MTL - Unique Legend-~ Extra: Brothers

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Location: atlantis Time: 10.06am

I have rarely thought much about brothers.

After all, my family has a more terrible female devil than my brother, which makes me completely afraid to think about the difference.

Yang ~ Yang! Come out and play!

Just like the beginning of many holidays, I just woke up and did n’t take long to borrow the senior bathroom to return to the room. The shouts of meows were heard outside the window.

coming! Shouting back to the window, quickly changing clothes and thinking, I don't know when there will be people in black robes to protest that we often roar like this will destroy peace.

After taking care of it, I rushed out of the room as usual without daring to stay, and rushed out of the gate of the black hall like escape. Sure enough, as soon as I went out, I saw Meow Meow and Qian Dongsui and they were standing outside waiting.

Yang Yang is so slow, we are going to have dessert today. This tells me that Meow Meow happily rushed to catch my hand.

Oh. After saying hello to two people, Qian Dongsui, I noticed that another person who was totally disagreeable stood by and looked at us: Yaduo? Why is he here?

As soon as I saw Yaduo, I remembered that the last time Leiduo came here to find five se chicken heads and was deceived back by his wrist strength.

I'm looking for Ledo. His face was completely stinky, and Yado answered me like that.

Speaking of Ledo, if he will come, I bet he must be found somewhere with a five-se copper brush.

So Meow Meow asked him if he wanted to go for dessert together. Holding my hand, Meow Meow explained why he followed them.

Oh. It's really complicated: Would you like to call you to ask Siri? I bet that Meow Meow and Ryan must haven't been in touch, let alone Chitose, and it's great without a phone call.

Yado nodded.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed Wusejitou on the spot, and the other party was quickly connected: Xirui?

Who! Who is looking for Uncle Ben, have you made an appointment first? Random scrambling will cause uncle's personal time security harassment ...

I do n’t know which line from the TV series, I was too lazy to listen to all of them, and interrupted him directly: I ’m Chu Mingyang, did Leiduo find you?

As if poking into a mine, the phone jumped up immediately, and a lot of screams came out.

I pressed the microphone and took it away from my ears: Ledo really seemed to be on Sirius' side. Hearing his voice, he knew, even if he wasn't there, he should have just left.

Now I know. Staring at the bruises that gradually floated on his hands, Yaduo's face was even more stinky.

Oh, I see the power of magic twins again.

Call me on the phone. After taking my phone, Yaduo frowned and looked around: I'll go to Leiduo first. After that, I took my cell phone and ran away.

... Ah, can you find someone by phone?

That's amazing!

Ahdo doesn't eat anymore. Unfortunately looking at the back of the person who ran away, Meow Meow said sadly: forget it, let's go by ourselves. After the speech, we drove us to the gate of the school.

A few children stopped in front.

It was just a short walk, and we were stopped again. This time it was the black se cactus with eyes that caught up from behind: Did you see my brother Xirui? He asked a topic that was very similar to the one he was looking for his brother, but this time the cactus looked more anxious, as if something important was happening.

No! Chitose answered him in less than half a second.

You can call him to find out ... My cell phone just followed Yaduo, but it doesn't help for the time being.

Hei Cactus shrugged: I want to, too, but Brother Sirui has long since blocked my signal and cannot be contacted. It is really troublesome to find him in the family. After that, he still snorted.

Uh ... then I can't help it.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, you go on playing. After that, the black cactus quickly ran away again.

Several of us exchanged glances and shrugged.

After leaving the school, we went to the shopping street while arguing, and Meow said that she had found a delicious dim sum shop here a few days ago, and so she must order a lot. Everyone will try every taste.

Ryan said he had no opinion, but he wanted dim sum flavored rice balls.

Soon, we arrived at the snack shop that Meow said.

The brand new white se wall has the feeling of a small island in the south, because it is hidden in the alley. If it wasn't for meowing the way, I might not have thought that there would be such a snack house hidden in the shopping street.

There are several bell decorations hanging outside the building of Bai Se, and the wind blows a nice sound.

As soon as we saw us in, a well-dressed waiter ushered in to help us take our place.

Because it ’s holiday time, people are not small, and I did n’t go far enough to see the old man Dairo I met in the black hall sitting in a more secret place as if discussing things with people. Raising my hand seemed to say hello to me.

I quickly followed and nodded, noting that besides one person I did n’t know, the other was his brother. The three of them had opened notepads in front of them, which looked good. It seems like an important discussion about what to do.

I didn't go to disturb them. I saw him greeted him and then went back to continue the group discussion, so I went up to the second floor with meow.

After being seated, Meow Meow started to order a lot with the menu.

Taking advantage of the gap, I chatted with Qian Dongsui: I don't know if it was an illusion. I always feel that there are many siblings in the college. Just walk around and you will see a bunch.

Qian Dongsui exchanged a glance with Lane, and then nodded: Normally, if someone in the family entered the academy, most of his brothers and sisters would continue to choose the same place. After a pause, he took tea and filled all the cups, and used the bad boy as an analogy. What I know is that in addition to Jiulan, the other three siblings he went up also went out of our school. Most of them now work in unions, otherwise they inherit their family business.

I seem to be impressed by this ... because it seems that Jiulan is familiar with this place, and I guess he is also a graduate: so is Lane? Not dare to talk about Xia Su and Qian Dongsui casually, I turned to ask another person.

Ryan shook his head: I was the first to come here and be tricked.

what? Cheated?

It's a long story, so forget it.

With eyes fixed on the rice ball snack, Lane automatically omitted the explanation process.

Meow Meow knows many brothers and partners.

Raised my hand, apparently also interested in this topic. Meow Meow happily joined the topic: just recently from the Aris College, it seems that the tacit understanding of the general brothers' partners is very high, and many brothers are too lazy to find other people's partners because of trouble. Like Allie and Dai Luo.

No wonder I haven't seen Brother Dalo's partner. It turned out to be fat.

That bad boy family doesn't need a partner, which is a special case. Qian Dongshou snorted, saying: The killer family is notoriously uncooperative, and few people dare to find their partner.

I have a lot of experience in non-cooperation. In addition to being non-cooperative, I have a lot of self. It is no wonder that there are no second people near the five-seed chicken head and the black-seed cactus. Even my own brothers will reject each other, and it feels pretty miserable.

While thinking about this, I asked another question: Is there any reason why the brother partner is more convenient? I regretted it as soon as I asked Chitose, and the thick glasses met me, as if to make some kind of silent protest.

I have forgotten that his brother has a problem, and it belongs to the type that cannot talk at all.

Generally speaking, brothers will save a lot of trouble, after all, they are all their own, and it is very convenient to communicate. Meow Meow immediately answered my question, let's save the embarrassment at the same time: and sometimes the partner can also use blood-related spells, and all the siblings like to work together in this way.

Bloodline spells? Is there something like this?

Well, because it's the power of two people, it's very powerful. Meow Meow tells me joyfully: what I will teach in the second year of age, in fact, the restrictions will not be strict. Most of them can be used as long as they are related by blood, such as aunts, aunts, cousins, and sisters. The more powerful pure power is, the more powerful it is.

Alas, it's a pity that I don't have a brother in the college, otherwise I would like to try something like Meow Meow.

By the way, Yang Yang seems to have a sister. Turned sideways to make the waiter serve dessert, Meow Meow blinked his eyes and looked at me with interest.

Uh ... it's a normal female college student. It's just a bit like a demon head.

Meow Meow also wants my sister to say, but Meow Meow is the only child in the family, I really envy. Turning her head to look at Ryan, she had a big smile: What about Ryan's brother and sister?

Will it disappear?

I would like to ask this question, but I don't have any questions.

My sister is still very young, my brother ... I went back a long time last time, and I can see that I have this ability, so I think I should also be in high school in another two years. Ryan said as he ate the rice balls.

Who is Ryan's brother? Leaning his head, Meow was obviously curious about other people's families.

Eh ... very honest kid, I was hiding in my luggage when I was going to school, but I found it as soon as I took the suitcase, so I didn't follow.

Their brother has a good relationship. Sitting next to Chitose, he shrugged: Last time I was lying with him back home, his brother was holding Ryan to speak desperately, and thought I was annoying to be his partner.

… I can imagine that kind of picture.

Meow meow, Oh, Chitose was also said on the spot: Sooner or later one day will replace your words. Meow Meow smiled and told me that: Meow Meow also went there that time, and Ryan's brother was super cute.

Hmm, let's take a look if you have the ability to replace it. Qian Dongsui put aside his face and didn't think the little ghost could win him.

In this way, Chitose seems to have a holiday with his brother Ryan in some way.

By the way, in this way, has Yang Yang ever heard the senior talk about his brother's affairs? As the topic changed, Meow Meow suddenly glowed with big eyes.

Brother of the senior's family?

My brain suddenly burst out of that stinky face, multiplied it a few times, and then it became cold: the senior seemed to be the only child. It would be scary to have that personality a few more.

Meow meowing a sigh of regret.

What do you say here?

Just when we were in the middle of the conversation, someone suddenly patted me on the shoulder, all of us turned our heads, and unexpectedly saw that the devil who was supposed to be in school crawled behind my seat: a few lovely ones It's a coincidence, kid. With that said, she automatically sat down in the empty seat next to us.

We are talking about brothers. Does Nuoli have a brother? Meow was very polite to pour tea to uninvited guests, and then asked immediately.

Oh? Of course there is, but not in this place, but in the demons. Holding up the tea cup, Nu Leli showed a beautiful smile: when I was leaving, they were still crying to see me off. It seemed that they would forget who was the boss when they didn't go back and lie down for a hundred or two hundred years.

At first I heard that she was in front of me and I still thought that the devil was also affectionate, but what happened to the latter sentence!

What are Nu Lili's brothers like? Meow, who was very interested in other brothers, immediately asked.

All three are weaker than me. If I didn't promise to come here to be a security guard, I should be my slave now. The devil who answered in the wrong direction gave Meow Meow a persecution answer.

Slave, slave? Meow opened his eyes wide and made a mistake.

Aha, just kidding. I noticed that Chitose and Ryan glared at him, Nu Lili shrugged and changed his mouth: all three are demons, which are quite powerful in our tribe, but the level is not high. I am afraid I am angry. Fairly peaceful. She sneered, which reminded me that what she really wanted to say was that the three brothers were already used as servants. After all, demons and people seem to be different to some extent, and that relationship is not something we can do. understandable.

That's it. Meow Meow took a sip of tea, his expression thoughtful.

By the way, why are you here? Opening the topic of brothers, I looked at the demon who should now be on duty in the school, and asked like this.

Nu Leli raised an eyebrow: Can't I skip the class?

Okay, you can do it.

After drinking tea with them again, I said that I had some work to do before I left the dim sum house.

As soon as I stepped out of the dim sum house, I immediately saw Yaduo, who was holding his brother, standing not far from him and waving at me. After walking towards him, I saw that he was still holding my mobile phone, Then hand it over: this is for you. The phone has been stowed and turned off without any damage.

After thanking me, I took the phone back and carefully put it back in my pocket. I looked up and noticed that there were bruises on the cheeks of Ledo and Yado that were obviously called out: Do you ... have a price?

No, because Siri accidentally hit me, that's why. Ledo responded quickly: If Ido asks you, don't just talk casually!

I bet the five-se chicken head is definitely hitting you deliberately instead of accidentally. He wants to find you for a long time, and of course he won't let go of any chance.

But looking at Ledo seemed a bit nervous, I suddenly wanted to make a joke with him: if Ido knew what would happen? Seeing that both of them seemed to pay attention to this matter, they should be really afraid of Ido asking.

Edo seems to have been entrusted to their hearts. No matter what topic they are talking about, the two brothers will think of this brother, but it is a little bit like they are about to fall in love.

If it was a fight, Edo would get angry, and we didn't want to make him angry. Rubbing the bruises on his face, Ledo told me this way, his expression was a little bit aggrieved, but also with respect for his brother: You know, that's it. He shrugged and smiled.

I know, of course, because Edo is the best person in the world to them.

Their brothers seem to have been insisting on this, and they have not changed at all since I met them.

By the way, Yang Yang, when you have time to come back to play with our water monsters, Edo said that I hope you can often chat in the past. Suddenly Ledo bent his body and pulled my cheek a bit: remember, I must find Xi Rui together. In this sentence, he also emphasized that he didn't want to pretend that the wind was too loud.

Haha ... you want a gift to go with you, right?

Stop talking nonsense. After taking a photo of his brother's back, Yaduo turned to look at me: there are some things today, let's meet again next day. His expression didn't change from beginning to end, but still had a high contrast with Ledo. Seriously, if their two expressions can be unified, I should not even recognize who is who.

Alright, see you next time.

After saying hello, it seemed that Ado was really in a hurry, grabbing his twin brother and disappearing before me.

In fact, don't be the type of demon, brothers of all ethnic groups seem to have similar lifestyles.

Respect, friendliness, etc., but there are also people who live in a very subtle way like the five se chicken heads.

I suddenly thought of my older sister, if she was a boy ...

I don't know why, when I thought about it, I suddenly shivered.

Sometimes don't think about it, it will be more mentally healthy.

What are you doing in your brain?

A familiar voice came from behind. When I looked back, I really saw that he should be a senior purchaser. His backpack was a little bulging.

High prices, I definitely know.

No, just chatting with Meow Meow. I scratched my head and saw that the senior seemed to be returning to the black hall, and quickly followed up with it: did you have a brother, senior?

Where's that kind of thing! Answered me in a bad tone.

Is there a senior?

Nonsense, have you seen it!


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