the background of dragon embroidery, his head is brighter and brighter than usual ... It is not an illusion, it really becomes brighter and brighter.

Don't you go and add se to your hair before you come?

Yang ~ I missed your call! Five se chicken heads complained as soon as they stood in front of me.

my phone? I touched the phone and found that there was a call that I didn't receive: er ... probably didn't notice it. Damn cell phone is definitely not ringing! It always rings when it shouldn't, and doesn't ring when it should.

Forget it, Uncle Ben just wanted to come with you.

Ah ... it turned out that my cell phone had anticipated this kind of thing, so it automatically cut off the call. I was suddenly grateful for my cell phone. If I really came with him, I thought I would die before I arrived. I only know those who claim to be friends now flash farther than one.

Obviously, the five-seed chicken head, who doesn't care much about others' eyes, enthusiastically put on my shoulder: Yang ~ Have you decided to dance?

Uh ... I'm with meow, you? Based on being a friend, I talked to him bit by bit.

Ha, Uncle Ben never needs a partner.

Also, I think even the food will feel shame ...

Halfway through the chat between the two of us, we did n’t know each other, and I did n’t know why, I suddenly felt the whole thing was very cold.

For example, it feels like someone is rubbing your back with the sword mountain in the freezer, besides the cold, there is stinging, followed by a malicious look.

I immediately turned my head.

One person stood behind me within a few steps. In fact, it should be three people, and the other two were on his left and right. They looked like guards or men. The three were all black and formal. The clothes are dressed, but I haven't seen the clothes they wear. It should be the kind of aristocracy in this world. In addition to the good looking cloth, the decoration also looks very valuable.

Oops, after I got here, I often wondered how much money would be sold to others!

What are you I also noticed that the person was not good at it, and Wu Se chicken frowned, releasing an equally bad attitude.

The person with short blue eyes and silver gray se hair looked at us both with a condescending elevation angle.

… It turns out that the nostrils can really be seen at this angle, but the first condition is that the person in front of him is also high enough, otherwise he should see the tip of his nose when he looks up.

I did not expect to see people in Royeah's house in such a place. This guy who looks at people with his nose is cold and cold, as if he has no feelings. In addition, he looks serious and cold, which makes it hard to get close.

The point is, his tone is full of contempt.

The five-seed chicken head almost hit the spot on the spot: I didn't expect the dingy goblin to know the name of the Royeah family. You have admired our family for a long time, eh, even if you privately pay attention to this uncle's family for a long time, killing is still discounted.

How dare you speak to our young master like this! The two people standing on the left and right came at five se chicken heads.

Why dare not, this uncle has nothing to do with your family, but you have to be careful, do not offend others, or one day beheaded to get money. The five-seated chicken head, who was also very vocal, did not care what the other party was, and he rushed back.

Someone has noticed this all around, and I saw the senior Xia Su and Azlian walking forward one after the other.

Huudi, do you want to stir up at this ball? Xia Su shouted the name of the person accurately and immediately calmed down the two left and right hands who were clamoring.

Turning around to look at the two seniors, the man named Huodi snorted coldly, and then turned to glance at me again: Has the noble family dealt with the lowly nameless people? His tone was still annoying.

Strange, I have no impression that I have caused such a person recently. He doesn't feel as if he is targeting 5se chicken heads or is targeting me. Otherwise, it should be more than a human being, right?

Even the noble royal family, if there is no ordinary person, is just a meaningless soul. Xia Su Xuechang patted the shoulder of Wu Se chicken head to let him go back, and then told the person like this.

Hmmm ... blood is everything, even if these unknown people are not there, noble blood is still noble, and it wo n’t change because there is one more person and less one person! Not very good at Xia Sui, he narrowed his eyes and dismissed him completely.

However, his words seemed to irritate a lot of people, and I saw that some people had changed their staring expressions from their original expressions.

I mean ... how do I think I've heard something like this?

Noble blood is not more noble because of looking down on others. Azlian immediately refuted his words.

Huudi, who looked down on the man, stared coldly at Azlian for a moment, suddenly pulling the hair on his face with one hand, forcing his head forward: I don't want to hear the noble vets, especially you, help the lower race. Preach to me.


With a snap, Hudi's hand was opened with a slap.

And the person who beat him is me.


I deeply feel that since I entered the academy, courage seems to have been increasing in addition to strength.

In addition to fighting monsters, running graves, being chased by ghosts, fighting ghosts, and talking back to the senior (I thought this was my best courage to do it), I now slap open some hands that should be ghosts and nobles, and sure enough, life is all It was full everywhere for the first time.

Oops, wouldn't I have offended someone and so on, and didn't know how to die?

Huudi looked at the hand I had opened, and his frosty expression frosted again, looking frantic.

I should buy insurance before coming to the party.

You, the low race, dare to touch the prince of our Chio tribe! Those two left and right hands were more angry than him, and they caught me right and left.

According to the ordinary TV series, I should be beaten next, even if my mother didn't recognize me.

I actually hit a prince. It ’s so wonderful. The big thing I have ever done in my life is to hit a prince.

I had a very subtle feeling. I didn't expect that one day I would get in touch with the prince, and it was still a bad one.

Just when I felt that being flattened and worthy of the return fare, Aslian and Xia Sui had already cooked one person on their own, and stunned the two with my left and right hands on the ground.

Prince Huudi, please discipline your men. Azlian glanced at the two men on the ground and snorted coldly: If you don't want to lose the royal face here.

… Every time you call me a prince in this manner, I want to kill you on the spot. Hudi, who spoke amazingly, stared at Azlian with an expression that looked like an enemy, and while watching them, I secretly touched Minas, afraid that this person would suddenly start.

Azlian frowned, as if to say something to refute.

Then, a savior usually appears at this time.

What are you arguing about here? The senior, who was just telling people about things, came far away, and suddenly interrupted the tense atmosphere: Huodi, do you have any dissatisfaction with my friends at this dance? His tone was cold, and he even tended to be higher than the other.

Sure enough, opponents of ice cubes must have thousands of years of ice to restrain.

Chu! Give me a little peace of mind! The senior who turned around and waved a baton directly on my head did not have to turn around again in half a second, regardless of whether I was holding my head to death or suffering.

The noble royal family staring coldly at the seniors suddenly smiled strangely: Of course I have no opinion on His Highness Bing Yan's friends, but I just want to advise you not to approach such people too often, otherwise your noble and elegant bloodline will also Crying for you.

Don't worry about my business! The senior gave him six words very politely.

The royal family who touched the nail shrugged, and had no interest in continuing to negotiate. He kicked and kicked the two people on the ground until they woke up and then turned away.

The two men didn't even dare to say a word and immediately followed.

A conflict ended inexplicably.

The senior turned back to look at me, and then looked at Azlian, who was pulling her hair: Is it here for you?

How is it possible that it was just that Hugh Di had troubled Chu Xuedi and they were in trouble. I and Xia Su came to see it. With a slight raised eyebrow, Azlian showed that it was not his problem: but he hadn't seen him for a long time, and his attitude was the same.

Hmm ... the senior's expression seemed to be thinking about something. After half a while, he stared back and forth and stared at me and Wuse chicken head: that person is the prince of Qiu Fairy and the next heir. Don't get directly involved with him.

Five se chicken heads skimmed at the beginning, and looked upset.

I bet that he must have been thinking in his heart how to get revenge.

Does Ali know that person? I noticed that the prince's attitude towards Azlian was more unfriendly than the problem of the cloth bag. It was as if he had killed his grandfather and a dog in the dog house.

Well, I used to be a short time partner. There was no taboo, and Aslien smiled and explained to us: about six months or so, because the family has been in contact, I have known him since I was a kid. Originally my partner was Dai Luo, but he asked Dai Luo to find another temporary Partner, Dai Luo agreed. But I couldn't cooperate with his personality. He split up after six months, and because of the accidental departure of Dai Luo's partner, he ended the partnership.

With that kind of person for half a year ...

I suddenly felt that Azlian was a strong one. If it was me, it would hang in half an hour.

Hudi is not very able to get along, so if possible, it would be better for the two schoolmates to try not to conflict with him. Such a serious warning to me and the five chicken heads, Asliian patted our shoulders, okay, since the ball is starting, everyone will be unhappy and relax in the music, this beautiful evening is too much to discuss this kind of thing Pity.

As a reminder from him, I realized that after the conflict came to an end, the venue had begun to have relaxed and melodious music, and the audience who had just watched the theater also scattered a lot, leaving us a few gossip.

Geng and Meow Meow, who walked a little farther, came here to run, and when they wanted to say something, the senior had shook their heads first, so they didn't ask much.

Let me dance with this beautiful lady first. Obviously, I don't want to say much about what has just happened. Aslilian has already invited Sister Geng to the invitation. The two people entered the venue with pleasure and joy.

Yangyang, are you going to dance first? Meow Meow blinked and looked at me with that super cute face.

Uh ... I'll eat something first. As soon as those people left, I became hungry.

OK, then Meow Meow went to Ryan first. After speaking, Meow Meow pulled the skirt elegantly and ran away to the other side.

The five-seed chicken head that smelled a face was dark and stepped away.

Desiree, where are you going? I have a very bad hunch.

Cover that prince's trash can and fix him. Sure enough, the five-seed chicken head who looked at this idea looked at me with a very evil expression, otherwise he didn't know who the boss was, and the hand of Uncle Ben would be itchy.

Are you sure you can really hit him?

And he is a prince!

I immediately turned around to see the remaining seniors and senior Xia Su, they must have heard them, and I should say something to discourage them!

Desiree, if you don't let the two leave at first, it will be easy to miss. Senior Xia Su looked at the senior and coughed.

Isn't it ... Have I heard anything wrong?

Uncle Ben knows! After that, the five-se chicken head left wildly.

I took two steps backwards and looked at Xia Su, who was still smiling so gently.

Normal people should discourage it!

Before we dance, let's go eat something. Xia Su, who is still very kind and smiling, pushed the senior, and moved to the food buffet area in a good mood.

The senior took a look at me in shock, and suddenly showed a certain evil smile: Anyway, if he wanted to hit, he had to be unconsciously beaten, and he didn't know who the other party was. It was also wrong.

After speaking, he followed Xia Sui to pick up the plate.

This is a drag story to teach bad kids!

Good boy, do n’t mess around!


Just after the episode, most people's attention was transferred to the center of dancing, so they became less crowded in the food area.

I do n’t know if the people here have eaten before or the food will multiply by themselves. When I took it, the table was full, and all the dishes would be very satisfying. Besides the fine dinner Many snacks and drinks are enough to eat enough to die.

I was seduced by the food and it has been a while since I finished taking it. Once I was back to school, they ran away without ghosts. I was left in the entire food business area, and no one knew me.

I looked around. If I did n’t go to the dance area, there were tables and chairs nearby, and there were n’t many people. I moved there to eat.

The dance was very big. I even saw children of the age of elementary school students. It should be almost all the students from the school came here. The dance area was full of people and there were people around. to chat with.

Anyway, I don't have many acquaintances here, so I don't have to chat and make me feel a little relieved.

Catching the thousand-year-old meow is now dancing together in the center of the dance floor. Lane doesn't know where he disappeared again, and probably anyone I know can be found nearby.

Because no one was disturbing, I was eating very pleasantly, until I was disturbed by someone's blindness-

Yang Yang! Something as much as meow just banged into my back, almost spit out all of me who was drinking a drink.

As soon as I turned around, the entire black line fell.

The fan director who said that he wanted to go back did not go back at all, and I don't know what he was still doing here. It is currently embedded in my back and happily grabbed my neck: Young Yang Yang, I heard that this morning was wonderful.

Pushing her away from behind quickly, I turned my head in fear: Fan Dong ...

Only two words were spoken. Director Fan immediately struck my head with her fan. As an old saying, do you want to harm me without playing today?

Sorry ... I forgot. Ganxiao watched her sit next to me, still wearing that kimono, looking special in a pile of suits.

I heard that you were almost on the bar with the prince of Qiou Fairy? While holding my dim sum, it was consumed automatically, and Director Fan asked in an easy-going tone.

Seems. In fact, it was all misunderstanding.

Children, you are very brave, the prince of Qiou is a black robe.

噗 ——I spit it before I drank it.

Director Fan, who had been expecting it for a long time, leaned back, avoided the tea, continued to eat her snacks, and took out a handkerchief for me, alas, without grabbing drinks from you Will you die if you drink slowly?

I took her handkerchief and coughed again, then put down the cup and looked at her stupidly: Did you just say that the fairy prince is a black robe? dying! If I had known that he was in a black robe, I would not dare to have anything to do with him. When I first heard it, I thought it was at most a purple robe or a white robe.

Hmm, it was the same age test as the earl. Although no one can break the record of my stink boy, it is already very amazing. Director Fan looked at my stupid face happily, and then swallowed the last bite. Qiu Fairy is one of the best among the fairies, and has a very high status just like that of your squad leader.

I feel a blank head.

It's the same clan as the squad leader ... in other words, I should be a terrible clan.

After much deliberation, I think I should still buy an insurance, otherwise, if one day is unknown, it would be a big loss to be conspired outside the school.

But then again, why is Qiou's fairy prince looking for me or a five-se chicken head?

That man should not know us. I don't think he has any intersection with Wuse's reaction.

Director Fan stared at me for a while, then suddenly made a weird smile: In fact, Yang Yang, I was just on the way here, and I saw a little girl in the nearby garden with the Prince Qiou.

what? What are they doing in the garden?

Then the little girl seemed to be slapped and now crying in the garden. Shake off the fan, director Fan shook, narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

Oh ... I hope she's not hurt.

As a future man, don't you think you should go and comfort the little girl after knowing this?

Huh? What the **** does this do?

Basically, I don't know the girl that Director Fan said, right?

What do you say Chu Mingyang child? Leaning one hand on my shoulder, Director Fan poked my shoulder with the closed fan.

Uh ... I really want to go, but Ali said that he couldn't leave the venue before dancing. Actually, I didn't want to go at all, because I didn't know who the prince was.

Do you think this venue is bigger or am I bigger? Taking back the fan, the director smiled as if naive.

... you are older.

In other words, can I leave the venue?

Then don't go fast!


After being evicted from the ball, I was looking for someone in the nearby garden in a fog.

Basically I do n’t know why I ’m here, but Director Fan said that ’s true. There was nothing to stop him when he was out of the meeting room, so he left very smoothly.

I walked around a few large and small gardens and didn't see anyone. I don't know if the girl left by herself. I decided to look for the garden farther away. If I do n’t have one, go back and have an explanation with Director Fan.

What are you looking for?


Just as I was planning to drill a little farther into the garden to find it, there was a cold voice that suddenly came from behind me and almost didn't scare me to death.

Ryan, would you please show me up next time? So scared of me sooner or later my heart will be scared to squirt out of my mouth.

I just walked past you. Ryan told me so.

Oh, so I didn't see it was my fault.

Huh? Why are you outside I thought Ryan would be in the venue with Chitose.

... what am I going in?

This is a very good question. To be honest, I do n’t know what Ryan goes in. He will disappear. No one wants to dance to half of the dance partner and just evaporate in the air.

Do you offer rice balls? Obviously, the rice ball is more attractive than the ball, and Ryan asked to ask questions about his livelihood.

… I did n’t see him. Would you like to ask the chef? I don't seem to see the thing in my impression.

Alas. With a pitiful look, Ryan tilted his head, so I won't go to the ball.

Huh? Meow Meow and Chitose are in it. And I think you changed your clothes too.

The rice ball is not inside.

Otherwise, do you think rice **** are bigger than friends?

What were you looking for? After talking about his love for the rice ball, Lane asked back to the original topic.

Oh, I'm looking for a female classmate. To be honest, I do n’t even know if that person is round or flat. Someone just told me that it should be in the garden area, but I did n’t see it after looking for another place nearby. Ryan, you know?

In fact, I just asked him with a casual attitude, but I didn't expect Ryan to nod.

He pointed back, I remember that if that was the direction of the pool garden, that is the place where the black and white chicken heads and I were chopped by An In for the first time.

\ "Oh, thank you. \" I was afraid that person would leave. I ran in that direction immediately, and shouted back while I ran: "Yes, I heard that I will still serve food. Would you like to see if there No rice balls? \ "

Ryan, standing in place, nodded slowly, and then disappeared.

Seriously, if he weren't my classmate and friend, I really think he and A Piao are from the same country. 2k novel reading network

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