MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 1 Earlier preparation

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Location: atlantis Time: 10.05am

On the last day of the college festival, there was no event in the morning, but a closing-like ball was put in the evening.

So before that time, students were almost free.

Waking up early in the morning, I glanced at the time displayed on the phone, it was not early, but I didn't want to get up very much.

I think my muscles are sore.

After waking up and running for a whole day yesterday, when I woke up, my whole body was sore except for the soreness. The whole person seemed to be paralyzed on the bed as if they were slapped by a fly.

But when I thought of having an appointment with Nile, I slowly moved my body and rolled towards the bed.

Probably sorted things out of the room door and found that the key of the senior room was inserted into my door panel (I don't know how to insert it, super strong), and it took a lot of effort to remove the key. It seems that the senior is out of the room, so I put the key where I can see it.

Should I thank you, senior? Thank you for remembering the existence of someone who wants to borrow a bathroom from you ...

However, it seems that Anin should not be back yet, because usually the senior will not keep the key when I am away, and will let me find other residents to borrow it myself.

After opening the door of the senior's room with that key, there was no one in it; after the quick grooming, I reopened the door, and I saw that Nile had taken a box and stood outside my room, maybe there was a little wait.

Surprisingly, I actually saw his master, Lord Randall, standing beside me, not sure what he was doing.

Uh, I'm sorry, I just went to borrow the bathroom ... Damn, I actually let a blood-sucking Earl stand at the door. Fortunately, it didn't take long for me to wash.

It's ok. Before I was a little embarrassed, Nile had bent a mild smile to break the embarrassment, and then lifted the box on my hand: I chose a few clothes that you should be able to use. Please try them on. If the size is not the same, it can be adjusted immediately.

OK, thank you. I quickly opened the door and asked them to go in.

Yang Yang, how old are you now? Riding into my room on the shoulders of my housekeeper, Randall suddenly killed something irrelevant.

what? How old am I?

In high school, it would be sixteen. Also puzzled by the sudden question from his master, Nile answered it first for me.

Why is he still so young at the age of sixteen? Turning his head, Randall spoke in a tone that made me want to punch him in the nose in a tone that said: Do you know how old Nile was looking for my clothes ... He actually turned me 13 or 4 yesterday At that time, I thought the clothes would be lent to the central part of the country.

... I'm so sorry I'm thin and small, and I've borrowed your clothes for 13 or 14 years old.

But for a little comparison, Randall, who belongs to Westerners, is indeed much taller. They can be compared with Yaduo, but when they stand with the seniors and Xia Su, they are obviously smaller than the seniors.

Sure enough, the Easterners and the Westerners are somewhat innately different.

After entering the room, Nile sorted out my living room table a little bit, and then put the box on the table and opened it. There were several organized formal suits that looked almost the same as the new ones.

Looks like it's expensive!

Do I start to hesitate to really borrow clothes from them? According to my very weak constitution, should I buy it after wearing it only once?

After turning my room around, the very spontaneous Lord Earl sat on the front of the computer equipped with the school and turned on the Internet. You guys try on it slowly. I'll go around the association website.

… Are you asking me first? If there is anything unspeakable in the computer, I will be finished.

Wait, what did I just hear?

Guild website? Too advanced, right? I thought that kind of place should have a ● ● mysterious entrance like a fantasy, and then I need to be there to enter the assembly center and the like.

Randall glanced at me with a very strange expression before he said: Of course there will be, or do you think that the robe-level is enough to just rely on a mobile phone?

In fact, I think you guys do n’t even need a cell phone.

Without telling me more, Randall took out a self-provided card reader and connected it to my computer, then took out the universal debit card that the senior was using often, and put it in, not even the buttons How long does the webpage automatically jump to a screen, the whole is black, with the mark of the guild black robe on it.

While asking Nileo to match the clothes, I kept looking at the computer page distractedly.

After the entry of Black Se, Randall probably did a program similar to identity verification. After skipping the screen of a few words that I couldn't understand, it turned into many options. Because I'm standing a little far away, I probably know the options, but I can't see the actual operation.

Seriously, I think the picture I'm watching is very strange.

An Earl of Vampire is using my computer to surf the Internet.

Will the clothes be too loose or too tight? When I was asked by Nile, I came back to God. He didn't know when he had roughly dressed for me and was asking about my clothes.

I quickly turned back to my eyes and had a black suit on my body. I could feel that Nile was really organized very carefully. I did n’t even have a hot line, which made me a little afraid to make big moves. Stained clothes.

Er, it should be just right. Looking around, it wasn't too big or too small, and Nile's eyes were quite careful.

That is, there is no need to make major changes. The responsible housekeeper told me like this, and put a few other sets next to me: black se is suitable for all occasions. If you do n’t want to be too restrained, I suggest you can change to gray se or beige se clothes. What about one?

Seriously, I really don't have a concept: I can do anything ... I don't wear this kind of clothes, otherwise I'll be fine. In addition to the school suit jacket.

Nile looked at me, then nodded: Then I will match you with other accessories, if you are not satisfied, please tell me to replace it for you.

How could I be dissatisfied!

Just being served by someone else's housekeeper like this, I'm already satisfied. It's true that the people in the high society are different.

Just as I thought about it, Count Randall, the original owner who was silently watching the Internet page, suddenly made a sound: Nile, come over and help me look at these things.

Ok. After quickly organizing the accessories and placing them next to the box, Nile walked over to take over his master's position and stared at the Internet page with full attention.

Taking advantage of this gap, Randall got up and took a look at me: Oh, you look quite good in the dress, next time if we have a dance party over there, would you like to come and see?

Your side ... it's a night walker party, right?

I quickly shook my head: no need, thank you! I'm still young and I'm dead, I don't want to go to a vampire's party and become a meal for others!

Shrugging, Randall didn't say much.


By the way, is the senior going on a mission today?

While the count was taking a leisurely break, I took out a drink from the refrigerator and poured a drink for everyone, and suddenly asked. After asking a question, I was also shocked. Randall should not know what the senior was doing. It was a bit absurd to ask.

Sure enough, I looked at me with a strange expression. Randall took a sip of the drink gracefully before he spoke: I heard that he took a task for investigation. Early in the morning, he went out with Xia Sui and the Dai Luo brothers.

Did they go out with Azlian?

A mission that uses two black robes and two purple robes? Mysterious who chess

Vaguely, it seemed like a very serious task, because I rarely heard the senior perform the task with other black robes-it's not important, but to what extent can the task of investigation be difficult?

I don't know anything about this, but this is the prom tonight, I hope they can all rush back to attend.

If you don't mind, you can attend the dance tonight with us, and I will help you introduce beautiful girls to dance partners. It reminded me of something that didn't seem meaningful, Randall told me.

No, thank you. I just want to be a full meal with the audience.

Randall shrugged, apparently feeling sorry for giving up the offer myself: okay, but do you go out today and make an appointment with someone else? In the past two days, there were more people in foreign schools, so it would be better to go together.


I always think that Randall is asking me to come in and out to find someone. This is similar to what Fan Director said, but Director Fan said that there are other problems, so we need to be careful ... I do n’t know Rand. Is there such a concern?

But I do n’t know why, how do I feel that Randall is a little weird today. He usually does n’t enter my room at all, let alone use the computer automatically. Why did he just come out by borrowing clothes?

Not really understand.

All right. After we chatted casually for a few minutes, Nile sat up in front of the computer and quickly took down the information. He stood up, and returned the Internet and cards very automatically. Just by looking at his movements, I knew he was not For the first time, he remembered things for his count.

Does it mean that the guild's black robe webpage can really be viewed and used by others?

Just as I was thinking about it, beyond the back balcony of the master-slave guest group, there was a strange throbbing suddenly, and this throbbing was also mixed with the familiar voice that I didn't want to admit, but was damned.

Yang ~ You are still sleeping!

A loud voice came from outside the first floor. You don't need to look at me to know which guy would call me like that. Running out of the balcony and looking down, it really was the five-seed chicken head that did not feel what it would be after a big exercise.

When I saw that I emerged from the balcony, the five-seed chicken head standing underneath immediately waved vigorously. It was very unfortunate that I saw another group of people beside me, meowing them.

Why do I happen to come across every time they come to me?

Your companion is here. Would you like to go to them first? I don't know when the count who came up next to me said coldly, and then there was no meaning at all: rest assured, we will leave obediently after the computer is borrowed.

I also know that you will leave obediently, or do you intend to do anything in my room!

Yang Yang ~ Come down and play! Obviously, I didn't want to be seized by the five-seed chicken head, and then even shouted meow, and Chitose next to him was always glaring at the unexpected chicken, and Lane was completely like an outsider. Eliminate his losses.

I was so embarrassed that I was embarrassed to continue the procrastination in this way, and if I continue to do so, probably all the people in the dark hall will know me: then please remember to lock the door of the room when you leave. Although I don't think there will be thieves in the black hall, and other black robes should not be interested in visiting this place, but I will be more at ease when locked, at least there won't be any strange things running in.

no problem. Randall leaned against the balcony and nodded happily at me.

After running back to the house to change my clothes, I saw that Nile was standing by the door and holding my small bag ... It seemed like I knew I would bring that thing, and I was ready to even let me find it.

Butler is terrible!

After I thanked him for picking up the backpack, I opened the door and ran out. Although I knew that the five-head chicken head would not kill him, he would talk a lot later.

Just when I was running down the stairs at full speed for less than two floors, I saw something dark coming up.

It was a man dressed in a black robe. He didn't fully look carefully. I thought subconsciously that it should be the senior or Anin who returned from the mission. But after the other party took two more steps, I found out that it was completely strange. people.

The other person stopped when they found me, because he was underneath, so he looked up at me.

For a moment I didn't know how to describe the black robe I saw. He was older than the count, but it should be in his twenties. The first feeling was calm, and then-

Looks like a master of martial arts.

It ’s not that I ’m talking nonsense. I really feel that way. The robe-like clothes I wear in front of me are slightly different from those of the seniors. There are some strange accessories. What is more noticeable is that he still has a travel on him. The backpack used carries a weapon box that looks absolutely like an ancient artifact, and there is a mysterious Chinese knot on the box.

The black robe in front of him is an oriental man, and his face looks very good, but the left eye is closed with a scar on it. The standard is the appearance of Jianghu people. The other eyes are black and his hair is black. It's black, but the grayish white is sandwiched inside. The whole is **** and tied with a long braid at the back. It feels very mysterious.

Immediately, I stepped back two steps without sticking to the wall of the stairs, I was afraid he would wait for a sudden wind and something to appear.

After walking a few steps up, I stood in front of me, and the unidentified black robe narrowed his eyes and stared at me for a while, until I started to sweat coldly, he stepped back and then said, "You It was the exception student mentioned in the information.

Uh ... first time meeting ... It seems that every resident here will say this first ... Would n’t there be an exception to come in and only I would be there, right?

My name is Lothar Hyn, a special course instructor and teacher in the university department. I used to work long-term assignments, and I should meet frequently for a while. Please enlighten me. The master of martial arts stretched out his hand to me. I was frightened and quickly returned to the grip. After he retracted his hand, he slightly smiled at the grip: you can call me Lorch or Loan. The students shouted like this.

Hello, hello. Nodded strongly, I looked at the master of martial arts in front of me respectfully, and felt that others were very good.

Luo An smiled again, and then carried the luggage on hand: Sorry, I lost my companionship first. After speaking, he continued to walk up the stairs again, and then turned into the corridor only after the upper floor, and he just lived downstairs.

There are really many amazing people in the black hall!

Thinking about it this way, I held down and ran downstairs, and then I was completely dumbfounded after entering the lobby.

There are several black robes on the facade or standing or sitting in the hall that I have never seen before, and there are luggage beside them. It looks as if everyone just came out of the task and picked up on the same day.

Seriously, it was really spectacular that so many black robes gathered in the lobby, and then it reminded me of the fact that this place was originally a black robe residence.

However, these people in the hall seemed to be just after entering the door. Some people were still using mobile phones and didn't know what to discuss with each other. Others were flipping through the book and were afraid to disturb them casually. I secretly pressed against the wall to the outside of the door Slip out.

I bet they must have noticed me again, and probably don't know what I'm doing for a long time without stopping people.

Fortunately, they didn't stop me. What should I say ...

As soon as I thought of dealing with so many great people, I started to feel cold and straight again.

After exiting the door of the black robe, it really turned out that the people who had just called me were outside.

Yang ~ Your movement is too slow. If there is an enemy coming at this time, you don't have to come out. You will be killed and it will be easier to find the dead body. The five se chicken heads saw me come out first, and rewarded me with such a sentence.

… Although this has happened before, it should not be possible for the Black Pavilion to be attacked by the enemy all day long!

It means that you are not watching some old war movies these days. I feel familiar with these words. It seems that they often appeared in some films of the days of Abba.

Yang Yang, let's find you to go shopping on Zuo Shopping Street. Ignoring the five-seed chicken head, Meow Meow greeted me and held my arm, and the cute face laughed at me: I ’m going to the party tonight, Meow Meow is looking for flowers.

flower? Take flowers to the party?

This is the custom of the cloth fairy. Chitose, who was standing next to him, immediately helped me answer it. He pushed his glasses and continued to speak: It is said that the cloth fairies like the prom. If they bring flowers to exchange with friends at the prom, the goddess who loves the prom will bless friends. Persist.

Where and where do you guys hear this strange custom?

Many people in our school also exchange flowers in accordance with this custom at the dance party, so Meow Meow also exchanges with Yang Yang, I hope everyone can be a good friend forever. With a big smile, Meow Meow said happily: Of course, there are Lane, Qian Dongsui and Gengeng, so I have to buy a lot of beautiful flowers today.

Alas, the little game for girls. Five se chicken heads standing next to speak in a very disdainful tone.

In order to avoid waiting for them to fight for a flower talk, I quickly cut off what the five chicken heads would continue to talk about: So, Sirei, why are you looking for me? I bet he never came to me to buy flowers.

Oh oh, Uncle Ben is here to come to you to do something spectacular! As soon as I was asked, the five-seed chicken head immediately left behind what had just happened, and the whole person became extremely excited.

… I'll go to the shopping street. His so-called violent 99,99% is definitely not a good thing. My personal heart is not strong enough, and it is unlikely that I will take risks casually.

Hey! Will Uncle Ben lose to a flower! Wuse chicken head protested completely unhappy.

I won't lose. That's why I don't want to go.

Then don't buy that ghost flower cannibal. A pair of chickens began to repel flowers.

Meow flowers are more important! Upon hearing the five-se chicken head's speech, Meow Meow immediately grasped my arm and refuted: You just have no friends because you don't give flowers to this!

Seeing blood in bursts.

Believe it or not, uncle Ben will now send you a flower that comes out of your veins. Five se chicken heads began to grind their paws ready to kill.

Do you even bully girls? Long ago, Chi Dongsheng, who looked at him unpleasantly, stood directly in front of Meow Meow, and said very badly.

Ha, come and kill a pair of two uncles!

The situation in front of me started to be confusing, and the location of the incident was still in front of the black hall. I can fully expect that if they continue to quarrel in this way, there will be a black robe to wait and see. So, I decided to try to look at the mediation: Well, can we go and find something to eat, and I have n’t eaten until I get up ... Because after I got up, I went to try on clothes, and at most I drank a few drinks, which is not really lying .

After being interrupted in this way, the people who were almost noisy on both sides suddenly stopped to see me.

It's almost noon. Meow Meow knows that recently there are new shops in Zuo Shopping Street that are very delicious, so let's go to dinner before buying flowers. After speaking, I could drag and run without any explanation.

Hey! Stop this uncle! Five se chicken head actually caught up.

Then, when the two sides were deadlocked, we hurriedly reached the left shopping street one after another.

Zuo Shopping Street is as lively as usual. Apart from the students in the school, there are many residents who are not like students.

Immediately after you step in, you can feel the noise of the crowd, and the reports of special sales on the shopping street are continuing. You can immediately know which store is on sale again or which store has new products on sale. As usual, we It ’s the same when you visit.

But I do n’t know why. After entering the left shopping street, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere inside was a bit subtle, just like there was something weird and we could n’t tell, and other people did n’t seem to have This problem.

Yang Yang, what happened? Not knowing when Ryan, who was walking behind me, suddenly spoke and startled me.

Glancing at Meow and others in front of them, they were still chatting happily. Just now I wondered if Lane should be walking with them. Why did they suddenly become behind me?

After the fright, I didn't forget to answer: No ... you shouldn't feel strange, right? I was thinking that it was probably my own nervousness. Like Lane, if they felt angry in the strange atmosphere, they should have reacted long ago.

There are impurities in the air force. After looking around, he told me something inexplicable.


Does it mean something like a sandstorm today?

Chitose. Shouting at the partner who was walking ahead, Ryan glanced at him, and both nodded at the same time.

Yangyang, let's avoid it first. Suddenly turned back, the meow meow pulled my arm, and the other hand pushed the five-seed chicken head and ran into the store selling groceries next to it.

How, what happened? While she was pulling me, I also noticed that the people in the left mall started to walk into the nearest store, just like them, as if they were avoiding something.

A large number of people entered the store, leaving only a few people outside, like Qian Dongsui and some seemingly armed students and passers-by.

Among those people, I saw a stranger group of people.

They wore black se coats, with no expression on their faces, their faces were dead white se, which made me feel terribly familiar ... they all had grey se pupils.

I have only seen this kind of eyes on one kind of thing, and with the sound of not knowing where and where, I am completely sure of the identity of those strange people-

There are ghosts mixed in left shopping street! 2k novel reading network

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