MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 3 prom

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Location: atlantls Time: 12.08 noon

The throbbing on the street was quickly dealt with by the guilds who came to the aid. After a short time, it returned to the original lively appearance, as if the raid of the ghosts had never happened.

Because the store in Sanwangtaifu was severely smashed, and there were remnants of ghost doors, the senior led us a voter to leave that place temporarily for the guild to clean up.

Alas, some people have come here without knowing the respect for the elderly. Lao Zhang, who was also attacked by the ghosts, complained with his small face and the voice of the old man who did not match his actual age.

Ha, it is only natural that your century-old black shop will be smashed! The five-se chicken heads who met with us later and now with us in the dim sum house said in a very provocative tone.

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Lao Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly to evoke a weird smile: the unpleasant child who should return to the mother's womb, I said long ago that if you are not a beautiful beauty or a cute child, you will not be discounted. Do you love it? Come, the original price deserves it.

That's a good reason.

I moved the dim sum plate aside, for fear that it would be affected.

You **** old man in the dark heart store, the smashed store is simply the wish of all the people in the world! The five-seed chicken head, which has escaped from this world to another realm, is not willing to show its respect.

It's easy to say that some people are jealous of this store, which specializes in goods that other places don't have. They can't get cheap to gather there. We know this kind of unlovable and beautiful person. Lao Zhang, who had just been smashed by the shop, obviously also put on five chicken heads, and continued to accompany him.

While listening to them on the bar, I secretly aimed at the senior sitting at the other end, only to find that they ignored Wuse chicken head and Lao Zhang at all. Several people have started discussing the incident of being attacked by the ghosts today.

Why do the two think that the ghosts attacked suddenly? One of the three Wangtaifu stores that just experienced the smashed store is not his home, and the carefree attitude of the smashed does not concern him, holding a tea cup and asking.

The senior and Xia Su looked at the former, and the former was a little hesitant, so the Xia Su said: It should be to prepare for the recent things. I think His Royal Highness the Three Kings Taifu should also receive the news.

At this point, I know that the communication masters of time have also begun to pay attention to this matter, but they have not found the master Shirakawa wandering outside, so they have no action for the time being. Sanwangtaifu lowered the cup and said helplessly.

Lord Shirakawa?

It sounds familiar ... Ah, by the way, I heard that the seniors had said something that seemed to be time communication, and fled until no one found it.

The senior sitting next to me suddenly turned to look at me, and I reflected my head to cover my head. The unexpected thing was that he didn't hesitate, and then I turned back to continue the topic: If the master Shirakawa cannot find him, the other one will not move. At present, most of the monarchs of the Hades have returned. Does His Highness the Three Kings Taifu intend to return?

Samwang Thai Mansion is a Hades man? After everyone turned around to see me, I realized that it was too late to cover my mouth. The problem was so abrupt that they turned around to look at the chicken head.

Meow meowing a big smile, and then holding the old gentleman's arm, it looks quite like the feeling of Grandpa and granddaughter: His Royal Highness the Three Kings Taifu is one of the Seven Kings of the Hades, and there are 12 Royal Kings underneath The seven kings are not in charge. They belong to the group of elders who make decisions.

Does it mean the post where you get a dry salary and then wait for death?

With a bang, the senior student hit me with a punch.

When I was holding my headache until I couldn't speak, they no longer wanted me to go back and continue talking, and Ryan sitting on the other side suddenly emerged from the air and patted my shoulder kindly.

You are such a good person, but you did n’t join the topic because you were ignored? This classmate?

After Ryan finished shooting, he went back to eat his rice balls. He didn't feel neglected at all. Instead, he picked the whole plate of rice **** on the table.

After hearing them again discussing the ghost clan, it was almost over. I heard the senior said something about the Hades and the Ghost Clan, which will have problems recently, so the guild will be stationed in Zuo Dianjie for a short time, and that's it.

By the way, will both seniors go to the ball tonight? After the serious topic was finished, Meow Meow began a chat: His Royal Highness the Three Kings Taifu also said that he would go.

I took a look at my partner and Xia Sui nodded his head: our mission is over, so if there is no accident tonight, we should also be present.

Meow meowing cheers.


At the dim sum house, after saying goodbye to the seniors for the time being, I and Meow Meow and others no longer continued shopping in the shopping mall. After watching the time, I went back to the school.

Then the dance party started at five o'clock in the evening. Meow Meow has to go back to prepare first. Holding the bunch of flowers, the meow in a good mood was dissolved with the others before the black hall.

I turned my head and saw someone standing in place who should be disbanded.

... Siri, don't you have to go back and prepare? Could it be that you want to wear a flower shirt to the party just like this!

Thinking of it this way, I suddenly had a creepy feeling.

If he goes through like this, can I pretend he doesn't know him?

Uncle Ben is ready. Five se chicken hair is very disdainful.

May I ask what clothes you can prepare? In fact, I don't want to know very much, I always think he will prepare something terrible.

Dragon Robe!

... I regret it. I shouldn't ask him.

This is a dance party. What are you preparing for the robe? It is not a dinner party for changing the makeup of the tail. Most people should wear formal clothes rather than dress clothes!

Sirui, don't you think it would look better in a suit? While saying this, I walked into the black hall.

Of course, the five-se chicken head that followed me glanced at me: the kind of ordinary people don't want to wear it, I have spares, if you want to wear them, I can borrow you.

No thanks. I refused without thinking.

Just kidding, how dare I wear your clothes!

After stepping into the black hall, I just saw that the pile of black robes had disappeared. There was no one in the lobby hall, and it felt strange to be quiet.

This is not the first time that the five-se chicken head came in and looked around. There was no particular interest.

Because there were five se chicken heads coming in this time, I didn't run up the stairs either, so I could go up well.

As I walked up, I looked back at the five-se chicken head with a very strange look at me: I didn't notice when I came in last time, Yang ~ Don't you find it difficult to live here?

You came in through the window last time, of course you didn't notice ...

Wait, what did he just say?

Why is it difficult to live? When he said this, I suddenly became confused.

It's weird here, but basically it will not endanger life and spirit as long as you don't leave the room. Generally speaking, it is OK.

That thing, and that ... I just pointed out a few pieces of furnishings to me, and the five-seed chicken head said something like this: It all has a strange smell, and it feels very annoying.

Looking at what he was pointing at, I decided that it would be better to run up and down the stairs.

In fact, as long as you don't look around, the environment here is pretty good. After being scared by several things, I have such a deep understanding.

Ha, Uncle Ben didn't want to live in such a ghost place. As soon as the five-se chicken head finished speaking, a small statue next to it began to throb, but it stopped after he glanced at him.

Looks like it's inside the black hall? Things are very likely to deceive good and fear evil.

In fact, it didn't take long to get to my room. After a few words, I went to the door of the room. I guessed that Randall should have returned early and opened the room.

Sure enough, it was quiet inside. After I went in, I only saw the clothes and accessories Nile had prepared for me and put them quietly on the table. There was also a whole basket of snacks that he had brought with him. Everything was packed, and it was clear that he also cleaned up the room for me, and it became much cleaner and tidy.

The legendary butler is well-deserved.

Yang ~ Do you want to wear this? Opening the borrowed clothes and looking at the box, Wuse chicken head showed a very uninterested look.

Usually wear it like this. It is abnormal to wear a dragon robe!

What's so nice about wearing this?

I don't think it looks good in a dragon robe.

Putting the box back on, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something different in the room. I couldn't tell if it was because it was cleaned up and it felt more refreshing.

After spontaneously walking around my room, the five-seed chicken head was refreshing and automatically ate a snack: Yang ~ You seem to have been close to the person in Part B recently?

I was scared by him as a whole.

No one knows when I approach Lilia!

You probably read it wrong. After thinking about it for a while, I immediately denied that although I didn't know when the five-seed chicken head was noticed, it was right to deny it at this time.

Oh? Uncle Ben is very confident about his eyesight, especially when he is about to assassinate. Wuse chicken head narrowed his eyes with a bite of dim sum, staring at me in disbelief.

When he saw that his hair was getting very hairy, I quickly pretended to wear clothes and accessories in the evening: otherwise, we just happened to say hello, you think too much.

Is that right? After swallowing the food, I probably didn't bother to ask my five-seed chicken head to shrug: Okay, whatever you say, it doesn't matter to Uncle Ben anyway.

I suddenly felt that it was dangerous to ask me not Chitose, otherwise I would probably not have escaped this disaster.

The uncle is going back to get his clothes. See you in the evening. I came to sightseeing very casually. After eating, the five-se chicken head patted me on the shoulder and walked directly outside the balcony. I jumped before I could stop it.

Is there such a thing as good?

At that moment, I remembered that the senior had said that jumping casually would be cut off.

Although the five-head chicken head should not be cut off, I still rushed to the balcony to determine his safety ... I thought about it later, in fact, this action was a bit redundant and made me regret it.

I knew I would see that kind of thing, and I would rather have nothing to know about what's outside the window of the black building.

Beneath the balcony of the Black Pavilion, I saw an air dried orange-skinned half-skeleton old lady holding a sickle and walking along the wall with a bunch of weasels.

Then I stepped back to the room and fell into the balcony window.

It's all a dream.

You can't scare me!


Probably sorted out, I went out of the black hall door at 4.50.

When I was approaching the venue, I felt that it was very lively and noisy. The venue of the prom was very large. Because it was open to people outside the high school, I saw a lot of people at the entrance who did n’t know. The black crow was one piece, and it seemed as though the whole school was crowding here.

Because I didn't make an appointment with Meow Meow and didn't call them separately, I went straight into the venue to sway around.

Fortunately, Nile and Randall borrowed my clothes. The people in the venue looked very formal. Even if they didn't wear a suit, most of them were wearing formal clothes.

But compared to a lot of people I didn't know, the buffet prepared in the venue made me drool ... I didn't expect the school to be so attentive that even the self-picked food was so delicate, I also saw the whole big one Roasted pig, I have only watched it on TV before, I do n’t know what it tastes like ...

Chu Xuedi. Suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder, making me scared from the pile of food.

Turning my head around, I saw the legendary Azlian who went out with the seniors today to go on a mission.

Uh ... coincidentally. I stepped back, and looked at the Aslian who also changed his formal clothes. He was n’t wearing a suit, but rather a black formal military uniform than a suit, it seemed to suit him: I thought you still On mission ...

With a smile, Aslian shrugged and told me: What Dai Luo said today is the last day of school activities, because our task is long, he and I shifted classes and asked me to come back to the ball.

It turns out that ...

I heard that today you were also involved in the throbbing of the left shopping street, shouldn't you be injured? Asked me very politely, and after confirming that I shook my head, Azlian continued to talk down: The situation has been bad recently. If you see that the situation is not right, I suggest to transfer back to the school immediately so that the school's security guards can protect you.

I nodded, but I was a little lost of faith when I thought that the security guard was something like a demon.

It seemed that Azlian, who wanted to say something, suddenly stopped talking, then turned to look aside, and I followed, and saw people who were too familiar to come over.

Good evening, two. With the same smile, Seth Saita greeted each other and nodded after a few people I didn't know.

I don't know if it's my illusion. I always feel that Seta Saita looks a little weird tonight. I can't tell it. It doesn't look very happy, although he is still smiling.

Skip me, Sethatta looks at Azlian.

Before he spoke, Azlian, who probably knew what he was asking, had spoken first: Sorry, we haven't received any new news so far.

Then I saw that Seth Saita seemed a little disappointed, but only for a moment. It didn't take half a second for him to change back to the gentle and gentle look he had before, as if there were no mood swings: I see, thank you Tell me the news and I wish both of you a pleasant night tonight. After that, he left first.

I have a feeling of question marks in the whole person, but I am embarrassed to ask casually, it should be some kind of secret to see how they look, so it's better to pretend I don't know.

Azlian turned back and smiled at me: yes, do you have a dance partner tonight?

The topic was off in a second, and after a long while, I realized what he was talking about: Uh ... what about food? I came here with determination today.

If you don't mind dancing with the candy bar, I suggest that you better find a dance partner soon. I knew what I was talking about right away. Aslilian smiled a little weirdly: there is a law in school dance. People who come in must dance once before they can leave the door. If there is no partner, there will be limited things to come with you Jump. Some people were grabbed and danced by gingerbread men at the Christmas ball last year. That picture is so cute ... but there are also many girls who dance with food on purpose. After all, some food looks cute.

I just talk casually!

Wait, I just heard something unfortunate ...

Ca n’t leave the gate without dancing? I'm just a passerby who came to eat!

Yes, interesting things happen when you leave, but this is in terms of onlookers.

In other words, the subject itself will not find it interesting at all, right?

I have the illusion of being tricked into an evil ball.

Why didn't anyone tell me this at first!

If I knew, I wouldn't come to death.

Because you didn't ask.

The cold voice smashed into the back of my brain, and once I turned around, I saw the senior who was busy every day standing and staring at me not far behind, followed by Xia Su, who was wearing a black se formal dress.

I secretly leaned over to Aslian, I was afraid that the senior would hit me again. It was really painful at noon, which made me suspect that there might be a bulge.

But looking at it ... Well, I didn't expect the senior to have formal clothes to participate in the prom. I thought he really just wear it casually, otherwise he would come directly to wear a black robe to participate ... Although his current clothes are also black, yes.

Chu, do you owe it? People with very bad faces said this to me in a very malicious tone.

I immediately shook my head.

Are you hungry? I want to get something to eat. I heard that the food at the party is made by all restaurants. It's hard to come by. The senior student ’s atrocities were interrupted in a timely manner. The senior Xia Su got in at a very good time and asked with a very good attitude. Naturally, it seemed that he had not even heard his partner's words at first.

I need to. A little touched, following Xia Sui, I started to feel lucky that I didn't have to be flattened.

Let me go together. Azlian also signed up for the food team.

The senior with a bad face didn't follow him because he was stopped by an unknown stranger, so he went to the other side to say hello.

This made me a little relieved, and I always feel that everyone is tense today because of the ghost family.

I hope the party will make them happier today.


Yang Yang ~~~!

Just after Xia Sui and I took the buffet plate, something suddenly popped out from the back and hugged my back. It was very large and felt that there was so much fabric that I ran into the back. Come over and knocked me a few steps away, almost hitting the chocolate tower in front.

I was suddenly thankful that I was not the ultimate master of their seniority, otherwise according to the plot, I should now give him a reflective over-the-shoulder fall.

When I heard the sound, I knew it was meowing, and I turned my head very hard after being beaten, and finally knew what happened to the pile of cloth.

Meow Meow wore a full set of dresses with white lace inlaid with delicate lace and ribbons, as well as decorative flowers with green se. It was a short skirt, but the back of the hem was a bit elongated and looked very cute.

Her hair was not tied to both sides as usual, but she was put down and re-tied into a princess' head ... Now she really looked like a little princess.

Looks great, right? This is what Gengeng did for me. Retreating from my back, Meow Meow happily turned around to show me, and I even saw a blank ribbon tied behind her.

Several people were already peeping at the venue. I bet there should be many people waiting to invite her to dance.

Would you like to dance with Meow Meow today?

I looked back and saw Sister Geng. She wore a dress very similar to Meow Meow, but the style was very mature. If Meow Meow is a cute little princess, I think she should be stable Great princess.

That ... I can't dance, sorry. Hoe, I left the buffet table next to the table with a plate to avoid being resentful.

Never mind, Meow Meow will teach you. He rushed over and hugged my arm, and said with a big wink and happily.

I kind of want to pull my hands back. It's a habit to get caught like this, but today Meow Meow is dressed up beautifully. It feels strange to get caught like this.

You can dance with Mickey's sister. I do n’t know when Aslan was going around and patted me on the shoulder: if there is no one, I really have to jump with the food.

He reminded me of things I didn't want to think about.

Having said that, jumping with meow is better than grabbing and jumping with gingerbread men ... not necessarily gingerbread men, there may be something else.

After thinking about it a bit, I think it would be better to adopt Aslien's suggestion: then, then meow, I'll leave it to you. I swallowed and nodded.

Meow meow a big smile.

On the other hand, Geng looked up and down Aslien, this schoolboy, do you have a dance partner?

I think the two of them don't seem to know each other, and they are a little strange to each other. I thought Sister Geng knew everyone like a senior ...

Azlian smiled, then bowed slightly: Instead of asking the woman to speak, let me ask first. I didn't find a partner because I was at the party suddenly. May I have the honor to invite this lady to dance in the evening?

Of course it does. Geng Huili, two people solve the problem of partner at the same time.

Just when all the atmosphere was completely good, and I was planning to go back for the buffet, I heard some throbbing coming from the door.

Subconsciously followed the voice to look over, I think my whole face is probably black.

For a few seconds, I really felt that I shouldn't know this talent in my life ... because it was quite shameful, but when he found that I was watching him, he even called my name and waved at me.

Some people turned their attention to us with strange eyes and whispered.

I really want to pretend I don't know him or dig a hole and go straight down.

The man named Cirro Yeah really wore his shiny dragon robe. 2k novel reading network

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