MTL - Unique Legend-Chapter 8 Decide

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The setting sun was falling, and the whole area was stained with red.

I was sitting on a chair in the park, and although it was a lot safer now, my hand was still shaking after the experience of being chased and pushed down the bridge.

The phone didn't know how it came back to me.

Take it. The ice-cold beverage can suddenly stuck to my face, and I quickly took it. I looked up and saw that the senior who shook the coin near the beverage machine took two bottles of sparkling drinks and walked back.

Just that thing ... After I synthesized all the questions in my heart and added what the comics looked like, I came to the conclusion that it would not be a **** of a student test! ? This is most likely, otherwise the ghost baby wouldn't be able to appear so close to me and still greet the enemy.

I'm not so boring. The senior who just took a sip of soda tossed a cold word, his face seemed a bit bad, and he was still wearing the black se long coat that we saw when we met at the train station. Hitomi did n’t say that it was the ghost king Yours?

Yeah, the ghost baby seems to have said what kind of king the evil spirit is.

I think about it, thinking about the unilateral utterance that the evil spirit who was just chased and no one responded.

What is the ghost king? I only know the ghost king Zhongxun, but I'm not a kid, what did he tell him to do to clean me up?

... is the biggest ghost.

I don't understand the answer given by the senior.

That's true. The senior stood up, threw a beverage can on his hand into the recycling bin, and the setting sun flashed a bright spot on his silver hair. For a moment, I felt his hair seemed to be Blood is red and dazzling, which makes people feel a little evil, no matter which world has spirits, ghosts, demons, demons, monsters, and so on.

Ah, I know this. Comics and movies often come out, like ◎◎◎ Big monsters.

In fact, those things you have seen can be used for reference only. Such things will be gathered together according to different factors such as region, psionic energy, Qi pulse, etc., and the chief who is arched high is the king or other names. The senior did not refute what I thought, but he was a little certain. The ghost king is the leader of a group of regional dead people. The thing you just thought is a little deified, and it is a kind of ghost and god. Admitted ... In other words, the head of evil spirits in your general population.

I'm a little dazed.

But I probably know the meaning of senior.

Also, there are several ghost kings, the one who just chased you is Bi Shen evil ghost king.

Have not heard.

Many questions flashed in my mind, but now what I want to ask is another thing, so why does that ghost king chase me? I remember the most earth-shattering thing that happened recently was chasing the classroom with the dead, but I didn't encounter such things in school.

… Attracted by your bad luck.

Sorry, I know I'm weak. Now even worse, even ghosts chased after me.

The senior looked at me, rest assured, you are not the first to be chased. He said this, because your anger will slowly trigger your personal abilities because of school changes, so things like this may become more and more in the future.


Will it only increase but not less?


Why am I encountering these things?

I just want to be an ordinary person to finish the life of a faint person, why should I start being chased by ghosts?

Do you really think you can be an ordinary person? The senior looked at me, and Red Se's eyes suddenly became a bit sharp. The school didn't just choose you when something went wrong, but someone with special abilities would choose our school. Even if you are not studying in our school today, That ability will also increase as you grow older, and it's only a matter of time before or after being chased by a ghost.

I don't know why, I think the senior is a bit angry.

Although he didn't feel very happy all day long.

I know he can hear what I'm thinking.

It was a little quieter all around.

The senior was silent for a long time, and then slowly spoke a word. You, one day, will know the meaning.

I looked at the senior, my thoughts drifted a little.

As the classmate said, if in the unfortunate situation I really have any ability that I do n’t even know about myself (or that ability is called the millennium bad luck or the like), the ghost will still chase me after a long time. I remember today, this ghost invaded my house brightly, almost involving my mother.

I don't want to.

I don't want to involve my family in this way.

If you want to be unlucky, I can be unlucky by myself, anyway, I'm used to it.

However, what if I become a lot of ghosts rushing in later?

I looked at the senior, and a kind of determination slowly took shape in my heart.

They have said that atlantis is a school of power development and learning.

This is the school I am attending now.



Just when I thought about it for a long time, the senior suddenly raised his finger and narrowed his red eyes, and followed him again.

I still don't understand what he said to follow.

That one. The principal raised his hand and pointed at a place casually.

I looked at it suspiciously and stayed.

Here comes the avatar.

He came quietly with many companions.

That, that, that ... The nightmare just came back, and the gray eyes were in front of me. I knew that I was stuttered and my breathing became short.

A large group of a dozen gray-eyed people emerged from the direction of the public toilets. There were men and women, and their mouths continued to bleed to the ears.

Yeah! !! Toilet ghost!

Noisy! The senior stared at me severely, and only a group of small men called it like this, your favorite Mi Ke can deal with a large group without saying a word.

Because none of you are human!

Thinking of that sweet and sweet meow, I cried.

I thought I could meet a normal cute girl, but the cat she carried was too big!

You show me how to deal with such things. The senior with the face se completely leaned slightly, took out a piece of white se paper from the pocket, the size symbol, a red se stamp on it, and an unintelligible alien character. This is a burst symbol. You Basic introductory spells that you will draw if you have elective runes in the future.

I looked at the piece of paper that was thrown into my hand, and saw the round seal like a flame, and something like gold tincture in the middle was a bit shiny.

For one thing, it is fortunate that his paper is white, not yellow, or it should be super-like.

Chu, you have to look carefully.

When the senior first said, I didn't realize that he was calling me. It took a few seconds before I knew he called my last name. Also, it seems that many foreigners will directly call their surnames.

Basically, no matter what you use, your mind is very important.

The senior said something very similar to the famous saying of Ma Zi.

Mindfulness ... I looked at the amulet that was suspected of being a piece of paper, and the bright things on it kept reflecting in my eyes.

Actually, I don't know what I want.

Really speaking, what I want most now is that the group of evil spirit companions who are coming to us will disappear quickly.

But it is strange to say that the park should be considered a lot of people at this time, because the crowd of people who work and work nearby is very wide. Not only has this group of evil spirits turned a blind eye, even so many people who have been out of school for a long time have stood here for a while. There are no middle school or high school girls to talk to each other, this situation is a bit abnormal.

Explosive fire, with my thoughts used to retreat from the enemy. The senior who took out a piece of rune paper again held the paper in the palm of his hand, and read the words so briefly.

Wait, are n’t the people in the comics who want to use magic to read a long list of things and others do n’t understand the Sanskrit demon?

Why is the senior so simple and clear?

Did you say that mind is the most important thing? The senior reminded me twice of that famous saying.

Surrounded by evil spirits.

Do n’t worry, I ca n’t even put a fart on it now.

It smells bad.

Shouldn't they crawl out of the toilet in the public toilet?

It's a bit fishy, ​​but it's like the ghostly smell of meat with meat, which makes me a little vomit.

Just when the first gray-eyed woman opened her fingers and grabbed us, her senior moved faster than her. She waved her hand and a black streamer painted a dim light in front of my eyes, and it completely fell in the sunset. At the same time I saw a line drawing in the palm of the senior.

That's a gun.

It's not the kind that slammed a bullet and flew out, it's the kind of spear in ancient China.

The black se's gun body is engraved with a lot of strange golden red se patterns, and the illuminated park street light reflects the entire gun slightly glowing, as if there were fireflies on it.

The black gun draws a circle, and the tip of the gun is against the forehead of the gray-eyed female ghost, and it will penetrate another inch.

Explosive, out. The senior's voice was very low, just like a few words chanting a spell.

At the same time the voice dropped, the female ghost suddenly made a sharp mourning like scraping glass with her nails.

The sound was loud, as if the eardrum was about to be scratched. I couldn't take it, so I quickly covered my ears.

The gray-eyed female ghost shocked twice, right in front of me ... Suddenly the whole one burst open, and the ghosts that were pursuing behind the rotten visceral spray that had been purple and black and white were everywhere, and the flashing senior was down One rushed away.

I understand the meaning of that burst.

But if it ’s a ghost, why not just use a large-scale bomb to annihilate it all at once? What a waste of time to play like this one by one? If it were a bomb, it would be much faster.

At the same time I was thinking about it, I was about halfway back and suddenly turned back, as opposed to my sight.

Then he looked down.

I also look down.

There was a creak of unknown sound.


Wow ah ah!

I screamed.

You idiot!

The senior shouted.

Bomb Bomb Bomb! I jumped from my chair and ran back and forth holding a basketball-sized black bomb that didn't know when it appeared.

Yes, that's what you imagine in your head.

On the cartoon, there is also a black se circular brand that is always used in comics, and now there is a lead that is burning fast and burning.

Explosive Explosive Explosive! I go round and round. Suddenly, I thought what I should do now is to throw a bomb and fly these ghostly blasts.

So I threw the bomb out.

叩 咚 A very heavy voice.

I will kill you! Staring at the black se ball bomb rolling to his feet, the senior tossed this sentence.

I'm sorry I didn't mean it on purpose. Because you happen to be standing at the center of the evil spirit. I held my head and screamed, then stared at the lead and was burned to no more than three centimeters.

I really think the senior will poke the black gun in his head into my head.

When the bomb lead burned to two centimeters, the senior shot a shot through the evil spirit closest to him, and then got rid of the big group and came to my side. My hand ran hard and said nothing.

He must be a sportsman!

Not only will he surf at high altitudes, he will even run as fast as a ghost!

I was suspected to be dragging at a speed of one hundred meters that can run for five seconds, and in the blink of an eye, I was next to an elephant slide that had a long way to go in. The senior student kicked me directly into the hollowed elephant belly on the slide, and then he himself got in.

Seriously, the elephant's belly is quite small, because it is for the children to play, so the two people have to bend and squat inside.

Just when I wanted to take a good breath, there was a loud voice outside.

Like, gas is exploding.

The sound burst and my whole ear hurt, and I couldn't hear it.

The big elephant is shaking, and the small space is constantly falling and falling on our heads.

The senior took off his black se robe quickly and did not know what was used to fix the four corners to seal the entrance of the elephant's belly. I saw something faintly hitting my clothes, I couldn't hear the squeaking noise, and then I smelled the smell of gunpowder and the stinky smell just now.

The entire small space is black, and only the outside street lights come in through the thin slits of the space.

I didn't know for a few seconds before the sound and vibration stopped.

I'm a little dizzy, my eyes are dazzling, and my ears look like bees.

After a long while, the senior took his clothes off, hung them on his hands and drilled out the elephant belly.

After I was sure that I was dizzy, I followed the senior.

Then, silly.

No way…

I widened my eyes. Just now we had a big hole in the place where we drank a drink. The destroyed park water dispenser and public toilet were spraying water.

I just want to have unknown eyes and viscera rolling in the small pool.

The first second thought was: the government will not ask me for a claim ...

The senior turned his head, you idiot, you idiot, you idiot! He held me tight and shook!

I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it! I almost rolled my eyes and barked!

How do I know that explosive charms will become bombs, I thought it would only become guns!

Whoosh, now I also feel that I am an idiot and blow up a quarter of the park.

After about a few seconds, the senior should be suffocating enough, tossed me aside, took out my mobile phone from my pocket, and dialed a group number. Till, I had an accident ... You fool, you sent someone to check the location to deal with.

I heard a familiar name, and I couldn't remember who it was.

After the senior hang up, I jumped away immediately, I was afraid he would continue to beat me.

gone. Unexpectedly, he just calmly said two words to me.

what? Usually the calmer people start the horror.

Otherwise, do you want to stay here and be watched! This time, the senior's words added gritting teeth.

Of course not. I was reminded by him like this, and I noticed that because of the explosion, there was a throbbing nearby, and a large group of black and swaying figures gathered outside the park. It probably took a few seconds to surround them.

Then go quickly. Obviously the experienced senior stepped forward and walked in the direction of the other side without gathering people. I quickly followed his steps a little faster.

At the same time as we stepped out of the park's area, the siren sounded, and it was not immediately known when a dozen police cars came out to surround the park, pull out yellow strips, and then fire engines and ambulances He followed to separate the crowd.

I was a little surprised that the police dispatch was actually super fast.

Is this usually the case?


Along the way, the senior didn't say a word.

I know he is angry.

Absolutely, the average person should be so angry that he strangled me to death. I think he was very merciful.

I want to apologize, but I'm afraid.

what is this?

Suddenly I stopped in front, and I quickly stopped the car without crashing from behind him. After the fright, I was puzzled. I looked over with the sight of the senior, and saw that there was a small stand with a red bean cake sign on it. It used to be three ten yuan each. Now it seems that the materials have all gone up in price, and it has become three twenty yuan.

It's red bean cake. It contains red bean stuff, some green bean, taro radish, and Korean cabbage. Some of them are delicious. It happened that this was the way I used to go to and from class. I was hungry before class. My mother would give me change to buy a few back here for snacks, so I know the boss very well. Do you want to have a look?

Strange, did the senior ever eat red bean cake?

Even in foreign countries, such things should be seen everywhere now, right?

The senior looked at me, then shook his head. Yin se's hair drew several waves. I waited for work and didn't eat.

jobs? Question, the senior is doing odd jobs? But why can't part-time workers eat?

Atlantis allows students to accept entrusted work, ranging from white robes, purple robes to black robes. Like you are not even here now, it is still far from receiving tasks independently. The dean looked back at me and looked at me, so to say, of course, the scope of work is of course dealing with issues that humans cannot handle.

I know, it's like a demonist in the comics.

Not a demon. It takes less than a second for the senior to overthrow my thoughts. The thing to do like me is the tree spirit task commissioned by the cat demon. He raised his lips and smiled coldly.

I can't think of it now, so I won't guess how wide the range is.

Although you just chased the evil spirit, it was not a formal task, but the ghost king's men were already very troublesome, so I think the school should give you a bonus. The senior took out the phone again, wrote something on the touch screen on the phone with the included pen, and then passed it out. If you encounter it again, Hitomi will help you, that is, the kid who just ate the ghost. You only need to Just ask him to eat it.

That ghost baby?

I shuddered, a little scared.

That's it. I'm still busy. Goodbye.

After putting away the phone, the senior waved at me.

I slammed back and realized that I didn't know when I was standing in front of the house, senior! Looking at the background leaving, I dared to call him with courage.

The senior turned his head and wrote with words on your face.

I'm sorry to trouble you today, and see you soon after school!

I think I can already accept atlantis to go to school.

The inertial coldness twitched his lips, and the senior hummed.


The next second, his figure was blown away by the wind, as if he had never been there.

There was a sense of ease that seemed to let go of my heart, and I hummed to the house.

Opening the door, my mother stood at the entrance to see me.

Yang Yang, what about salt?

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